House to kill immigration bill?

Fact: Most latinos will never vote for Republicans even if they become a pro-welfare european-style party.

If the Senate passes the bill with 63 to 70 votes, and the House does not bring it up, the gerrymandered majority in my GOP House will be at serious risk next year. But more importantly, the Hispanics will, with their Dem allies, began taking back the southwest for the Democratic Party. By 2024 at the very latest, Texas will be blue, and the GOP will be in the deep minority.

Yes, Texas is headed towards being a swing state.

Once that happens, the White House will belong to the Dems forever.

Are liberals in this forum rooting for a single-party system?

In certain South American countries the vote has become extensively ethnic-based, so there is no real alternance anymore. I guess that´s your model.
Mere reaction of a population of older white social traditionalists that are not breeding as quickly as the minorities. The inevitable will be Texas as a blue state. There is no way around it. And when that happens, the ungerrymandering will begin.

Media propaganda works so well. Many people still believe that only old white males vote Republican. But Romney won the white vote nationally in every age segment, including a +20 point margin among 30-44 year olds.
Let the Dems have the cesspool full bore. They made it, let them own it

Meanwhile I will MYOB and prepare for what the people voted for.

Bring it

That's fine. The bill in 2015 as a consequence of a defeat this year will make you cry and weep.
Your question was answered: I support the Senate's version.

If you are past being childish with ad homs, what do you want different than the Senate version?

The Senate's version just makes things worse, not better. That's not reform.

What would i do different? Build a solid 20 ft. border wall made of brick (no chainlink fence and no rusty flimsy sheet metal). I would increase penalties for hiring illegals, make Everfy mandatory and make it a federal order that all law enforcement agencies enforce the immigration laws on the books. No new layers of bureaucracy...No visa quota increases

Meathead, there is no amnesty, first
Walks like a duck...quacks like a duck...

Third, there is a lot of $$$ for border security in the bill.
I'm sure there was a lot of $$$ for border security in the 1986 bill too.

Fourth, there are economic sanctions in the bill
Very little

Therefore, you are simply saying you don't want illegal aliens
Correct. I don't like it when criminals are allowed to roam free.

Americans want them more than they want you.
And Jakey ends his post with an insult. How typical.
If the house blocks the bill, the GOP loses the House in 2014.

We'll see. When the real consequences of this bill comes to light, more and more Americans will be calling for it to be killed and the GOP will be vindicated and the members in the Gang of 8 will be the ones fighting to keep their jobs.
Fact: Most latinos will never vote for Republicans even if they become a pro-welfare european-style party.

If the Senate passes the bill with 63 to 70 votes, and the House does not bring it up, the gerrymandered majority in my GOP House will be at serious risk next year. But more importantly, the Hispanics will, with their Dem allies, began taking back the southwest for the Democratic Party. By 2024 at the very latest, Texas will be blue, and the GOP will be in the deep minority.

Yes, Texas is headed towards being a swing state.

Once that happens, the White House will belong to the Dems forever.

Are liberals in this forum rooting for a single-party system?
It's already obvious that many Extreme Lefties prefer a dictatorship.
That's what you were all saying about Bush's bill and ever since the tide has been rising against you.

The House will go Democrat in 2014 if the bill fails this years, and in 2015 you will get the grandmother of all bills on immigration, with liberal press calling BHO the Lincoln of Immigration Reform.

You will give Christie the WH in 2016 with huge Dem majorities in Senate and House, and then the reactionary right will drift off into history.

You idiots.
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The fence was authorized and budgeted years ago. Build the freaking thing and enforce border security like every other nation on the freaking globe and then decide what to do with the criminals who already illegally entered the Country. Hooray for the republican majority in the House if they can buck the power of the left wing propaganda machine and do the right thing.
The Senate's version just makes things worse, not better. That's not reform.

What would i do different? Build a solid 20 ft. border wall made of brick (no chainlink fence and no rusty flimsy sheet metal). I would increase penalties for hiring illegals, make Everfy mandatory and make it a federal order that all law enforcement agencies enforce the immigration laws on the books. No new layers of bureaucracy...No visa quota increases

Meathead, there is no amnesty, first
Walks like a duck...quacks like a duck...

I'm sure there was a lot of $$$ for border security in the 1986 bill too.

