House votes to block Syrian refugees

Doing the right thing isn't "screwing the American people".

We did the wrong thing in the 1930's andn 40's.

Lets hope we don't repeat the mistake.
What....WINNING a war? We are in a WAR you dumb fuck. Wake up.

Good for the House.

And you know what...GOOD FOR DEMOCRATS who voted in favor of this. They may have realized their closet Muslim president is going rogue and no longer gives a fuck about the Democrat Party. He used them to get to the Oval Office. How comfortable he looked criticizing Americans in the Muslim Phillipines.

I wonder who's side our military, cia, and the state dept are on. Seriously.

They couldn't have done a better job in the creation of the Islamic State that grew out of a large part of Syria. I wonder what's next on their agenda.
State dept is undeniably anti American, anti Christian and pro Islam. Military has a lot of carefully placed anti American, pro Islam scum.
Doing the right thing isn't "screwing the American people".

We did the wrong thing in the 1930's andn 40's.

Lets hope we don't repeat the mistake.
What....WINNING a war? We are in a WAR you dumb fuck. Wake up.

Good for the House.

And you know what...GOOD FOR DEMOCRATS who voted in favor of this. They may have realized their closet Muslim president is going rogue and no longer gives a fuck about the Democrat Party. He used them to get to the Oval Office. How comfortable he looked criticizing Americans in the Muslim Phillipines.

I wonder who's side our military, cia, and the state dept are on. Seriously.

They couldn't have done a better job in the creation of the Islamic State that grew out of a large part of Syria. I wonder what's next on their agenda.
State dept is undeniably anti American, anti Christian and pro Islam. Military has a lot of carefully placed anti American, pro Islam scum.

Oh brother. So much for "reality".
State dept is undeniably anti American, anti Christian and pro Islam. Military has a lot of carefully placed anti American, pro Islam scum.
Ahhh nostalgia for Red Scare days ...
Doing the right thing isn't "screwing the American people".

We did the wrong thing in the 1930's andn 40's.

Lets hope we don't repeat the mistake.
Listen, you anti American, anti human scum, the Jewish people had not declared WAR on us and were not a threat to security and safety, as Muslims are. Jewish terrorists were not flooding our borders. The Jewish people were victims of religious persecution, as the CHRISTIANS of the middle east are today. In the analogy of wwII\today's Islamic created crisis, YOU are on the side of the assholes like fdr who helped Hitler and blocked the Jews from entering our country by refusing to acknowledge their special refugee status..

Nope. I'm not the one trying to block refugees because of their religion. Sounds like you want to though.
Yes, you are. You're facilitating genocide and denying Christians entrance to the states unless they make themselves known to, and travel with, the people who are killing them. Meanwhile you wave in anybody else, even those who have declared war on us and committed violent crimes in the past.

How am I denying Christians anything? How am I facilitating genocide? I'm the one arguing there shouldn't be a religious litmus test for refugees. Let's stick to reality here.
By denying that Christians from the middle east need their own classification that would allow them the same access and protection you think terrorists and criminals should receive.
Doing the right thing isn't "screwing the American people".

We did the wrong thing in the 1930's andn 40's.

Lets hope we don't repeat the mistake.
What....WINNING a war? We are in a WAR you dumb fuck. Wake up.

Good for the House.

And you know what...GOOD FOR DEMOCRATS who voted in favor of this. They may have realized their closet Muslim president is going rogue and no longer gives a fuck about the Democrat Party. He used them to get to the Oval Office. How comfortable he looked criticizing Americans in the Muslim Phillipines.

I wonder who's side our military, cia, and the state dept are on. Seriously.

They couldn't have done a better job in the creation of the Islamic State that grew out of a large part of Syria. I wonder what's next on their agenda.
State dept is undeniably anti American, anti Christian and pro Islam. Military has a lot of carefully placed anti American, pro Islam scum.

Oh brother. So much for "reality".

What a willful idiot you are.
Doing the right thing isn't "screwing the American people".

We did the wrong thing in the 1930's andn 40's.

