House to vote next week to move ahead with Yucca mountain as nuclear waste dump


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The site, about 100 miles northwest of Las Vegas, was chosen by the Energy Department to eventually store spent fuel from nuclear power plants, U.S. Navy reactors, and waste generated from building nuclear weapons.
House to vote next week to move ahead with Yucca Mountain as nuclear waste dump

Yeah way to go assholes, just kill everyone with your oh so safe nuclear bs!! If it was so safe before and after there wouldn't be a need to put it so far down into the ground. It also would dam near kill you with radiation when plants shut down.
Not to be unkind, but you are a moron.

After spending in excess of 35 BILLION DOLLARS to prepare the Yucca Mountain site, the local politico's (mainly Harry Reid) decided they didn't want it, so commissioned a study to see if it was literally impregnable. It was found that, under the worst case scenario, in TEN THOUSAND YEARS (yes, that's the correct number), it was POSSIBLE that some drainage from 55 gallon drums might enter the water table. The local Leftists used this alarming finding to mobilize all of the Vegans who had no jobs or worked for Government to participate in demonstrations and letter-writing campaigns to kill the plans to utilize YM.

The money, it should be noted, was not taken from the taxpayers. In the early days of commercial nuclear power, Congress authorized that a surcharge would be put on every electric bill for nuclear power, and those surcharges would go into a fund that would finance a repository for SPENT FUEL. Now, more often called, incorrectly, "nuclear waste." With this money, Congress "promised" to find a place to store the spent fuel. (The fee has since been repealed).

President O'Bama subsequently established a "blue ribbon panel" of folks to study the issue, and they came up with guidelines that inevitably led to a recommendation that the material be stored in giant salt deposits, with the consent and cooperation of whatever population lived nearby. There are two known deposits of suitable size and characteristics, one of which is near Carlsbad, New Mexico, and the facility is called WIPP [one could look it up]. A couple of "Keystone Cops" episodes in 2014 led to serious questioning of WIPP's viability, and hence we are looking again at YM.

Regardless, the technology exists to re-use spent fuel, so that we have enough fuel-material to last FOREVER, should we choose to use the known technology. The decision to abandon that technology was made by Jimmy Carter, for the simple reason that he DIDN'T WANT OTHER COUNTRIES to use it, because it CAN BE USED to make weapons-grade material. In other words, the decision was purely political, and could be reversed with the stroke of a pen, thus eliminating the need for either facility - at least on the scale that is envisioned.

the problems at WIPP were comical and tragic. The generic nuclear waste is stored in 55 gallon drums, IN CAT LITTER. But some of the agencies that prepared the canisters used the wrong type of cat litter, which has a. bad habit of spontaneously exploding. And there is no way to ascertain which of the millions of 55-gallon drums has the wrong cat litter without opening every one of them to find out. It is a cluster-fuck with no easy solution.

Oh yeah...Yucca Mountain!
Nuclear energy is such a lovely idea for control freaks that want to keep power centralized and under the domination of an élite.
Not to be unkind, but you are a moron.

After spending in excess of 35 BILLION DOLLARS to prepare the Yucca Mountain site, the local politico's (mainly Harry Reid) decided they didn't want it, so commissioned a study to see if it was literally impregnable. It was found that, under the worst case scenario, in TEN THOUSAND YEARS (yes, that's the correct number), it was POSSIBLE that some drainage from 55 gallon drums might enter the water table. The local Leftists used this alarming finding to mobilize all of the Vegans who had no jobs or worked for Government to participate in demonstrations and letter-writing campaigns to kill the plans to utilize YM.

The money, it should be noted, was not taken from the taxpayers. In the early days of commercial nuclear power, Congress authorized that a surcharge would be put on every electric bill for nuclear power, and those surcharges would go into a fund that would finance a repository for SPENT FUEL. Now, more often called, incorrectly, "nuclear waste." With this money, Congress "promised" to find a place to store the spent fuel. (The fee has since been repealed).

