House Republicans ‘May Dig Their Own Grave’ With Fringe Political Investigations

I post 102....but I'll do it again for you:

Fact Check: Military testimony on Afghanistan appears to contradict Biden’s previous statements on troop level​
When asked by ABC’s George Stephanopoulous whether “top military advisers warned against withdrawing on this timeline,” Biden responded, “No, they didn’t.”

To clarify, Stephanopoulous asked, “So no one told – your military advisers did not tell you, ‘No, we should just keep 2,500 troops. It’s been a stable situation for the last several years. We can do that. We can continue to do that’?” To which Biden said, “No one said that to me that I can recall.”

“I won’t share my personal recommendation to the President but I will give you my honest opinion. And my honest opinion and view shaped my recommendation,” McKenzie said. “I recommended that we maintain 2,500 troops in Afghanistan.

Xiden lied....people died. yeah...that was trump's plan....if the agreement was followed, it wasn' we wouldn't of left....but Traitor Joe put politics before national security, and human lives....and surrendered to the terrorist....and destroyed our relations with allies (getting held in contempt of the UK over it), lost are credibilty, and showed how weak we were with him in charge. It's pretty obvious that Putin saw this, and knew it was the perfect time to invade Ukraine again....
Pick an choose from cnn.

"They refused to share exactly what they had told the sitting President but shared their personal opinions on the situation."

“I would note today in the testimony that was given by Secretary Austin, by General Milley, they made clear, Secretary Austin specifically said, if you stay there at a force posture of 2,500, certainly you’d be in a fight with the Taliban, and you’d have to reinforce,” Psaki said.

“It was also clear, and clear to him, that that would not be a long-standing recommendation, that there would need to be an escalation, an increase in troop numbers, it would also need, it would also mean war with the Taliban and it would also mean the potential loss of casualties. The President was just not willing to make that decision. He didn’t think it was in our, the interest of the American people or the interests of, of our troops,” she continued.

“There was no one who said five years from now we could have 2,500 troops and that would be sustainable,” Psaki said. “And I think that’s important for people to know and to understand.”

Pick an choose from cnn.

"They refused to share exactly what they had told the sitting President but shared their personal opinions on the situation."

“I would note today in the testimony that was given by Secretary Austin, by General Milley, they made clear, Secretary Austin specifically said, if you stay there at a force posture of 2,500, certainly you’d be in a fight with the Taliban, and you’d have to reinforce,” Psaki said.

“It was also clear, and clear to him, that that would not be a long-standing recommendation, that there would need to be an escalation, an increase in troop numbers, it would also need, it would also mean war with the Taliban and it would also mean the potential loss of casualties. The President was just not willing to make that decision. He didn’t think it was in our, the interest of the American people or the interests of, of our troops,” she continued.

“There was no one who said five years from now we could have 2,500 troops and that would be sustainable,” Psaki said. “And I think that’s important for people to know and to understand.”

what am i picking and choosing? They wanted 2500…they wanted to keep the trump plan that was working in place. xiden ignored them and surrendered in the middle of the night…betraying our allies and leaving americans hostage
The lone break with Republicans came once again from Mitt Romney, who told The Bulwark those types of political investigations, particularly into Hunter Biden, are a poor use of Congress’s already-limited resources.

“I think it’s really hard to know what the politics of a course of action might be in this day and age, to know where our party stands, what our base wants, what independent voters want,” Romney said. “But I think you have to do what you think is right and I think the American people want us to tackle some of the big challenges we have—immigration, inflation, and so forth—and the other things that divert from those priorities I think are a waste of time.”

Will congressional Repubs pay a price with the base over wasting time with fruitless investigations motivated by revenge for Dem's having the audacity to investigate a failed coup? I really don't know. The base seems more interested in being entertained than solving the country's problems.
We've had 4 years of fringe political investigations from the left.
Trumps plan was:

* Remove all American citizens
* Remove all the Afghans that helped the US military.
* Remove or destroy all military equipment.
* Remove troops.
Those are talking points. Not an evacuation plan. When in his fit of rage he ordered the complete withdrawal by Jan 15, 2021, he didn't give the military a plan. After he flip flopped and change it to 2,500 troops, when they likely told him what a shit show that would be, there was no order to draw up plans for the April 30th deadline. That was all left to the next CiC.
Those are talking points. Not an evacuation plan. When in his fit of rage he ordered the complete withdrawal by Jan 15, 2021, he didn't give the military a plan. After he flip flopped and change it to 2,500 troops, when they likely told him what a shit show that would be, there was no order to draw up plans for the April 30th deadline. That was all left to the next CiC.
Trump was still in office on Jan 15. No troops were evacuated by then.
Trump was still in office on Jan 15. No troops were evacuated by then.

"Based on my advice and the advice of the commanders, then Secretary of Defense, Esper, submitted a memorandum on nine November recommending to maintain US forces at a level between about 2500 and 4500 in Afghanistan until conditions were met for further reduction. Two days later on 11, November, 2020, I received an unclassified signed order directing the United States military to withdraw all forces from Afghanistan no later than 15, January, 2021.

Gen. Milley: (32:48)
After further discussions regarding the risks associated with such a withdrawal, the order was rescinded. On 17 November we received a order, to reduce levels to 2,500 plus enabling forces no later than 15 January.

Of course the key is plus enabling forces because....(well, because nobody ever reads this stuff or they would find.......)

When president Biden was inaugurated, there were approximately 3,500 US troops, 5,400 NATO troops and 6,300 contractors in Afghanistan with a specified task of train, advise and assist along with a small contingent of counter terrorism forces. The strategic situation at inauguration was stalemate. The Biden administration through the National Security Council process conducted a rigorous interagency review of the situation in Afghanistan in February, March and April. During this process, the views of the joint chiefs of staff, all of us, the CENTCOM commander, General McKenzie, the [US 4A commander 00:33:49], General Miller and myself were all given serious consideration by the administration.
I don't think the people are against investigations into wrong doing. They are against investigations that waste millions and never do anything. NOW you're against investigations that waste millions and never do anything? That pretty much sums up every investigation into Donald Trump for the past six years, PK! But NOW you think we need to stop? Aren't you the funny one!!!
Almost exactly what you fuckers are accusing Hunter of… only on a much grander scale
The lone break with Republicans came once again from Mitt Romney, who told The Bulwark those types of political investigations, particularly into Hunter Biden, are a poor use of Congress’s already-limited resources.

“I think it’s really hard to know what the politics of a course of action might be in this day and age, to know where our party stands, what our base wants, what independent voters want,” Romney said. “But I think you have to do what you think is right and I think the American people want us to tackle some of the big challenges we have—immigration, inflation, and so forth—and the other things that divert from those priorities I think are a waste of time.”

Will congressional Repubs pay a price with the base over wasting time with fruitless investigations motivated by revenge for Dem's having the audacity to investigate a failed coup? I really don't know. The base seems more interested in being entertained than solving the country's problems.
Thank you so much for looking out for us. What would we do without the advice of our Biden voting friends 😂

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