House Republicans voted 60 times to repeal O-care & couldn't do it one more time when it counts


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017

Whatever one thinks about O-care, the real laughing stocks are the Republicans. For seven years House Republicans carried on and on and impotently voted some 60 times (!!!) to repeal Obamacare. Then, upon gaining control of the House, Senate and White House, they can't submit GOP-written legislations and vote one more time to repeal it, to say nothing of vote on it and see it pass.


And there is no Democrat to blame for it.

It's really quite clear that the GOP is very good at complaining....governing, not so much. The O-care repeal is just the latest illustration of that existentiality. And who's fault is it? Trump's. He's POTUS; he's supposed to lead and he has not done that.
  • The Wall --> Mexico's not paying
  • Travel Ban --> Stuck in court
  • Iran Deal --> Not ripped up on day one as promised
  • Presidential integrity --> Questionable to non-existent
  • Russians and Trump's people --> Not looking good
And just what of note has Trump actually achieved so far? Well, he's written a lot of executive orders instructing various members of the Administration to look at a variety of things.

You will recall from the campaign that we were going to be "sick of winning." Perhaps he meant that Albanians were going to win so much they'd get sick of winning?

Oh, wait. Maybe we weren't supposed to take that literally just as we aren't supposed to do with much else Trump says. Well, that was a claim Trump made that I didn't take literally, but only because I had the sense not to believe it in the first place.

What's even sadder is that the reason the GOP couldn't "get 'er done" is purely political. The Freedom Caucus had to have everything they wanted and if they didn't get it, they weren't going to vote for the bill. Why? Because they are ideologues, not policymakers. They care only about what they think, not about what's any good. They think they know what's best and they are determined to insist that we all accede to what they think, and if they don't get their way, they'll stop anything from happening. They aren't in Congress to be part of a solution and they have now shown that they are in fact part of the problem, if not the problem. So it is when a handful of extremists get a little bit of power.

Sadly, moderate Republicans apparently found it anathema to reach out to moderate and conservative Democrats so they didn't have to be bothered with the extremist and uncollaborative Freedom Caucus. That's what they should have done, but they couldn't get past politics to do it. There's no excuse for that because Democrats long ago admitted that O-care is imperfect; they've long been willing to figure out ways to fix what's broken with it. But moderate House Republicans wouldn't try that tack. Why? Because they also don't know how to govern. Like the Freedom Caucus people, they know how to oppose things, not how to get things done.
Put that bill up and it would be completely supported. But that's not the bill we had
Paul Ryan the Douchebag earns his new title...

...Paul Ryan the Thoroughly Incompetent Douchebag.
Paul Ryan the Douchebag earns his new title...

...Paul Ryan the Thoroughly Incompetent Douchebag.

I don't think Ryan's a d-bag or thoroughly incompetent. He's not "ready for primetime" when it comes to governing and leading; that's clear. Unlike Trump, I think he can get there.

I cut him a bit of slack because even though he is Speaker, I recall him stating that he didn't really want that job, but he took it for the sake of the party. Ryan knew he wasn't really ready for the Speaker's job, but he was liked and popular, so he ended up with it. Boehner was able to do the job, but the extremists in his conference didn't like him because he was actually doing the job that being Speaker actually entails rather than doing what they thought was his job. He knew what they and, apparently, Ryan did not. That mess too was just another illustration of ideologues thinking they know what they are talking about and doing, when the fact is they do not.

You see that same behavior daily from USMB's ideologues, and if you tell someone that, all they want to do is insult you. Well, that's effectively what the House ideologues did to Boehner and now they and everyone else can see that what they really did was, essentially, cut off their nose to spite their face. Neophytes, you can't live with 'em, and they won't let anyone live without 'em.
What this proves to me is rino's and moderates ran for office on the wave of aca hatred but when it came time to put up or shut up they ran like little school girls.
John Q Public will laugh when they come calling again.
What a joke. Eight years of telling us they had a better plan.

You knew as well as I did that they never had a plan other than the one to cast "showboat" votes.

If they'd have had a draft bill that was any good, they'd have shared it ages ago and had all the kinks worked out so that passing the bill, as a process, was little but window dressing.
I've been preaching ever since some moderturd RINO suggested "replacing" meat puppet faggot care, that it doesn't need to be replaced. It's a fucking abortion. Just flush it and be done with it.