Lets hope we don't repeat the mistake.
Listen, you anti American, anti human scum, the Jewish people had not declared WAR on us and were not a threat to security and safety, as Muslims are. Jewish terrorists were not flooding our borders. The Jewish people were victims of religious persecution, as the CHRISTIANS of the middle east are today. In the analogy of wwII\today's Islamic created crisis, YOU are on the side of the assholes like fdr who helped Hitler and blocked the Jews from entering our country by refusing to acknowledge their special refugee status..

Nope. I'm not the one trying to block refugees because of their religion. Sounds like you want to though.
Yes, you are. You're facilitating genocide and denying Christians entrance to the states unless they make themselves known to, and travel with, the people who are killing them. Meanwhile you wave in anybody else, even those who have declared war on us and committed violent crimes in the past.

How am I denying Christians anything? How am I facilitating genocide? I'm the one arguing there shouldn't be a religious litmus test for refugees. Let's stick to reality here.
By denying that Christians from the middle east need their own classification that would allow them the same access and protection you think terrorists and criminals should receive.

I haven't taken a position one way or the other on whether they need their own classification - I don't know enough about the classification process. It would be interesting to read the pros/cons as to why from some reputable unbiased sources. I've also said that something should be done to reach out to those who aren't registering in refugee camps. Aside from that - I still strongly disagree there should be a religious litmus test as to whether we admit a refugee or not. If they are fleeing persecution and death and seeking refuge, I don't care what their faith is.
Conservatives are threatening to flee to other countries if Syrian refugees are allowed into the US completely missing the oxymoron irony of being anti-Refugee Refugees
Doing the right thing isn't "screwing the American people".

We did the wrong thing in the 1930's andn 40's.

Lets hope we don't repeat the mistake.
What....WINNING a war? We are in a WAR you dumb fuck. Wake up.

Good for the House.

And you know what...GOOD FOR DEMOCRATS who voted in favor of this. They may have realized their closet Muslim president is going rogue and no longer gives a fuck about the Democrat Party. He used them to get to the Oval Office. How comfortable he looked criticizing Americans in the Muslim Phillipines.

I wonder who's side our military, cia, and the state dept are on. Seriously.

They couldn't have done a better job in the creation of the Islamic State that grew out of a large part of Syria. I wonder what's next on their agenda.
State dept is undeniably anti American, anti Christian and pro Islam. Military has a lot of carefully placed anti American, pro Islam scum.

Well, it's either that, or they're just to stupid to wage war in that part of the world. For me anyway, I'm more inclined to choose the latter.
Doing the right thing isn't "screwing the American people".

We did the wrong thing in the 1930's andn 40's.

Lets hope we don't repeat the mistake.
What....WINNING a war? We are in a WAR you dumb fuck. Wake up.

Good for the House.

And you know what...GOOD FOR DEMOCRATS who voted in favor of this. They may have realized their closet Muslim president is going rogue and no longer gives a fuck about the Democrat Party. He used them to get to the Oval Office. How comfortable he looked criticizing Americans in the Muslim Phillipines.

I wonder who's side our military, cia, and the state dept are on. Seriously.

They couldn't have done a better job in the creation of the Islamic State that grew out of a large part of Syria. I wonder what's next on their agenda.
State dept is undeniably anti American, anti Christian and pro Islam. Military has a lot of carefully placed anti American, pro Islam scum.

Oh brother. So much for "reality".

Dude, denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

But having said that, I'm not opposed to the Syrians arriving here as originally planned. They shouldn't be made to suffer anymore than they already have.
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Doing the right thing isn't "screwing the American people".

We did the wrong thing in the 1930's andn 40's.

Lets hope we don't repeat the mistake.

Middle East Christians and other religious MINORITIES have been slaughtered by ISIS and Obama drags his feet on bringing them in as refugees. If ever there was a reason to bring in a refugee it would be them.
Yet he can not Hesitate to bring in Muslim refugees who are not a persecuted minority in the Middle east. They can go to other Middle eastern countries and feel more at home. Unlike people like the Yazidis who would not fit in

I just don't believe Obama. Is inconsistencies say a lot
Not fear, but caution.

When you look at the refugee process - it's two years of vetting and checking.

