House Republicans voted 60 times to repeal O-care & couldn't do it one more time when it counts

Paul Ryan the Douchebag earns his new title...

...Paul Ryan the Thoroughly Incompetent Douchebag.

Really this one is on the Tea Party meaning YOU. It was Tea Party politicians the far out conservative right that refused to sign off on this bill. They wanted a lot more cut out of it. Which would have turned away moderate Republicans--so it was dead on arrival in the first place. It was never going anywhere.

"The rag-tag rabble-rousing House Freedom Caucus may be the linchpin to repeal and replace Obamacare at this point.

Its members, however, are Public Enemy No. 1 on Capitol Hill.

The group of conservative agitators who've irked leadership, held the line against spending bills and rebelled against trade priorities of leaders have now helped delay a health care have now killed it.

Rep. Bradley Byrne, an Alabama Republican and member of the Republican Study Committee, a large group of fiscal conservatives, complained Thursday morning that the Freedom Caucus continues to throw out an expanding list of demands and suggested there was little to be done to get some in that group on board and it was time to move on.

"They don't know how to get to yes. They just don't."

They are also the reason John Boehner--Former house leader quit. Who stated today that Republicans could never get together on a health care bill to replace Obamacare.

"Former Speaker John Boehner said Republicans were “wildly optimistic” on the campaign trail in promising voters a full and immediate repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), popularly known as Obamacare.

“[Congressional Republicans are] going to fix Obamacare — I shouldn’t call it repeal-and-replace, because it’s not going to happen,” Boehner said, according to a report by Politico.

Politico said Boehner made the comments about the ACA, which could disgruntle Republicans who campaigned heavily against the law, at the HIMSS Annual Conference & Exhibition, a gathering of health care professionals, scientists and scholars held in Orlando, Florida, on Thursday.

During the keynote address, Boehner, who retired from Congress in 2015, was reported to have labeled the Republican’s repeal-and-replacement strategy as “happy talk.”
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced

So they said NO to Trump--LOL

"My Dad never takes NO for an answer."


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If Obamacare is not repealed and replaced by the midterms, there should be hell to pay for incumbent Republicans who would not figure out a way to get it done.
moderates ran for office on the wave of aca hatred but when it came time to put up or shut up they ran like little school girls.
The moderates were "down with" the bill until it got changed to suit the Freedom Caucus who even after getting some concessions, still weren't satisfied.


As one can see, there are more than enough Democrats for the GOP moderates to have collaborated with to fix O-care's ills instead of trying to repeal it. Partnering with the Dems would also have been a procedural boon, for it'd have helped fill the governance gap; the Dems got O-care passed, after all, so like it or not, they are the party that's demonstrated they can build consensus to pass legislation. Dems know how to pass legislation rather than be the reason it doesn't pass, which is about all the GOP have a lot of experience with doing.
That is exactly what republicans should be doing, working with democrats to remove and change parts of Obamacare that simply do not work. Republicans do not have enough votes in the Senate to repeal Obamacare. It would take 60 votes to repeal it because a simply majority would allow for endless filibuster.

Republicans are trying to use a process called "budget reconciliation," which would allow the Senate to dismantle large chunks of Obamacare with a simple majority vote. Budget reconciliation does have a limitation. It allows the Senate to change the law but only the parts of the law that effect the budget.

The House's first draft seem to meet the requirements for budget reconciliation. It made 52 updates that would have an effect of taxes or expenses. Then the House started changing the bill in order to get more votes in the House. The finial bill which was voted down in the House today would be very unlikely to meet the requirements for Budget Reconciliation which means it would be DOA in Senate. So even if the bill had passed, it would have gone nowhere in the Senate. The Senate would have to rewrite the bill and send it back to House.

This is what Democrats have been warning Republicans about for years. Changing the American healthcare system is really hard because of the very divergent views within each party.

So many laws passed by congress effect only a small part of the population but not healthcare. Healthcare laws can make a big impact on almost everyone lives which is why we should not make drastic changes as was done with Obamacare.

We know exactly what the problems are in Obamacare because we have plenty of data, not guesses. It would be far better to fix what is not working in Obamacare rather subject the American public to another new healthcare system that experts can only guess at what the outcome might be.
I like it. Let's watch the Democrat clusterfuck, Obamascum, implode

If Obamacare is not repealed and replaced by the midterms, there should be hell to pay for incumbent Republicans who would not figure out a way to get it done.
Repealing it would be almost impossible with the Senate as it is today. However, certain parts of the law can be change.
If Obamacare is not repealed and replaced by the midterms, there should be hell to pay for incumbent Republicans who would not figure out a way to get it done.
Repealing it would be almost impossible with the Senate as it is today. However, certain parts of the law can be change.

I would be fine with removing the worst elements, but something needs to be done to undo that shit show.

Rates are up 115% in Arizona this's an absolute Dumpster Wreck...or a Train Fire, take your pick.
What a joke. Eight years of telling us they had a better plan.

You knew as well as I did that they never had a plan other than the one to cast "showboat" votes.