I don't want the utterly incompetent and inefficient bureaucrooks in DC to have the slightest amount of authority over the industry. Every thing thone parasites in DC touch turns to shit.

Repeal obozocare and roll back the LIBRARIES of regulations that basically do nothing but create more costs. We don't need a "Healthcare System", we need an industry free to market it's services.

Sam I Am, Green Eggs & Ham Cruz has been filibusteringly vindicated!


Nope Never mind.


Would you like them
In a house?
Would you like them
With a mouse?

I do not like them
In a house.
I do not like them
With a mouse.
I do not like them
Here or there.
I do not like them
I do not like green eggs and ham.
I do not like them, Sam-I-am

Whatever one thinks about O-care, the real laughing stocks are the Republicans. For seven years House Republicans carried on and on and impotently voted some 60 times (!!!) to repeal Obamacare. Then, upon gaining control of the House, Senate and White House, they can't submit GOP-written legislations and vote one more time to repeal it, to say nothing of vote on it and see it pass.


And there is no Democrat to blame for it.

It's really quite clear that the GOP is very good at complaining....governing, not so much. The O-care repeal is just the latest illustration of that existentiality. And who's fault is it? Trump's. He's POTUS; he's supposed to lead and he has not done that.
  • The Wall --> Mexico's not paying
  • Travel Ban --> Stuck in court
  • Iran Deal --> Not ripped up on day one as promised
  • Presidential integrity --> Questionable to non-existent
  • Russians and Trump's people --> Not looking good
And just what of note has Trump actually achieved so far? Well, he's written a lot of executive orders instructing various members of the Administration to look at a variety of things.

You will recall from the campaign that we were going to be "sick of winning." Perhaps he meant that Albanians were going to win so much they'd get sick of winning?

Oh, wait. Maybe we weren't supposed to take that literally just as we aren't supposed to do with much else Trump says. Well, that was a claim Trump made that I didn't take literally, but only because I had the sense not to believe it in the first place.

What's even sadder is that the reason the GOP couldn't "get 'er done" is purely political. The Freedom Caucus had to have everything they wanted and if they didn't get it, they weren't going to vote for the bill. Why? Because they are ideologues, not policymakers. They care only about what they think, not about what's any good. They think they know what's best and they are determined to insist that we all accede to what they think, and if they don't get their way, they'll stop anything from happening. They aren't in Congress to be part of a solution and they have now shown that they are in fact part of the problem, if not the problem. So it is when a handful of extremists get a little bit of power.

Sadly, moderate Republicans apparently found it anathema to reach out to moderate and conservative Democrats so they didn't have to be bothered with the extremist and uncollaborative Freedom Caucus. That's what they should have done, but they couldn't get past politics to do it. There's no excuse for that because Democrats long ago admitted that O-care is imperfect; they've long been willing to figure out ways to fix what's broken with it. But moderate House Republicans wouldn't try that tack. Why? Because they also don't know how to govern. Like the Freedom Caucus people, they know how to oppose things, not how to get things done.

Yeah pretty hilarious.

The GOP had 7 years to find a replacement plan that they could agree on.

But couldn't.

Their attempt here was everything that they lied about the Affordable Care Act- it was rushed, it had no bipartisan support, the GOP used every tactic to try to ram this through the House that the Right whined about the AFA, and my favorite- they tried to ram it through without members even reading the entire bill.

Epic failure.

Imagine if Republicans were more concerned about improving healthcare- rather than being able to claim they 'repealed Obamacare'- if they focused on fixing the parts of the Affordable Care Act they claim isn't working, they could get bipartisan support.
I've been preaching ever since some moderturd RINO suggested "replacing" meat puppet faggot care, that it doesn't need to be replaced. It's a fucking abortion. Just flush it and be done with it.

I don't want the utterly incompetent and inefficient bureaucrooks in DC to have the slightest amount of authority over the industry. Every thing thone parasites in DC touch turns to shit.

Repeal obozocare and roll back the LIBRARIES of regulations that basically do nothing but create more costs. We don't need a "Healthcare System", we need an industry free to market it's services.

