House votes to block Syrian refugees

I can understand reasonable caution - are you suggesting that is all that is driving this? Listen to the rhetoric around and listen to the Republicans whipping up the frenzy:

Trump would not rule out warrantless searches in his plans for increased surveillance of the nation’s Muslims, Yahoo reported Thursday.
He also remained open toward registering U.S. Muslims in a database or giving them special identification identifying their faith, the news outlet added.

Sen. Ted Cruz Sunday continued to call for Muslim refugees from Syria to be barred from entering the United States but opening the borders to displaced Christians, arguing there is not a "meaningful risk" that Christians will commit terrorist acts.

Rep. Mike Moon:
"For the safety of Missourians, we can ill-afford to wait," Moon wrote in the letter. "I ask that you begin the process of calling the General Assembly into Special Session in order to tie the Governor's hands, putting a stop to the potential Islamization of Missouri." ...Our preference, as a nation, should be to place the refugees in camps so that they can be properly cared for and returned safely home when the time is right.

TN State House Glen Casada:
"I'm not worried about what a bureaucrat in D.C. or an unelected judge thinks. ... We need to gather [Syrian refugees] up and politely take them back to the ICE [federal immigration] center and say, 'They're not coming to Tennessee, they're yours,'" Tennessee state House GOP Caucus Chairman Glen Casada told The Tennessean Tuesday.

"We need to activate the Tennessee National Guard and stop them from coming in to the state by whatever means we can. ... Tennessee is a sovereign state. If the federal government is forsaking the obligation to protect our citizens, we need to act," he said.

State Sen. Elaine Morgan (R):
“If we need to take these people in we should set up [a] refugee camp to keep them segregated from our populous.” Morgan wrote in the email. “I think the protection of our US citizens and the United States of America should be the most important issue here.”

Morgan also launched into a bigoted attack on Muslim people by lumping the entire religious community together with Islamic State terrorists.

“The Muslim religion and philosophy is to murder, rape, and decapitate anyone who is a non Muslim,” she wrote, also stating, “I do not want our governor bringing in any Syrian refugees. I think our country is under attack. I think this is a major plan by these countries to spread out their people to attack all non Muslim persons.”

On preserving our way of life:

Speaking at a G-20 summit in Turkey, President Barack Obama chastised politicians across the aisle for advocating for a "religious test" for individuals fleeing persecution in war-torn countries.

"That's shameful. That's not American. That's not who we are," Obama said. The values we are fighting against ISIL for are precisely that we don't discriminate against people because of their faith. We don't kill people because they're different than us. That's what separates us from them."

Rep. Aaron Regunberg
...pointed out that his own grandfather was forced to flee Nazi Germany as a refugee. “I am alive today because — after great desperation and hardship — my grandfather was able to flee Nazi Germany and find safety as a refugee in the Philippines,” he wrote in a letter to Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo. “We can do this responsibly and safely, and I urge you to keep Rhode Island true to its long history of welcoming those who seek sanctuary from persecution,”

G.W. Bush:
"The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about," Bush said in 2001. "Islam is peace."

In no way am I suggesting we "throw all caution to the wind", so let's be honest here.

FBI Director James Comey balks at refugee legislation -
There are always risks in allowing any foreigners into the U.S., Comey told the officials, adding that the FBI believes it has an effective process with intelligence and other agencies to conduct vetting of refugees.
reasonable caution
That is all that is driving my opinion.

Reasonable caution is in place with the refugee process. There are other avenues that should be tightened up.
Thankfully the House does not agree with you.

Thank God, even those ridiculous posers are beginning to feel a little bit alarmed at our president's obvious anti-American, anti-Christian policies.
Maybe but King Obama does not give a shit what the House does or what the American people want. He is much too smart for us.

I read something today about him threatening to withhold federal funding from law enforcement in areas where they are saying no to muslim implantation.
No hatred or fear from me, simply a logical look at things. It's amazing how quickly logic goes out the window when the fear becomes the overriding emotion.
Logic says develop a means to effectively vet then allow them in, what you suggest is to throw all caution to the wind. Yes you castigate those who wish to preserve our way of life free from terrorism that is both hateful and fearful.

I can understand reasonable caution - are you suggesting that is all that is driving this? Listen to the rhetoric around and listen to the Republicans whipping up the frenzy:

Trump would not rule out warrantless searches in his plans for increased surveillance of the nation’s Muslims, Yahoo reported Thursday.
He also remained open toward registering U.S. Muslims in a database or giving them special identification identifying their faith, the news outlet added.

Sen. Ted Cruz Sunday continued to call for Muslim refugees from Syria to be barred from entering the United States but opening the borders to displaced Christians, arguing there is not a "meaningful risk" that Christians will commit terrorist acts.

Rep. Mike Moon:
"For the safety of Missourians, we can ill-afford to wait," Moon wrote in the letter. "I ask that you begin the process of calling the General Assembly into Special Session in order to tie the Governor's hands, putting a stop to the potential Islamization of Missouri." ...Our preference, as a nation, should be to place the refugees in camps so that they can be properly cared for and returned safely home when the time is right.

