House just voted 232-184 to take away your internet privacy

I never said legally or illegally, I said they already have it. I was correct

Now shut up
No you idiot I said YOU don't know the difference bewtween those two words. Your party is giving carte blanche to corporations. you're just way too easy.
You need to find another hobby.
How about beating up homeless people. Something you'll enjoy.

I don't care what you said, I said they already have it,

Just shut up ya fucking dunce
You're lying and you don't know how to get out if it.
This is the first time ever a political party has made it legal for corporations to use your web browser history to hurt you. Now bend over for them and take it up the ass and enjoy it.

Quote the lie I told....right here. Do it now and if you don't then shut up already. Good gawd you're annoying
You said it's been done before. You're lying. It's never been done LEGALLY. Third time I've had to tell you this.
Deplorable indeed.

I posted proof it's been done before.

You lose, dumbass. Now go to bed
Buy stock in VPN companies.

No shit, the other day I was walking around some stores and all the sudden my phone alerts me, it was an alert for a coupon to some store I had never heard of, looked around and the store was just down the street. The fuckers knew exactly where I was

Don't blame congress for that, blame the apps you use.

It's Google, not the apps

You can deny google your location.

I know but I use it for maps and driving a lot

Well, enjoy the coupons. LOL
No you idiot I said YOU don't know the difference bewtween those two words. Your party is giving carte blanche to corporations. you're just way too easy.
You need to find another hobby.
How about beating up homeless people. Something you'll enjoy.

I don't care what you said, I said they already have it,

Just shut up ya fucking dunce
You're lying and you don't know how to get out if it.
This is the first time ever a political party has made it legal for corporations to use your web browser history to hurt you. Now bend over for them and take it up the ass and enjoy it.

Quote the lie I told....right here. Do it now and if you don't then shut up already. Good gawd you're annoying
You said it's been done before. You're lying. It's never been done LEGALLY. Third time I've had to tell you this.
Deplorable indeed.

I posted proof it's been done before.

You lose, dumbass. Now go to bed
Liar. Show me where democrats ever voted to allow internet service providers to share your web history like the republicans just did.
Does anyone really think that Hussein's "internet broadband privacy" actually worked? The freaking FBI and the CIA couldn't even prevent foreign hackers from infiltrating the DNC.

"House Republicans voted Tuesday to repeal a set of landmark privacy protections for Web users, in a sharp pivot away from the Internet policies of the Obama administration. President Trump is expected to sign the measure."

Republicans voted to roll back landmark FCC privacy rules. Here’s what you need to know.

In a party-line vote, House Republicans freed Internet service providers such as Verizon, AT&T and Comcast of protections approved just last year that had sought to limit what companies could do with information such as customer browsing habits, app usage history, location data and Social Security numbers. The rules also had required providers to strengthen safeguards for customer data against hackers and thieves.

The Senate has voted to nullify those measures, which were set to take effect at the end of this year. If Trump signs the legislation as expected, providers will be able to monitor their customers’ behavior online and, without their permission, use their personal and financial information to sell highly targeted ads — making them rivals to Google and Facebook in the $83 billion online advertising market.

The House just voted to wipe away the FCC’s landmark Internet privacy protections
House just voted 232-184 to take away your internet privacy
Today is a very sad day in America. Internet privacy is officially dead.

Online Privacy News

In the course of one week, the theft of your internet privacy by Congress is now complete. All it needs now is for Cheeto Jesus to sign it and it's a done deal. You no longer have the "luxury" of opting out of the collection and sale of your private life by anyone willing to pay for it. Employers, government, law enforcement, advertisers, everybody can now know and sell about your plans to look or another job, donate to Planned Parenthood, use tracking to know when your children leave and arrive to and from school, where you go on vacation and whether your home is vulnerable to robbery while you are gone, can use your email, text messages, internet browser history, internet forms you fill out, deny you healthcare, car insurance, inform your employer that you are planning to leave, falsely incriminate you for activities that are nobody's business but yours...

The only hope is that the state you live in will be as outraged as you are and will motivate state politicians to create protections for you at the state level. Most of us, (maybe all of us) don't even have the luxury of boycotting the ISPs with whom we subscribe services and switching services to another, more ethical vendor, if any really even exist outside the realm of local dial-up ISPs.


Allowing corporate America to fuck you in the ass since 1776.

It's been the plan of the right all along, from 9/11 they saw the opening to infringe on people's liberties and rights, by making them fear something. Yeah, they created the fear, and now they have the tool to do whatever they like.

