House to kill immigration bill?

What America needs is to make it Illegal to give a job to an Illegal Alien...

What America needs is to make it Illegal to sell or rent housing to an Illegal Alien...

What America needs is to make it Illegal to provide education services to an Illegal Alien...

What America needs is to make it Illegal to sell or rent a car to an Illegal Alien...

What America needs to do is to make it Illegal to issue Drivers' Licenses or State IDs to Illegal Aliens...

What America needs is to make it Illegal to provide medical services to an Illegal Alien (except for life-saving emergency medicine services for humanitarian purposes)...

What America needs is to make it Illegal to provide financial or wire-transfer services to an Illegal Alien...

What America needs to do is to make it Illegal to provide social or welfare services to an Illegal Alien...

What America needs to to is to make it Illegal to shelter or give sanctuary to an Illegal Alien or to declare a political entity (state, county, city, etc.) as a sanctuary for Illegals...

What America needs to do is to put big, vicious legal teeth into the enforcement of violations of such laws, utilizing heavy fines, prison time, etc., with increasing severity for each subsequent offense...

What America needs to do is to render our country inhospitable to Illegal Aliens and to cause them to SELF-DEPORT at their OWN expense, without burdening the taxpayers with rounding them up and trying them and subsequently deporting them...


The answer is NOT a servile, dishonorable surrender to an invasion of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens who are now present upon United States soil without our prior express consent...

The answer is NOT to reward these 12,000,000 trespassers and lawbreakers and job-stealers and additional mouths to feed, with their dream of staying here, and obtaining a path to citizenship...

The answer is NOT to set the stage for yet ANOTHER round of millions-upon-millions of Illegals flooding across our border in the future because the new outsiders will know from past history that the Americans lack the balls to enforce their own sovereignty...

In 1986, Reagan arranged a Shamnesty for 3,000,000 - and the government promised us that this would be a one-time shot, never to be repeated again...

They were full of $hit back then... and they are every bit as full of $hit now... except that the stakes have quadrupled to 12,000,000 this time... hell, 12,000,000 x 4 for the NEXT time will equal 48,000,000 in another 30 years, at that rate...

I would rather than my kids and grandkids not end-up living in some Third World $hithole, such as the United States is likely to turn into, if we allow this to continue unchecked... thank you very much.

Our government has showed itself entirely unreliable in enforcing our EXISTING laws pertaining to immigration, and to defend our borders over the past few decades.

Whatever-in-the-world makes some of us think that Obama and the Feds are going to wave an ICE Magic Wand and Fairy Dust over the border with this new POS law and that it's all gonna be OK?

More delaying-tactics Kool-Aid for the Sheeple, methinks.

Immigration Reform = codespeak for Shamnesty.

Kill the Bill.
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Rubio lost any support I might have given him when it was proven that he had been lying about the Border Security portion of the bill.

And they are still running ads claiming that border security was always first despite Rubio's admission.

What a bunch of liars.

Kill this bill.

Write a separate bill that is only about border security and get it passed and fully funded first.
Taz and the rest of the non-thinking far right are destroying the GOP on this issue.
Hmmmm. Illegal immigration is down. Net migration from Mexico is at zero ( negative, actually ). More illegal immigrants are being deported than ever before.

And...the GOP spendthrifts want to dump an additional $30 billion plus on border security. Odd.

This entire border security argument is nothing but GOP candidates campaigning from the floor of Congress on our dime. " Secure the border first" is a simple bumper sticker sound bite that the rubes can latch onto and will make a neat little ad for any of these wimps to play if they get primaried in November.

This is America. A nation of immigrants whose strength is drawn from immigrants.
The bill must be three-pronged and simultaneous: boarder security, immigration reform, economic sanctions.

No compromises.
The bill must be three-pronged and simultaneous: boarder security, immigration reform, economic sanctions.

No compromises.

No compromises?

Guess you never learned that the House and Senate are supposed to compromise on a bill that between what both houses of govt. want.

That's how govt. works. It compromises.

No compromise= GOP defeat in 2014.
Exactly. My GOP must compromise if it wishes to survive in 2014. It must give in on reform and the Dems must give in on border security. If the GOP does the first and the dems refuse the second, the GOP will keep the House in 2014.
Exactly. My GOP must compromise if it wishes to survive in 2014. It must give in on reform and the Dems must give in on border security. If the GOP does the first and the dems refuse the second, the GOP will keep the House in 2014.

Your GOP? You are a Liberal plant Jake. The words "my" and "GOP" should not be uttered in the same breath by you. It's too plainly obvious to see.

The Senate immigration bill: Do we finally have a deal?

With this new deal on enforcing the border with 20,000 more troops, hundreds of miles of new fences, drones, and robot death machines, its possible that the Senate vote on the bill could approach 70 votes.

However, it is possible, however insane, that the House won't even let the bill come to a vote.

If the Senate passes this bill with even 65 votes, but the House doesn't even let it come to the floor for a vote, the GOP will look HORRIBLE and will truly reap the whirlwind in 2014's elections.

As much as I hate the GOP and want the Dems to take back the House, I pray the GOP doesn't do this.

This bill would be great for America and great for securing our Mexican border.

We need this bill. I pray the GOP doesn't kill it. It would be horrible for America if they do.