TN State House Glen Casada:
"I'm not worried about what a bureaucrat in D.C. or an unelected judge thinks. ... We need to gather [Syrian refugees] up and politely take them back to the ICE [federal immigration] center and say, 'They're not coming to Tennessee, they're yours,'" Tennessee state House GOP Caucus Chairman Glen Casada told The Tennessean Tuesday.

"We need to activate the Tennessee National Guard and stop them from coming in to the state by whatever means we can. ... Tennessee is a sovereign state. If the federal government is forsaking the obligation to protect our citizens, we need to act," he said.

State Sen. Elaine Morgan (R):
“If we need to take these people in we should set up [a] refugee camp to keep them segregated from our populous.” Morgan wrote in the email. “I think the protection of our US citizens and the United States of America should be the most important issue here.”

Morgan also launched into a bigoted attack on Muslim people by lumping the entire religious community together with Islamic State terrorists.

“The Muslim religion and philosophy is to murder, rape, and decapitate anyone who is a non Muslim,” she wrote, also stating, “I do not want our governor bringing in any Syrian refugees. I think our country is under attack. I think this is a major plan by these countries to spread out their people to attack all non Muslim persons.”

On preserving our way of life:

Speaking at a G-20 summit in Turkey, President Barack Obama chastised politicians across the aisle for advocating for a "religious test" for individuals fleeing persecution in war-torn countries.

"That's shameful. That's not American. That's not who we are," Obama said. The values we are fighting against ISIL for are precisely that we don't discriminate against people because of their faith. We don't kill people because they're different than us. That's what separates us from them."

Rep. Aaron Regunberg
...pointed out that his own grandfather was forced to flee Nazi Germany as a refugee. “I am alive today because — after great desperation and hardship — my grandfather was able to flee Nazi Germany and find safety as a refugee in the Philippines,” he wrote in a letter to Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo. “We can do this responsibly and safely, and I urge you to keep Rhode Island true to its long history of welcoming those who seek sanctuary from persecution,”

G.W. Bush:
"The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about," Bush said in 2001. "Islam is peace."

In no way am I suggesting we "throw all caution to the wind", so let's be honest here.

FBI Director James Comey balks at refugee legislation -
There are always risks in allowing any foreigners into the U.S., Comey told the officials, adding that the FBI believes it has an effective process with intelligence and other agencies to conduct vetting of refugees.
reasonable caution
That is all that is driving my opinion.

Reasonable caution is in place with the refugee process. There are other avenues that should be tightened up.
Thankfully the House does not agree with you.

Thankfully, it's not veto proof. I always hope for rational minds to prevail. Of course...that is what I had hoped for when they made the decision to "liberate" Iraq.
That is all that is driving my opinion.

Reasonable caution is in place with the refugee process. There are other avenues that should be tightened up.
Thankfully the House does not agree with you.

Thank God, even those ridiculous posers are beginning to feel a little bit alarmed at our president's obvious anti-American, anti-Christian policies.
Maybe but King Obama does not give a shit what the House does or what the American people want. He is much too smart for us.

I read something today about him threatening to withhold federal funding from law enforcement in areas where they are saying no to muslim implantation.

Logic says develop a means to effectively vet then allow them in, what you suggest is to throw all caution to the wind. Yes you castigate those who wish to preserve our way of life free from terrorism that is both hateful and fearful.

I can understand reasonable caution - are you suggesting that is all that is driving this? Listen to the rhetoric around and listen to the Republicans whipping up the frenzy:

Trump would not rule out warrantless searches in his plans for increased surveillance of the nation’s Muslims, Yahoo reported Thursday.
He also remained open toward registering U.S. Muslims in a database or giving them special identification identifying their faith, the news outlet added.

Sen. Ted Cruz Sunday continued to call for Muslim refugees from Syria to be barred from entering the United States but opening the borders to displaced Christians, arguing there is not a "meaningful risk" that Christians will commit terrorist acts.

Rep. Mike Moon:
"For the safety of Missourians, we can ill-afford to wait," Moon wrote in the letter. "I ask that you begin the process of calling the General Assembly into Special Session in order to tie the Governor's hands, putting a stop to the potential Islamization of Missouri." ...Our preference, as a nation, should be to place the refugees in camps so that they can be properly cared for and returned safely home when the time is right.

TN State House Glen Casada:
"I'm not worried about what a bureaucrat in D.C. or an unelected judge thinks. ... We need to gather [Syrian refugees] up and politely take them back to the ICE [federal immigration] center and say, 'They're not coming to Tennessee, they're yours,'" Tennessee state House GOP Caucus Chairman Glen Casada told The Tennessean Tuesday.

