House to kill immigration bill?

If the Senate passes the bill with 63 to 70 votes, and the House does not bring it up, the gerrymandered majority in my GOP House will be at serious risk next year. But more importantly, the Hispanics will, with their Dem allies, began taking back the southwest for the Democratic Party. By 2024 at the very latest, Texas will be blue, and the GOP will be in the deep minority.

Yes, Texas is headed towards being a swing state.

Once that happens, the White House will belong to the Dems forever.

Actually, its heading more towards Rs. They increased their numbers over 2008. I don't think you understand the independence that pervades in Texas. Not that it has anything g to do with Rs and D's.
The Senate immigration bill: Do we finally have a deal?

With this new deal on enforcing the border with 20,000 more troops, hundreds of miles of new fences, drones, and robot death machines, its possible that the Senate vote on the bill could approach 70 votes.

However, it is possible, however insane, that the House won't even let the bill come to a vote.

If the Senate passes this bill with even 65 votes, but the House doesn't even let it come to the floor for a vote, the GOP will look HORRIBLE and will truly reap the whirlwind in 2014's elections.

As much as I hate the GOP and want the Dems to take back the House, I pray the GOP doesn't do this.

This bill would be great for America and great for securing our Mexican border.

We need this bill. I pray the GOP doesn't kill it. It would be horrible for America if they do.

We have been promised that the border would be secured before... 1986, and it didn't happen. This bill will not be great for america nor will it secure the border.

Exactly. Reagan offered amnesty to 8kk illegals and about 3kk illegals took it. Those 3kk illegals gave cover to the other 5kk who thumbed their noses and stayed anyway.

It always puzzled me why Republicans hate American workers so much.
If the Senate passes the bill with 63 to 70 votes, and the House does not bring it up, the gerrymandered majority in my GOP House will be at serious risk next year. But more importantly, the Hispanics will, with their Dem allies, began taking back the southwest for the Democratic Party. By 2024 at the very latest, Texas will be blue, and the GOP will be in the deep minority.

Yes, Texas is headed towards being a swing state.

Once that happens, the White House will belong to the Dems forever.

Actually, its heading more towards Rs. They increased their numbers over 2008. I don't think you understand the independence that pervades in Texas. Not that it has anything g to do with Rs and D's.

Mere reaction of a population of older white social traditionalists that are not breeding as quickly as the minorities. The inevitable will be Texas as a blue state. There is no way around it. And when that happens, the ungerrymandering will begin.
The Senate immigration bill: Do we finally have a deal?

With this new deal on enforcing the border with 20,000 more troops, hundreds of miles of new fences, drones, and robot death machines, its possible that the Senate vote on the bill could approach 70 votes.

However, it is possible, however insane, that the House won't even let the bill come to a vote.

If the Senate passes this bill with even 65 votes, but the House doesn't even let it come to the floor for a vote, the GOP will look HORRIBLE and will truly reap the whirlwind in 2014's elections.

As much as I hate the GOP and want the Dems to take back the House, I pray the GOP doesn't do this.

This bill would be great for America and great for securing our Mexican border.

We need this bill. I pray the GOP doesn't kill it. It would be horrible for America if they do.

We have been promised that the border would be secured before... 1986, and it didn't happen. This bill will not be great for america nor will it secure the border.

Exactly. Reagan offered amnesty to 8kk illegals and about 3kk illegals took it. Those 3kk illegals gave cover to the other 5kk who thumbed their noses and stayed anyway.

It always puzzled me why Republicans hate American workers so much.

Rs and Ds both want cheap labor. D's get the added benefit of more votes. Neither party cares about securing the border for those reasons.
No, Geaux, we do that, and there will be no GOP in 12 years.

Wipe your chin off, Jake BTW: still waiting on your definition of "immigration reform".

That's you and your friend you are looking at in the mirror, RV; don't project your fantasies onto me.

Immigration reform, economic sanctions, border fence. I can support the Senate version so far, which will pass with a veto proof majority. We will see what the House comes up with.
No, Geaux, we do that, and there will be no GOP in 12 years.

Wipe your chin off, Jake BTW: still waiting on your definition of "immigration reform".

That's you and your friend you are looking at in the mirror, RV; don't project your fantasies onto me.

Immigration reform, economic sanctions, border fence. I can support the Senate version so far, which will pass with a veto proof majority. We will see what the House comes up with.

And Jake doesn't even answer my question.
Your question was answered: I support the Senate's version.

If you are past being childish with ad homs, what do you want different than the Senate version?
Your question was answered: I support the Senate's version.

If you are past being childish with ad homs, what do you want different than the Senate version?

The Senate's version just makes things worse, not better. That's not reform.

What would i do different? Build a solid 20 ft. border wall made of brick (no chainlink fence and no rusty flimsy sheet metal). I would increase penalties for hiring illegals, make Everfy mandatory and make it a federal order that all law enforcement agencies enforce the immigration laws on the books. No new layers of bureaucracy...No visa quota increases


We don't need no stinking Reform!