We have settled 784,000 refugees since 9/11. Since then, exactly three have been arrested in relation to terrorist activities. Of those 3 - 2 were not planning an attack in the US and "the plans of the third were barely credible"

We are not like the European continent and are isolated from the direct influx of refugees by an ocean.

The most common arguments against resettling more Syrian refugees, made by some Republican presidential candidates and members of Congress, is that the resettlement program could be a path for infiltration into the United States by ISIS or other terrorists. But the refugee resettlement program is the least likely avenue for a terrorist to choose. Refugees who are selected for resettlement to the United States go through a painstaking, many-layered review before they are accepted. The FBI, Department of Homeland Security, State Department, and national intelligence agencies independently check refugees’ biometric data against security databases. The whole process typically takes 18-24 months, with high hurdles for security clearance.

The United States is protected by geography from the inflow of asylum seekers who are entering Europe, mainly through Greece and Italy. Almost 600,000 have arrived in Europe so far this year—as many as 1 million may have entered by year’s end. The majority are unquestionably refugees. Germany and other European states have not invited them or agreed in advance to accept them—the refugees have just arrived, after dangerous journeys across the sea and overland. But European states are bound by their international obligations not to return them to danger. The United States, by contrast, has the luxury of choice of which refugees to admit through its resettlement program, from Syria, Iraq, or elsewhere. How robustly will it exercise that choice?

Rational "caution" would tell us this is not where we need to concentrate our efforts, rather we should look at other avenues of entry that are a higher risk for ISIS infiltration than the refugee process.

So yes, the politics of fear.
For you it is fear, the practice today of vetting is not adequate it is really that simple, I say caution. If there is any hate or fear it is coming from you.

No hatred or fear from me, simply a logical look at things. It's amazing how quickly logic goes out the window when the fear becomes the overriding emotion.
Logic says develop a means to effectively vet then allow them in, what you suggest is to throw all caution to the wind. Yes you castigate those who wish to preserve our way of life free from terrorism that is both hateful and fearful.

I can understand reasonable caution - are you suggesting that is all that is driving this? Listen to the rhetoric around and listen to the Republicans whipping up the frenzy:

Trump would not rule out warrantless searches in his plans for increased surveillance of the nation’s Muslims, Yahoo reported Thursday.
He also remained open toward registering U.S. Muslims in a database or giving them special identification identifying their faith, the news outlet added.

Sen. Ted Cruz Sunday continued to call for Muslim refugees from Syria to be barred from entering the United States but opening the borders to displaced Christians, arguing there is not a "meaningful risk" that Christians will commit terrorist acts.

Rep. Mike Moon:
"For the safety of Missourians, we can ill-afford to wait," Moon wrote in the letter. "I ask that you begin the process of calling the General Assembly into Special Session in order to tie the Governor's hands, putting a stop to the potential Islamization of Missouri." ...Our preference, as a nation, should be to place the refugees in camps so that they can be properly cared for and returned safely home when the time is right.

TN State House Glen Casada:
"I'm not worried about what a bureaucrat in D.C. or an unelected judge thinks. ... We need to gather [Syrian refugees] up and politely take them back to the ICE [federal immigration] center and say, 'They're not coming to Tennessee, they're yours,'" Tennessee state House GOP Caucus Chairman Glen Casada told The Tennessean Tuesday.

"We need to activate the Tennessee National Guard and stop them from coming in to the state by whatever means we can. ... Tennessee is a sovereign state. If the federal government is forsaking the obligation to protect our citizens, we need to act," he said.

State Sen. Elaine Morgan (R):
“If we need to take these people in we should set up [a] refugee camp to keep them segregated from our populous.” Morgan wrote in the email. “I think the protection of our US citizens and the United States of America should be the most important issue here.”

Morgan also launched into a bigoted attack on Muslim people by lumping the entire religious community together with Islamic State terrorists.

“The Muslim religion and philosophy is to murder, rape, and decapitate anyone who is a non Muslim,” she wrote, also stating, “I do not want our governor bringing in any Syrian refugees. I think our country is under attack. I think this is a major plan by these countries to spread out their people to attack all non Muslim persons.”

On preserving our way of life:

Speaking at a G-20 summit in Turkey, President Barack Obama chastised politicians across the aisle for advocating for a "religious test" for individuals fleeing persecution in war-torn countries.