"We need to activate the Tennessee National Guard and stop them from coming in to the state by whatever means we can. ... Tennessee is a sovereign state. If the federal government is forsaking the obligation to protect our citizens, we need to act," he said.

State Sen. Elaine Morgan (R):
“If we need to take these people in we should set up [a] refugee camp to keep them segregated from our populous.” Morgan wrote in the email. “I think the protection of our US citizens and the United States of America should be the most important issue here.”

Morgan also launched into a bigoted attack on Muslim people by lumping the entire religious community together with Islamic State terrorists.

“The Muslim religion and philosophy is to murder, rape, and decapitate anyone who is a non Muslim,” she wrote, also stating, “I do not want our governor bringing in any Syrian refugees. I think our country is under attack. I think this is a major plan by these countries to spread out their people to attack all non Muslim persons.”

On preserving our way of life:

Speaking at a G-20 summit in Turkey, President Barack Obama chastised politicians across the aisle for advocating for a "religious test" for individuals fleeing persecution in war-torn countries.

"That's shameful. That's not American. That's not who we are," Obama said. The values we are fighting against ISIL for are precisely that we don't discriminate against people because of their faith. We don't kill people because they're different than us. That's what separates us from them."

Rep. Aaron Regunberg
...pointed out that his own grandfather was forced to flee Nazi Germany as a refugee. “I am alive today because — after great desperation and hardship — my grandfather was able to flee Nazi Germany and find safety as a refugee in the Philippines,” he wrote in a letter to Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo. “We can do this responsibly and safely, and I urge you to keep Rhode Island true to its long history of welcoming those who seek sanctuary from persecution,”

G.W. Bush:
"The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about," Bush said in 2001. "Islam is peace."

In no way am I suggesting we "throw all caution to the wind", so let's be honest here.

FBI Director James Comey balks at refugee legislation -
There are always risks in allowing any foreigners into the U.S., Comey told the officials, adding that the FBI believes it has an effective process with intelligence and other agencies to conduct vetting of refugees.
reasonable caution
That is all that is driving my opinion.

Reasonable caution is in place with the refugee process. There are other avenues that should be tightened up.
Thankfully the House does not agree with you.

Thankfully, it's not veto proof. I always hope for rational minds to prevail. Of course...that is what I had hoped for when they made the decision to "liberate" Iraq.

The rational minds are prevailing, nation wide.
Logic says develop a means to effectively vet then allow them in, what you suggest is to throw all caution to the wind. Yes you castigate those who wish to preserve our way of life free from terrorism that is both hateful and fearful.

I can understand reasonable caution - are you suggesting that is all that is driving this? Listen to the rhetoric around and listen to the Republicans whipping up the frenzy:

Trump would not rule out warrantless searches in his plans for increased surveillance of the nation’s Muslims, Yahoo reported Thursday.
He also remained open toward registering U.S. Muslims in a database or giving them special identification identifying their faith, the news outlet added.

Sen. Ted Cruz Sunday continued to call for Muslim refugees from Syria to be barred from entering the United States but opening the borders to displaced Christians, arguing there is not a "meaningful risk" that Christians will commit terrorist acts.

Rep. Mike Moon:
"For the safety of Missourians, we can ill-afford to wait," Moon wrote in the letter. "I ask that you begin the process of calling the General Assembly into Special Session in order to tie the Governor's hands, putting a stop to the potential Islamization of Missouri." ...Our preference, as a nation, should be to place the refugees in camps so that they can be properly cared for and returned safely home when the time is right.

TN State House Glen Casada:
"I'm not worried about what a bureaucrat in D.C. or an unelected judge thinks. ... We need to gather [Syrian refugees] up and politely take them back to the ICE [federal immigration] center and say, 'They're not coming to Tennessee, they're yours,'" Tennessee state House GOP Caucus Chairman Glen Casada told The Tennessean Tuesday.

"We need to activate the Tennessee National Guard and stop them from coming in to the state by whatever means we can. ... Tennessee is a sovereign state. If the federal government is forsaking the obligation to protect our citizens, we need to act," he said.

State Sen. Elaine Morgan (R):
“If we need to take these people in we should set up [a] refugee camp to keep them segregated from our populous.” Morgan wrote in the email. “I think the protection of our US citizens and the United States of America should be the most important issue here.”

Morgan also launched into a bigoted attack on Muslim people by lumping the entire religious community together with Islamic State terrorists.

“The Muslim religion and philosophy is to murder, rape, and decapitate anyone who is a non Muslim,” she wrote, also stating, “I do not want our governor bringing in any Syrian refugees. I think our country is under attack. I think this is a major plan by these countries to spread out their people to attack all non Muslim persons.”

On preserving our way of life:

Speaking at a G-20 summit in Turkey, President Barack Obama chastised politicians across the aisle for advocating for a "religious test" for individuals fleeing persecution in war-torn countries.

"That's shameful. That's not American. That's not who we are," Obama said. The values we are fighting against ISIL for are precisely that we don't discriminate against people because of their faith. We don't kill people because they're different than us. That's what separates us from them."