We need to enforce the Laws we already have, Señor!
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Your question was answered: I support the Senate's version.

If you are past being childish with ad homs, what do you want different than the Senate version?

The Senate's version just makes things worse, not better. That's not reform.

What would i do different? Build a solid 20 ft. border wall made of brick (no chainlink fence and no rusty flimsy sheet metal). I would increase penalties for hiring illegals, make Everfy mandatory and make it a federal order that all law enforcement agencies enforce the immigration laws on the books. No new layers of bureaucracy...No visa quota increases

Meathead, there is no amnesty, first, and your are deliberately lying because you know better.

Second, no round of illegal aliens will happen.

Third, there is a lot of $$$ for border security in the bill.

Fourth, there are economic sanctions in the bill.

Therefore, you are simply saying you don't want illegal aliens.

Americans want them more than they want you.
Bullshit Jake you are lying through your teeth.
America wants the borders secure...and the Senate version does no such thing.
Its funny how you pick and choose when you want to believe what the Senators say on any given subject.
On page 35, line 24 of the new bill, a provision was inserted that says Napolitano--who already believes the border is secure--can decide against building a fence if she chooses not to erect one:

Notwithstanding paragraph (1), nothing in this subsection shall require the Secretary to install fencing, or infrastructure that directly results from the installation of such fencing, in a particular location along the Southern border, if the Secretary determines that the use or placement of such resources is not the most appropriate means to achieve and maintain effective control over the Southern border at such location.

The “paragraph (1)” that new waiver refers to is the one that supposedly “requires” the construction of a fence along the border.

Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall establish a strategy, to be known as the ‘Southern Border Fencing Strategy,’ to identify where 700 miles of fencing (including double-layer fencing), infrastructure, and technology, including at ports of entry, should be deployed along the Southern border,” that paragraph of the bill reads.

Repackaged Amnesty Bill Allows Napolitano to Nix Border Fence
On page 35, line 24 of the new bill, a provision was inserted that says Napolitano--who already believes the border is secure--can decide against building a fence if she chooses not to erect one:

Notwithstanding paragraph (1), nothing in this subsection shall require the Secretary to install fencing, or infrastructure that directly results from the installation of such fencing, in a particular location along the Southern border, if the Secretary determines that the use or placement of such resources is not the most appropriate means to achieve and maintain effective control over the Southern border at such location.

The “paragraph (1)” that new waiver refers to is the one that supposedly “requires” the construction of a fence along the border.

Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall establish a strategy, to be known as the ‘Southern Border Fencing Strategy,’ to identify where 700 miles of fencing (including double-layer fencing), infrastructure, and technology, including at ports of entry, should be deployed along the Southern border,” that paragraph of the bill reads.

Repackaged Amnesty Bill Allows Napolitano to Nix Border Fence

Of course the liars at would lie.

This refers to fencing in specific locations, not the entire thing!!!!
Immigration bill passes key test vote in Senate

Bill passed its first Senate vote by 67 votes.

The GOP would be suicidal to kill it now in the House.

They will truly look like the party of petty obstructionism.

They should, will, and had better stop it in it's tracks.

Or its Utopia for the left.... And the final nail in the coffin of prosperity

It's what the people want- It's what the people get

They should, will, and had better stop it in it's tracks.

Or its Utopia for the left.... And the final nail in the coffin of prosperity

It's what the people want- It's what the people get


Do that, and they are fucked in 2014.

· Immediate amnesty before enforcement

· Guts legal requirement for biometric exit-entry system

· Millions of green cards (permanent residency) before enforcement—debunking another false claim from sponsors

· No border surge. Agents aren’t required until 2021. It will never happen

· No fence requirement. DHS retains discretion in the bill that preempts the call for a fence in ten years. Litigation also provides an escape hatch to never build the fence. The fence won’t happen

· Legalization for gang members and convicted criminals

· Amnesty for future visa overstays (in other words, a prospective amnesty for future illegal immigrants)

· Guaranteed welfare access for illegal immigrants

· Undermines interior enforcement, prompting ICE officers to warn: “There is no doubt that, if passed, public safety will be endangered and massive amounts of future illegal immigration—especially visa overstays—is ensured.”

· Expands non-merit chain migration—less than 10 percent of future flow is merit-based

· Doubles the number of guest workers and triples the number of immigrants granted lawful permanent residency—reducing wages for U.S. workers and driving up unemployment
Bullshit Jake you are lying through your teeth.
America wants the borders secure...and the Senate version does no such thing.
Its funny how you pick and choose when you want to believe what the Senators say on any given subject.

The fence is not the only way. You describe yourself in the last sentence.

It's funny how America would ship you to Mexico in a heartbeat for some immigrant who won't drain America's resources like you do.

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