House Republicans ‘May Dig Their Own Grave’ With Fringe Political Investigations

Republican “investigations” will backfire

The Hunter Biden investigation will reveal Hunter is a drug addict with international business dealings no different than other international businessmen and no connection to the President

The investigation into the withdrawal from Afghanistan will have to elevate the poor deal Trump negotiated with the Taliban

Their Jan 6 investigation into why didn’t they do a better job at stopping the rioters will ultimately have to focus on……why didn’t you realize Republicans would be so violent?
Yup. It'll be Benghazi all over again and Hunter isn't even in government
He ignored the military that, have sworn under oath, they wanted to keep Trump's plan in place, of 2500 troops...because it was working.
Feel free to quote their under oath statements. You still have to ignore the fact that the truce was what was working in keeping the peace between the Taliban and US forces, not the number of troops left in the country. That truce was contingent on the US leaving. Which was Trump's plan. Leaving, not keeping 2,500 troops behind as targets.
What hoax?

Don't tell me . . . .

You think it was real!

The Truce. Recall it was an ISIS terrorist attack in a massive crowd of people, not as a result of combat with the enemy we were working with in Kabul to facilitate our exit.

Joe is not an idiot. He is not a military man. He left the planning and execution of the evacuation up to the military.

Sounds like you and the Neo-GOP are calling the US military planners idiots.

As far as the Afghan Army and Governments collapse? Who can blame them after being largely shut out of the negotiations, and then to see Americans and our EU allies engaging in a truce while they still get shot at and killed. On top of that they also saw the US ignoring the peace process called for in the Doha accords. They knew the deck was stacked against them in a big way as soon as we left.
Nice deflection and display of just how your Vegetable Messiah is bouncing his nuts off your chin.

Now, go back and try to answer the questions, Simp.
Feel free to quote their under oath statements. You still have to ignore the fact that the truce was what was working in keeping the peace between the Taliban and US forces, not the number of troops left in the country. That truce was contingent on the US leaving. Which was Trump's plan. Leaving, not keeping 2,500 troops behind as targets.
I post 102....but I'll do it again for you:

Fact Check: Military testimony on Afghanistan appears to contradict Biden’s previous statements on troop level​
When asked by ABC’s George Stephanopoulous whether “top military advisers warned against withdrawing on this timeline,” Biden responded, “No, they didn’t.”

To clarify, Stephanopoulous asked, “So no one told – your military advisers did not tell you, ‘No, we should just keep 2,500 troops. It’s been a stable situation for the last several years. We can do that. We can continue to do that’?” To which Biden said, “No one said that to me that I can recall.”

“I won’t share my personal recommendation to the President but I will give you my honest opinion. And my honest opinion and view shaped my recommendation,” McKenzie said. “I recommended that we maintain 2,500 troops in Afghanistan.

Xiden lied....people died. yeah...that was trump's plan....if the agreement was followed, it wasn' we wouldn't of left....but Traitor Joe put politics before national security, and human lives....and surrendered to the terrorist....and destroyed our relations with allies (getting held in contempt of the UK over it), lost are credibilty, and showed how weak we were with him in charge. It's pretty obvious that Putin saw this, and knew it was the perfect time to invade Ukraine again....
I post 102....but I'll do it again for you:

Fact Check: Military testimony on Afghanistan appears to contradict Biden’s previous statements on troop level​
When asked by ABC’s George Stephanopoulous whether “top military advisers warned against withdrawing on this timeline,” Biden responded, “No, they didn’t.”

To clarify, Stephanopoulous asked, “So no one told – your military advisers did not tell you, ‘No, we should just keep 2,500 troops. It’s been a stable situation for the last several years. We can do that. We can continue to do that’?” To which Biden said, “No one said that to me that I can recall.”

“I won’t share my personal recommendation to the President but I will give you my honest opinion. And my honest opinion and view shaped my recommendation,” McKenzie said. “I recommended that we maintain 2,500 troops in Afghanistan.

Xiden lied....people died. yeah...that was trump's plan....if the agreement was followed, it wasn' we wouldn't of left....but Traitor Joe put politics before national security, and human lives....and surrendered to the terrorist....and destroyed our relations with allies (getting held in contempt of the UK over it), lost are credibilty, and showed how weak we were with him in charge. It's pretty obvious that Putin saw this, and knew it was the perfect time to invade Ukraine again....
We are OUT of Afghanistan.

End of story
Not all Americans, nor all the Afghanistani's your Vegetable Messiah said he wouldn't leave behind.

I know....I know...........ORANGE MAN BAD made him make that promise, right Simp?
What Americans are still in Afghanistan?
"That level of corruption" was ni

haha only a true dembot cultist would ignore the fact the Obama admin attempted to coverup the murder of Americans.....and call having a SoS with an illegal server, with thousands of pages of classified material keep on it, less secure then had it been held in a google account...nil..
What Americans are still in Afghanistan?

BOMBSHELL REPORT: Biden Admin Left 9K Americans in Afghanistan, Originally Claimed 150

If House Republicans were smart they'd work with Democrats to pass routine housekeeping legislation and forget about baseless, partisan investigations.

That would give voters the impression that Republicans are interested in and capable of responsible governance in time for 2024.

We'll see.
Nah; go for the DemoKKKrat jugular; too m uch corruption to find!!! LMAO!!!


BOMBSHELL REPORT: Biden Admin Left 9K Americans in Afghanistan, Originally Claimed 150

Give me names
The lone break with Republicans came once again from Mitt Romney, who told The Bulwark those types of political investigations, particularly into Hunter Biden, are a poor use of Congress’s already-limited resources.

“I think it’s really hard to know what the politics of a course of action might be in this day and age, to know where our party stands, what our base wants, what independent voters want,” Romney said. “But I think you have to do what you think is right and I think the American people want us to tackle some of the big challenges we have—immigration, inflation, and so forth—and the other things that divert from those priorities I think are a waste of time.”

Will congressional Repubs pay a price with the base over wasting time with fruitless investigations motivated by revenge for Dem's having the audacity to investigate a failed coup? I really don't know. The base seems more interested in being entertained than solving the country's problems.
A RINO tells the Republican Party not to investigate Hunter.

It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if the Republicans follow his advice. The establishment GOP is wimpy, wimpy wimpy.
We are OUT of Afghanistan.

End of story

And your zionist pals love it.

Taliban in control with $80 billion US weapons...

W loved taliban.
Biden loves taliban
Israel loves taliban


Are fascist Zionist people frauds in charge?.

That FITS the data....

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