President O'Bama subsequently established a "blue ribbon panel" of folks to study the issue, and they came up with guidelines that inevitably led to a recommendation that the material be stored in giant salt deposits, with the consent and cooperation of whatever population lived nearby. There are two known deposits of suitable size and characteristics, one of which is near Carlsbad, New Mexico, and the facility is called WIPP [one could look it up]. A couple of "Keystone Cops" episodes in 2014 led to serious questioning of WIPP's viability, and hence we are looking again at YM.

Regardless, the technology exists to re-use spent fuel, so that we have enough fuel-material to last FOREVER, should we choose to use the known technology. The decision to abandon that technology was made by Jimmy Carter, for the simple reason that he DIDN'T WANT OTHER COUNTRIES to use it, because it CAN BE USED to make weapons-grade material. In other words, the decision was purely political, and could be reversed with the stroke of a pen, thus eliminating the need for either facility - at least on the scale that is envisioned.

the problems at WIPP were comical and tragic. The generic nuclear waste is stored in 55 gallon drums, IN CAT LITTER. But some of the agencies that prepared the canisters used the wrong type of cat litter, which has a. bad habit of spontaneously exploding. And there is no way to ascertain which of the millions of 55-gallon drums has the wrong cat litter without opening every one of them to find out. It is a cluster-fuck with no easy solution.

Oh yeah...Yucca Mountain!

If you knew the truth you'd see who the "MORON" really is.

The problem is radioactivity — unleashed when the atom is split. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a General Electric boiling water reactor such as those that have erupted at Fukushima, or the Westinghouse pressurized water design, or Russian-designed plants like Chernobyl, or the “new, improved” nuclear plants being touted by U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu, a nuclear scientist and zealous promoter of nuclear technology. All nuclear power plants produce radiation as well as radioactive poisons like the Cesium-137, Iodine-131 and Strontium-90 that have been — and continue to be — spewed from the Fukushima plants.

Nuclear Power Can Never Be Made Safe | HuffPost
Not to be unkind, but you are a moron.

After spending in excess of 35 BILLION DOLLARS to prepare the Yucca Mountain site, the local politico's (mainly Harry Reid) decided they didn't want it, so commissioned a study to see if it was literally impregnable. It was found that, under the worst case scenario, in TEN THOUSAND YEARS (yes, that's the correct number), it was POSSIBLE that some drainage from 55 gallon drums might enter the water table. The local Leftists used this alarming finding to mobilize all of the Vegans who had no jobs or worked for Government to participate in demonstrations and letter-writing campaigns to kill the plans to utilize YM.

The money, it should be noted, was not taken from the taxpayers. In the early days of commercial nuclear power, Congress authorized that a surcharge would be put on every electric bill for nuclear power, and those surcharges would go into a fund that would finance a repository for SPENT FUEL. Now, more often called, incorrectly, "nuclear waste." With this money, Congress "promised" to find a place to store the spent fuel. (The fee has since been repealed).

President O'Bama subsequently established a "blue ribbon panel" of folks to study the issue, and they came up with guidelines that inevitably led to a recommendation that the material be stored in giant salt deposits, with the consent and cooperation of whatever population lived nearby. There are two known deposits of suitable size and characteristics, one of which is near Carlsbad, New Mexico, and the facility is called WIPP [one could look it up]. A couple of "Keystone Cops" episodes in 2014 led to serious questioning of WIPP's viability, and hence we are looking again at YM.

Regardless, the technology exists to re-use spent fuel, so that we have enough fuel-material to last FOREVER, should we choose to use the known technology. The decision to abandon that technology was made by Jimmy Carter, for the simple reason that he DIDN'T WANT OTHER COUNTRIES to use it, because it CAN BE USED to make weapons-grade material. In other words, the decision was purely political, and could be reversed with the stroke of a pen, thus eliminating the need for either facility - at least on the scale that is envisioned.

the problems at WIPP were comical and tragic. The generic nuclear waste is stored in 55 gallon drums, IN CAT LITTER. But some of the agencies that prepared the canisters used the wrong type of cat litter, which has a. bad habit of spontaneously exploding. And there is no way to ascertain which of the millions of 55-gallon drums has the wrong cat litter without opening every one of them to find out. It is a cluster-fuck with no easy solution.