Yep- and fuck Americans who can't afford health insurance.

Like those with pre-existing conditions.
they tried to ram it through without members even reading the entire bill.

I'm not going to try to make excuses for the Dems not reading the ACA, for I think Congresspersons should read in its entirety all the legislation they vote for or against. That said, I read a part of the ACHA, and though it was a bit of nuisance, I still did it because I wanted to understand the part I was interested in. But I'm not a paid legislator, so I can cherry-pick parts to read. Be that as it may, the ACHA is only 120-130 pages long -- but there's a lot of whitespace on the pages, so it's about the same amount of text as about a 60-80 page paper -- so there's really no excuse for Congresspersons not reading it seeing as they are paid to be there and do that.

Whatever one thinks about O-care, the real laughing stocks are the Republicans. For seven years House Republicans carried on and on and impotently voted some 60 times (!!!) to repeal Obamacare. Then, upon gaining control of the House, Senate and White House, they can't submit GOP-written legislations and vote one more time to repeal it, to say nothing of vote on it and see it pass.


And there is no Democrat to blame for it.

It's really quite clear that the GOP is very good at complaining....governing, not so much. The O-care repeal is just the latest illustration of that existentiality. And who's fault is it? Trump's. He's POTUS; he's supposed to lead and he has not done that.
  • The Wall --> Mexico's not paying
  • Travel Ban --> Stuck in court
  • Iran Deal --> Not ripped up on day one as promised
  • Presidential integrity --> Questionable to non-existent
  • Russians and Trump's people --> Not looking good
And just what of note has Trump actually achieved so far? Well, he's written a lot of executive orders instructing various members of the Administration to look at a variety of things.

You will recall from the campaign that we were going to be "sick of winning." Perhaps he meant that Albanians were going to win so much they'd get sick of winning?

Oh, wait. Maybe we weren't supposed to take that literally just as we aren't supposed to do with much else Trump says. Well, that was a claim Trump made that I didn't take literally, but only because I had the sense not to believe it in the first place.

What's even sadder is that the reason the GOP couldn't "get 'er done" is purely political. The Freedom Caucus had to have everything they wanted and if they didn't get it, they weren't going to vote for the bill. Why? Because they are ideologues, not policymakers. They care only about what they think, not about what's any good. They think they know what's best and they are determined to insist that we all accede to what they think, and if they don't get their way, they'll stop anything from happening. They aren't in Congress to be part of a solution and they have now shown that they are in fact part of the problem, if not the problem. So it is when a handful of extremists get a little bit of power.

Sadly, moderate Republicans apparently found it anathema to reach out to moderate and conservative Democrats so they didn't have to be bothered with the extremist and uncollaborative Freedom Caucus. That's what they should have done, but they couldn't get past politics to do it. There's no excuse for that because Democrats long ago admitted that O-care is imperfect; they've long been willing to figure out ways to fix what's broken with it. But moderate House Republicans wouldn't try that tack. Why? Because they also don't know how to govern. Like the Freedom Caucus people, they know how to oppose things, not how to get things done.

My understanding was this wasn't about repealing Obamacare. It was about replacing it.......which they never should have even tried.
But the difference between Democrats and Republicans is Republicans try to fix a problem. Democrats simply create them.
Maybe conservatives should go back to trying something easy... rolling back same sex marriage rights...

moderates ran for office on the wave of aca hatred but when it came time to put up or shut up they ran like little school girls.
The moderates were "down with" the bill until it got changed to suit the Freedom Caucus who even after getting some concessions, still weren't satisfied.


As one can see, there are more than enough Democrats for the GOP moderates to have collaborated with to fix O-care's ills instead of trying to repeal it. Partnering with the Dems would also have been a procedural boon, for it'd have helped fill the governance gap; the Dems got O-care passed, after all, so like it or not, they are the party that's demonstrated they can build consensus to pass legislation. Dems know how to pass legislation rather than be the reason it doesn't pass, which is about all the GOP have a lot of experience with doing.

Whatever one thinks about O-care, the real laughing stocks are the Republicans. For seven years House Republicans carried on and on and impotently voted some 60 times (!!!) to repeal Obamacare. Then, upon gaining control of the House, Senate and White House, they can't submit GOP-written legislations and vote one more time to repeal it, to say nothing of vote on it and see it pass.


