House Passes 1.1 Trillion With 5,000 Earmarks? Say it Ain't So

Is this why the RUSH to get all these Socialist-NAY-Marxist projects done?

Try again...

There has never been a "Rush" on any of the proposals from the current congress, except in the minds of people who want to stand in thier way.

Public Health Insurance, for instance, has been debated since the early 70's, since Nixon proposed it. That's 38 years of waiting and debate.

If some people don't have an idea of what should go into a health bill by now, then they're just a bunch of morons.

As far as the actual current legislation goes, it has already been discussed for the past 6 months, I think that's plenty of time to go over a bill.

Of course obstructionists paid by the private insurance industry would love to see the legislation be delayed for another decade or so.
most of the private insurance industry is backing this deal as they stand to gain substantially from having the government mandate their customers' consumption.
Is this why the RUSH to get all these Socialist-NAY-Marxist projects done?

Try again...

There has never been a "Rush" on any of the proposals from the current congress, except in the minds of people who want to stand in thier way.

Public Health Insurance, for instance, has been debated since the early 70's, since Nixon proposed it. That's 38 years of waiting and debate.

If some people don't have an idea of what should go into a health bill by now, then they're just a bunch of morons.

As far as the actual current legislation goes, it has already been discussed for the past 6 months, I think that's plenty of time to go over a bill.

Of course obstructionists paid by the private insurance industry would love to see the legislation be delayed for another decade or so.

I can promise you that 3/4 of the Senators whoi voted for this legislation have no fucking clue what it is they have voted for nor do they have any clue what would have actually worked best for the country. And yes they are pushing it, and rushing it when they don't even have it finished behind closed doors and already talk about how quickly they want to pass it. Not vote on it but pass it. Why because they had already spent 6 months writing it so that they could buy the votes they needed to pass it.

End result is nothing less that a rushed through, nobody knows whats in it, and nobody gives a shit, lets go home for Christmas, we fucking made history, Some kind of health insurance, something or other Bill.
most of the private insurance industry is backing this deal as they stand to gain substantially from having the government mandate their customers' consumption.

Yep, your right.

Reduces costs.....nope
Lowers premiums.......nope
Everyone will have insurance.....nope
Rationing care.....yep

Just off the cuff, it looks like a failure as to what the democrats were looking for...oh wait, Government expansion......yep

Ah....there it is, a big win for obama, pelosi, and reid.
Seems as though people want to ignore the point. The Republicans aren't in power anymore. And when they were we were not in a recession. Now the economy is in the toilet, and it doesn't matter why, the Democrat congress is spending like drunken sailors at a time when we need fiscal responsibility.
And that is the point.
Regardless who is in power they all should be smart enough to know that you cannot get out of debt by doubling that debt. But Bush did it just doesn't cut it.

Yeah, but that's not how it works.

Cutting the budget is a PROCESS. You can't just all funding off at once, it would lead to the collapse of the national infrastructure, you have to cut things gradually.

Kinda like getting off heroin right???:cuckoo:
I can promise you that 3/4 of the Senators whoi voted for this legislation have no fucking clue what it is they have voted for nor do they have any clue what would have actually worked best for the country. And yes they are pushing it, and rushing it when they don't even have it finished behind closed doors and already talk about how quickly they want to pass it. Not vote on it but pass it. Why because they had already spent 6 months writing it so that they could buy the votes they needed to pass it.

End result is nothing less that a rushed through, nobody knows whats in it, and nobody gives a shit, lets go home for Christmas, we fucking made history, Some kind of health insurance, something or other Bill.

How can you "promise" me anything about what Senators do and do not know about this bill?

Are you some sort of mind-reader? Do psychic powers run in your family?
I can promise you that 3/4 of the Senators whoi voted for this legislation have no fucking clue what it is they have voted for nor do they have any clue what would have actually worked best for the country. And yes they are pushing it, and rushing it when they don't even have it finished behind closed doors and already talk about how quickly they want to pass it. Not vote on it but pass it. Why because they had already spent 6 months writing it so that they could buy the votes they needed to pass it.

End result is nothing less that a rushed through, nobody knows whats in it, and nobody gives a shit, lets go home for Christmas, we fucking made history, Some kind of health insurance, something or other Bill.

How can you "promise" me anything about what Senators do and do not know about this bill?

Are you some sort of mind-reader? Do psychic powers run in your family?

Troll elsewhere or at least address the true meaning of what people are saying.
Is this why the RUSH to get all these Socialist-NAY-Marxist projects done?

Try again...

There has never been a "Rush" on any of the proposals from the current congress, except in the minds of people who want to stand in thier way.

Public Health Insurance, for instance, has been debated since the early 70's, since Nixon proposed it. That's 38 years of waiting and debate.