Democrats, Republicans, makes no difference.
House just voted 232-184 to take away your internet privacy
Today is a very sad day in America. Internet privacy is officially dead.

Online Privacy News

In the course of one week, the theft of your internet privacy by Congress is now complete. All it needs now is for Cheeto Jesus to sign it and it's a done deal. You no longer have the "luxury" of opting out of the collection and sale of your private life by anyone willing to pay for it. Employers, government, law enforcement, advertisers, everybody can now know and sell about your plans to look or another job, donate to Planned Parenthood, use tracking to know when your children leave and arrive to and from school, where you go on vacation and whether your home is vulnerable to robbery while you are gone, can use your email, text messages, internet browser history, internet forms you fill out, deny you healthcare, car insurance, inform your employer that you are planning to leave, falsely incriminate you for activities that are nobody's business but yours...

The only hope is that the state you live in will be as outraged as you are and will motivate state politicians to create protections for you at the state level. Most of us, (maybe all of us) don't even have the luxury of boycotting the ISPs with whom we subscribe services and switching services to another, more ethical vendor, if any really even exist outside the realm of local dial-up ISPs.


Allowing corporate America to fuck you in the ass since 1776.

It's been the plan of the right all along, from 9/11 they saw the opening to infringe on people's liberties and rights, by making them fear something. Yeah, they created the fear, and now they have the tool to do whatever they like.

Democrats, Republicans, makes no difference.
One small problem. It's not the democrats putting our privacy at risk. This is another part of the republican crazy side of town.
The FCC adopted rules last October that required companies like Comcast and Verizon to get their customers’ explicit permission before they could share “sensitive” data like Social Security numbers, or information pertaining to children or health.

But that is all history if this bill passes. Yet another example of making Murica great again.
House just voted 232-184 to take away your internet privacy
Today is a very sad day in America. Internet privacy is officially dead.

Online Privacy News

In the course of one week, the theft of your internet privacy by Congress is now complete. All it needs now is for Cheeto Jesus to sign it and it's a done deal. You no longer have the "luxury" of opting out of the collection and sale of your private life by anyone willing to pay for it. Employers, government, law enforcement, advertisers, everybody can now know and sell about your plans to look or another job, donate to Planned Parenthood, use tracking to know when your children leave and arrive to and from school, where you go on vacation and whether your home is vulnerable to robbery while you are gone, can use your email, text messages, internet browser history, internet forms you fill out, deny you healthcare, car insurance, inform your employer that you are planning to leave, falsely incriminate you for activities that are nobody's business but yours...

The only hope is that the state you live in will be as outraged as you are and will motivate state politicians to create protections for you at the state level. Most of us, (maybe all of us) don't even have the luxury of boycotting the ISPs with whom we subscribe services and switching services to another, more ethical vendor, if any really even exist outside the realm of local dial-up ISPs.


Allowing corporate America to fuck you in the ass since 1776.
Obama developed the greatest surveillance state the world has ever known, and you said nothing.

True, but Zuckerberg and the other IT oligarchs were already going to do this on their own, with or without Obama, and plan on censoring whatever they don't like, so the 'private' side isn't any less oppressive. Of course they claim out of the other side of their mouths they are against censorship, and the usual dumbasses believe them.

U.S. Tech Giants Join EU to Censor the Internet

... and about hundred thousand other links.

The oligarchs are all big Democrat donors, by the way, so ignore the gimp posts trying to lay it on Trump like retarded monkeys.
Last edited:
House just voted 232-184 to take away your internet privacy
Today is a very sad day in America. Internet privacy is officially dead.

Online Privacy News

In the course of one week, the theft of your internet privacy by Congress is now complete. All it needs now is for Cheeto Jesus to sign it and it's a done deal. You no longer have the "luxury" of opting out of the collection and sale of your private life by anyone willing to pay for it. Employers, government, law enforcement, advertisers, everybody can now know and sell about your plans to look or another job, donate to Planned Parenthood, use tracking to know when your children leave and arrive to and from school, where you go on vacation and whether your home is vulnerable to robbery while you are gone, can use your email, text messages, internet browser history, internet forms you fill out, deny you healthcare, car insurance, inform your employer that you are planning to leave, falsely incriminate you for activities that are nobody's business but yours...

The only hope is that the state you live in will be as outraged as you are and will motivate state politicians to create protections for you at the state level. Most of us, (maybe all of us) don't even have the luxury of boycotting the ISPs with whom we subscribe services and switching services to another, more ethical vendor, if any really even exist outside the realm of local dial-up ISPs.