Rep. Aaron Regunberg
...pointed out that his own grandfather was forced to flee Nazi Germany as a refugee. “I am alive today because — after great desperation and hardship — my grandfather was able to flee Nazi Germany and find safety as a refugee in the Philippines,” he wrote in a letter to Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo. “We can do this responsibly and safely, and I urge you to keep Rhode Island true to its long history of welcoming those who seek sanctuary from persecution,”

G.W. Bush:
"The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about," Bush said in 2001. "Islam is peace."

In no way am I suggesting we "throw all caution to the wind", so let's be honest here.

FBI Director James Comey balks at refugee legislation -
There are always risks in allowing any foreigners into the U.S., Comey told the officials, adding that the FBI believes it has an effective process with intelligence and other agencies to conduct vetting of refugees.
reasonable caution
That is all that is driving my opinion.

Reasonable caution is in place with the refugee process. There are other avenues that should be tightened up.
Thankfully the House does not agree with you.

Thankfully, it's not veto proof. I always hope for rational minds to prevail. Of course...that is what I had hoped for when they made the decision to "liberate" Iraq.
If these "rational minds" prevail I would like to see how comfortable you would be with these people being relocated to your neighborhood. The collective "rational mind" acted to prevent these refugees from coming to the US until there is a better means of vetting.
I can understand reasonable caution - are you suggesting that is all that is driving this? Listen to the rhetoric around and listen to the Republicans whipping up the frenzy:

Trump would not rule out warrantless searches in his plans for increased surveillance of the nation’s Muslims, Yahoo reported Thursday.
He also remained open toward registering U.S. Muslims in a database or giving them special identification identifying their faith, the news outlet added.

Sen. Ted Cruz Sunday continued to call for Muslim refugees from Syria to be barred from entering the United States but opening the borders to displaced Christians, arguing there is not a "meaningful risk" that Christians will commit terrorist acts.

Rep. Mike Moon:
"For the safety of Missourians, we can ill-afford to wait," Moon wrote in the letter. "I ask that you begin the process of calling the General Assembly into Special Session in order to tie the Governor's hands, putting a stop to the potential Islamization of Missouri." ...Our preference, as a nation, should be to place the refugees in camps so that they can be properly cared for and returned safely home when the time is right.

TN State House Glen Casada:
"I'm not worried about what a bureaucrat in D.C. or an unelected judge thinks. ... We need to gather [Syrian refugees] up and politely take them back to the ICE [federal immigration] center and say, 'They're not coming to Tennessee, they're yours,'" Tennessee state House GOP Caucus Chairman Glen Casada told The Tennessean Tuesday.

"We need to activate the Tennessee National Guard and stop them from coming in to the state by whatever means we can. ... Tennessee is a sovereign state. If the federal government is forsaking the obligation to protect our citizens, we need to act," he said.

State Sen. Elaine Morgan (R):
“If we need to take these people in we should set up [a] refugee camp to keep them segregated from our populous.” Morgan wrote in the email. “I think the protection of our US citizens and the United States of America should be the most important issue here.”

Morgan also launched into a bigoted attack on Muslim people by lumping the entire religious community together with Islamic State terrorists.

“The Muslim religion and philosophy is to murder, rape, and decapitate anyone who is a non Muslim,” she wrote, also stating, “I do not want our governor bringing in any Syrian refugees. I think our country is under attack. I think this is a major plan by these countries to spread out their people to attack all non Muslim persons.”

On preserving our way of life:

Speaking at a G-20 summit in Turkey, President Barack Obama chastised politicians across the aisle for advocating for a "religious test" for individuals fleeing persecution in war-torn countries.

"That's shameful. That's not American. That's not who we are," Obama said. The values we are fighting against ISIL for are precisely that we don't discriminate against people because of their faith. We don't kill people because they're different than us. That's what separates us from them."

Rep. Aaron Regunberg
...pointed out that his own grandfather was forced to flee Nazi Germany as a refugee. “I am alive today because — after great desperation and hardship — my grandfather was able to flee Nazi Germany and find safety as a refugee in the Philippines,” he wrote in a letter to Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo. “We can do this responsibly and safely, and I urge you to keep Rhode Island true to its long history of welcoming those who seek sanctuary from persecution,”

G.W. Bush:
"The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about," Bush said in 2001. "Islam is peace."

In no way am I suggesting we "throw all caution to the wind", so let's be honest here.

FBI Director James Comey balks at refugee legislation -
There are always risks in allowing any foreigners into the U.S., Comey told the officials, adding that the FBI believes it has an effective process with intelligence and other agencies to conduct vetting of refugees.
reasonable caution
That is all that is driving my opinion.

Reasonable caution is in place with the refugee process. There are other avenues that should be tightened up.
Thankfully the House does not agree with you.