If they'd have had a draft bill that was any good, they'd have shared it ages ago and had all the kinks worked out so that passing the bill, as a process, was little but window dressing.
The tards will NEVER catch on to this fact, even though I have been pointing it out to them since I came to this forum.

God only knows how many times I asked them, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?!"
Healthcare cost soar under Repubtard Presidents. Clinton & Obama saved this country from disaster & Republicans know it! They only talk tough on Obamacare for show to fool stupid voters. They never intend to actually end it.

If Obamacare is not repealed and replaced by the midterms, there should be hell to pay for incumbent Republicans who would not figure out a way to get it done.
Repealing it would be almost impossible with the Senate as it is today. However, certain parts of the law can be change.

I would be fine with removing the worst elements, but something needs to be done to undo that shit show.

Rates are up 115% in Arizona this's an absolute Dumpster Wreck...or a Train Fire, take your pick.
Those are premiums on the exchanges where only 14% of American get their insurance. You get these anomalies every year for certain age groups in certain areas of the country where the insurance pools are small and claims are high.

Most of the people buying insurance on the exchanges are doing so because they can't get employee sponsored insurance. Most of them have fairly serious pre-existing conditions and have chronic medical problems. At least half exceed their deductible every year. Their financial risk to the insurer is 4 times that of the average employee sponsored group plan and thus their premium is much higher and the size of the pool makes premium variations erratic.

Let's take a serious look at how much premiums have increase in 2016.
Employee Sponsored insurance 3%
Medicare 4%
Medicaid 0%
Individual Insurance 22%, 8% after subsidies.

The health insurance market is stable in most all areas of the country and there is no indications of collapse. The average increase in premiums paid by the public is only slightly higher than the increase in healthcare cost.
If Obamacare is not repealed and replaced by the midterms, there should be hell to pay for incumbent Republicans who would not figure out a way to get it done.
Repealing it would be almost impossible with the Senate as it is today. However, certain parts of the law can be change.

I would be fine with removing the worst elements, but something needs to be done to undo that shit show.

Rates are up 115% in Arizona this's an absolute Dumpster Wreck...or a Train Fire, take your pick.
Those are premiums on the exchanges where only 14% of American get their insurance. You get these anomalies every year for certain age groups in certain areas of the country where the insurance pools are small and claims are high.

Most of the people buying insurance on the exchanges are doing so because they can't get employee sponsored insurance. Most of them have fairly serious pre-existing conditions and have chronic medical problems. At least half exceed their deductible every year. Their financial risk to the insurer is 4 times that of the average employee sponsored group plan and thus their premium is much higher and the size of the pool makes premium variations erratic.

Let's take a serious look at how much premiums have increase in 2016.
Employee Sponsored insurance 3%
Medicare 4%
Medicaid 0%
Individual Insurance 22%, 8% after subsidies.

The health insurance market is stable in most all areas of the country and there is no indications of collapse. The average increase in premiums paid by the public is only slightly higher than the increase in healthcare cost.
You're a delusional piece of shit
Paul Ryan the Douchebag earns his new title...

...Paul Ryan the Thoroughly Incompetent Douchebag.

I don't think Ryan's a d-bag or thoroughly incompetent. He's not "ready for primetime" when it comes to governing and leading; that's clear. Unlike Trump, I think he can get there.

I cut him a bit of slack because even though he is Speaker, I recall him stating that he didn't really want that job, but he took it for the sake of the party. Ryan knew he wasn't really ready for the Speaker's job, but he was liked and popular, so he ended up with it. Boehner was able to do the job, but the extremists in his conference didn't like him because he was actually doing the job that being Speaker actually entails rather than doing what they thought was his job. He knew what they and, apparently, Ryan did not. That mess too was just another illustration of ideologues thinking they know what they are talking about and doing, when the fact is they do not.

You see that same behavior daily from USMB's ideologues, and if you tell someone that, all they want to do is insult you. Well, that's effectively what the House ideologues did to Boehner and now they and everyone else can see that what they really did was, essentially, cut off their nose to spite their face. Neophytes, you can't live with 'em, and they won't let anyone live without 'em.
No, he's done.

Closed door bullshit....pass a bill to see what's in it....

Bringing a bill to the floor without the votes to pass it.
If Obamacare is not repealed and replaced by the midterms, there should be hell to pay for incumbent Republicans who would not figure out a way to get it done.
Repealing it would be almost impossible with the Senate as it is today. However, certain parts of the law can be change.

I would be fine with removing the worst elements, but something needs to be done to undo that shit show.

Rates are up 115% in Arizona this's an absolute Dumpster Wreck...or a Train Fire, take your pick.
Those are premiums on the exchanges where only 14% of American get their insurance. You get these anomalies every year for certain age groups in certain areas of the country where the insurance pools are small and claims are high.

Most of the people buying insurance on the exchanges are doing so because they can't get employee sponsored insurance. Most of them have fairly serious pre-existing conditions and have chronic medical problems. At least half exceed their deductible every year. Their financial risk to the insurer is 4 times that of the average employee sponsored group plan and thus their premium is much higher and the size of the pool makes premium variations erratic.

