House officials to attend Micheal Brown Funeral

No it's not a joke, but they are. this is a Civilian why are attending? . they don't care the headache it cause for the cities or the expense to taxpayers

I FORSEE another Wellstone funeral...these people can't leave people be buried IN PEACE

No it's not a joke, but they are. this is a Civilian why are attending? . they don't care the headache it cause for the cities or the expense to taxpayers

I FORSEE another Wellstone funeral...these people can't leave people be buried IN PEACE

No it's not a joke, but they are. this is a Civilian why are attending? . they don't care the headache it cause for the cities or the expense to taxpayers

I FORSEE another Wellstone funeral...these people can't leave people be buried IN PEACE

It makes no sense. None at all. Its not a win for the Dems whatsoever.
The Obama and his comrades has NO CONSIDERATION for the disruption of the people's lives it causes when they fly all over the country for stuff like giving a speech to high schools, to their WEALTHY fundraising so they can get money to their party ON OUR DIME

it's like they give us the middle finger every single day
No it's not a joke, but they are. this is a Civilian why are attending? . they don't care the headache it cause for the cities or the expense to taxpayers

I FORSEE another Wellstone funeral...these people can't leave people be buried IN PEACE

It makes no sense. None at all. Its not a win for the Dems whatsoever.

They know how to edify their minority voting base. They have been doing this for 50 years. They learn it in their Ivy League political classes, they are absolute experts at manipulating the masses.

Do not underestimate the utter stupidity of their base.
I wonder if there are any white house officials going to attend the Dillon Tyler memorial. Fucking liberals not knowing they are political pawns for their democratic politicians. All while they are thinking they are so smart.
Democrat party and politicians are freaking GHOULS

it's a sickness they me the creeps and makes my skin crawl
My first question is why?

Was Michael Brown a head of State?
A foreign dignitary?

Can a leftie chime in here...
What possible reason are they doing this?

There was a white guy killed a while back by a black who was bored.
There was another shot in the back and killed by a black for no reason at all other then to kill a white kid...

No one gave two shits about it...

Now this guy gets the WH to send officials....

C'mon somebody tell me this is a fucking joke.
They support criminals as long as those criminals aren't white. Generals not so much, especially if they are white.

This evil regime gets more disgusting by the day.
I hope the join hands and sing again. That was pretty damn funny.

Boy, I wonder why ISIS is so unafraid of America. A president that goes around apologizing to the world for America, being America. They see a godless infidel gay masses in Hollywood enabling their diabolical ways by condemning Israel. Now, we have politicians engaged in nothing but political photo ops. It is no wonder why After the 1993 Somalia debacle when Clinton withdrew, it emboldened al qaeda. They knew America was vulnerable and they were heavily influenced by a liberal public and liberal politicians.
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The day for the end of this administration can't come soon enough!

my feeling exactly. how they were RE-ELECTED to begin with is suspicious or the citizens today are just more stupid and lazy

Carter had a record as Obama's and he was TROWN OUT OF OFFICE after one term

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