Thankfully, it's not veto proof. I always hope for rational minds to prevail. Of course...that is what I had hoped for when they made the decision to "liberate" Iraq.
If these "rational minds" prevail I would like to see how comfortable you would be with these people being relocated to your neighborhood. The collective "rational mind" acted to prevent these refugees from coming to the US until there is a better means of vetting.

I feel the vetting process for the refugee program as it currently exists is fine. The FBI feels it's fine, as I quoted earlier. I would think the agencies involved have a better idea than anonymous internet experts. I would be very comfortable to have them relocated in my neighborhood (oh NIMBY!) and would work with sponsoring organizations to make them feel welcome. That's rational.
I can understand reasonable caution - are you suggesting that is all that is driving this? Listen to the rhetoric around and listen to the Republicans whipping up the frenzy:

Trump would not rule out warrantless searches in his plans for increased surveillance of the nation’s Muslims, Yahoo reported Thursday.
He also remained open toward registering U.S. Muslims in a database or giving them special identification identifying their faith, the news outlet added.

Sen. Ted Cruz Sunday continued to call for Muslim refugees from Syria to be barred from entering the United States but opening the borders to displaced Christians, arguing there is not a "meaningful risk" that Christians will commit terrorist acts.

Rep. Mike Moon:
"For the safety of Missourians, we can ill-afford to wait," Moon wrote in the letter. "I ask that you begin the process of calling the General Assembly into Special Session in order to tie the Governor's hands, putting a stop to the potential Islamization of Missouri." ...Our preference, as a nation, should be to place the refugees in camps so that they can be properly cared for and returned safely home when the time is right.

TN State House Glen Casada:
"I'm not worried about what a bureaucrat in D.C. or an unelected judge thinks. ... We need to gather [Syrian refugees] up and politely take them back to the ICE [federal immigration] center and say, 'They're not coming to Tennessee, they're yours,'" Tennessee state House GOP Caucus Chairman Glen Casada told The Tennessean Tuesday.

"We need to activate the Tennessee National Guard and stop them from coming in to the state by whatever means we can. ... Tennessee is a sovereign state. If the federal government is forsaking the obligation to protect our citizens, we need to act," he said.

State Sen. Elaine Morgan (R):
“If we need to take these people in we should set up [a] refugee camp to keep them segregated from our populous.” Morgan wrote in the email. “I think the protection of our US citizens and the United States of America should be the most important issue here.”

Morgan also launched into a bigoted attack on Muslim people by lumping the entire religious community together with Islamic State terrorists.

“The Muslim religion and philosophy is to murder, rape, and decapitate anyone who is a non Muslim,” she wrote, also stating, “I do not want our governor bringing in any Syrian refugees. I think our country is under attack. I think this is a major plan by these countries to spread out their people to attack all non Muslim persons.”

On preserving our way of life:

Speaking at a G-20 summit in Turkey, President Barack Obama chastised politicians across the aisle for advocating for a "religious test" for individuals fleeing persecution in war-torn countries.

"That's shameful. That's not American. That's not who we are," Obama said. The values we are fighting against ISIL for are precisely that we don't discriminate against people because of their faith. We don't kill people because they're different than us. That's what separates us from them."

Rep. Aaron Regunberg
...pointed out that his own grandfather was forced to flee Nazi Germany as a refugee. “I am alive today because — after great desperation and hardship — my grandfather was able to flee Nazi Germany and find safety as a refugee in the Philippines,” he wrote in a letter to Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo. “We can do this responsibly and safely, and I urge you to keep Rhode Island true to its long history of welcoming those who seek sanctuary from persecution,”

G.W. Bush:
"The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about," Bush said in 2001. "Islam is peace."

In no way am I suggesting we "throw all caution to the wind", so let's be honest here.

FBI Director James Comey balks at refugee legislation -
There are always risks in allowing any foreigners into the U.S., Comey told the officials, adding that the FBI believes it has an effective process with intelligence and other agencies to conduct vetting of refugees.
reasonable caution
That is all that is driving my opinion.

Reasonable caution is in place with the refugee process. There are other avenues that should be tightened up.
Thankfully the House does not agree with you.

Thankfully, it's not veto proof. I always hope for rational minds to prevail. Of course...that is what I had hoped for when they made the decision to "liberate" Iraq.

The rational minds are prevailing, nation wide.

Ya...just like they did to keep the Jewish refugees out in 1939 :cuckoo:
Reasonable caution is in place with the refugee process. There are other avenues that should be tightened up.
Thankfully the House does not agree with you.

Thank God, even those ridiculous posers are beginning to feel a little bit alarmed at our president's obvious anti-American, anti-Christian policies.
Maybe but King Obama does not give a shit what the House does or what the American people want. He is much too smart for us.

I read something today about him threatening to withhold federal funding from law enforcement in areas where they are saying no to muslim implantation.


You sound like a parrot.
That is all that is driving my opinion.

Reasonable caution is in place with the refugee process. There are other avenues that should be tightened up.
Thankfully the House does not agree with you.

