House to kill immigration bill?

How many do you think aren't gonna be jumping on either welfare or some other social program?

Even if it just one, that is one too many.

meanwhile Conservatives love to collect from our social welfare programs.

i have a co-worker who consantly bitches about democrats and liberals and the "47%".

meanwhile he lives in govt. subsidized housing and his mom is on Medicaid & Medicare even though she never worked a day in her life in the USA.

I see you finally decided that you were on the losing end of that discussion.

We aren't talking about people who have been here legally and/or been citizens their whole lives.

We are talking about those who came here illegally, stayed here illegally, and will soon be granted Amnesty and then legally eligible for welfare that same day.
The House will kill it and like gun control, just another embarrassment for Obummer. Starting to get routine.

The House will kill it and like gun control, just another embarrassment for Obummer. Starting to get routine.


The Democrats will use this to their advantage and kick GOP ass in 2014.

Say goodbye to your House majority. :)

Say goodbye to your Senate filibuster. :)
The House will go blue and the Senate increase blue numbers in 2014, if the House kills the bill.

Then in 2015, you abnormal mutants on the far, far right are going to get a bill jammed down your throats you will never be able to shit out.
The House will go blue and the Senate increase blue numbers in 2014, if the House kills the bill.

Then in 2015, you abnormal mutants on the far, far right are going to get a bill jammed down your throats you will never be able to shit out.

Bring it...

Kill the Bill...


Americans don't respond well to threats and blackmail...

Especially when it comes from those who side with Outsiders instead of their own...

Take your very best shot...
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The House will go blue and the Senate increase blue numbers in 2014, if the House kills the bill.

Then in 2015, you abnormal mutants on the far, far right are going to get a bill jammed down your throats you will never be able to shit out.

They will kill it because there is nothing in it for the Pubs

I want someone to tell me exactly how allowing 11 - 20 million illegal immigrants... People who have already proven they don't give a damn about our laws..... to become Citizens is a good thing for our country.
The House will go blue and the Senate increase blue numbers in 2014, if the House kills the bill.

Then in 2015, you abnormal mutants on the far, far right are going to get a bill jammed down your throats you will never be able to shit out.

They will kill it because there is nothing in it for the Pubs


I don't think so. But if you are right, the GOP will injure itself dreadfully.
I want someone to tell me exactly how allowing 11 - 20 million illegal immigrants... People who have already proven they don't give a damn about our laws..... to become Citizens is a good thing for our country.

You have been told so many, many times, and you don't agree.

Fly away.
I want someone to tell me exactly how allowing 11 - 20 million illegal immigrants... People who have already proven they don't give a damn about our laws..... to become Citizens is a good thing for our country.

Likely because they are one of them

The House will go blue and the Senate increase blue numbers in 2014, if the House kills the bill.

Then in 2015, you abnormal mutants on the far, far right are going to get a bill jammed down your throats you will never be able to shit out.

They will kill it because there is nothing in it for the Pubs


I don't think so. But if you are right, the GOP will injure itself dreadfully.

How? Like I said, nothing in this bill rewards the pubs

Kill it

The House will go blue and the Senate increase blue numbers in 2014, if the House kills the bill.

Then in 2015, you abnormal mutants on the far, far right are going to get a bill jammed down your throats you will never be able to shit out.

you must have watched teenage mutant ninja turtle this morning.
you use the word mutant in most of your posts fascist fakey
I want someone to tell me exactly how allowing 11 - 20 million illegal immigrants... People who have already proven they don't give a damn about our laws..... to become Citizens is a good thing for our country.

You have been told so many, many times, and you don't agree.

Fly away.

So you can't.

It figures.

No one else has been able to either. It's always been about the illegals, not the country.
Barack Obama has taught the young to hate America starting with his apology tour.

We can all see how well that worked out for us

If you're not an Internationalist or World-Without-Borders type or if you're not a Latino advocating to let more of your ethnic brethren to come in or if you're not some Suicidal Do-Gooder who wants to let the whole world in and light a campfire and hold hands and sing 'Kumbya, my Lord', then, you're an ultra right-winger and abnormal and some kind of mutant...

Well... fuck that.

Kill the Bill.
If you're not an Internationalist or World-Without-Borders type or if you're not a Latino advocating to let more of your ethnic brethren to come in or if you're not some Suicidal Do-Gooder who wants to let the whole world in and light a campfire and hold hands and sing 'Kumbya, my Lord', then, you're an ultra right-winger and abnormal and some kind of mutant...

Well... fuck that.

Kill the Bill.

Actually, we're called racist like Bob here...


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