And there is no Democrat to blame for it.

It's really quite clear that the GOP is very good at complaining....governing, not so much. The O-care repeal is just the latest illustration of that existentiality. And who's fault is it? Trump's. He's POTUS; he's supposed to lead and he has not done that.
  • The Wall --> Mexico's not paying
  • Travel Ban --> Stuck in court
  • Iran Deal --> Not ripped up on day one as promised
  • Presidential integrity --> Questionable to non-existent
  • Russians and Trump's people --> Not looking good
And just what of note has Trump actually achieved so far? Well, he's written a lot of executive orders instructing various members of the Administration to look at a variety of things.

You will recall from the campaign that we were going to be "sick of winning." Perhaps he meant that Albanians were going to win so much they'd get sick of winning?

Oh, wait. Maybe we weren't supposed to take that literally just as we aren't supposed to do with much else Trump says. Well, that was a claim Trump made that I didn't take literally, but only because I had the sense not to believe it in the first place.

What's even sadder is that the reason the GOP couldn't "get 'er done" is purely political. The Freedom Caucus had to have everything they wanted and if they didn't get it, they weren't going to vote for the bill. Why? Because they are ideologues, not policymakers. They care only about what they think, not about what's any good. They think they know what's best and they are determined to insist that we all accede to what they think, and if they don't get their way, they'll stop anything from happening. They aren't in Congress to be part of a solution and they have now shown that they are in fact part of the problem, if not the problem. So it is when a handful of extremists get a little bit of power.

Sadly, moderate Republicans apparently found it anathema to reach out to moderate and conservative Democrats so they didn't have to be bothered with the extremist and uncollaborative Freedom Caucus. That's what they should have done, but they couldn't get past politics to do it. There's no excuse for that because Democrats long ago admitted that O-care is imperfect; they've long been willing to figure out ways to fix what's broken with it. But moderate House Republicans wouldn't try that tack. Why? Because they also don't know how to govern. Like the Freedom Caucus people, they know how to oppose things, not how to get things done.

My understanding was this wasn't about repealing Obamacare. It was about replacing it.......which they never should have even tried.
But the difference between Democrats and Republicans is Republicans try to fix a problem. Democrats simply create them.


Whatever one thinks about O-care, the real laughing stocks are the Republicans. For seven years House Republicans carried on and on and impotently voted some 60 times (!!!) to repeal Obamacare. Then, upon gaining control of the House, Senate and White House, they can't submit GOP-written legislations and vote one more time to repeal it, to say nothing of vote on it and see it pass.


And there is no Democrat to blame for it.

It's really quite clear that the GOP is very good at complaining....governing, not so much. The O-care repeal is just the latest illustration of that existentiality. And who's fault is it? Trump's. He's POTUS; he's supposed to lead and he has not done that.
  • The Wall --> Mexico's not paying
  • Travel Ban --> Stuck in court
  • Iran Deal --> Not ripped up on day one as promised
  • Presidential integrity --> Questionable to non-existent
  • Russians and Trump's people --> Not looking good
And just what of note has Trump actually achieved so far? Well, he's written a lot of executive orders instructing various members of the Administration to look at a variety of things.

You will recall from the campaign that we were going to be "sick of winning." Perhaps he meant that Albanians were going to win so much they'd get sick of winning?

Oh, wait. Maybe we weren't supposed to take that literally just as we aren't supposed to do with much else Trump says. Well, that was a claim Trump made that I didn't take literally, but only because I had the sense not to believe it in the first place.

What's even sadder is that the reason the GOP couldn't "get 'er done" is purely political. The Freedom Caucus had to have everything they wanted and if they didn't get it, they weren't going to vote for the bill. Why? Because they are ideologues, not policymakers. They care only about what they think, not about what's any good. They think they know what's best and they are determined to insist that we all accede to what they think, and if they don't get their way, they'll stop anything from happening. They aren't in Congress to be part of a solution and they have now shown that they are in fact part of the problem, if not the problem. So it is when a handful of extremists get a little bit of power.

