House passes mass amnesty bill which would give millions of illegal immigrants a path to citizenship


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
House Passes Mass Amnesty Bill Which Would Give Millions Of Illegal Immigrants A Path To Citizenship
The American Dream and Promise Act passed the House with a vote of 236-187. The legislation was brought forward by California Democratic Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard and will provide permanent status to illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. illegally as minors, as well as to those living in the U.S. under Temporary Protected Status, Newsweek reported.

When you wake up you can't ever go back you see the Democ*nts for who they really are you see the leftist as the scum who lead this nation right into the pits of hell. Moron's deny it facts prove it history will show it ..problem is our country is almost gone STAND UP and fight these WRONGS that SHOULD NEVER have been made right. LIKE BOYS in the SHOWERS with GIRLS........
House Passes Mass Amnesty Bill Which Would Give Millions Of Illegal Immigrants A Path To Citizenship
The American Dream and Promise Act passed the House with a vote of 236-187. The legislation was brought forward by California Democratic Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard and will provide permanent status to illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. illegally as minors, as well as to those living in the U.S. under Temporary Protected Status, Newsweek reported.

When you wake up you can't ever go back you see the Democ*nts for who they really are you see the leftist as the scum who lead this nation right into the pits of hell. Moron's deny it facts prove it history will show it ..problem is our country is almost gone STAND UP and fight these WRONGS that SHOULD NEVER have been made right. LIKE BOYS in the SHOWERS with GIRLS........

Old news and it's going nowhere fast.
There should be a 3-thread per day limit for each board to
prevent spammers like BrainFight here from over-posting so much.
It buries all the other threads into obscurity and it's not very courteous.
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