"That's shameful. That's not American. That's not who we are," Obama said. The values we are fighting against ISIL for are precisely that we don't discriminate against people because of their faith. We don't kill people because they're different than us. That's what separates us from them."

Rep. Aaron Regunberg
...pointed out that his own grandfather was forced to flee Nazi Germany as a refugee. “I am alive today because — after great desperation and hardship — my grandfather was able to flee Nazi Germany and find safety as a refugee in the Philippines,” he wrote in a letter to Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo. “We can do this responsibly and safely, and I urge you to keep Rhode Island true to its long history of welcoming those who seek sanctuary from persecution,”

G.W. Bush:
"The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about," Bush said in 2001. "Islam is peace."

In no way am I suggesting we "throw all caution to the wind", so let's be honest here.

FBI Director James Comey balks at refugee legislation -
There are always risks in allowing any foreigners into the U.S., Comey told the officials, adding that the FBI believes it has an effective process with intelligence and other agencies to conduct vetting of refugees.
reasonable caution
That is all that is driving my opinion.
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Doing the right thing isn't "screwing the American people".

We did the wrong thing in the 1930's andn 40's.

Lets hope we don't repeat the mistake.

Middle East Christians and other religious MINORITIES have been slaughtered by ISIS and Obama drags his feet on bringing them in as refugees. If ever there was a reason to bring in a refugee it would be them.
Yet he can not Hesitate to bring in Muslim refugees who are not a persecuted minority in the Middle east. They can go to other Middle eastern countries and feel more at home. Unlike people like the Yazidis who would not fit in

I just don't believe Obama. Is inconsistencies say a lot

The Syrians arriving here on our doorstep are in fact, living proof that it's a bad idea to stir up the natives.
When you look at the refugee process - it's two years of vetting and checking.

We have settled 784,000 refugees since 9/11. Since then, exactly three have been arrested in relation to terrorist activities. Of those 3 - 2 were not planning an attack in the US and "the plans of the third were barely credible"

We are not like the European continent and are isolated from the direct influx of refugees by an ocean.

The most common arguments against resettling more Syrian refugees, made by some Republican presidential candidates and members of Congress, is that the resettlement program could be a path for infiltration into the United States by ISIS or other terrorists. But the refugee resettlement program is the least likely avenue for a terrorist to choose. Refugees who are selected for resettlement to the United States go through a painstaking, many-layered review before they are accepted. The FBI, Department of Homeland Security, State Department, and national intelligence agencies independently check refugees’ biometric data against security databases. The whole process typically takes 18-24 months, with high hurdles for security clearance.

The United States is protected by geography from the inflow of asylum seekers who are entering Europe, mainly through Greece and Italy. Almost 600,000 have arrived in Europe so far this year—as many as 1 million may have entered by year’s end. The majority are unquestionably refugees. Germany and other European states have not invited them or agreed in advance to accept them—the refugees have just arrived, after dangerous journeys across the sea and overland. But European states are bound by their international obligations not to return them to danger. The United States, by contrast, has the luxury of choice of which refugees to admit through its resettlement program, from Syria, Iraq, or elsewhere. How robustly will it exercise that choice?

Rational "caution" would tell us this is not where we need to concentrate our efforts, rather we should look at other avenues of entry that are a higher risk for ISIS infiltration than the refugee process.

So yes, the politics of fear.
For you it is fear, the practice today of vetting is not adequate it is really that simple, I say caution. If there is any hate or fear it is coming from you.

No hatred or fear from me, simply a logical look at things. It's amazing how quickly logic goes out the window when the fear becomes the overriding emotion.
Logic says develop a means to effectively vet then allow them in, what you suggest is to throw all caution to the wind. Yes you castigate those who wish to preserve our way of life free from terrorism that is both hateful and fearful.

I can understand reasonable caution - are you suggesting that is all that is driving this? Listen to the rhetoric around and listen to the Republicans whipping up the frenzy:

Trump would not rule out warrantless searches in his plans for increased surveillance of the nation’s Muslims, Yahoo reported Thursday.
He also remained open toward registering U.S. Muslims in a database or giving them special identification identifying their faith, the news outlet added.

