House votes to block Syrian refugees

We don't. They declared war on us.
ISIS declared war on us, are you saying that all Syrian refugees are ISIS?
One of the resident fools here just posted that out of 100K Syrian refugees coming to the US only about 10 of them would be "radicalized' and commit a terror attack.
I hope his family isn't visiting Times Square when it's blown up.
I hope none of your family is visiting Times Square when it's blown up.
it's not foolish, and what they said was "We have settled 784,000 refugees since 9/11. Since then, exactly three have been arrested in relation to terrorist activities. Of those 3 - 2 were not planning an attack in the US"

You really don't see it do you?

The GOP needs to be on the attack against Obama's foreign policy because attacking Hillary on the economy isn't resonating.

How do they do that?...fear mongering.

Instead of Fox News showing the French, Russians, and the US pulling together to fight ISIS...they spend all day blaming Paris on Obama, and playing up the danger. Because the last thing the GOP wants are Americans acting like the French, which is to not let themselves be terrorized.

So 3 out of 784,000......which means 1 in every appx 260,000 people.

Do the math, that means for 20,000 refugees, it's a 10% chance that only 1 of them might try anything.

You have more to fear from a trailer park full of meth heads.


We have arrested a LOT more than three for terrorist activites.

And the French are currently being terrorized. And killed. Because they stupidly allowed islam to get a foothold.
French people were being killed last week, since then, they've been killing the ISIS perpetrators.

The article presented shows "refugees" who've been given sanctuary...the people carrying out terrorist acts here are illegally here, or citizens.

Show me all the reports of refugees getting arrested for terrorism

Oh yawn, it's the old "they just pretended to be refugees and got in so it's okay to keep letting refugees in" argument.
I haven't heard from any American Muslims about vetting Syrian refugees.

That would be interesting to see how they feel about it.

They are fucking TERRIFIED is how they feel about it.
That's an interesting response.

American Muslims are terrified of Syrian refugees coming over?
She is assuming that they are moderates and would be terrified of radicals coming over and engaging in mischief, is how I read it.

IT isnt that simple though. Some are Jihadis wanting more recruits and some are moderates looking to live the American dream.

It doesn't matter. As long as jihadists are hiding amongst them, STOP THEM ALL. When we are able to find and prevent the jihadists from coming in, then start letting them back in. Or not.
That's what you guys say about illegals from Mexico, when most of that crime is illegal on illegal stuff.

I must say...I'm in favor of what Jerry Brown is talking about, and that is allowing the refugees, but vetting them as best we can, and watching them very closely.

? I am completely confounded by that.
I haven't heard from any American Muslims about vetting Syrian refugees.

That would be interesting to see how they feel about it.

They are fucking TERRIFIED is how they feel about it.
That's an interesting response.

American Muslims are terrified of Syrian refugees coming over?
She is assuming that they are moderates and would be terrified of radicals coming over and engaging in mischief, is how I read it.

IT isnt that simple though. Some are Jihadis wanting more recruits and some are moderates looking to live the American dream.

It doesn't matter. As long as jihadists are hiding amongst them, STOP THEM ALL. When we are able to find and prevent the jihadists from coming in, then start letting them back in. Or not.
That's what you guys say about illegals from Mexico, when most of that crime is illegal on illegal stuff.

I must say...I'm in favor of what Jerry Brown is talking about, and that is allowing the refugees, but vetting them as best we can, and watching them very closely.

Why should we waste our money and resources on that when there are plenty of people right here at home who could benefit from them instead?

Charity begins at home
I haven't heard from any American Muslims about vetting Syrian refugees.

That would be interesting to see how they feel about it.

They are fucking TERRIFIED is how they feel about it.
That's an interesting response.

American Muslims are terrified of Syrian refugees coming over?
She is assuming that they are moderates and would be terrified of radicals coming over and engaging in mischief, is how I read it.

IT isnt that simple though. Some are Jihadis wanting more recruits and some are moderates looking to live the American dream.

It doesn't matter. As long as jihadists are hiding amongst them, STOP THEM ALL. When we are able to find and prevent the jihadists from coming in, then start letting them back in. Or not.
That's what you guys say about illegals from Mexico, when most of that crime is illegal on illegal stuff.

I must say...I'm in favor of what Jerry Brown is talking about, and that is allowing the refugees, but vetting them as best we can, and watching them very closely.
I have no problem with refugees.

I have a big problem with tens of thousands of specifically ISLAMIC refugees that are not properly screened, just as I have a big problem with the fact that our traitorous prez refuses to catch, screen, deport or prosecute any of the tens of thousands of illegals coming across our southern border. The only people he is interested in "catching" appear to be the CHRISTIANS from the middle east, who do not pose any sort of threat to anybody, and who are actually being slaughtered as we speak by the very people we're waving across the borders.
Just one comment from one Facebook page:

"You should be ashamed of yourself. I was always rooting for you when you were running for the DEM nomination, and when you were running for Congress. Now, because of this vote, you have lost all my support.