Let's take a serious look at how much premiums have increase in 2016.
Employee Sponsored insurance 3%
Medicare 4%
Medicaid 0%
Individual Insurance 22%, 8% after subsidies.

The health insurance market is stable in most all areas of the country and there is no indications of collapse. The average increase in premiums paid by the public is only slightly higher than the increase in healthcare cost.

And the increase in healthcare costs is due to insurance.
What a joke. Eight years of telling us they had a better plan.

You knew as well as I did that they never had a plan other than the one to cast "showboat" votes.

If they'd have had a draft bill that was any good, they'd have shared it ages ago and had all the kinks worked out so that passing the bill, as a process, was little but window dressing.
The tards will NEVER catch on to this fact, even though I have been pointing it out to them since I came to this forum.

God only knows how many times I asked them, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?!"
And that has been the question that Republicans can not answer. Damn near ever Republican wants to repeal Obamacare but they have no idea what to replace it with. Eventually they will have to work with Democrats to solve some of the problems in Obamacare which will be really good for the country.

moderates ran for office on the wave of aca hatred but when it came time to put up or shut up they ran like little school girls.
The moderates were "down with" the bill until it got changed to suit the Freedom Caucus who even after getting some concessions, still weren't satisfied.


As one can see, there are more than enough Democrats for the GOP moderates to have collaborated with to fix O-care's ills instead of trying to repeal it. Partnering with the Dems would also have been a procedural boon, for it'd have helped fill the governance gap; the Dems got O-care passed, after all, so like it or not, they are the party that's demonstrated they can build consensus to pass legislation. Dems know how to pass legislation rather than be the reason it doesn't pass, which is about all the GOP have a lot of experience with doing.
Complete & utter horseshit. The dems were only able to pass the bill after bribing their own members with big payoffs and changing the house rules.

Stop trying to rewrite history, you look foolish
moderates ran for office on the wave of aca hatred but when it came time to put up or shut up they ran like little school girls.
The moderates were "down with" the bill until it got changed to suit the Freedom Caucus who even after getting some concessions, still weren't satisfied.


As one can see, there are more than enough Democrats for the GOP moderates to have collaborated with to fix O-care's ills instead of trying to repeal it. Partnering with the Dems would also have been a procedural boon, for it'd have helped fill the governance gap; the Dems got O-care passed, after all, so like it or not, they are the party that's demonstrated they can build consensus to pass legislation. Dems know how to pass legislation rather than be the reason it doesn't pass, which is about all the GOP have a lot of experience with doing.
That is exactly what republicans should be doing, working with democrats to remove and change parts of Obamacare that simply do not work. Republicans do not have enough votes in the Senate to repeal Obamacare. It would take 60 votes to repeal it because a simply majority would allow for endless filibuster.

Republicans are trying to use a process called "budget reconciliation," which would allow the Senate to dismantle large chunks of Obamacare with a simple majority vote. Budget reconciliation does have a limitation. It allows the Senate to change the law but only the parts of the law that effect the budget.

The House's first draft seem to meet the requirements for budget reconciliation. It made 52 updates that would have an effect of taxes or expenses. Then the House started changing the bill in order to get more votes in the House. The finial bill which was voted down in the House today would be very unlikely to meet the requirements for Budget Reconciliation which means it would be DOA in Senate. So even if the bill had passed, it would have gone nowhere in the Senate. The Senate would have to rewrite the bill and send it back to House.

This is what Democrats have been warning Republicans about for years. Changing the American healthcare system is really hard because of the very divergent views within each party.

So many laws passed by congress effect only a small part of the population but not healthcare. Healthcare laws can make a big impact on almost everyone lives which is why we should not make drastic changes as was done with Obamacare.

We know exactly what the problems are in Obamacare because we have plenty of data, not guesses. It would be far better to fix what is not working in Obamacare rather subject the American public to another new healthcare system that experts can only guess at what the outcome might be.
Couldn't agree with you more.
That is exactly what republicans should be doing, working with democrats to remove and change parts of Obamacare that simply do not work....We know exactly what the problems are in Obamacare because we have plenty of data, not guesses. It would be far better to fix what is not working in Obamacare rather subject the American public to another new healthcare system that experts can only guess at what the outcome might be.

Yes. That would be the right thing to do on so many levels. Sadly, politics (and as you surely have observed, political discourse) has devolved to become an exercise in "how can I screw the other party and maintain power for mine" rather than "how can I do right by the American people."
That is exactly what republicans should be doing, working with democrats to remove and change parts of Obamacare that simply do not work....We know exactly what the problems are in Obamacare because we have plenty of data, not guesses. It would be far better to fix what is not working in Obamacare rather subject the American public to another new healthcare system that experts can only guess at what the outcome might be.

Yes. That would be the right thing to do on so many levels. Sadly, politics (and as you surely have observed, political discourse) has devolved to become an exercise in "how can I screw the other party and maintain power for mine" rather than "how can I do right by the American people."
Of course. Under Obama we belonged in the back of the bus. Elections had consequences.
Under the gop we should be inclusive....

Go fuck yourself

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