Sen. Ted Cruz Sunday continued to call for Muslim refugees from Syria to be barred from entering the United States but opening the borders to displaced Christians, arguing there is not a "meaningful risk" that Christians will commit terrorist acts.

Rep. Mike Moon:
"For the safety of Missourians, we can ill-afford to wait," Moon wrote in the letter. "I ask that you begin the process of calling the General Assembly into Special Session in order to tie the Governor's hands, putting a stop to the potential Islamization of Missouri." ...Our preference, as a nation, should be to place the refugees in camps so that they can be properly cared for and returned safely home when the time is right.

TN State House Glen Casada:
"I'm not worried about what a bureaucrat in D.C. or an unelected judge thinks. ... We need to gather [Syrian refugees] up and politely take them back to the ICE [federal immigration] center and say, 'They're not coming to Tennessee, they're yours,'" Tennessee state House GOP Caucus Chairman Glen Casada told The Tennessean Tuesday.

"We need to activate the Tennessee National Guard and stop them from coming in to the state by whatever means we can. ... Tennessee is a sovereign state. If the federal government is forsaking the obligation to protect our citizens, we need to act," he said.

State Sen. Elaine Morgan (R):
“If we need to take these people in we should set up [a] refugee camp to keep them segregated from our populous.” Morgan wrote in the email. “I think the protection of our US citizens and the United States of America should be the most important issue here.”

Morgan also launched into a bigoted attack on Muslim people by lumping the entire religious community together with Islamic State terrorists.

“The Muslim religion and philosophy is to murder, rape, and decapitate anyone who is a non Muslim,” she wrote, also stating, “I do not want our governor bringing in any Syrian refugees. I think our country is under attack. I think this is a major plan by these countries to spread out their people to attack all non Muslim persons.”

On preserving our way of life:

Speaking at a G-20 summit in Turkey, President Barack Obama chastised politicians across the aisle for advocating for a "religious test" for individuals fleeing persecution in war-torn countries.

"That's shameful. That's not American. That's not who we are," Obama said. The values we are fighting against ISIL for are precisely that we don't discriminate against people because of their faith. We don't kill people because they're different than us. That's what separates us from them."

Rep. Aaron Regunberg
...pointed out that his own grandfather was forced to flee Nazi Germany as a refugee. “I am alive today because — after great desperation and hardship — my grandfather was able to flee Nazi Germany and find safety as a refugee in the Philippines,” he wrote in a letter to Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo. “We can do this responsibly and safely, and I urge you to keep Rhode Island true to its long history of welcoming those who seek sanctuary from persecution,”

G.W. Bush:
"The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about," Bush said in 2001. "Islam is peace."

In no way am I suggesting we "throw all caution to the wind", so let's be honest here.

FBI Director James Comey balks at refugee legislation -
There are always risks in allowing any foreigners into the U.S., Comey told the officials, adding that the FBI believes it has an effective process with intelligence and other agencies to conduct vetting of refugees.
reasonable caution
That is all that is driving my opinion.

Reasonable caution is in place with the refugee process. There are other avenues that should be tightened up.
Doing the right thing isn't "screwing the American people".

We did the wrong thing in the 1930's andn 40's.

Lets hope we don't repeat the mistake.

Middle East Christians and other religious MINORITIES have been slaughtered by ISIS and Obama drags his feet on bringing them in as refugees. If ever there was a reason to bring in a refugee it would be them.
Yet he can not Hesitate to bring in Muslim refugees who are not a persecuted minority in the Middle east. They can go to other Middle eastern countries and feel more at home. Unlike people like the Yazidis who would not fit in

I just don't believe Obama. Is inconsistencies say a lot

ISIS is slaughtering anyone who doesn't adhere to their brand of religion - including other Muslims.

Obama isn't dragging his feet on bringing them in as refugees - it's the right who are insisting on a total halt or a religious test. Obama has not made religion a criteria.

If we go by your logic, well - the Christians can go to Europe and feel at home and we should just take the Yazidi's. But it doesn't and should not work that way.
For you it is fear, the practice today of vetting is not adequate it is really that simple, I say caution. If there is any hate or fear it is coming from you.

