House Passes 1.1 Trillion With 5,000 Earmarks? Say it Ain't So

gore was a big-league fake. this was the start of a period in american politics where people werent as easily snared with political tricks as strategists thought. gore jumped from one trick to the next and imparted this idea that he was desparate to win the election, more than giving us a glimpse of what a gore presidency is all about. he distanced himself from clinton thinking that people really gave a shit about lewinsky. kerry: ditto... thats 2 coulda shoulda won elections. mccain: ditto, but i dont think he had a shot to win obama. nevertheless from joe the plumber to palin to the replica change slogan, mccain campaigned this way too.

youve got to be yourself to win a presidential election. you cant be one weeks practice at what your advisors say you should be like. that said, bush was an idiot. i refrained from voting at all in 2004. took my year-ender in november that year. st. maarten, i recall.

the CATO institute!....ouch.

We don't know what numbers Mr. Piperni was looking at when he created that picture or what spending specifically he was referring to or at what point in time. You're using a visual aide that you don't understand.

The national debt increased by roughly $5 trillion under Bush, which was an absolute abomination. Under Obama it has increased another $2 trillion and they're prepared to raise the debt ceiling another trillion. That's over one-third of what was spent during the Bush administration and he hasn't been in office even a full year yet.

That aside, pointing to somebody else's wrong to justify your own doesn't make what you've done any less wrong. The bottom line is debt spending is taking us down a quick path to national bankruptcy and it needs to stop immediately. It doesn't matter what Obama's predecessors have done. He's the president now and has the power to stop it.

just pointing out where and who's spending the lions share is - and it's not my spending. Do you maybe think that not spending money at all would have helped the economy after it was left in a shambles by the Bush administration?

Well, as we've seen, spending $2 trillion has done nothing to improve it. Regarding the Wall Street bailout, I am of the belief that had we not given the banks this money they would have exercised a lot tougher options in order to survive. For example, it's not in a bank's interest to foreclose on a home. If they didn't get the lifeline from the Feds I think a lot more of them would have renegotiated the terms of the bad loans to keep the owners there. Foreclosures actually went up after the bank bail out was passed and one of the main points of it was to decrease foreclosures. The bail out actually gave them the liquidity to avoid the tough decisions.

In the short term, sure, it could have gotten worse. More banks may have been shut down and more people may have been out of a job, but why do you assume that just because it would have been worse means it shouldn't have happened?
As most know? OwlGore was being groomed by his daddy (Whom was at the forefront of the opposition to Civil Rights movement of the 1960's), to be POTUS one day in the FUTURE...

He lost his chance, and therefore *WE* are stuck with the risiduals...(Scum/Froth, if you will) of his failed attempt at the presidency. Yes, yes we know he was in this enviro-whacko movement before his attempt (Book: Earth in the Balance)...Which kinda sealed his fate to wit he carries on to this day. He took on the cause of wayward Communists (Since the Berlin Wall fell), called Militant Enviromentalism...

Gore was and *IS* a fuckin' JOKE.

*I* wouldn't have voted for his whacko ass either.

OK, seriously, you and your right-wing buddies have been wrong about SOOOOOO many things in the past 8 years, especially who you chose for presidential candidates.

There is undeniable proof that Global Warming is in fact happening right now, as we speak. Whether the causes are as Al Gore described them, or not, he has essentially been CORRECT about the fact that Global Warming is occurring for the past 30 years, sincne he started talking about it in the 80's.

In addition, Al was one of the main proponents of government funding of the internet, something you and your right-wing buddies have endlessly railed on him for, but in the end he was CORRECT to help fund the internet. Or are you denying that too?

In fact, it seems that Al Gore is CORRECT on most issues. In fact, I can't think of something he has been proven wrong about.

Now, as for his likeability, that was a major factor in his losing race, but comparing him unfavorably to George W Bush, our country's biggest mistake, is a fucking joke.

NO there Isn't. It's a LIE.

We bring you back to the regularally scheduled Thread...


Congress passed a 1.1 trillion dollar spending bill. Has 5,000 in earmarks, what was Obama campaigning about earmarks?
I guess it's "Same as it always was" type of politics. Where's the change?

A $1.1 trillion spending bill laced with budget increases and more than 5,000 congressional pet projects passed the House on Thursday amid criticism from Republicans and watchdog groups.
The package — which combines six annual spending bills into one — includes $447 billion in operating expenses, with an average increase of 10%, and more than $600 billion for Medicare and Medicaid.

