House to kill immigration bill?

TrailerTrashVox keeps drooling.

We need to pass this bill now if we wish to keep the GOP viable.

The far right libertarian and reactionary nonsense hurts the GOP.
Taz and the rest of the non-thinking far right are destroying the GOP on this issue.

I'm neither far right nor GOP.

You, however, have a long track record of being completely wrong on just about every political prediction you make, so really, Jake, just stop trying. You are completely out of touch with the average American and one would think you'd have figured that out by now.
I have a long record of correcting Taz and the other deniers for years when they go crazy.

The mainstream of America has nothing for the crazy reactionaries and the minuscule libertarian wings.
TrailerTrashVox keeps drooling.

We need to pass this bill now if we wish to keep the GOP viable.

The far right libertarian and reactionary nonsense hurts the GOP.

Where do you get the idea that libertarians give a flying fuck what happens to the GOP? I certainly don't. If they fade away into obscurity it's not going to ruin my day. You're just wrong about it happening if this piece of shit immigration bill being debated doesn't pass like you're dead wrong about everything else you predict. Republicans are liars, control freaks, and abuse people's rights left and right.

There needs to be a reform to our immigration system and I think the illegals brought here as children should be allowed to stay and earn their citizenship via the Dream Act or some form of it and the system needs to admit people based on needed work skills without family considerations. Employers need to be heavily fined and/or jailed for knowingly using illegal labor.
I have a long record of correcting Taz and the other deniers for years when they go crazy.

So now we're going to add liar to your resume too, is that it? Everyone on this forum knows you're completely full of shit so who do you continue to believe you are fooling?
Taz and the rest of the non-thinking far right are destroying the GOP on this issue.

I'm neither far right nor GOP.

You, however, have a long track record of being completely wrong on just about every political prediction you make, so really, Jake, just stop trying. You are completely out of touch with the average American and one would think you'd have figured that out by now.

Jake is like all of those folks who go on American Idol believing they are great singers because their mom told them so. Saying you are a conservative/Republican and refuting everything conservative/Republican tells a different story. It's like me continually saying I'm a young black female. One look tells you it just ain't so. :eusa_hand:
kwc57 and Taz have trouble believing the demographic shifts are happening in this country, though the last three elections have shown no minor set back will stop them.

You guys have to understand you are on the wrong side of history. You are flatly, irrevocably wrong about this.
If the GOP-run House kills this bill and the party dies, then at least it dies with dignity. Unlike the panderers who are on their knees with Hispanic dicks in their mouths and old semen drying on their chins.

How's that taste, Rubio?
kwc57 and Taz have trouble believing the demographic shifts are happening in this country, though the last three elections have shown no minor set back will stop them.

Where did I deny demographic shifts, Jake? Telling another lie?

You guys have to understand you are on the wrong side of history. You are flatly, irrevocably wrong about this.

You have to understand you suffer from delusions of grandeur.
The numbers favor the Dems on this issue. If the Pubs fail the minorities, they will inevitably flow and go in ever increasing numbers to the opposition.

The reactionary wing apparently want a one-party state dominated by the Democrats.
Let's put it to the test and find out...

GOPers act like they could never get Hispanic votes.

There are MANY independent and successful Hispanic businessmen.

If GOPers lighten up on immigration and focus on helping small businessmen and workers, they will get more Hispanic votes.

But if they kill this bill, Hispanics will look passed any fiscal ideas that make sense, and just see the party that killed our best chance at immigration reform and fixing the border in a generation.

I don't understand then why Hispanics in this demographic should be above the law. Or, above those who wait in line.

The law was to build a fence. And today, the same who made the law, want to reward those that ignored the law, that the fence was to address.:confused:

I think low information voters (Democrats) feel that illegals entering this country is immigration....
Then when Republicans fight against it they are considered racists.
They get this from the Liberal media.

Secure the border first.Then go from there.
Rozman is wrong. Nothing new.

Secure the border, enhance economic sanctions, immigration reform.

All together. Otherwise, nothing will work.
What we want makes perfect sense, and the compromise we are willing to make is a path to citizenship.

Fix the border FIRST.

Then the path opens and not one second before. One is contingent on the other.

We've done this all before in 1986...big promises of border security and no results.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Fix the border, fix it permanently...when we have a secure border, we start processing applications.
Their will be no fixing the border FIRST. Secure the border, enhance economic sanctions, immigration reform. All together. Otherwise, nothing will work.

We give the Dems control for the next twenty years and beyond if we don't.
Their will be no fixing the border FIRST. Secure the border, enhance economic sanctions, immigration reform. All together. Otherwise, nothing will work.

We give the Dems control for the next twenty years and beyond if we don't.
Then the Dems have control for the next twenty years and beyond.

Better for the Party to die with honor than to act in contravention to the best interests of the American People by giving 12,000,000 invaders what they came here for.

Besides, despite all of the Sky-Is-Falling projections about the demise of the GOP if they don't vote for this...

Let's demonstrate the courage to try... let's see if that's what would really happen...

Or if something good might materialize in place of the Sky-Falling predictions...

It's worth a shot...

Kill the Bill...
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