No hatred or fear from me, simply a logical look at things. It's amazing how quickly logic goes out the window when the fear becomes the overriding emotion.
Logic says develop a means to effectively vet then allow them in, what you suggest is to throw all caution to the wind. Yes you castigate those who wish to preserve our way of life free from terrorism that is both hateful and fearful.

I can understand reasonable caution - are you suggesting that is all that is driving this? Listen to the rhetoric around and listen to the Republicans whipping up the frenzy:

Trump would not rule out warrantless searches in his plans for increased surveillance of the nation’s Muslims, Yahoo reported Thursday.
He also remained open toward registering U.S. Muslims in a database or giving them special identification identifying their faith, the news outlet added.

Sen. Ted Cruz Sunday continued to call for Muslim refugees from Syria to be barred from entering the United States but opening the borders to displaced Christians, arguing there is not a "meaningful risk" that Christians will commit terrorist acts.

Rep. Mike Moon:
"For the safety of Missourians, we can ill-afford to wait," Moon wrote in the letter. "I ask that you begin the process of calling the General Assembly into Special Session in order to tie the Governor's hands, putting a stop to the potential Islamization of Missouri." ...Our preference, as a nation, should be to place the refugees in camps so that they can be properly cared for and returned safely home when the time is right.

TN State House Glen Casada:
"I'm not worried about what a bureaucrat in D.C. or an unelected judge thinks. ... We need to gather [Syrian refugees] up and politely take them back to the ICE [federal immigration] center and say, 'They're not coming to Tennessee, they're yours,'" Tennessee state House GOP Caucus Chairman Glen Casada told The Tennessean Tuesday.

"We need to activate the Tennessee National Guard and stop them from coming in to the state by whatever means we can. ... Tennessee is a sovereign state. If the federal government is forsaking the obligation to protect our citizens, we need to act," he said.

State Sen. Elaine Morgan (R):
“If we need to take these people in we should set up [a] refugee camp to keep them segregated from our populous.” Morgan wrote in the email. “I think the protection of our US citizens and the United States of America should be the most important issue here.”

Morgan also launched into a bigoted attack on Muslim people by lumping the entire religious community together with Islamic State terrorists.

“The Muslim religion and philosophy is to murder, rape, and decapitate anyone who is a non Muslim,” she wrote, also stating, “I do not want our governor bringing in any Syrian refugees. I think our country is under attack. I think this is a major plan by these countries to spread out their people to attack all non Muslim persons.”

On preserving our way of life:

Speaking at a G-20 summit in Turkey, President Barack Obama chastised politicians across the aisle for advocating for a "religious test" for individuals fleeing persecution in war-torn countries.

"That's shameful. That's not American. That's not who we are," Obama said. The values we are fighting against ISIL for are precisely that we don't discriminate against people because of their faith. We don't kill people because they're different than us. That's what separates us from them."

Rep. Aaron Regunberg
...pointed out that his own grandfather was forced to flee Nazi Germany as a refugee. “I am alive today because — after great desperation and hardship — my grandfather was able to flee Nazi Germany and find safety as a refugee in the Philippines,” he wrote in a letter to Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo. “We can do this responsibly and safely, and I urge you to keep Rhode Island true to its long history of welcoming those who seek sanctuary from persecution,”

G.W. Bush:
"The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about," Bush said in 2001. "Islam is peace."

In no way am I suggesting we "throw all caution to the wind", so let's be honest here.

FBI Director James Comey balks at refugee legislation -
There are always risks in allowing any foreigners into the U.S., Comey told the officials, adding that the FBI believes it has an effective process with intelligence and other agencies to conduct vetting of refugees.
reasonable caution
That is all that is driving my opinion.

Reasonable caution is in place with the refugee process. There are other avenues that should be tightened up.
Thankfully the House does not agree with you.
I have a big problem with 20,000 Islamic refugees from an ISIS hot bed that are not properly screened.
Where do the refugees stay while being vetted?
Where are they now?....
So... you don't know?
I don't either, which is why I asked.
It is not my impression, however that these refugees will stay where they are until "vetted", rather they will come here pending that process.
If so, where do these people stay? Are they free to roam about?
It would be rather insane for them to be roaming about...
I agree.
So their either stay where they are until vetted, or come here and are confined until vetted.
If they already have a place to stay, why do they need to come here?
Yeah, I'd like to hear just how DHS/Immigration folks plan to handle this.

