House Republicans ‘May Dig Their Own Grave’ With Fringe Political Investigations

The lone break with Republicans came once again from Mitt Romney, who told The Bulwark those types of political investigations, particularly into Hunter Biden, are a poor use of Congress’s already-limited resources.
Oh, right. The people who pushed the Russia collusion hoax for 3 years are the ones who we should consult about good uses of Congresses time.

You expect us to take your shit seriously

“I think it’s really hard to know what the politics of a course of action might be in this day and age, to know where our party stands, what our base wants, what independent voters want,” Romney said. “But I think you have to do what you think is right and I think the American people want us to tackle some of the big challenges we have—immigration, inflation, and so forth—and the other things that divert from those priorities I think are a waste of time.”

Will congressional Repubs pay a price with the base over wasting time with fruitless investigations motivated by revenge for Dem's having the audacity to investigate a failed coup? I really don't know. The base seems more interested in being entertained than solving the country's problems.

Romney is the Republican Quisling who's always happy to let Democrats off the hook.
Trumpybears plan was a truce and that had an end date of April 30th. Afghanistan was a mess, the people were still caught in a war between the Army we supported and Taliban and they suffered ISIS attacks as well, because the terms of the Doha Agreement were simply not enforced before we withdrew the majority of our forces. The generals testified that Biden listen to all their advice. He made his decision and they developed the final evacuation plan.
You're still trying to blame Trump for Biden's Afghanistan debacle?
Chris Wray and Merrick Garland have charged dePape with attempted kidnapping.

To terminate both immediately, the house GOP can subpoena

Capitol Police videos
DePape's FBI file and criminal history
Every SFPD stationed at pelosi manor during the past 20 years


Or are they really in cahoots with Dykey Nancy?
it’s comical watching these dembot cultist spin themselves into pretzels over this
I love the way no matter what happens during the Biden administration, somehow it's Trump's fault. The Border crisis is somehow Trump's fault! Is there anyone out there stupid enough to fall for this shit? They they whine about the low wages paid by corking class Americans.
I love the way no matter what happens during the Biden administration, somehow it's Trump's fault. The Border crisis is somehow Trump's fault! Is there anyone out there stupid enough to fall for this shit? They they whine about the low wages paid by corking class Americans.
is it a surprise? 8 years of obama failures were bush’s fault
his plan required certain conditions..they weren’t being met…we weren’t leaving. xiden ignore it snd betrayed our allies, our people, and the people of afghan

xiden is the merchant of death
So you have some facts correct. The Taliban agreed to 7 conditions and they only met one. What you are ignoring is that the withdrawal from 13,000 to 8,600 was contingent on them meeting those conditions within 135 days of the signing. They never met the condition and we withdrew down to 8,600 by the 135th day after the signing. Further withdraws, after the 135 days were also contingent on them continuing to meet their obligations. They didn't and Trump still ordered the withdrawal to the bare bones minimum, 2,500, that the generals said they needed just to support continued operations with the Afghan Army.
So you have some facts correct. The Taliban agreed to 7 conditions and they only met one. What you are ignoring is that the withdrawal from 13,000 to 8,600 was contingent on them meeting those conditions within 135 days of the signing. They never met the condition and we withdrew down to 8,600 by the 135th day after the signing. Further withdraws, after the 135 days were also contingent on them continuing to meet their obligations. They didn't and Trump still ordered the withdrawal to the bare bones minimum, 2,500, that the generals said they needed just to support continued operations with the Afghan Army.
yep and they were living up to the agreement…xiden ignored it too and surrendered.
You're still trying to blame Trump for Biden's Afghanistan debacle?
Nope. Still saying the Trumpybear withdrew over 10,000 troops without the Taliban meeting nearly all of conditions of the so called conditional withdrawal. All before Joe Biden ever took office. You and the Neo-GOP want to ignore the consequences of Benedict Donalds betrayal and put all the blame on the military who planned the final withdrawal.
Nope. Still saying the Trumpybear withdrew over 10,000 troops without the Taliban meeting nearly all of conditions of the so called conditional withdrawal. All before Joe Biden ever took office. You and the Neo-GOP want to ignore the consequences of Benedict Donalds betrayal and put all the blame on the military who planned the final withdrawal.
yeah trump lived up to his first part of the agreement…what’s your point? 2500 was all we need, it’s what the military recommended. He listened to the miltary…unlike xiden
The people who pushed the Russia collusion hoax
What hoax?

You're still trying to blame Trump for Biden's Afghanistan debacle?
Speaking for myself, I'm not. But we know Trump ordered an immediate withdrawal after he lost the 2020 election so it was his desire to withdraw. It's one of the few things he was right about in 4 years. And it was the right thing to do for Biden to withdraw the vast majority of our troops.
agreed! hence why xiden shouldn’t of surrendered…that’s what we have been saying! geez
Benedict Donald withdrew over 80% of our troops with no regards to the fact that the Taliban was not complying with the Accords. Why do you ignore the fact that the truce was going to end and that remaining there would mean a return to combat for our troops.
Benedict Donald withdrew over 80% of our troops with no regards to the fact that the Taliban was not complying with the Accords. Why do you ignore the fact that the truce was going to end and that remaining there would mean a return to combat for our troops.
trump a traitor for following he advice of the military and leaving a force they recommend? odd thought process
Speaking for myself, I'm not. But we know Trump ordered an immediate withdrawal after he lost the 2020 election so it was his desire to withdraw. It's one of the few things he was right about in 4 years. And it was the right thing to do for Biden to withdraw the vast majority of our troops.
He did? IMMEDIATE withdrawel?

Did the Military ignore this order, cuz we still had troops there when your Vegetabe Messiah came in with his clusterfuck bug out.
So you have some facts correct. The Taliban agreed to 7 conditions and they only met one. What you are ignoring is that the withdrawal from 13,000 to 8,600 was contingent on them meeting those conditions within 135 days of the signing. They never met the condition and we withdrew down to 8,600 by the 135th day after the signing. Further withdraws, after the 135 days were also contingent on them continuing to meet their obligations. They didn't and Trump still ordered the withdrawal to the bare bones minimum, 2,500, that the generals said they needed just to support continued operations with the Afghan Army.
progs love their documents. 60 years ago, we had the war on poverty spending countless trillions of dollars. And I see commercials for children going to bed hungry today because of you evil selfish demonic creatures.
Benedict Donald withdrew over 80% of our troops with no regards to the fact that the Taliban was not complying with the Accords. Why do you ignore the fact that the truce was going to end and that remaining there would mean a return to combat for our troops.
Trying to blame Trump for your Vegetable Messiah's Afghanistan clusterfuck isn't working, Simp.

And you look really stupid for trying.
yeah trump lived up to his first part of the agreement…what’s your point?

Our conditional withdrawal was conditional on the Taliban meeting their obligations, not us meeting ours. Benedict Donald withdrew any leverage we had when he did withdrew 80% of our forces and abandoned 5 military bases. 2,500 was the minimum they needed to continue operations supporting the Afghan Army. They had to re-deploy thousands of troops to complete the evacuation.

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