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House no longer to enable Imperial Presidency

Simply MIND NUMBING... how many little obama commies we have on this board that are just happier than ticks on a hound that their messiah is SPEEDING America towards CERTAIN financial DISASTER... absolutely INCREDIBLE how HAPPY they are obama has us on the FAST RAIL to IMMINENT ECONOMIC IMPLOSION.

And all I see is criticism of the people trying to SAVE US. My God... what happened to these people? Is there some secret leftist brain washing station that turns people into libroid borg? How did they come to HATE America so much that they take JOY in watching a SOCIALIST DESTROY OUR ECONOMY?

I think the ONLY thing that will teach this country the lesson it needs to learn is to give obama and the commies EVERTHING THEY WANT, TAX US ALL AT 75%, SPEND TEN TIMES MORE THAN THERE IS REVENUE, PRINT MONEY UNTIL THE DOLLAR IS ONLY WORTH $.000007, and it won't take but a YEAR or so, and we'll be DONE, FINISHED, BANKRUPT. Then let the fun begin, riots, looting, killing, Civil War. Maybe then we'll have learned our lesson... maybe.

Every person and every law in Washington needs to be thrown out. Take the constitution and START OVER, FROM SCRATCH, CLEAN, and get back to being the thriving capitalist, freedom loving, individually responsible nation of dreams we once used to be before the leftist democrats destroyed it.
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Anyone else enjoying the irony of the OP's avatar?

No irony at all.

Just becuase you fell for the "fiscal cliff" scare tactics, doesnt mean "all is now good"

To the contrary, the deal made was all for show. It did not do anything for revenue, (40 billion a year is noithing in the overall scheme of things) and most certainly the deal did absolutely nothing to control spending. We will still be operating at a deficit of over 1 trillion a year.

That fiscal cliff thing was not what we needed to worry about. Doing nothing about our deficit spending is the issue.

LOL...onluy a moron truly believed we "averted disaster" by bringing in enough revenue to cover 6 days of governemnt spending.

So I guess that makes you a moron.

Can't see the irony yet you want to call me a moron :lol:

TFF, Jizzhead

Nope. There is no irony and I explained why.

You simply dont know how to read you fucking illiterate unemployed leach.
Simply MIND NUMBING... how many little obama commies we have on this board that are just happier than ticks on a hound that their messiah is SPEEDING America towards CERTAIN financial DISASTER... absolutely INCREDIBLE how HAPPY they are obama has us on the FAST RAIL to IMMINENT ECONOMIC IMPLOSION.

And all I see is criticism of the people trying to SAVE US. My God... what happened to these people? Is there some secret leftist brain washing station that turns people into libroid borg? How did they come to HATE America so much that they take JOY in watching a SOCIALIST DESTROY IT'S ECONOMY?

I think the ONLY thing that will teach this country the lesson it needs to learn is to give obama and commies EVERTHING THEY WANT, TAX US ALL AT 75%, SPEND TEN TIMES MORE THAN THERE IS REVENUE, PRINT MONEY UNTIL THE DOLLAR IS ONLY WORTH $.000007, and it won't take but a YEAR or so, and we'll be DONE, FINISHED, BANKRUPT. Then let the fun begin, riots, looting, killing, Civil War. Maybe then we'll have learned out lesson... maybe.

Every person and ever law in Washington needs to be thrown out. Take the constitution and START OVER, FROM SCRATCH, CLEAN.

But...But...But...he is making sure they dont have to suffer the consequences of the bad decisions they made in life.

So of course they love the man.
If I were Boehner, I would be afraid to negotiate with our President too

Boehner first came in ready to accept the deal Obama had offered in 2011. Obama told him that he had already turned that one down and it was no longer on the table

Boehner next asked for $800 billion in tax cuts and Obama told him he already had that with or without Boehner

So Boehner ran away from the table and fell on his face with a hopeless Plan B

Can Boehner be embarassed any further?

Republicans wanted to protect 100% of us from tax increases.

After negotiation, they were able to protect 99.4% of us from tax increases.

It was a nice win for Republicans who were in a rather unwinnable position.

Now that the 'middle class' got theirs, (human nature being what it is) they will support the arguments to cut freeloading as long as they as it does not affect them.

Republicans are in a MUCH stronger minority position now. This was a defacto win.

Leftards and their complict media spin to the contrary, and conservative butthurt certainly plays right into their hands.

If that's the case....what took them so long?

The natural inclination of conservatives to do the right thing and demand a stop to the madness.

As a rather week minority at the moment, they can only throw monkey wrenches into the machinery. Obama successfully forced it so the Republicans would be jacking up taxes on the 'middle class' by gumming up the works. Boehner knew that was a loser.

Now that the 'middle class' been paid off, it is a new ballgame as the Republicans attack freeloader spending - which the 'middle class' knows must be addressed. Although the 'middle class' will begrudgelnly admit spending is out-of-control, they will look the other way as the Republcans step up in a much stronger position.