It was approved 221 to 202 and now moves to the Senate. No House Republicans voted for the bill, and 28 Democrats broke with their party to oppose it
Earmarks 'robust' in House $1T spending bill -
C-.....and he still did better than Kerry in school. :lol:
Look my pick wouldn't have been Bush, but we have to vote for someone. Al Gore would have screwed up 9-11 as Clinton did after the 93' Trade Center he did with all the terrorists attacks we had under the Clinton administration. Clinton downsized our military, and fragmented our intell. Yeah Gore would have been the prize. Gove me a break. At least Bush had balls, unlike the 2 candidates that ran against him. Don't throw Iraq on me, because I wouldn't have pulled the trigger on that one, and don't pull that Bush spent too much....yeah he did, and I bitched about that, too.But, Obama spending is way over the top, and he isn'rt going top slow down with the cap and tax crap that is going to be hitting the fan next year.
I know you won't complain about that at all, because it's OooooooooooooBaaaaaaama.

The people responsible for the '93 bombing were caught and prosecuted, and are currently in jail serving time.

It was Bush I who started the downsizing of our military.

Bush had "balls" like a professional wrestler has "balls". What you want in a president is someone who thinks first and then acts, not a fucking idiot with a hard-on for invading Iraq.

You wouldn't have pulled the trigger on Iraq? OK, did you vote for Bush AGAIN in 2004? Yes, you did.

And Bush spent WAY more than Obama. 1.2 Trillion dollars of this year's deficit was already alotted by January 7th of this year, as per the CBO report at the time.

Which means that the current deficit of 1.3 Trillion dollars is actually LOWER than it was at the beginning of the year, once you take away the stimulus money.

The federal budget for 2008 was 3 Trillion dollars.

The federal budget for 2009 was 3.1 Trillion Dollars.

2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The increase is due entirely to a 40 Billion dollar increase in Social Security, a 20 Billion dollar increase in Medicare, and a 40 Billion dollar increase in Unemployment Benefits.

Said budget was proposed, as it always is, by the previous president. George W Bush.

In other words, Obama hasn't spent any money at all that was not already being spent before he got into office.
When you hear a birther-handjob say,
"Obama is killing the economy..."

say, "Go fuck yourself!" and show them this.
Going from 104 to 141 is no small feat.
gore was a big-league fake. this was the start of a period in american politics where people werent as easily snared with political tricks as strategists thought. gore jumped from one trick to the next and imparted this idea that he was desparate to win the election, more than giving us a glimpse of what a gore presidency is all about. he distanced himself from clinton thinking that people really gave a shit about lewinsky. kerry: ditto... thats 2 coulda shoulda won elections. mccain: ditto, but i dont think he had a shot to win obama. nevertheless from joe the plumber to palin to the replica change slogan, mccain campaigned this way too.

youve got to be yourself to win a presidential election. you cant be one weeks practice at what your advisors say you should be like. that said, bush was an idiot. i refrained from voting at all in 2004. took my year-ender in november that year. st. maarten, i recall.

Seriously dude, you voted for BUSH and you're all expecting us to take your word that Gore would have been a worse choice.

I mean, there's a serious judgement issue that precedes your statement.

You voted for BUSH.

How exactly would Gore have been WORSE? Would he have invaded TWO countries that had nothing to do with 9/11?

Who knows, maybe Gore would have caught Osama Bin Laden, instead of letting him get away and leaving Al Qaeda to grow back to their old strength with a nice safe-haven in Pakistan.

Oh, I know, maybe Gore would have ruined the economy? LOL, Bush took care of that, can't really see how Gore could have fucked it up worse.

Hell, maybe Gore would have tried to regulate Wall Street. Maybe not,, but who knows?

The point is, that when you have someone who did such an amazingly horrible job as president, pretty much anyone else would have done better.

Hell, Micky Mouse could have done better than George Bush.

And you expect us to take your word on it that a former Vice President from a successful prior administration couldn't have done better than such a colossal failure?


ROFL. :cuckoo:
NO there Isn't. It's a LIE.

We bring you back to the regularally scheduled Thread...

Since you separated this post into two parts with completely different points, I'll just post and answer the first part:

Which part is a "lie"? That the earth is warming?

You seriously think that there's some giant global conspiracy among the vast majority of the world scientific community, to fool you into thinking that the earth is warming?

Do you also believe the moon landing was a fake? and that Elvis killed JFK? :cuckoo:

Going from 8,292 to 10,437 is a 25% increase.

That's nice, but where's the jobs??????????????????

Same place they were for 2 1/2 Years after Reagan took office.

Jobs are the last thing to recover. They always are.

At least this time the unemployment rate seems to have stabilized and is coming slowly down.

.2% in the last month isn't a whole lot, but it is an improvement.
As a conservative did you vote for Bush in 2004?
If so you are a partisan hack not a true conservative.

The last 3 Presidential elections I voted against someone instead of for someone. Pretty sorry state of affairs. And if a Dead dog runs against Obama in the next presidential I'll vote against Obama. Unless there happens to be a conservative running, then I'll vote for that conservative.
Counting moneys that Bush did claim would be returned? How about all the projected spending this years congress has already approved and plan on approving even more. This trillion wasn't approved by Bush, when does it count? Fact is that this congress is spending money like it actually does grow on a tree. And if it doesn't stop soon the USA will not be a financial power to anyone except maybe a few 3rd world countries. And current deficit is still 1.5 trillion + and growing.