Sadly, moderate Republicans apparently found it anathema to reach out to moderate and conservative Democrats so they didn't have to be bothered with the extremist and uncollaborative Freedom Caucus. That's what they should have done, but they couldn't get past politics to do it. There's no excuse for that because Democrats long ago admitted that O-care is imperfect; they've long been willing to figure out ways to fix what's broken with it. But moderate House Republicans wouldn't try that tack. Why? Because they also don't know how to govern. Like the Freedom Caucus people, they know how to oppose things, not how to get things done.

My understanding was this wasn't about repealing Obamacare. It was about replacing it.......which they never should have even tried.
But the difference between Democrats and Republicans is Republicans try to fix a problem. Democrats simply create them.


Whatever one thinks about O-care, the real laughing stocks are the Republicans. For seven years House Republicans carried on and on and impotently voted some 60 times (!!!) to repeal Obamacare. Then, upon gaining control of the House, Senate and White House, they can't submit GOP-written legislations and vote one more time to repeal it, to say nothing of vote on it and see it pass.


And there is no Democrat to blame for it.

It's really quite clear that the GOP is very good at complaining....governing, not so much. The O-care repeal is just the latest illustration of that existentiality. And who's fault is it? Trump's. He's POTUS; he's supposed to lead and he has not done that.
  • The Wall --> Mexico's not paying
  • Travel Ban --> Stuck in court
  • Iran Deal --> Not ripped up on day one as promised
  • Presidential integrity --> Questionable to non-existent
  • Russians and Trump's people --> Not looking good
And just what of note has Trump actually achieved so far? Well, he's written a lot of executive orders instructing various members of the Administration to look at a variety of things.

You will recall from the campaign that we were going to be "sick of winning." Perhaps he meant that Albanians were going to win so much they'd get sick of winning?

Oh, wait. Maybe we weren't supposed to take that literally just as we aren't supposed to do with much else Trump says. Well, that was a claim Trump made that I didn't take literally, but only because I had the sense not to believe it in the first place.

What's even sadder is that the reason the GOP couldn't "get 'er done" is purely political. The Freedom Caucus had to have everything they wanted and if they didn't get it, they weren't going to vote for the bill. Why? Because they are ideologues, not policymakers. They care only about what they think, not about what's any good. They think they know what's best and they are determined to insist that we all accede to what they think, and if they don't get their way, they'll stop anything from happening. They aren't in Congress to be part of a solution and they have now shown that they are in fact part of the problem, if not the problem. So it is when a handful of extremists get a little bit of power.

Sadly, moderate Republicans apparently found it anathema to reach out to moderate and conservative Democrats so they didn't have to be bothered with the extremist and uncollaborative Freedom Caucus. That's what they should have done, but they couldn't get past politics to do it. There's no excuse for that because Democrats long ago admitted that O-care is imperfect; they've long been willing to figure out ways to fix what's broken with it. But moderate House Republicans wouldn't try that tack. Why? Because they also don't know how to govern. Like the Freedom Caucus people, they know how to oppose things, not how to get things done.

My understanding was this wasn't about repealing Obamacare. It was about replacing it.......which they never should have even tried.
But the difference between Democrats and Republicans is Republicans try to fix a problem. Democrats simply create them.


Whatever one thinks about O-care, the real laughing stocks are the Republicans. For seven years House Republicans carried on and on and impotently voted some 60 times (!!!) to repeal Obamacare. Then, upon gaining control of the House, Senate and White House, they can't submit GOP-written legislations and vote one more time to repeal it, to say nothing of vote on it and see it pass.


And there is no Democrat to blame for it.

It's really quite clear that the GOP is very good at complaining....governing, not so much. The O-care repeal is just the latest illustration of that existentiality. And who's fault is it? Trump's. He's POTUS; he's supposed to lead and he has not done that.
  • The Wall --> Mexico's not paying
  • Travel Ban --> Stuck in court
  • Iran Deal --> Not ripped up on day one as promised
  • Presidential integrity --> Questionable to non-existent
  • Russians and Trump's people --> Not looking good
And just what of note has Trump actually achieved so far? Well, he's written a lot of executive orders instructing various members of the Administration to look at a variety of things.

You will recall from the campaign that we were going to be "sick of winning." Perhaps he meant that Albanians were going to win so much they'd get sick of winning?