This is why Obama cried and ran off to Hawaii, vowing to NEVER NEGOTIATE AGAIN!!!!
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Back it up asshole.....you say it...cool....now back it up.

What is bullshit?

First thing you brought up "unemployment still hovering around 8%"....that's a half truth that omits the fact that when Obama took office the economy was losing 750,000k jobs/month and that in the interim between then and today unemployment rose significantly and had dropped significantly.

No need to read anything further than that, Jizzhead....no doubt it's more of the same half truth laden bullshit. You are predictable like that.

Asshole...learn to read.

I made it clear that Obama did not market the stimulus as one that would result in unemployment hoveriung at 8% 4 years later...and fox news reported it as a program that would likely not allow unemployemnt to reach acceptable nuimbers for years...and they were called liars by the likes of you.

So I ask again, moron.....where did Fox News lie?

(FYI...my post was in response to someone knocking Fox News......this is not about "excuses" idiots like you fall for when things dont pan out as promised...it is about where Fox News lied.)

And you have yet to show me where.

Now be a good little moron and answer my question...or should I simply assume you are not just a moron and an idiot.,....but illiterate too?

Is that it?

"Learn to read"

I just got thru telling you I didn't bother reading your predictably half truth laden pile of shit beyond the first line. Because that's what you do..you lay half truth laden piles of shit.

You seem to think I'm interested in engaging you in some kind of debate.....you are sorely mistaken....time and time again I've seen you trot out bullshit upon bullshit and when the kitchen gets too hot you take your ball and go home.

Like a typical far right whack job you aren't an honest broker and don't deserve much beyond general mocking.
Simply MIND NUMBING... how many little obama commies we have on this board that are just happier than ticks on a hound that their messiah is SPEEDING America towards CERTAIN financial DISASTER... absolutely INCREDIBLE how HAPPY they are obama has us on the FAST RAIL to IMMINENT ECONOMIC IMPLOSION.

And all I see is criticism of the people trying to SAVE US. My God... what happened to these people? Is there some secret leftist brain washing station that turns people into libroid borg? How did they come to HATE America so much that they take JOY in watching a SOCIALIST DESTROY IT'S ECONOMY?

I think the ONLY thing that will teach this country the lesson it needs to learn is to give obama and commies EVERTHING THEY WANT, TAX US ALL AT 75%, SPEND TEN TIMES MORE THAN THERE IS REVENUE, PRINT MONEY UNTIL THE DOLLAR IS ONLY WORTH $.000007, and it won't take but a YEAR or so, and we'll be DONE, FINISHED, BANKRUPT. Then let the fun begin, riots, looting, killing, Civil War. Maybe then we'll have learned out lesson... maybe.

Every person and ever law in Washington needs to be thrown out. Take the constitution and START OVER, FROM SCRATCH, CLEAN.

But...But...But...he is making sure they dont have to suffer the consequences of the bad decisions they made in life.

So of course they love the man.
Lot of good it'll be doing them when there's no more money and no more America.

That day is coming.
No irony at all.

Just becuase you fell for the "fiscal cliff" scare tactics, doesnt mean "all is now good"

To the contrary, the deal made was all for show. It did not do anything for revenue, (40 billion a year is noithing in the overall scheme of things) and most certainly the deal did absolutely nothing to control spending. We will still be operating at a deficit of over 1 trillion a year.

That fiscal cliff thing was not what we needed to worry about. Doing nothing about our deficit spending is the issue.

LOL...onluy a moron truly believed we "averted disaster" by bringing in enough revenue to cover 6 days of governemnt spending.

So I guess that makes you a moron.

Can't see the irony yet you want to call me a moron :lol:

TFF, Jizzhead

Nope. There is no irony and I explained why.

You simply dont know how to read you fucking illiterate unemployed leach.

You mad, bro?

Getting a kick out of you telling me to "learn to read" as I type this sentence.

Also love the out of your ass"unemployed leach"

Yup you right wing nuts are all kinds of butthurt today.

Love it.
So why has the black vote gone all democrat?

Can you articulate the reasons?

Because of all shit the right talks about them, I suppose.

Read up on the Southern Strategy.

yeah...that must be it.

You fucking idiot. You are clueless.

Another nerve struck, it seems.

Maybe you should log off for a bit, you are obviously having a bad one.

Or tell us the story about you being homeless again, that one always seems to lighten you up.
Because of all shit the right talks about them, I suppose.

Read up on the Southern Strategy.

yeah...that must be it.

You fucking idiot. You are clueless.

Another nerve struck, it seems.

Maybe you should log off for a bit, you are obviously having a bad one.

Or tell us the story about you being homeless again, that one always seems to lighten you up.

Forum TROLL who does NOTHING, ZERO.. but troll the threads insulting conservatives..
First thing you brought up "unemployment still hovering around 8%"....that's a half truth that omits the fact that when Obama took office the economy was losing 750,000k jobs/month and that in the interim between then and today unemployment rose significantly and had dropped significantly.