The current deficit is actually 1.3 Trillion, and shrinking. The moneys returned by the banks have made that the case.

Which means that, up to this point, only 100 billion dollars has been added to the deificit under the Obama administration.

More than that was spent on the Stimulus package. Which means that that 100 billion dollars was spent as stimulus.

Which makes your "This congress has been spending money like it's growing on trees" statement patently false.

But hey, what do you peoplel care about those pesky "facts". You're all on a "Faith Based" system of reality.

Only 100 Billion and we haven't seen any of his spending or his budget kick in yet. But we do know it's out there and coming straight at our wallets like a giant train wreck don't we?

Obama has a projected Deficit of how much? I don't se how you can claim it to be shrinking when we can look at the clock and see it growing every second.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Explain that please.........
thats my voting record; i could imagine gore doing worse/didnt imagine bush doing so poorly. its easy to call that one a decade later, but i remember 2k. gore was conjuring up campaign stories, mauling his wife in public, plastering on rouge, behaving like a robot. he was gore.

alas, ive backed myself into defending a blittering idiot. i surrender.
YOur so right. Both parties spend like drunken sailors. THats why they keep getting re-elected.

Yes, this is true.

The main problem with people who generally call themselves "Conservatives" though, and this is certainly not true of all Conservatives, is that they only want to cut spending on things that they personally don't like.

For instance, the military makes up about 25% of the budget. We spend more on our military expenditures than the rest of the world combined. Thus it is obvious that we can certainly cut a hell of a lot of spending in this area.

But most "Conservatives", and again there are some exceptions, won't hear of it.

They think we can cut the needed 2 Trillion dollars worth of yearly spending simply by cutting programs that make up less than 1% of our federal budget, like welfare, and education.

Well, that's not going to happen.

On the other hand, if we cut military spending in half, and pulled our troops back from Iraq and Afghanistan, we would balance the budget.

Pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan? That figures. Cut the military spending in half and use the money to teach the people which language? Farsi or Chinese maybe?
NO there Isn't. It's a LIE.

We bring you back to the regularally scheduled Thread...

Since you separated this post into two parts with completely different points, I'll just post and answer the first part:

Which part is a "lie"? That the earth is warming?

You seriously think that there's some giant global conspiracy among the vast majority of the world scientific community, to fool you into thinking that the earth is warming?

Do you also believe the moon landing was a fake? and that Elvis killed JFK? :cuckoo:

Translation: akjdsklfjdsgklfjeoritewporuewipo dsjgfdskfjy[otyiu[pioqwertn qwoiewoitedfdsnfdf,lgmnm,ams!

In short? YOU are an IDIOT.
Counting moneys that Bush did claim would be returned? How about all the projected spending this years congress has already approved and plan on approving even more. This trillion wasn't approved by Bush, when does it count? Fact is that this congress is spending money like it actually does grow on a tree. And if it doesn't stop soon the USA will not be a financial power to anyone except maybe a few 3rd world countries. And current deficit is still 1.5 trillion + and growing.

The current deficit is actually 1.3 Trillion, and shrinking. The moneys returned by the banks have made that the case.

Which means that, up to this point, only 100 billion dollars has been added to the deificit under the Obama administration.

More than that was spent on the Stimulus package. Which means that that 100 billion dollars was spent as stimulus.

Which makes your "This congress has been spending money like it's growing on trees" statement patently false.

But hey, what do you peoplel care about those pesky "facts". You're all on a "Faith Based" system of reality.

Only 100 Billion and we haven't seen any of his spending or his budget kick in yet. But we do know it's out there and coming straight at our wallets like a giant train wreck don't we?

Obama has a projected Deficit of how much? I don't se how you can claim it to be shrinking when we can look at the clock and see it growing every second.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Explain that please.........

They can't. They MEAN to make it larger, and speed the clock up...all for their power.
Pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan? That figures. Cut the military spending in half and use the money to teach the people which language? Farsi or Chinese maybe?

Here are the actual Military spending figures as of 2004 including the top 3 spenders:

World Wide Military Expenditures

World Total $1100 billion
Rest-of-World [all but USA] $500 billion

United States $623 billion
China $65 billion
Russia $50 billion

Source: World Wide Military Expenditures

If we cut the military budget in half, we'd still be spending five times as much as our closest competitor, the Chinese.

Now, are you trying to say that the US is inferior in military technology, in that it takes them 10 times as much money to create as much military might as the Chinese?

Because I think America can do better than that.
Translation: akjdsklfjdsgklfjeoritewporuewipo dsjgfdskfjy[otyiu[pioqwertn qwoiewoitedfdsnfdf,lgmnm,ams!

In short? YOU are an IDIOT.

Translation: "The T" has nothing to say, because his talking points have run out.


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