Thankfully, it's not veto proof. I always hope for rational minds to prevail. Of course...that is what I had hoped for when they made the decision to "liberate" Iraq.

The rational minds are prevailing, nation wide.

Ya...just like they did to keep the Jewish refugees out in 1939 :cuckoo:

Jewish refugees didn't pose a security risk, and hadn't declared war on us.

Again, bad analogy. Jewish refugees are like the Christian refugees that our country is refusing...and that you are okay with refusing. You're on the side that refuses the most desperate, just like FDR refused the Jews, because you're so desperate to be friends with the scum who victimize them. If we're going to use the WWII analogy it would be this...

Muslim are the Nazis
Christians are the Jews

And progressives, yet again, are siding with the butchers and the terrorists.
That is all that is driving my opinion.

Reasonable caution is in place with the refugee process. There are other avenues that should be tightened up.
Thankfully the House does not agree with you.

Thankfully, it's not veto proof. I always hope for rational minds to prevail. Of course...that is what I had hoped for when they made the decision to "liberate" Iraq.
If these "rational minds" prevail I would like to see how comfortable you would be with these people being relocated to your neighborhood. The collective "rational mind" acted to prevent these refugees from coming to the US until there is a better means of vetting.

I feel the vetting process for the refugee program as it currently exists is fine. The FBI feels it's fine, as I quoted earlier. I would think the agencies involved have a better idea than anonymous internet experts. I would be very comfortable to have them relocated in my neighborhood (oh NIMBY!) and would work with sponsoring organizations to make them feel welcome. That's rational.

I would be very comfortable to have them relocated in my neighborhood (oh NIMBY!) and would work with sponsoring organizations to make them feel welcome. That's rational.

What organizations do you work with and how many families or individual refugees do you currently sponsor/work with.
Thankfully the House does not agree with you.

Thank God, even those ridiculous posers are beginning to feel a little bit alarmed at our president's obvious anti-American, anti-Christian policies.
Maybe but King Obama does not give a shit what the House does or what the American people want. He is much too smart for us.

I read something today about him threatening to withhold federal funding from law enforcement in areas where they are saying no to muslim implantation.


You sound like a parrot.
Reasonable caution is in place with the refugee process. There are other avenues that should be tightened up.
Thankfully the House does not agree with you.

Thankfully, it's not veto proof. I always hope for rational minds to prevail. Of course...that is what I had hoped for when they made the decision to "liberate" Iraq.

The rational minds are prevailing, nation wide.

Ya...just like they did to keep the Jewish refugees out in 1939 :cuckoo:

Jewish refugees didn't pose a security risk, and hadn't declared war on us.

Wrong. They were considered a serious security risk - there was fear of communist infiltrators from the East European Jews and Nazi inflitrators from the German Jews. (and....contrary to your statement, the Syrian refugees haven't declared war on us either - you might want to correct your post there).

Again, bad analogy. Jewish refugees are like the Christian refugees that our country is refusing...and that you are okay with refusing. You're on the side that refuses the most desperate, just like FDR refused the Jews, because you're so desperate to be friends with the scum who victimize them. If we're going to use the WWII analogy it would be this...

ISIS is killing or enslaving anyone who doesn't adhere to their religious brand. That means more than Christians are in danger. This is not about being "friends" (as you put it) with anyone. It's about recognizing the real dangers these people are fleeing.

Muslim are the Nazis
Christians are the Jews

You still haven't got it right. But keep trying.

And progressives, yet again, are siding with the butchers and the terrorists.

Well, no, no one is siding with ISIS. You guys get so hysterically delusional.
Reasonable caution is in place with the refugee process. There are other avenues that should be tightened up.
Thankfully the House does not agree with you.

Thankfully, it's not veto proof. I always hope for rational minds to prevail. Of course...that is what I had hoped for when they made the decision to "liberate" Iraq.
If these "rational minds" prevail I would like to see how comfortable you would be with these people being relocated to your neighborhood. The collective "rational mind" acted to prevent these refugees from coming to the US until there is a better means of vetting.

I feel the vetting process for the refugee program as it currently exists is fine. The FBI feels it's fine, as I quoted earlier. I would think the agencies involved have a better idea than anonymous internet experts. I would be very comfortable to have them relocated in my neighborhood (oh NIMBY!) and would work with sponsoring organizations to make them feel welcome. That's rational.

I would be very comfortable to have them relocated in my neighborhood (oh NIMBY!) and would work with sponsoring organizations to make them feel welcome. That's rational.

What organizations do you work with and how many families or individual refugees do you currently sponsor/work with.

What is the point of your question asking for personal information?
Thankfully the House does not agree with you.

Thankfully, it's not veto proof. I always hope for rational minds to prevail. Of course...that is what I had hoped for when they made the decision to "liberate" Iraq.
If these "rational minds" prevail I would like to see how comfortable you would be with these people being relocated to your neighborhood. The collective "rational mind" acted to prevent these refugees from coming to the US until there is a better means of vetting.