If some people don't have an idea of what should go into a health bill by now, then they're just a bunch of morons.

As far as the actual current legislation goes, it has already been discussed for the past 6 months, I think that's plenty of time to go over a bill.

Of course obstructionists paid by the private insurance industry would love to see the legislation be delayed for another decade or so.

6 months is not enough time when it amounts to 2 trillion dollars being added to the already enormous deficit and a take-over of 6% of our economy. We all agree to health care reform, tort reform, open competition, encourage health savings plans, group small business, make it portable and make it undeniable for pre-existing conditions. This could have all been done to lower the cost of health care and make health insurance much more affordable and it could have been done WITHOUT spending any money to do it.

It's called LEGISLATING and REGULATIONS ON insurance companies. The American people would have been overwhelmingly for this type of reform, it could have passed with complete bi-partisanship but ooooooooooooooooooooooh noooooooooooooooo, that can't be done, because the agenda of this administration and the liberal congress and senate is not really health care reform it's about power over YOU and YOUR dollar. That's the agenda and it has nothing whatsoever to do with improving health care or lowering the costs of health care or health care insurance.:cuckoo:
Is this why the RUSH to get all these Socialist-NAY-Marxist projects done?

Try again...

There has never been a "Rush" on any of the proposals from the current congress, except in the minds of people who want to stand in thier way.

Public Health Insurance, for instance, has been debated since the early 70's, since Nixon proposed it. That's 38 years of waiting and debate.

If some people don't have an idea of what should go into a health bill by now, then they're just a bunch of morons.

As far as the actual current legislation goes, it has already been discussed for the past 6 months, I think that's plenty of time to go over a bill.

Of course obstructionists paid by the private insurance industry would love to see the legislation be delayed for another decade or so.

6 months is not enough time when it amounts to 2 trillion dollars being added to the already enormous deficit and a take-over of 6% of our economy. We all agree to health care reform, tort reform, open competition, encourage health savings plans, group small business, make it portable and make it undeniable for pre-existing conditions. This could have all been done to lower the cost of health care and make health insurance much more affordable and it could have been done WITHOUT spending any money to do it.

It's called LEGISLATING and REGULATIONS ON insurance companies. The American people would have been overwhelmingly for this type of reform, it could have passed with complete bi-partisanship but ooooooooooooooooooooooh noooooooooooooooo, that can't be done, because the agenda of this administration and the liberal congress and senate is not really health care reform it's about power over YOU and YOUR dollar. That's the agenda and it has nothing whatsoever to do with improving health care or lowering the costs of health care or health care insurance.:cuckoo:

its about putting a bunch of customers in the healthcare system. thats blindingly obvious... the bill also addresses some significant reforms in exchange for that carrot, but without putting a hurt on the medical industry or indemnifying them from their mistakes with tort reforms. then it taxes the industry and consumers such as to mitigate a lot of the cost involved in expanding medicare/medicaid, which are also huge revenue sources for the private health industry.

its more taxes if youre making 10 times the national average, are riskin it without insurance, even if you can reasonably afford it, or abusing the deductibility of care plans. i dont see what the huge deal is... then again, ive got no kids or any medical problems, and im one of the 10% who buys their own medical coverage, anyhow. seems like a lot of positives for the care industry and the economy. theres some hit-or-miss opportunities for the insured to benefit.

republicans are whipping. there wont be any bipartisan action with a minority position like that. not in american politics. as a hint, when obama said he wanted to make a bipartisan bill, he wanted to make the GOP look like villains for doing their job, really.

i think all of you guys have been around for longer than i have, ya ought to know thats how the game goes. politics will be politics.
I can promise you that 3/4 of the Senators whoi voted for this legislation have no fucking clue what it is they have voted for nor do they have any clue what would have actually worked best for the country. And yes they are pushing it, and rushing it when they don't even have it finished behind closed doors and already talk about how quickly they want to pass it. Not vote on it but pass it. Why because they had already spent 6 months writing it so that they could buy the votes they needed to pass it.

End result is nothing less that a rushed through, nobody knows whats in it, and nobody gives a shit, lets go home for Christmas, we fucking made history, Some kind of health insurance, something or other Bill.

How can you "promise" me anything about what Senators do and do not know about this bill?

Are you some sort of mind-reader? Do psychic powers run in your family?

Troll elsewhere or at least address the true meaning of what people are saying.

You said, specifically:

"I can promise you that 3/4 of the Senators whoi voted for this legislation have no fucking clue what it is they have voted for".

Which is a statement that has been repeated many times, by many different people, on the right-wing side of the fence.

So, I want you to back up what you said. If you can't then you should not make assinine assumptions like this.

