House OKs Plan to Withdraw US Troops

good for them. now answer my questions, please.

Do you really think that staying in Iraq for six months or six years longer will make the sunnis and shiites who live there stop wanting to kill one another and dominate the other and rule Iraq?

Do you really think that six more years or sixty more years of American occupation will cause those sects who have been fighting for 1200 years to stop that fight and want to join together to form a multicultural jeffersonian democracy on the banks of the euphrates that will shine like a beacon of freedom?

Oh, I forgot.

You are so much smater then the troops and Commanders on the ground. Their opinions do not count to you and the rest of the Defeatocrats
Oh, I forgot.

You are so much smater then the troops and Commanders on the ground. Their opinions do not count to you and the rest of the Defeatocrats

I have never said that I was smarter than the troops or the commanders on the ground. i just asked you a few questions and wanted to get YOUR opinion on them. that's all.
I have never said that I was smarter than the troops or the commanders on the ground. i just asked you a few questions and wanted to get YOUR opinion on them. that's all.

I am looking forward to next months polls after this "all nighter" from the surrender monkies in your party. The party of defeat is showing it true colors - bright yellow
i just asked you a few questions and wanted to get YOUR opinion on them. that's all.
Do you really think that staying in Iraq for six months or six years longer will make the sunnis and shiites who live there stop wanting to kill one another and dominate the other and rule Iraq?

If they have a common enemy... Yes...
and once that common enemy - and I assume you are referring to Al Qaeda in Iraq - is defeated, you think that that the kumbaya spirit will continue to prevail?

I cant answer that... nor can you...To be free in a democratic state I think may keep them united... I know leaving them to certain death is not the answer.. And that is the plan of the democratic party ...

Retreat.... Have hundreds and thousands slaughtered... Then Blame everyone else...
I cant answer that... nor can you...To be free in a democratic state I think may keep them united... I know leaving them to certain death is not the answer.. And that is the plan of the democratic party ...

Retreat.... Have hundreds and thousands slaughtered... Then Blame everyone else...

can you name another country in the world where sunnis and shiites have EVER shared power in a free democratic state?

and then please tell me why we should continue to flush men and money down the toilet because some people THINK that being free in a democratic state MAY keep them united.

and you do not KNOW that certain death is the outcome of our departure... it is just another of your conjectures... which has as much intellectual grounding as the other one.
I cant answer that... nor can you...To be free in a democratic state I think may keep them united... I know leaving them to certain death is not the answer.. And that is the plan of the democratic party ...

Retreat.... Have hundreds and thousands slaughtered... Then Blame everyone else...

Hundreds and thousands slaughtered?

And whats the death count up till now?
and once that common enemy - and I assume you are referring to Al Qaeda in Iraq - is defeated, you think that that the kumbaya spirit will continue to prevail?

I dont know.... What outcome is certain if we retreat...
I dont know.... What outcome is certain if we retreat...

and how can you say one side of your scenario is "certain" but the other is not?

The fact is, you have an OPINION as to what MIGHT happen in Iraq if we allow Iraqis to settle their own differences.

Who gives a shit? You have an opinion and youi try to pawn it off as a certainty?

Your opinion, in my opinion, smells as bad as your asshole surely must.
and once that common enemy - and I assume you are referring to Al Qaeda in Iraq - is defeated, you think that that the kumbaya spirit will continue to prevail?

That is how libs want to fight terrorism - appeasement and holding hands
CBS Selectively Frames Senate Vote, Ignoring How Most of Public Support Funding
By Brent Baker | July 18, 2007 - 20:49 ET
The CBS Evening News led Wednesday night by framing the failed Senate vote, on setting a timetable to start withdrawing troops from Iraq within 120 days, as evidence of how out of step the Senators are with the American public, while just as Katie Couric did in February, CBS ignored how a piddling 8 percent favor the left-wing activist position of blocking all funding. Citing the measure which earned 52 votes, eight short of the necessary 60 to move the bill forward, Couric related that even after “a rare, all-night debate” Democrats “couldn't come up with the votes today to bring the latest troop withdrawal measure to the floor. And that is in spite of pressure from the voters themselves. In a CBS News/New York Times poll out tonight, nearly three out of four Americans say the troop surge is not working, that it's having no impact, or actually making matters worse.” Reporter Sharyl Attkisson also saw the vote through the prism of public opinion, noting the result came “despite the latest CBS News poll showing 61 percent of Americans want the war funded with a timetable for withdrawal.”

As Couric pointed out how “nearly three out of four Americans say the troop surge is not working, that it's having no impact, or actually making matters worse,” the on-screen graphic showed “No Impact or Worse” at 73 percent. But “not working” was not an option in the survey and only 22 percent said the surge is making the situation “worse.” The majority, 51 percent, answered “no impact.”

In reciting how 61 percent want the troops funded with a timetable, Attkisson skipped over how a mere 8 percent wish all funding blocked, a share unchanged from a February CBS News poll which determined that Americans were almost exactly evenly split on whether Congress should "pass a non-binding resolution against sending additional troops to Iraq" with 44 percent in favor and 45 percent opposed. But, as recounted in a February 12 NewsBusters item:

In highlighting how the Senate "will begin a three-day debate on a non-binding, symbolic resolution stating its disapproval of President Bush's Iraq troop build-up," CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric ignored that finding of an evenly-divided nation. Instead, she focused on how "a total of 53 percent say Congress ought to block funding for additional troops or for the war entirely."

In offering up that number, which combined two answers, she obscured the poll question's real news: A piddling 8 percent wish to "block all funding" for the war in Iraq. As an on-screen graphic showed, to get to 53 percent Couric and CBS producers combined the 8 percent with the 45 percent who want to "block funding for more troops" -- a percent only slightly higher than, and within the three-point margin of error, the 42 percent who want to "allow all funding." CBS's graphic did not include the 42 percent result.
this is really funny...from the guy who selectively and inaccurately frames the original democratic funding bill containing troop withdrawal timeframes - THAT THE VAST MAJORITY OF AMERICANS SUPPORTED - as a "surrender" bill.

:rofl: :rofl:
this is really funny...from the guy who selectively and inaccurately frames the original democratic funding bill containing troop withdrawal timeframes - THAT THE VAST MAJORITY OF AMERICANS SUPPORTED - as a "surrender" bill.

:rofl: :rofl:

Another example of Dem support for the troops

Fuck the pay raise for the troops - we just lost a vote in the Senate

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