House to kill immigration bill?

shroom is lying in his mouf. Newspapers today across the country discussed that type of lie and showed up how the enemies of the American way, like shroom, lie.
These fools on the left supporting this bill don't even know what is in it.. Just as they didn't want to know what was in the Obama-care bill.

They just know that Obama wants it and that is good enough for them.
A provision under that new stimulus program title allows for the use of spending the taxpayer money on the program to provide transportation for youth to and from their jobs.

(1) IN GENERAL.—The funds made available under this section shall be used—
(A) to provide summer employment opportunities for low-income youth, with direct linkages to academic and occupational learning, and may be used to provide supportive services, such as transportation or child care, that is necessary to enable the participation of such youth in the opportunities;”

The total appropriation for this new stimulus program would be $1.5 billion that would be divvied up among states that applied for the money. According to the proposed statute as written, all the money would need to be spent in a year-and-three-months period.

“The amounts appropriated under this title shall be available for obligation by the Secretary of Labor until December 31, 2014, and shall be available for expenditure by grantees (including subgrantees) until September 30, 2015,” the part of the provision detailing how long the money would be available for reads.

A GOP senate aide told Breitbart News that for the country to be able to spend $1.5 billion on such a program so fast, it would need to buy, lease or rent motor vehicles for beneficiaries of the new government handout. The provision that outlines how the money can be legally used for providing “supportive services” like “transportation,” the aide said, could easily be interpreted to mean the money could be spent buying or leasing or renting vehicles for the beneficiaries.

“This appears to give states authority to buy, lease or rent motorcycles, cars and scooters or anything kids want to buy to get to and from a job,” the GOP aide said.
You can add Hollywood to the long list of industries and special interests securing carve-outs and favors in the Corker Amendment to the Senate immigration bill. Film studios and record companies already receive preferential treatment for visa applications. The Corker Amendment, however, goes even further and, in specific circumstances, waives any fees studios have to pay for these applications. These fees are used to underwrite immigration enforcement.

Under current law, celebrities, athletes and people of extraordinary ability can apply for a special visa, designated as "O" or "P" to enter the US. The USCIS, tasked with internal immigration enforcement, is required to process these applications within 14 days. The Senate immigration bill continues this preferential treatment. A new provision in the Corker Amendment, authored by VT Sen. Pat Leahy, however, would also waive all fees if these applications weren't processed within 14 days. The fees are not insignificant and can total around $1,500. The fees are used to fund the USCIS's immigration enforcement.

Sen. Leahy, it bears remembering, played himself in at least one recent Batman movie.

In the months after enactment of the Senate bill, the USCIS is likely to be flooded with both visa and provisional status applications. Rock stars and other celebrities will not only stay at the front of the application line, but will be financially protected if the flood of applications causes them delays.

There are possibly other special benefits for the film and recording industry tucked into the Corker Amendment. The 1,200 page bill was released late Friday, providing just around 72 hours for Senators and staff to digest its consequences before the Senate holds its critical vote.
The Corker Amendment ostensibly addresses measures to beef up border security. It, however, is also likely to be the last amendment considered on the immigration bill. As such, it has become a 1,000+ page amendment to supplant the current proposal and provide multiple new provisions. It has become the vehicle for ObamaCare 2.0.

Buried within the text of the Amendment is a seemingly innocuous provision:

(f) APPLICABILITY OF CERTAIN GROUNDS OF INADMISSIBILITY.—In determining an alien’s inadmissibility under this section, section 212(a)(9)(B) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(9)(B)) shall not apply.

What does that mean?

Current law states that those applying for green cards are ineligible if they are either "illegally present" at any point or overstay the terms of their work visa. Such an immigrant, in current law, would have to return to their home country and restart the immigration process. The Corker Amendment wipes away that enforcement mechanism.

In the current draft of the Corker Amendment, any worker in the country on a legal work visa for 10 years can get a green card, even if they overstay their visa. The Corker Amendment allows immigrants to break the law in the future and still be eligible for citizenship. It absolves prospective behavior, not simply past mistakes.

Prior to the Corker Amendment, the 4.5 million immigrants outside the country on a visa waiting-list were subject to laws restricting their presence in the US. The Gang Senate bill would offer them immediate green cards, as long as they hadn't violated current US Law.

The language in the new Corker Amendment referenced above, however, would remove this restriction. They would become immediately eligible for a green card, even if they lived illegally in this country. The Corker Amendment wipes away any immigration enforcement. It is designed to maximize the number of individuals who qualify for citizenship.
In one vote, Sen. Jeff Sessions, Alabama Republican, tried to prevent anyone but citizens and green-card holders from being able to claim the Earned Income Tax Credit, which uses the tax code to transfer money to the poor.

But Sen. Charles E. Schumer, New York Democrat, said that would deny the tax credit not only to legalized immigrants but also refugees, asylum-seekers and other legal workers.

And Sen. Mazie K. Hirono, Hawaii Democrat, said denying the tax credit to legalized immigrants would hurt their children, many of whom are U.S. citizens.

Read more: Senate panel OKs tax-welfare benefits for newly legal immigrants - Washington Times
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Doesn't matter, shroom, what you think. This is over as far as the Senate matters.

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted Monday to allow illegal immigrants who get legal status to begin collecting tax-welfare payments

Now who is the liar?

Your link doesn't work.

And no, they won't be eligible for welfare until they become citizens.

They came here as illegals, got amnesty then go on welfare...

IS that what you want your children's taxes to go to?

As far as the link goes... Bing it.
Doesn't matter, shroom, what you think. This is over as far as the Senate matters.

It's not what I "Think", it's what I know.

And hopefully at least 10 of those Republicans will get enough of an earful that they will change their votes next time.

If not...

We still have a chance in the House to kill it.
They came here as illegals, got amnesty then go on welfare...

IS that what you want your children's taxes to go to?

you think 11 million illegals are gonna instantly go on welfare as soon as they are eligable?

talk about fear mongering.
They came here as illegals, got amnesty then go on welfare...

IS that what you want your children's taxes to go to?

you think 11 million illegals are gonna instantly go on welfare as soon as they are eligable?

talk about fear mongering.

How many do you think aren't gonna be jumping on either welfare or some other social program?

Even if it just one, that is one too many.
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How many do you think aren't gonna be jumping on either welfare or some other social program?

Even if it just one, that is one too many.

meanwhile Conservatives love to collect from our social welfare programs.

i have a co-worker who consantly bitches about democrats and liberals and the "47%".

meanwhile he lives in govt. subsidized housing and his mom is on Medicaid & Medicare even though she never worked a day in her life in the USA.
Doesn't matter, shroom, what you think. This is over as far as the Senate matters.

It's not what I "Think", it's what I know.

And hopefully at least 10 of those Republicans will get enough of an earful that they will change their votes next time.

If not...

We still have a chance in the House to kill it.

You have no chance to kill it in the Senate.

If you kill it in the House, the GOP loses it next year, then a bill that will make this one seem like milk toast will be passed.

Your day of the far right, the hating right, is over.
They came here as illegals, got amnesty then go on welfare...

IS that what you want your children's taxes to go to?

you think 11 million illegals are gonna instantly go on welfare as soon as they are eligable?

talk about fear mongering.

How many do you think aren't gonna be jumping on either welfare or some other social program?

Even if it just one, that is one too many.

It's over in the Senate. Let's see if the GOP shoots itself in the head in the House.

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