Oh, wait. Maybe we weren't supposed to take that literally just as we aren't supposed to do with much else Trump says. Well, that was a claim Trump made that I didn't take literally, but only because I had the sense not to believe it in the first place.

What's even sadder is that the reason the GOP couldn't "get 'er done" is purely political. The Freedom Caucus had to have everything they wanted and if they didn't get it, they weren't going to vote for the bill. Why? Because they are ideologues, not policymakers. They care only about what they think, not about what's any good. They think they know what's best and they are determined to insist that we all accede to what they think, and if they don't get their way, they'll stop anything from happening. They aren't in Congress to be part of a solution and they have now shown that they are in fact part of the problem, if not the problem. So it is when a handful of extremists get a little bit of power.

Sadly, moderate Republicans apparently found it anathema to reach out to moderate and conservative Democrats so they didn't have to be bothered with the extremist and uncollaborative Freedom Caucus. That's what they should have done, but they couldn't get past politics to do it. There's no excuse for that because Democrats long ago admitted that O-care is imperfect; they've long been willing to figure out ways to fix what's broken with it. But moderate House Republicans wouldn't try that tack. Why? Because they also don't know how to govern. Like the Freedom Caucus people, they know how to oppose things, not how to get things done.

My understanding was this wasn't about repealing Obamacare. It was about replacing it.......which they never should have even tried.
But the difference between Democrats and Republicans is Republicans try to fix a problem. Democrats simply create them.


Whatever one thinks about O-care, the real laughing stocks are the Republicans. For seven years House Republicans carried on and on and impotently voted some 60 times (!!!) to repeal Obamacare. Then, upon gaining control of the House, Senate and White House, they can't submit GOP-written legislations and vote one more time to repeal it, to say nothing of vote on it and see it pass.


And there is no Democrat to blame for it.

It's really quite clear that the GOP is very good at complaining....governing, not so much. The O-care repeal is just the latest illustration of that existentiality. And who's fault is it? Trump's. He's POTUS; he's supposed to lead and he has not done that.
  • The Wall --> Mexico's not paying
  • Travel Ban --> Stuck in court
  • Iran Deal --> Not ripped up on day one as promised
  • Presidential integrity --> Questionable to non-existent
  • Russians and Trump's people --> Not looking good
And just what of note has Trump actually achieved so far? Well, he's written a lot of executive orders instructing various members of the Administration to look at a variety of things.

You will recall from the campaign that we were going to be "sick of winning." Perhaps he meant that Albanians were going to win so much they'd get sick of winning?

Oh, wait. Maybe we weren't supposed to take that literally just as we aren't supposed to do with much else Trump says. Well, that was a claim Trump made that I didn't take literally, but only because I had the sense not to believe it in the first place.

What's even sadder is that the reason the GOP couldn't "get 'er done" is purely political. The Freedom Caucus had to have everything they wanted and if they didn't get it, they weren't going to vote for the bill. Why? Because they are ideologues, not policymakers. They care only about what they think, not about what's any good. They think they know what's best and they are determined to insist that we all accede to what they think, and if they don't get their way, they'll stop anything from happening. They aren't in Congress to be part of a solution and they have now shown that they are in fact part of the problem, if not the problem. So it is when a handful of extremists get a little bit of power.

Sadly, moderate Republicans apparently found it anathema to reach out to moderate and conservative Democrats so they didn't have to be bothered with the extremist and uncollaborative Freedom Caucus. That's what they should have done, but they couldn't get past politics to do it. There's no excuse for that because Democrats long ago admitted that O-care is imperfect; they've long been willing to figure out ways to fix what's broken with it. But moderate House Republicans wouldn't try that tack. Why? Because they also don't know how to govern. Like the Freedom Caucus people, they know how to oppose things, not how to get things done.

My understanding was this wasn't about repealing Obamacare. It was about replacing it.......which they never should have even tried.
But the difference between Democrats and Republicans is Republicans try to fix a problem. Democrats simply create them.

Was it the democrats who created the problem in iraq?
Was it the democrats who created the problems leading to 9/11
Was it the democrats who created the unemployment problem
Was it the democrats who created the housing crash
Was it the democrats who destroyed the Bush economy

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