Very little

Therefore, you are simply saying you don't want illegal aliens
Correct. I don't like it when criminals are allowed to roam free.

Americans want them more than they want you.
And Jakey ends his post with an insult. How typical.

And the one trump card.

Big Sis can disregard any part of the law that she wants, from building the fence to limits on the number of immigrants.

With a wave of her hand and some ink from her pen, presto-change-o , the immigration bill is no longer what it was when it was voted on.
Americans want the immigrants more than they want the reactionary far right.

Simple fact, guys: go boo hoo elsewhere.

We don't need an immigration bill.

We need to prosecute those who break laws. Just not the ones we want to enforce

We don't need an immigration bill.

We need to prosecute those who break laws. Just not the ones we want to enforce


America disagrees with you.

Many Republicans disagree with you.

if the House GOP rejects this bill without having an alternative bill, they are fucked in 2014.
"Americans want the immigrants..."
Oh, hor$e$hit... most of America wants the little peckerwoods to go away; they just can't figure out how to do it, and throw their hands up, and cave-in.

The only reason why some of our opinion polls show a higher percentage in favor of so-called Immigration Reform is because America is friggin' sick and tired of hearing about it, and disgusted with a lying, bull$hitting government that will not enforce our laws and that puts the interests of 12,000,000 invaders above the interests of its own people; folks just aren't thinking ahead as to what that approval or flaccid consent and non-resistance actually means.

When they have the true impact laid out for them, regarding what such a vile and dishonorable surrender to 12,000,000 invaders truly means - with respect to a tightening of the job market and various trades - and when they come to understand that having low-balling payrollers lowers the wages which they can demand - and when they stop and think for a couple of seconds about how many jobs have been stolen-away from higher-paid American workers in the construction trades and the factories, they sing a different tune than the one they sang for the pollsters.

Americans aren't against Immigrants... but they ARE against ILLEGAL Immigrants... or Illegal ALIENS, to be more precise; foreign nationals (aliens), present upon United States soil, without our express prior consent.

They don't mind a couple of dozen thousand newcomers arriving the LEGAL way each year but they DO object - when they think about it at all - to millions upon millions of Illegals flooding our country - and they DO object to the Pubs taking sides with the Illegals in order to obtain Cheap Labor - and they DO object to the Dems taking sides with the Illegals in anticipation of hordes of new and grateful voters once they've attained citizenship.

Americans, on the whole, when they bother to think about this at all, oftentimes view their Elected Officials and Political Parties as Vote Whores, and talk amongst themselves about how to get our government to begin siding with its own People again rather than with Outsiders and Invaders.

America doesn't NEED these 12,000,000, and America doesn't WANT these 12,000,000, but, given the Vote Whores we have running the show, America is probably going to be forced to EAT (assimilate) those 12,000,000, unless another delaying action can be fought, which forestalls the Democrats until 2014, when the more rabid pro-Illegals types in the Obama Administration can be neutralized with a larger percentage share of Pubs in Congress (all threats and similar old tricks by the pro-Illegals and Obamabots about Latino voter revenge, notwithstanding).

What America needs is a government which sides with its own people rather than Invaders.

Kill the Bill.
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America relies on illegal immigrants to clean our homes, pick our fruit & vegetables, care for our kids, care for our lawns and gardens.

Many of these jobs are jobs that Americans don't want.

And if Americans did take them, they would demand MUCH higher pay, so all our costs would go up.

Americans like their cheap illegal labor. :)
America relies on illegal immigrants to clean our homes, pick our fruit & vegetables, care for our kids, care for our lawns and gardens.

Many of these jobs are jobs that Americans don't want.

And if Americans did take them, they would demand MUCH higher pay, so all our costs would go up.

Americans like their cheap illegal labor. :)

America is addicted to cheap Illegals labor.

But we did just fine without them before they came here.

And we'll do just fine without them if they're nudged home via Self-Deportation.

It's time to break the cycle of addiction, rather than to feed it.
America is addicted to cheap Illegals labor.

But we did just fine without them before they came here.

And we'll do just fine without them if they're nudged home via Self-Deportation.

It's time to break the cycle of addiction, rather than to feed it.

Americans are NOT willing to pay more for food, lawn-care, child-care, and home-cleaning.

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