House passes bill overturning Obamacare

So, your opinion is, since I have health insurance provided through my employer, the Law will require me to go out and buy ADDITIONAL insurance?

You're pretty desperate, demonstrating that you know your position has no merit.

So I will effectively have two policies?


Yeah, someone said that....

Your ignorance is stunning.

When defeated in debate, you simply spew nonsense and demand your opponent said it.

Obamacare is fascist, it merges state and corporate power structures - that is a matter of absolute and irrefutable fact.
House votes to repeal Obama healthcare law, again | Reuters

Good news for the public at large for this nation.

It does three things.

1. Puts everyone on record in an election year.
2. Makes this a massive wedge issue.
3. Puts pressure on Obama on making a decision to keep it against the popular will or get rid of it which will end a weapon that can be used against him and his supporters in congress.

It was a monumental waste of time. If there were no real issues that needed addressing, it wouldn't matter. But as things now stand, there's important work that needs to be done, and they're screwing around on MY dime.

This is where it get neat,its a very important thing form many more than you think,and their dime is being spent also.
Other than the fact the law doesn't do that?

That's exactly what the law does, making the IRS the collection arm of Kaiser and Blue Cross - forcing every American to buy their product. This law is the very definition of fascism.

{Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.

Read more at}

So, your opinion is, since I have health insurance provided through my employer, the Law will require me to go out and buy ADDITIONAL insurance?

You're pretty desperate, demonstrating that you know your position has no merit.

So I will effectively have two policies?


Yeah, someone said that....

Your ignorance is stunning.

When defeated in debate, you simply spew nonsense and demand your opponent said it.

Obamacare is fascist, it merges state and corporate power structures - that is a matter of absolute and irrefutable fact.

Here's the thing about the internet. Anyone can go back and see what you wrote. So we can see that you wrote that EVERY American is required to buy insurance. EVERY American. Even Americans like me, who already have a policy, you think the law requires me to go buy something.

So which is it? Will I need to buy something I already have? Or not?
Here's the thing about the internet. Anyone can go back and see what you wrote. So we can see that you wrote that EVERY American is required to buy insurance.

Correct - the AHA dictates that every American buy coverage or pay a fine that is a tax but isn't a tax but is a tax anyway.

EVERY American. Even Americans like me, who already have a policy,

So then, you are buying coverage?

you think the law requires me to go buy something.

Or have the IRS collect a fine which isn't a fine but a tax but not a tax but a fine but still a tax.

So which is it? Will I need to buy something I already have? Or not?

Didn't you say you are buying insurance?
When you lolberal moonbats were shoving this crap up our asses, it was all about "compassion" for the infirm and the sainted poooooooooooooor.

Now that you have it, all of those people are now "freeloaders".

What a bunch of cynical assbonnets!

Liberals couldn't possibly shove anything up conservatives' asses. Your heads are already up there, blocking anything else from entry.
5 is a lot? Remind us where you went to school and university, bub.
Looks like a lot of democratics in districts that aren't blood-shooting-out-the-eyes liberoidal are in save-my-ass mode.

The vote Wednesday was 244-185. By the Republican count, it was the 33rd time in 18 months that the tea party-infused GOP majority has tried to scrap, defund or scale back the law since grabbing the majority.

The Associated Press: GOP-controlled House votes to repeal health law
I'll take them doing nothing over "somethings" like Obolshevikcare, bailouts, corporate take-overs, and the succubus bills.

And I find it odd that your knickers are all in a knot over this waste of taxpayer dollars, yet have nothing to say about the towering wastes like Solyndra, Sun Power and the socialistic welfare state in general.

Oh, Solyndra. That's right! Obama wasted taxpayer money on trying to help us out of our enslavement to the fossil fuel industry.

Well that was a waste of the taxpayer's money in the end, I'll give you that.

Now, since we're on the subject, perhaps you can tell us all about the money that just disappeared in Iraq? Or the 3 TRILLION dollars that was spent on that complete waste of time in the first place?


At least Obama was honestly trying to do something good for our country.

While your man was simply getting thousands of our brave service men and women killed, maimed and injured while throwing our hard-earned money down the toilet.

Bullshit! Obama was paying off his big money backers and bundlers, or haven't you seen the list of the PRINCIPALS of those companies?

Hmmm...I wonder what Boner is thinking about Cantor...

Health Care Repeal Bill Passes GOP-Controlled House, Has No Shot In Senate
Bullshit! Obama was paying off his big money backers and bundlers, or haven't you seen the list of the PRINCIPALS of those companies?


Did Obama not specifically tell everyone that he was going to fund solar power initiatives?

Of course people who believe in the same thing are likely to be friends, so, of course the major investors in the companies that Obama is going to fund are going to be his friends.

And certainly, nepotism is no new thing in business, or politics.

What is your point?

Nothing you have to say concerning this would prove that his motives were anything but what he said they were.

And it can certainly be pointed out that he was just following through on exactly what he told the voters he was going to do.

And certainly the money put in to Solyndra was not even a tiny fraction of what went in to the stupidity that was the invasion of Iraq.
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Hell, the money that went into Solyndra in total was less then they spent in an average week in Iraq.
House votes to repeal Obama healthcare law, again | Reuters

Good news for the public at large for this nation.

It does three things.

1. Puts everyone on record in an election year.
2. Makes this a massive wedge issue.
3. Puts pressure on Obama on making a decision to keep it against the popular will or get rid of it which will end a weapon that can be used against him and his supporters in congress.

It was a monumental waste of time. If there were no real issues that needed addressing, it wouldn't matter. But as things now stand, there's important work that needs to be done, and they're screwing around on MY dime.

they have always been screwing around on your is this any different?
Hell, the money that went into Solyndra in total was less then they spent in an average week in Iraq.

For 20 points, Alex, which one of the two was voted on and approved by Congress?



I was making a point about relative stupidity, not how many people approved of it.

Iraq was legal, and so was the loan to Solyndra.

The difference is that one was about 10,000 times more expensive than the other, and one got a shitload of people killed, while the other one didn't.

Iraq wasn't illegal, it was fucking moronic.
Just heard it on CNN.

Isn't this the 33rd time the House has voted to repeal?

"Jobs. Jobs. Jobs." or not.

Yeah, the wingnuts are fixated on jobs - which is why they're ignoring them...
Does ANY lefty hack even realize how many bills sent up from the HOUSE are sitting on the freak Reid's desk gathering dust?

It amazes me how few are willing to think for themselves - and you are the poster-thing for exactly that.

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