On a side note...a friend of mine just pointed out that either someone, or maybe many different folks, have bough nearly 30,000 UPS uniforms on eBay, and they're going to warn people to not accept deliveries from anyone who doesn't show IDs or you can see their truck
No hatred or fear from me, simply a logical look at things. It's amazing how quickly logic goes out the window when the fear becomes the overriding emotion.
Logic says develop a means to effectively vet then allow them in, what you suggest is to throw all caution to the wind. Yes you castigate those who wish to preserve our way of life free from terrorism that is both hateful and fearful.

I can understand reasonable caution - are you suggesting that is all that is driving this? Listen to the rhetoric around and listen to the Republicans whipping up the frenzy:

Trump would not rule out warrantless searches in his plans for increased surveillance of the nation’s Muslims, Yahoo reported Thursday.
He also remained open toward registering U.S. Muslims in a database or giving them special identification identifying their faith, the news outlet added.

Sen. Ted Cruz Sunday continued to call for Muslim refugees from Syria to be barred from entering the United States but opening the borders to displaced Christians, arguing there is not a "meaningful risk" that Christians will commit terrorist acts.

Rep. Mike Moon:
"For the safety of Missourians, we can ill-afford to wait," Moon wrote in the letter. "I ask that you begin the process of calling the General Assembly into Special Session in order to tie the Governor's hands, putting a stop to the potential Islamization of Missouri." ...Our preference, as a nation, should be to place the refugees in camps so that they can be properly cared for and returned safely home when the time is right.

TN State House Glen Casada:
"I'm not worried about what a bureaucrat in D.C. or an unelected judge thinks. ... We need to gather [Syrian refugees] up and politely take them back to the ICE [federal immigration] center and say, 'They're not coming to Tennessee, they're yours,'" Tennessee state House GOP Caucus Chairman Glen Casada told The Tennessean Tuesday.

"We need to activate the Tennessee National Guard and stop them from coming in to the state by whatever means we can. ... Tennessee is a sovereign state. If the federal government is forsaking the obligation to protect our citizens, we need to act," he said.

State Sen. Elaine Morgan (R):
“If we need to take these people in we should set up [a] refugee camp to keep them segregated from our populous.” Morgan wrote in the email. “I think the protection of our US citizens and the United States of America should be the most important issue here.”

Morgan also launched into a bigoted attack on Muslim people by lumping the entire religious community together with Islamic State terrorists.

“The Muslim religion and philosophy is to murder, rape, and decapitate anyone who is a non Muslim,” she wrote, also stating, “I do not want our governor bringing in any Syrian refugees. I think our country is under attack. I think this is a major plan by these countries to spread out their people to attack all non Muslim persons.”

On preserving our way of life:

Speaking at a G-20 summit in Turkey, President Barack Obama chastised politicians across the aisle for advocating for a "religious test" for individuals fleeing persecution in war-torn countries.

"That's shameful. That's not American. That's not who we are," Obama said. The values we are fighting against ISIL for are precisely that we don't discriminate against people because of their faith. We don't kill people because they're different than us. That's what separates us from them."

Rep. Aaron Regunberg
...pointed out that his own grandfather was forced to flee Nazi Germany as a refugee. “I am alive today because — after great desperation and hardship — my grandfather was able to flee Nazi Germany and find safety as a refugee in the Philippines,” he wrote in a letter to Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo. “We can do this responsibly and safely, and I urge you to keep Rhode Island true to its long history of welcoming those who seek sanctuary from persecution,”

G.W. Bush:
"The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about," Bush said in 2001. "Islam is peace."

In no way am I suggesting we "throw all caution to the wind", so let's be honest here.

FBI Director James Comey balks at refugee legislation -
There are always risks in allowing any foreigners into the U.S., Comey told the officials, adding that the FBI believes it has an effective process with intelligence and other agencies to conduct vetting of refugees.
reasonable caution
That is all that is driving my opinion.

