House to vote on Consumption Tax and abolish the IRS

Abolish the Federal Revenue Service and let the State Revenue Services collect Federal taxes that they will send on the Washington.

And when the Federal Government says "you'll do as we say or we'll withhold federal funding"...we can say "we'll just take it back out of this and send you an IOU instead."
You cannot realistically implement a progressive sales tax because then everyone would have to bring in proof of their income for every purchase or they would have to itemize every single thing they bought every year and report it on their taxes.

Not really, the tax could be progressive based on the quality of the item purchased. Buy an economy car, 5 cents on the dollar. Buy a luxury car or SUV, 8 cents on the dollar. Buy a 150K house, five cents on the dollar, buy a 500K house, 7 cents on the dollar.
The system is broken because we allow it to be so.

People whine about spending but keep voting the same people back into office and wonder why it does not get any better.

Then there are people like Ray that actually think the Repubs truly care about spending.

People like Ray just understand that Republicans are more responsible with spending and money than Democrats. Much more waste when Democrats are leading the House.
Not really, the tax could be progressive based on the quality of the item purchased. Buy an economy car, 5 cents on the dollar. Buy a luxury car or SUV, 8 cents on the dollar. Buy a 150K house, five cents on the dollar, buy a 500K house, 7 cents on the dollar.
The current bill goes the other way. It does not tax stock or real estate trades.
People like Ray just understand that Republicans are more responsible with spending and money than Democrats. Much more waste when Democrats are leading the House.

People like Ray just think that Republicans are more responsible with spending and money than Democrats because they have been told that and would never, ever, question their beloved party leaders.
People like Ray just think that Republicans are more responsible with spending and money than Democrats because they have been told that and would never, ever, question their beloved party leaders.

It's just a simple task of reading what they are spending on. Not just sitting back and saying They're all the same so it doesn't matter! When you say something like that, it tells me you are not studying what's going on with spending.
It's just a simple task of reading what they are spending on. Not just sitting back and saying They're all the same so it doesn't matter! When you say something like that, it tells me you are not studying what's going on with spending.

It does not matter what they are spending it on, when they are spending money they do not have.
It does not matter what they are spending it on, when they are spending money they do not have.

Of course it matters. If you supported your wife and were having major financial difficulties, does it matter is she's spending money on food, clothing, making the car payments and utilities, or is it just the same as if she was spending it on flowers, jewelry, perfume and art work?

It's a ridiculous statement that it doesn't matter.
Of course it matters. If you supported your wife and were having major financial difficulties, does it matter is she's spending money on food, clothing, making the car payments and utilities, or is it just the same as if she was spending it on flowers, jewelry, perfume and art work?

It's a ridiculous statement that it doesn't matter.

Since we already have enough food and clothing and she was just buying more because it was a "good thing" it would still be bad. That is what your beloved fucking Repubs are doing. They are spending my kids and grandkids money on things we already have plenty of just so sheep like you will keep voting for them.

And you will defend them to your dying fucking breath.
Since we already have enough food and clothing and she was just buying more because it was a "good thing" it would still be bad. That is what your beloved fucking Repubs are doing. They are spending my kids and grandkids money on things we already have plenty of just so sheep like you will keep voting for them.

And you will defend them to your dying fucking breath.

No, Republicans spent money on things we need like a strong military and a growing economy. Democrats spend money of vote buying and Democrat agendas that help nobody. Big difference.
I don't get excited by different ways to tax people.

All these things do is change the mix of winners and losers.

The answer is for the filthy government to significantly decrease the amount of money it spends and then taxes can be reduced for everybody.

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