You capitulated to a bunch of bigots, and racist. You allowed yourself to be persuaded by fear. A fear that we all know is situational, and based out of false presumptions. You, yourself came from a family of immigrants, and one can only assume that your family faced the same prejudice that current Muslim refugee's are facing. I am at a lost for words. I'll try my best to campaign against you next year."
Rep. Pete Aguilar

Hope you have other careers to go back to my little bed-wetters...
Feel the butthurt!
The issue has bipartisan agreement Obama and his puppets are endangering Americans.
Americans acting un-American is hurtful, absolutely, especially the Dems. Next time they can run as GOPers. This is to be expected from them as they live in constant fear and hate the unknown.
I agree, we should be taking care of americans and not putting their lives in jeopardy. I completely agree.
They are fucking TERRIFIED is how they feel about it.
That's an interesting response.

American Muslims are terrified of Syrian refugees coming over?
She is assuming that they are moderates and would be terrified of radicals coming over and engaging in mischief, is how I read it.

IT isnt that simple though. Some are Jihadis wanting more recruits and some are moderates looking to live the American dream.

It doesn't matter. As long as jihadists are hiding amongst them, STOP THEM ALL. When we are able to find and prevent the jihadists from coming in, then start letting them back in. Or not.
That's what you guys say about illegals from Mexico, when most of that crime is illegal on illegal stuff.

I must say...I'm in favor of what Jerry Brown is talking about, and that is allowing the refugees, but vetting them as best we can, and watching them very closely.
I have no problem with refugees.

I have a big problem with tens of thousands of specifically ISLAMIC refugees that are not properly screened, just as I have a big problem with the fact that our traitorous prez refuses to catch, screen, deport or prosecute any of the tens of thousands of illegals coming across our southern border. The only people he is interested in "catching" appear to be the CHRISTIANS from the middle east, who do not pose any sort of threat to anybody, and who are actually being slaughtered as we speak by the very people we're waving across the borders.
In an exercise based purely on semantics, let me rephrase what you just said, to show the degree to which I agree.

I have no problem with refugees.

I have a big problem with 20,000 Islamic refugees from an ISIS hot bed that are not properly screened.

See...if you take out all the hysteria, the refugees will be screened, and that will minimize the risk.

But if you want to hate Muslims, Obama, Mexican illegals, and wallow in terrorized fear and hatred....go right ahead, I won't be joining you
Just one comment from one Facebook page:

"You should be ashamed of yourself. I was always rooting for you when you were running for the DEM nomination, and when you were running for Congress. Now, because of this vote, you have lost all my support.

You capitulated to a bunch of bigots, and racist. You allowed yourself to be persuaded by fear. A fear that we all know is situational, and based out of false presumptions. You, yourself came from a family of immigrants, and one can only assume that your family faced the same prejudice that current Muslim refugee's are facing. I am at a lost for words. I'll try my best to campaign against you next year."
Rep. Pete Aguilar

Hope you have other careers to go back to my little bed-wetters...
Feel the butthurt!
The issue has bipartisan agreement Obama and his puppets are endangering Americans.
Americans acting un-American is hurtful, absolutely, especially the Dems. Next time they can run as GOPers. This is to be expected from them as they live in constant fear and hate the unknown.
I agree, we should be taking care of americans and not putting their lives in jeopardy. I completely agree.
What puts their lives in jeopardy are thier own actions dicking with the world and the nations of others. Bush and Cheney are the fathers of ISIS.
Just one comment from one Facebook page:

"You should be ashamed of yourself. I was always rooting for you when you were running for the DEM nomination, and when you were running for Congress. Now, because of this vote, you have lost all my support.

You capitulated to a bunch of bigots, and racist. You allowed yourself to be persuaded by fear. A fear that we all know is situational, and based out of false presumptions. You, yourself came from a family of immigrants, and one can only assume that your family faced the same prejudice that current Muslim refugee's are facing. I am at a lost for words. I'll try my best to campaign against you next year."
Rep. Pete Aguilar

Hope you have other careers to go back to my little bed-wetters...
Feel the butthurt!
The issue has bipartisan agreement Obama and his puppets are endangering Americans.
Americans acting un-American is hurtful, absolutely, especially the Dems. Next time they can run as GOPers. This is to be expected from them as they live in constant fear and hate the unknown.
I agree, we should be taking care of americans and not putting their lives in jeopardy. I completely agree.
What puts their lives in jeopardy are thier own actions dicking with the world and the nations of others. Bush and Cheney are the fathers of ISIS.
Go hide under your pillow, we'll let you know when it's safe to come out.
That's an interesting response.

American Muslims are terrified of Syrian refugees coming over?
She is assuming that they are moderates and would be terrified of radicals coming over and engaging in mischief, is how I read it.

IT isnt that simple though. Some are Jihadis wanting more recruits and some are moderates looking to live the American dream.