Reasonable caution is in place with the refugee process. There are other avenues that should be tightened up.
Thankfully the House does not agree with you.

Thank God, even those ridiculous posers are beginning to feel a little bit alarmed at our president's obvious anti-American, anti-Christian policies.
Logic says develop a means to effectively vet then allow them in, what you suggest is to throw all caution to the wind. Yes you castigate those who wish to preserve our way of life free from terrorism that is both hateful and fearful.

I can understand reasonable caution - are you suggesting that is all that is driving this? Listen to the rhetoric around and listen to the Republicans whipping up the frenzy:

Trump would not rule out warrantless searches in his plans for increased surveillance of the nation’s Muslims, Yahoo reported Thursday.
He also remained open toward registering U.S. Muslims in a database or giving them special identification identifying their faith, the news outlet added.

Sen. Ted Cruz Sunday continued to call for Muslim refugees from Syria to be barred from entering the United States but opening the borders to displaced Christians, arguing there is not a "meaningful risk" that Christians will commit terrorist acts.

Rep. Mike Moon:
"For the safety of Missourians, we can ill-afford to wait," Moon wrote in the letter. "I ask that you begin the process of calling the General Assembly into Special Session in order to tie the Governor's hands, putting a stop to the potential Islamization of Missouri." ...Our preference, as a nation, should be to place the refugees in camps so that they can be properly cared for and returned safely home when the time is right.

TN State House Glen Casada:
"I'm not worried about what a bureaucrat in D.C. or an unelected judge thinks. ... We need to gather [Syrian refugees] up and politely take them back to the ICE [federal immigration] center and say, 'They're not coming to Tennessee, they're yours,'" Tennessee state House GOP Caucus Chairman Glen Casada told The Tennessean Tuesday.

"We need to activate the Tennessee National Guard and stop them from coming in to the state by whatever means we can. ... Tennessee is a sovereign state. If the federal government is forsaking the obligation to protect our citizens, we need to act," he said.

State Sen. Elaine Morgan (R):
“If we need to take these people in we should set up [a] refugee camp to keep them segregated from our populous.” Morgan wrote in the email. “I think the protection of our US citizens and the United States of America should be the most important issue here.”

Morgan also launched into a bigoted attack on Muslim people by lumping the entire religious community together with Islamic State terrorists.

“The Muslim religion and philosophy is to murder, rape, and decapitate anyone who is a non Muslim,” she wrote, also stating, “I do not want our governor bringing in any Syrian refugees. I think our country is under attack. I think this is a major plan by these countries to spread out their people to attack all non Muslim persons.”

On preserving our way of life:

Speaking at a G-20 summit in Turkey, President Barack Obama chastised politicians across the aisle for advocating for a "religious test" for individuals fleeing persecution in war-torn countries.

"That's shameful. That's not American. That's not who we are," Obama said. The values we are fighting against ISIL for are precisely that we don't discriminate against people because of their faith. We don't kill people because they're different than us. That's what separates us from them."

Rep. Aaron Regunberg
...pointed out that his own grandfather was forced to flee Nazi Germany as a refugee. “I am alive today because — after great desperation and hardship — my grandfather was able to flee Nazi Germany and find safety as a refugee in the Philippines,” he wrote in a letter to Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo. “We can do this responsibly and safely, and I urge you to keep Rhode Island true to its long history of welcoming those who seek sanctuary from persecution,”

G.W. Bush:
"The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about," Bush said in 2001. "Islam is peace."

In no way am I suggesting we "throw all caution to the wind", so let's be honest here.

FBI Director James Comey balks at refugee legislation -
There are always risks in allowing any foreigners into the U.S., Comey told the officials, adding that the FBI believes it has an effective process with intelligence and other agencies to conduct vetting of refugees.
reasonable caution
That is all that is driving my opinion.

Reasonable caution is in place with the refugee process. There are other avenues that should be tightened up.
Thankfully the House does not agree with you.

Thank God, even those ridiculous posers are beginning to feel a little bit alarmed at our president's obvious anti-American, anti-Christian policies.
Maybe but King Obama does not give a shit what the House does or what the American people want. He is much too smart for us.

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