House to kill immigration bill?

It would appear as though they are willing to put your theory to the test... :eusa_angel: ...most excellent!

I welcome their demise.
Somehow, I don't think they're as worried about it, as you are looking forward to it.

Which speaks volumes about the genuineness of your 'concern' over their demise should they fail to pass it, as previously indicated...

Clearly, someone is going to be disappointed...

But, in any event, it looks like they will Kill the Bill...

Which, in the end, is what signifies, for our purposes here...
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I dont' think it'll cost the gop the House in 14, but the gop won't be winning national elections for some time if Hill decides to occupy the WH for a term or two.
If republicans think this will get them one hispanic vote they are truly delusional.
If republicans think this will get them one hispanic vote they are truly delusional.
Confidence is fairly high that the Republicans have long-since written-off the Hispanic vote, in large part, even though it would be nice to have, so this may be a moot point.

Confidence is also fairly high that a great many Americans do not appreciate the idea of a particular ethnic or racial or nation-of-origin group attempting to blackmail our political parties into letting several million of their brothers and sisters to stay in the country.

Any Republican with an ounce of brains and whose constituency regularly holds him or her accountable is going to take the latter (popular disgust with Vote Whoring) very seriously.

Republicans may very well lose some elections beginning in 2014 if they refuse to surrender to this ethnic blackmail but Republicans KNOW that they will lose a HUGE chunk of their existing base IF they're foolish enough to submit to that blackmail...

I think the Republicans in the House are more worried about their own peeps than they are with the (for them) rather ethereal future Hispanic vote.

With very good reason... they have to face election every two years, whereas Senators only have to worry about that once every six... and even John Q. Public is capable of remembering a Disgusting or Traitorous Vote for 18 months or so.

I could be wrong about House GOP concerns over the Hispanic vote and mainstream voter backlash, but that's a decent first-round guess.
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The Senate just passed The Bill earlier today...

As predicted...

Now the game unfolds in the House...

We will know soon enough whether they are going to do something really unanticipated like actually passing the bill early-on...

If they drag their feet at all... and confidence is high that they will... then it will rot in the House 'til later this year, and all of those printed copies will supplement the supply of toilet paper in the DC area.

We should know very soon now...
The Senate immigration bill: Do we finally have a deal?

With this new deal on enforcing the border with 20,000 more troops, hundreds of miles of new fences, drones, and robot death machines, its possible that the Senate vote on the bill could approach 70 votes.

However, it is possible, however insane, that the House won't even let the bill come to a vote.

If the Senate passes this bill with even 65 votes, but the House doesn't even let it come to the floor for a vote, the GOP will look HORRIBLE and will truly reap the whirlwind in 2014's elections.

As much as I hate the GOP and want the Dems to take back the House, I pray the GOP doesn't do this.

This bill would be great for America and great for securing our Mexican border.

We need this bill. I pray the GOP doesn't kill it. It would be horrible for America if they do.

Immigration reform bill passes Senate, moves to skeptical House

Final bill passed by 68 Senate votes.

The GOP would be suicidal to not pass it in the House.
Confidence is fairly high that the Republicans have long-since written-off the Hispanic vote, in large part, even though it would be nice to have, so this may be a moot point....

If the GOP doesn't even let the bill come up for a vote in the House, it will be a big giant fat "fuck you" to every Hispanic in the USA.

Let's see if the GOP is really willing to do that.
Confidence is fairly high that the Republicans have long-since written-off the Hispanic vote, in large part, even though it would be nice to have, so this may be a moot point....

If the GOP doesn't even let the bill come up for a vote in the House, it will be a big giant fat "fuck you" to every Hispanic in the USA.

Let's see if the GOP is really willing to do that.

Well, that's one way of looking at it...

But I think that the House GOP leadership (including the Speaker) have other ideas, as may be seen in the June 25th New York Times article that I just posted on the previous page...

Turns out many of THEM don't appreciate the attempt at blackmail, either...

Rather than saying F.U. to an entire ethnic bloc...

It's more like the House GOP rejecting that ethnic bloc's misbehavior or misguided strong-arming in serving-up a big ol' F.U. to America, by threatening the GOP with political blackmail in order to reward their scofflaw ethnic brethren...

Good on them... :clap2:
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Hispanics don't care nearly as much about immigration reform as they do about increasing public benefits. Give them a majority vote and they will happily bankrupt the country.
Poor Hyrcanus..American's support this Bill...the House is doing what we want them too....why do you think it remained in our hands?

American's were/are wary of Bammy's delusions of grandeur.

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