If they don't kill it..they will probably load it up with enough poison pills as to make it impossible to vote they did with the farm bill.
Exactly. My GOP must compromise if it wishes to survive in 2014. It must give in on reform and the Dems must give in on border security. If the GOP does the first and the dems refuse the second, the GOP will keep the House in 2014.

Your GOP? You are a Liberal plant Jake.

You are nothing but an illiterate game boy reactionary who mistakes gaming for the real world. You are not mainstream. You are not what America desires. That you cannot comprehend the majority mainstream of our GOP despises you idiots is your problem.

Once again, we mainstream GOP compromise on reform and the dems compromise on border security. Whoever blinks will not get the House next year.
Hmmmm. Illegal immigration is down. Net migration from Mexico is at zero ( negative, actually ). More illegal immigrants are being deported than ever before.

And...the GOP spendthrifts want to dump an additional $30 billion plus on border security. Odd.

This entire border security argument is nothing but GOP candidates campaigning from the floor of Congress on our dime. " Secure the border first" is a simple bumper sticker sound bite that the rubes can latch onto and will make a neat little ad for any of these wimps to play if they get primaried in November.

This is America. A nation of immigrants whose strength is drawn from immigrants.

The other shoe is that students are now flocking to China's universities. One of the reasons that western centric cultural mores are dominant in the world is because most of the world's important academics spent time in US educational institutions.

That's going to change.

And it's a self inflicted wound.
Hmmmm. Illegal immigration is down. Net migration from Mexico is at zero ( negative, actually ). More illegal immigrants are being deported than ever before.

And...the GOP spendthrifts want to dump an additional $30 billion plus on border security. Odd.

This entire border security argument is nothing but GOP candidates campaigning from the floor of Congress on our dime. " Secure the border first" is a simple bumper sticker sound bite that the rubes can latch onto and will make a neat little ad for any of these wimps to play if they get primaried in November.

This is America. A nation of immigrants whose strength is drawn from immigrants.

The other shoe is that students are now flocking to China's universities. One of the reasons that western centric cultural mores are dominant in the world is because most of the world's important academics spent time in US educational institutions.

That's going to change.

And it's a self inflicted wound.

Unfortunately. However, the paradigm transfer will take quite a bit of time, and perhaps we can wise up in time.
The President is a Democrat.

The Senate is controlled by Democrats.

The House is controlled by Republicans.

The only way to get anything done in Congress is to compromise.

In 1892 an act passed by Congress provided for the examination of immigrants and the excluding of convicts, polygamists, prostitutes, people suffering from diseases, and people liable to public charges
in 1917 a law was passed that enlarged the list of people who can be legally excluded
It imposed a literary test and created the Asiatic Barred Zone to keep Asians out of this country
It was updated in 1918
In 1921, Congress passed a quota which severely affected the Asian Russia, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and islands in the Pacific and Atlantic
In 1924, the law was expanded to let in northern and western Europeans and exclude almost everyone else


this ..Summary of the Immigration Laws of the United States from 1882

A Summary of the Immigration Laws of the United States from 1882

The Acts of 1891 and 1903 made a number of further additions to the excluded classes (such as anarchists, polygamists, and epileptics), the latter Act raising the head tax to two dollars; but it was not before 1907 that this tax was raised to four dollars, and imbiciles, the feeble-minded, (wow ! if the liberal faction of this forum were to immigrate under those laws none of them would be permitted !! :up:) persons afflicted with tuberculosis, those phyically defective, etc., were excluded. A highly desirable illitetacy test was favored by the Senate, but stricken out by the House of Representatives. (what a shame !!) This was later implemented in 1917. Post World War One saw a drastic reduction and restriction on immigration with a quota system begun in the 1920s. (fantastic !! as it should be now !! :up:)
Hmmmm. Illegal immigration is down. Net migration from Mexico is at zero ( negative, actually ). More illegal immigrants are being deported than ever before.

and the calculation fro the "net zero" is done how, precisely?

( please do not send me to the libtard crap blogs, I want a formula)
Exactly. My GOP must compromise if it wishes to survive in 2014. It must give in on reform and the Dems must give in on border security. If the GOP does the first and the dems refuse the second, the GOP will keep the House in 2014.

Your GOP? You are a Liberal plant Jake. The words "my" and "GOP" should not be uttered in the same breath by you. It's too plainly obvious to see.


he is a libtard posing to be a "Utah GOP". well, he says that, but all his opinions are so far left as Pelosi's
My opinions are mainstream GOP. The trailer libertarians like Vox and the gamers like TK can't accept that they are far far to the right in Reactionaryville.

Either we pass this bill, or our Republican Party is in big trouble.
My opinions are mainstream GOP. The trailer libertarians like Vox and the gamers like TK can't accept that they are far far to the right in Reactionaryville.

Either we pass this bill, or our Republican Party is in big trouble.

The new bill looks like it has MASSIVE efforts against illegals from Mexico, including 20,000 new border troops, drones, hundreds of miles of more fence.

its not a perfect bill, but its damn good.

I'll bet with these new border things the CBO will up their estimation of the number of illegals stopped from 25% to close to 70%.

The House needs to pass this bill or they will look totally obstructionist.
get out of your trailer, jack, pseudo-gop sticker does not change your trailer park psychology

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