Oh yeah...Yucca Mountain!

During the Bill Clinton campaign years ago, the slogan was, “It’s the economy, stupid.” With nuclear power plants, “It’s the radioactivity” — inherent in the process and deadly.
Instead we must fully implement the use of safe, clean, renewable energy technologies like solar, wind (now the fastest growing energy source and cheaper than nuclear) and geothermal and all the rest which, major studies have concluded, can provide all the energy the world needs — energy without lethal radioactivity, energy we can live with.

The problem is radioactivity — unleashed when the atom is split. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a General Electric boiling water reactor such as those that have erupted at Fukushima, or the Westinghouse pressurized water design, or Russian-designed plants like Chernobyl, or the “new, improved” nuclear plants being touted by U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu, a nuclear scientist and zealous promoter of nuclear technology. All nuclear power plants produce radiation as well as radioactive poisons like the Cesium-137, Iodine-131 and Strontium-90 that have been — and continue to be — spewed from the Fukushima plants.

Nuclear Power Can Never Be Made Safe | HuffPost

In the nuclear process, mildly radioactive uranium is taken from the ground and bombarded by neutrons—and that part of the uranium which can split, is “fissile,” Uranium-235, is transformed into radioactive twins of safe and stable elements in nature: There are hundreds of these “fission products.” The human body doesn’t know the difference between these lethal twins and safe and stable elements. Also produced are alpha and beta particles and gamma rays, all radioactive.

KARL GROSSMAN, professor of journalism at the State University of New York/College at Old Westbury, has focused on investigative reporting on energy and environmental issues for more than 40 years. He is the host of the nationally-aired TV program Enviro Close-Up ( and the author of numerous books.

Why Nuclear Power Will Never be Safe
There was never, ever a valid reason to shut down Yucca Mountain. In fact, economic factors make it quite opportunistic with lots of good-paying jobs to be created.

Thanks to Dingy Harry.,
We could all do our part to save the planet by just parking our motor vehicles, growing our own food and, oh yeah, turning off our computers. But you can count on liberals urging others to do that whilst failing so to do themselves.

Of course I'm not parking mine or turning off because I believe all this whining is just a crock of shit. Admit it, libbie snowflakes, you believe that too but can't resist trying to control others.
The site, about 100 miles northwest of Las Vegas, was chosen by the Energy Department to eventually store spent fuel from nuclear power plants, U.S. Navy reactors, and waste generated from building nuclear weapons.
House to vote next week to move ahead with Yucca Mountain as nuclear waste dump

Yeah way to go assholes, just kill everyone with your oh so safe nuclear bs!! If it was so safe before and after there wouldn't be a need to put it so far down into the ground. It also would dam near kill you with radiation when plants shut down.
My understanding is that yucca mountain would be a good thing. The alternative is that waste sits on site in less secure conditions. If you want to know how well that goes just look at that waste clusterfk in Washington state. That is a serious and costly problem for the region. Nukes as we know them are going to change or be phased out. Some new reactors being planned and built have gone sideways and i think it's too costly to do well and safely. I like the idea of some of them. They produce a good consistent base power output that can be supplemented with other renewables and fossils to meet demand. Technology will be improving the whole thing a lot in the coming years.
Commercial Nuclear power was born in 1953.

Since that time, there has NOT BEEN A SINGLE RADIATION-BASED FATALITY at any U.S. nuclear power plant.

The worst American nuclear "disaster" - Three Mile Island" - caused ZERO fatalities, not even anyone getting a tummy ache. And it is covered in history books as though it were...well, a "disaster."

Oh, yeah, it can never be made "safe."

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