I feel the vetting process for the refugee program as it currently exists is fine. The FBI feels it's fine, as I quoted earlier. I would think the agencies involved have a better idea than anonymous internet experts. I would be very comfortable to have them relocated in my neighborhood (oh NIMBY!) and would work with sponsoring organizations to make them feel welcome. That's rational.

I would be very comfortable to have them relocated in my neighborhood (oh NIMBY!) and would work with sponsoring organizations to make them feel welcome. That's rational.

What organizations do you work with and how many families or individual refugees do you currently sponsor/work with.

What is the point of your question asking for personal information?
Not personal just wanted to understand the level of your commitment to your talking point. I know what I have done to help maintain the safety and way of life in the US. If you wish to know I have no problem sharing that without any personal information as it is unnecessary.
Disagree. We fucked up Iraq which led to subsequent instability We have a responsibility to, at least, Iraqi refugees if not to more. We have the space, we have organizations willing to undertake it. We have the moral obligation.
I am dealing with today not yesterday and seeking safety rather than inviting risk.

No problem. I'm dealing with TODAY and learning from YESTERDAY.
Yea next thing is they will want to be instructed on how to fly a plane. I learned from yesterday as well.
You guys have to know what you're dealing with in this person CAIR's mission is to make any criticism of muslims into discrimination...This is what "Coyote" CAIR girl does all over this board. The David Horowitz video i posted speaks for itself but this person "Coyote" defended and supported her. This is where she is. She has no credibility at all... None

Wow...that's very imaginative. Got a link that shows I supported her statements?
Do you deny you made excuses for this women?
Not US responsibility. The US needs to prepare better then allow.

Disagree. We fucked up Iraq which led to subsequent instability We have a responsibility to, at least, Iraqi refugees if not to more. We have the space, we have organizations willing to undertake it. We have the moral obligation.
I am dealing with today not yesterday and seeking safety rather than inviting risk.

Just like they did yesterday. Some things never change unfortunately. That's the politics of fear.
Not fear, but caution.

When you look at the refugee process - it's two years of vetting and checking.

We have settled 784,000 refugees since 9/11. Since then, exactly three have been arrested in relation to terrorist activities. Of those 3 - 2 were not planning an attack in the US and "the plans of the third were barely credible"

We are not like the European continent and are isolated from the direct influx of refugees by an ocean.

The most common arguments against resettling more Syrian refugees, made by some Republican presidential candidates and members of Congress, is that the resettlement program could be a path for infiltration into the United States by ISIS or other terrorists. But the refugee resettlement program is the least likely avenue for a terrorist to choose. Refugees who are selected for resettlement to the United States go through a painstaking, many-layered review before they are accepted. The FBI, Department of Homeland Security, State Department, and national intelligence agencies independently check refugees’ biometric data against security databases. The whole process typically takes 18-24 months, with high hurdles for security clearance.

The United States is protected by geography from the inflow of asylum seekers who are entering Europe, mainly through Greece and Italy. Almost 600,000 have arrived in Europe so far this year—as many as 1 million may have entered by year’s end. The majority are unquestionably refugees. Germany and other European states have not invited them or agreed in advance to accept them—the refugees have just arrived, after dangerous journeys across the sea and overland. But European states are bound by their international obligations not to return them to danger. The United States, by contrast, has the luxury of choice of which refugees to admit through its resettlement program, from Syria, Iraq, or elsewhere. How robustly will it exercise that choice?

Rational "caution" would tell us this is not where we need to concentrate our efforts, rather we should look at other avenues of entry that are a higher risk for ISIS infiltration than the refugee process.

So yes, the politics of fear.

Maybe you missed this CAIR girl....

Disagree. We fucked up Iraq which led to subsequent instability We have a responsibility to, at least, Iraqi refugees if not to more. We have the space, we have organizations willing to undertake it. We have the moral obligation.
I am dealing with today not yesterday and seeking safety rather than inviting risk.

No problem. I'm dealing with TODAY and learning from YESTERDAY.
Yea next thing is they will want to be instructed on how to fly a plane. I learned from yesterday as well.
You guys have to know what you're dealing with in this person CAIR's mission is to make any criticism of muslims into discrimination...This is what "Coyote" CAIR girl does all over this board. The David Horowitz video i posted speaks for itself but this person "Coyote" defended and supported her. This is where she is. She has no credibility at all... None

Coming from the moron who thought a genocidal Israeli MP was hot and sexy. :lol:
Post the video of her comments, not hearsay.. .I'll wait:eusa_whistle:
Doing the right thing isn't "screwing the American people".

We did the wrong thing in the 1930's andn 40's.

Lets hope we don't repeat the mistake.
Right thing in your opinion. Until the US can develop a means to effectively vet these folks it is best to keep them away.

The vetting process is adequate. Where it needs to be addressed is in other areas such as tourist visa's etc. The refugee system is one of the best vetted.