Allowing corporate America to fuck you in the ass since 1776.

It's been the plan of the right all along, from 9/11 they saw the opening to infringe on people's liberties and rights, by making them fear something. Yeah, they created the fear, and now they have the tool to do whatever they like.

Democrats, Republicans, makes no difference.
One small problem. It's not the democrats putting our privacy at risk. This is another part of the republican crazy side of town.

Actually it's both sides. Just because this was pushed through by the Republicans, doesn't mean the Democrats haven't done bad things.
But you can choose your provider still, right? Just watch where you sign like always.
But you can choose your provider still, right? Just watch where you sign like always.

With many providers moving to 'clouds', this is becoming less and less relevant; they're more like retail outlets than independents.
House just voted 232-184 to take away your internet privacy
Today is a very sad day in America. Internet privacy is officially dead.

Online Privacy News

In the course of one week, the theft of your internet privacy by Congress is now complete. All it needs now is for Cheeto Jesus to sign it and it's a done deal. You no longer have the "luxury" of opting out of the collection and sale of your private life by anyone willing to pay for it. Employers, government, law enforcement, advertisers, everybody can now know and sell about your plans to look or another job, donate to Planned Parenthood, use tracking to know when your children leave and arrive to and from school, where you go on vacation and whether your home is vulnerable to robbery while you are gone, can use your email, text messages, internet browser history, internet forms you fill out, deny you healthcare, car insurance, inform your employer that you are planning to leave, falsely incriminate you for activities that are nobody's business but yours...

The only hope is that the state you live in will be as outraged as you are and will motivate state politicians to create protections for you at the state level. Most of us, (maybe all of us) don't even have the luxury of boycotting the ISPs with whom we subscribe services and switching services to another, more ethical vendor, if any really even exist outside the realm of local dial-up ISPs.


Allowing corporate America to fuck you in the ass since 1776.

/---- I'm not outraged. Sorry to ruin your rant.
Buy stock in VPN companies.

No shit, the other day I was walking around some stores and all the sudden my phone alerts me, it was an alert for a coupon to some store I had never heard of, looked around and the store was just down the street. The fuckers knew exactly where I was

Don't blame congress for that, blame the apps you use.

/---- go back to a flip phone and stop your bellyaching, woman.
Perhaps we the people, need to start posting the personal information of politicians all over the internet, to include social security numbers, home addresses and where their kids go to school.

Why would you do that to children? Are you fucking nuts?
It was hypothetical. Funny why aren't you calling the republicans nuts for actually doing it? Oh right. No integrity.

This same poster defends the catholic church and their pedo priests.

Not only no integrity but not much in the way of brains either.
Quote me with defending any pedophile you lying cuunt.
You are morally bankrupt. You see your heroes selling out your privacy so you change the subject.


Read it again. Its SassyIrishLass who defends the catholic church and their pedo priests. She bragged about her integrity when, in fact, she truly has none.
Sounds pretty bad, but I am always wary of an article that doesn't state the name of the law, provided a direct citation to it, provide any direct example and only provides their opinions.

I prefer to read excerpts of the law and form my own opinion.

Sent from my iPhone using
House just voted 232-184 to take away your internet privacy
Today is a very sad day in America. Internet privacy is officially dead.

Online Privacy News

In the course of one week, the theft of your internet privacy by Congress is now complete. All it needs now is for Cheeto Jesus to sign it and it's a done deal. You no longer have the "luxury" of opting out of the collection and sale of your private life by anyone willing to pay for it. Employers, government, law enforcement, advertisers, everybody can now know and sell about your plans to look or another job, donate to Planned Parenthood, use tracking to know when your children leave and arrive to and from school, where you go on vacation and whether your home is vulnerable to robbery while you are gone, can use your email, text messages, internet browser history, internet forms you fill out, deny you healthcare, car insurance, inform your employer that you are planning to leave, falsely incriminate you for activities that are nobody's business but yours...

The only hope is that the state you live in will be as outraged as you are and will motivate state politicians to create protections for you at the state level. Most of us, (maybe all of us) don't even have the luxury of boycotting the ISPs with whom we subscribe services and switching services to another, more ethical vendor, if any really even exist outside the realm of local dial-up ISPs.


Allowing corporate America to fuck you in the ass since 1776.

/---- I'm not outraged. Sorry to ruin your rant.

Of course you're not, you're an idiot.

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