No need to read anything further than that, Jizzhead....no doubt it's more of the same half truth laden bullshit. You are predictable like that.

Asshole...learn to read.

I made it clear that Obama did not market the stimulus as one that would result in unemployment hoveriung at 8% 4 years later...and fox news reported it as a program that would likely not allow unemployemnt to reach acceptable nuimbers for years...and they were called liars by the likes of you.

So I ask again, moron.....where did Fox News lie?

(FYI...my post was in response to someone knocking Fox News......this is not about "excuses" idiots like you fall for when things dont pan out as promised...it is about where Fox News lied.)

And you have yet to show me where.

Now be a good little moron and answer my question...or should I simply assume you are not just a moron and an idiot.,....but illiterate too?

Is that it?

"Learn to read"

I just got thru telling you I didn't bother reading your predictably half truth laden pile of shit beyond the first line. Because that's what you do..you lay half truth laden piles of shit.

You seem to think I'm interested in engaging you in some kind of debate.....you are sorely mistaken....time and time again I've seen you trot out bullshit upon bullshit and when the kitchen gets too hot you take your ball and go home.

Like a typical far right whack job you aren't an honest broker and don't deserve much beyond general mocking.

so it is not that you dont know how tro read...it is that you refuse to read.

Yet you admitted that you read the first part of my post and then responded to it with an answer that did not properly address the first part of my post.

So you have two issues..

First...you refuse to read ALL....just some.
Second...what you DO read you can not comprehend.

That makes you an illiterate asshole.

Pretty much as I said to begin with.
You seem to think I'm interested in engaging you in some kind of debate.....you are sorely mistaken...

Pretty much like obama told Beohner.


lol...yoiu have an issue with gay men where you feel it is appropairte to use their lifestyle as an insult to someone you disagree with?

That makes you an unemployed leach who is illiterate and prejudiced against those that are different than you.

Wow...no wonder you are such a bitter person.

It must suck being you.
How can anyone believe anything Boehner says? Just minutes after receiving the deal he announced how terrible it was and that he could not support it. Only to turn around and vote for it hours later.
I am still awaiting to reason why black people are so opposed to the GOP.


If I were a Republican, I would say it was because Republicans demand they be self reliant and don't give "free stuff"

I advise Republicans to go with that....their constituents eat that up
This is really interesting to read. The 'Conservatives' are beside themselves that their Reps caved in and passed what Obama offered them. They had to. Both the ciitizens of this nation, and the economic powers that be demanded that they pass the bill and avert the fiscal cliff.

The fun part is that the GOP got far less than they would have had they taken the President's first offer. That is how it goes in a negotiation where one side holds the cards, the other side bluffs, and their bluff is called. The person bluffing loses.

And how have the markets reacted? In spite of all the gloom and doom from the wingnut side, a runup of 300+ points. And, in the meantime, the unemployment claims are down again. And with the assurance of more stability, some of that money that has been hanging out there, should now come into the markets in the form of new investments. Looks like a very good year shaping up for our President and the citizens of this nation.
I am still awaiting to reason why black people are so opposed to the GOP.


If I were a Republican, I would say it was because Republicans demand they be self reliant and don't give "free stuff"

I advise Republicans to go with that....their constituents eat that up

Fuck that self reliance stuff.

Where my Obama money at?
Asshole...learn to read.

I made it clear that Obama did not market the stimulus as one that would result in unemployment hoveriung at 8% 4 years later...and fox news reported it as a program that would likely not allow unemployemnt to reach acceptable nuimbers for years...and they were called liars by the likes of you.

So I ask again, moron.....where did Fox News lie?

(FYI...my post was in response to someone knocking Fox News......this is not about "excuses" idiots like you fall for when things dont pan out as promised...it is about where Fox News lied.)

And you have yet to show me where.

Now be a good little moron and answer my question...or should I simply assume you are not just a moron and an idiot.,....but illiterate too?

Is that it?

"Learn to read"

I just got thru telling you I didn't bother reading your predictably half truth laden pile of shit beyond the first line. Because that's what you do..you lay half truth laden piles of shit.

You seem to think I'm interested in engaging you in some kind of debate.....you are sorely mistaken....time and time again I've seen you trot out bullshit upon bullshit and when the kitchen gets too hot you take your ball and go home.

Like a typical far right whack job you aren't an honest broker and don't deserve much beyond general mocking.

so it is not that you dont know how tro read...it is that you refuse to read.

Yet you admitted that you read the first part of my post and then responded to it with an answer that did not properly address the first part of my post.

So you have two issues..

First...you refuse to read ALL....just some.
Second...what you DO read you can not comprehend.

That makes you an illiterate asshole.

Pretty much as I said to begin with.

You seem mad that I'm not entertaining your bullshit in a serious manner and that I'm treating you like a joke of a poster. Good.

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