We made a serious mistake turning away refugees in the past. We should not repeat it.

How can it be "adequate" when they have no papers and we cant get any info from the country they left?
You just going to take their word for it?

They spend two years checking these people and tracking down information. How many refugees have gone on and committed terrorist acts?

Using the rightwing logic - we should be looking critically at white American males and gun ownership because of the many mass gun shootings we've had (more than terrorist attacks).

Why should we spend all the money spending two friggen years researching someones past?
What exactly is the benefit?
All I see is a potential terrorist and a drain on social services that should be reserved for Americans.

What research?'s not possible. Syria is a failed state
All we need is one event.

Nothing is risk free or 100% guarenteed and to expect that is just plain stupid. We are more likely to be killed by home grown gun violence than by a terrorist attack. Should we work on banning more guns? We are more likely to be hit by lightening than killed by a terrorist...should we start offering major bribes to the weather gods?

At what point should fear overule our humanitarian impulses?

You are bringing ancillary issues into the discussion. The refugees are not American citizens and I do not want to be exposed to any potential danger. I am happy the House voted as they did.

No refugees are American citizens. Neither were the Jewish refugees during WW2, yet we refused them admittence over anti-semitism, and fears of Nazi and Communist infiltrators.

They died

The Jewish people fleeing Nazis were threatening to blow things up in America and chanting death to America? No, they weren't you sack of shit.

You stupid fuck. Irrelevant fallacy. Red herrings. You fucking bring up the dumb fucking democrat talking point cause you are a thoughtless puppet. Worthy of zero respect.

If I could smear my shit in your face I would. Know that.

You filthy deranged scumbag bag of shit.

I'm not interested in your fecal obsessions - keep it to yourself please.

In the meantime, study a bit of history - in particular, the fear of Nazi and Communist infiltrators among the refugees. Islamic Terrorism is the fear now - Communist and Nazi terrorism was the fear then.

If you can provide a lucid response, I'm interested - otherwise, take your meds.
Who can trust a liar who promises a through vetting when that's not possible?:slap:
You are bringing ancillary issues into the discussion. The refugees are not American citizens and I do not want to be exposed to any potential danger. I am happy the House voted as they did.

No refugees are American citizens. Neither were the Jewish refugees during WW2, yet we refused them admittence over anti-semitism, and fears of Nazi and Communist infiltrators.

They died

The Jewish people fleeing Nazis were threatening to blow things up in America and chanting death to America? No, they weren't you sack of shit.

You stupid fuck. Irrelevant fallacy. Red herrings. You fucking bring up the dumb fucking democrat talking point cause you are a thoughtless puppet. Worthy of zero respect.

If I could smear my shit in your face I would. Know that.

You filthy deranged scumbag bag of shit.

I'm not interested in your fecal obsessions - keep it to yourself please.

In the meantime, study a bit of history - in particular, the fear of Nazi and Communist infiltrators among the refugees. Islamic Terrorism is the fear now - Communist and Nazi terrorism was the fear then.

If you can provide a lucid response, I'm interested - otherwise, take your meds.

I note that you don't have a response to my query about the FBI Director's statement that they can't do an adequate vetting process with people coming out of Syria, Coyote. Why is that?

Which statement is that? This one?

FBI Director James Comey balks at refugee legislation -
There are always risks in allowing any foreigners into the U.S., Comey told the officials, adding that the FBI believes it has an effective process with intelligence and other agencies to conduct vetting of refugees.
He doesn't want to have to sign off on anything....Obama must have set him straight... He can argue with himself..

Thankfully, it's not veto proof. I always hope for rational minds to prevail. Of course...that is what I had hoped for when they made the decision to "liberate" Iraq.
If these "rational minds" prevail I would like to see how comfortable you would be with these people being relocated to your neighborhood. The collective "rational mind" acted to prevent these refugees from coming to the US until there is a better means of vetting.

I feel the vetting process for the refugee program as it currently exists is fine. The FBI feels it's fine, as I quoted earlier. I would think the agencies involved have a better idea than anonymous internet experts. I would be very comfortable to have them relocated in my neighborhood (oh NIMBY!) and would work with sponsoring organizations to make them feel welcome. That's rational.

I would be very comfortable to have them relocated in my neighborhood (oh NIMBY!) and would work with sponsoring organizations to make them feel welcome. That's rational.

What organizations do you work with and how many families or individual refugees do you currently sponsor/work with.

What is the point of your question asking for personal information?
Not personal just wanted to understand the level of your commitment to your talking point. I know what I have done to help maintain the safety and way of life in the US. If you wish to know I have no problem sharing that without any personal information as it is unnecessary.

My state has no refugees as of yet, is not slated for any - yet. The place where I work is involved in several activities to help refugees (collecting donations etc). We also have an organization that is working to put pressure on our representatives to take refugees. I'm involved with supporting them. I am not interested in what you've done.

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