Or, perhaps you can explain what you were trying to convey. Be my guest, spin away.
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6 months is not enough time when it amounts to 2 trillion dollars being added to the already enormous deficit and a take-over of 6% of our economy.

But it is enough time to prove both these statements to be completely false, which has been done.

This bill lowers the deficit, and in no way "takes over 6% of our economy".

We all agree to health care reform, tort reform, open competition, encourage health savings plans, group small business, make it portable and make it undeniable for pre-existing conditions. This could have all been done to lower the cost of health care and make health insurance much more affordable and it could have been done WITHOUT spending any money to do it.

Regulating takes money. One must pay regulators to do the regulating.

It's called LEGISLATING and REGULATIONS ON insurance companies. The American people would have been overwhelmingly for this type of reform, it could have passed with complete bi-partisanship but ooooooooooooooooooooooh noooooooooooooooo, that can't be done, because the agenda of this administration and the liberal congress and senate is not really health care reform it's about power over YOU and YOUR dollar. That's the agenda and it has nothing whatsoever to do with improving health care or lowering the costs of health care or health care insurance.:cuckoo:

Apparently you haven't actually read any of the bill at all. You should really check it out for yourself, and stop repeating the right-wing talking points.
How can you "promise" me anything about what Senators do and do not know about this bill?

Are you some sort of mind-reader? Do psychic powers run in your family?

Troll elsewhere or at least address the true meaning of what people are saying.

You said, specifically:

"I can promise you that 3/4 of the Senators whoi voted for this legislation have no fucking clue what it is they have voted for".

Which is a statement that has been repeated many times, by many different people, on the right-wing side of the fence.

So, I want you to back up what you said. If you can't then you should not make assinine assumptions like this.

Or, perhaps you can explain what you were trying to convey. Be my guest, spin away.

Nice misdirection. But anyone with any unbiased sense knows that we have had nothing nut rushed through BS and bribery with this congress, but you go on and believe what you want. We understand that you cannot go against anything even remotely liberal. It's against your religion. And I don't make assumptions, the Bill was not out of committee long enough to be read and comprehended before it was voted on. Hence, they knew not what they voted for. No spin just simple unbiased fact.
The bill hadn't even been written when the voted on it. They voted on the concept of the bill.
How can you "promise" me anything about what Senators do and do not know about this bill?

Are you some sort of mind-reader? Do psychic powers run in your family?

Troll elsewhere or at least address the true meaning of what people are saying.

You said, specifically:

"I can promise you that 3/4 of the Senators whoi voted for this legislation have no fucking clue what it is they have voted for".

Which is a statement that has been repeated many times, by many different people, on the right-wing side of the fence.

So, I want you to back up what you said. If you can't then you should not make assinine assumptions like this.

Or, perhaps you can explain what you were trying to convey. Be my guest, spin away.

Isn't it true that senators and congressmen hire people to read through the bills? on BOTH sides of the fence?
Troll elsewhere or at least address the true meaning of what people are saying.

You said, specifically:

"I can promise you that 3/4 of the Senators whoi voted for this legislation have no fucking clue what it is they have voted for".

Which is a statement that has been repeated many times, by many different people, on the right-wing side of the fence.

So, I want you to back up what you said. If you can't then you should not make assinine assumptions like this.

Or, perhaps you can explain what you were trying to convey. Be my guest, spin away.

Isn't it true that senators and congressmen hire people to read through the bills? on BOTH sides of the fence?

Yes they all have aides which read different sections and write summaries, but there is little time for even that the way they have been rushing things. I still say there were very few if any Senators who could have told you everything that was in the bill or supposed to be in the bill when they voted for it.
You said, specifically:

"I can promise you that 3/4 of the Senators whoi voted for this legislation have no fucking clue what it is they have voted for".

Which is a statement that has been repeated many times, by many different people, on the right-wing side of the fence.

So, I want you to back up what you said. If you can't then you should not make assinine assumptions like this.

Or, perhaps you can explain what you were trying to convey. Be my guest, spin away.

Isn't it true that senators and congressmen hire people to read through the bills? on BOTH sides of the fence?

Yes they all have aides which read different sections and write summaries, but there is little time for even that the way they have been rushing things. I still say there were very few if any Senators who could have told you everything that was in the bill or supposed to be in the bill when they voted for it.

no, nobody could recite pelosi's novel verbatim, but i wont come close to saying that senators particularly, even congressmen had a detailed grip on the issue at hand. particularly the centerist democrats. republicans and shoe-in liberals may have had theyre yeas and nays ready since last year.

there's plenty of time. lawyers and their offices plow through more in less time. these guys are no different, unless you apply the cynicism that mone of them give a shit or arent hard-working, whatsoever.

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