It doesn't matter. As long as jihadists are hiding amongst them, STOP THEM ALL. When we are able to find and prevent the jihadists from coming in, then start letting them back in. Or not.
That's what you guys say about illegals from Mexico, when most of that crime is illegal on illegal stuff.

I must say...I'm in favor of what Jerry Brown is talking about, and that is allowing the refugees, but vetting them as best we can, and watching them very closely.
I have no problem with refugees.

I have a big problem with tens of thousands of specifically ISLAMIC refugees that are not properly screened, just as I have a big problem with the fact that our traitorous prez refuses to catch, screen, deport or prosecute any of the tens of thousands of illegals coming across our southern border. The only people he is interested in "catching" appear to be the CHRISTIANS from the middle east, who do not pose any sort of threat to anybody, and who are actually being slaughtered as we speak by the very people we're waving across the borders.
In an exercise based purely on semantics, let me rephrase what you just said, to show the degree to which I agree.

I have no problem with refugees.

I have a big problem with 20,000 Islamic refugees from an ISIS hot bed that are not properly screened.

See...if you take out all the hysteria, the refugees will be screened, and that will minimize the risk.

But if you want to hate Muslims, Obama, Mexican illegals, and wallow in terrorized fear and hatred....go right ahead, I won't be joining you

Why do you need to rephrase what I said? I said what I mean, and at no time did I say I hated Muslims, Obama, Mexican illegal...nor am I wallowing in anything. Those are apparently the feelings YOU attach to this subject. Not me.
After 8 years under Barak Obama as President...

We have gone from a nation united and angry at outsiders, terrorists, who came to us and murdered thousands to a nation now walking on egg shells, not wanting to offend the very people responsible for that massacre. We have gone from being a strong independent nation that leads and influences the world to a cowering, timid nation offended by everything and afraid of offending everyone else.

To prove we are not bigots, racists, cruel, heartless, un-caring, and tolerant we have been told we have to give up out history, heritage, language, national security, and personal protection while giving illegals and potential terrorists free protection, free shelter, free food, free drink, welfare, food stamps, health care, and phones.

We refuse to enforce existing laws because they are not 'fair' to the criminals who have so little respect for this country or our laws that they violate them to come here by the millions. We refuse to pass laws designed to protects Americans from being murdered, kidnapped, assaulted, raped, trafficked, and murdered, and the government protects cities that harbor these violent criminals rather than protect the American people...who are forced to work and pay for these people being in our country. (The sheep are literally being forced to pay for the wolves being placed amongs them.)

We are allowing young, military-age adults to 'flee' their own war-torn, terrorist-infested country and send OUR OWN young men and women back over to their war-torn, terrorist-infested country to fight IN THEIR PLACE...with no guarantee that should we win and liberate yet another M.E.ern country that our President won't let another enemy waltz in un-opposed after doing so and take it for their own - slaughtering innocents afterwards - as was done with Iraq.

Our President has already allowed numerous successful terrorist attacks on US soil - failing to prevent the deaths of not only Americans at home but abroad, just witnessed France being victims of the worst attack on its nation since WWII by terrorists posing as Refugees, mingled in with the same 'refugees' he wants to bring into the United States without, admittedly adequate background checks to ensure our national security and safety of American citizens.

And AFTER failing to provide for that national security and protection for US citizens in the past, immediately after the attacks in Paris, the President - while overseas - OPENLY MOCKS the LEGITIMATE safety/security concerns of the American people whom he is supposed to and has failed to protect. He declares that Americans are afraid of 'orphans and widows', as if orphans and widows had perpetrated the attacks in Paris and / or orphans and widows are the ONLY Syrian Refugees he wants to bring to the US. Videos of the 'refugees show young, military-aged men, hardly no women or children of any kind.

THIS is Obama's 'Hope and Change' ... his 'Forward' ... His 'love and concern' first and foremost for the American people whom he vowed to protect when he took his oath of office.
Just one comment from one Facebook page:

"You should be ashamed of yourself. I was always rooting for you when you were running for the DEM nomination, and when you were running for Congress. Now, because of this vote, you have lost all my support.

You capitulated to a bunch of bigots, and racist. You allowed yourself to be persuaded by fear. A fear that we all know is situational, and based out of false presumptions. You, yourself came from a family of immigrants, and one can only assume that your family faced the same prejudice that current Muslim refugee's are facing. I am at a lost for words. I'll try my best to campaign against you next year."
Rep. Pete Aguilar

Hope you have other careers to go back to my little bed-wetters...
Feel the butthurt!
The issue has bipartisan agreement Obama and his puppets are endangering Americans.
Americans acting un-American is hurtful, absolutely, especially the Dems. Next time they can run as GOPers. This is to be expected from them as they live in constant fear and hate the unknown.
I agree, we should be taking care of americans and not putting their lives in jeopardy. I completely agree.
What puts their lives in jeopardy are thier own actions dicking with the world and the nations of others. Bush and Cheney are the fathers of ISIS.
Go hide under your pillow, we'll let you know when it's safe to come out.
I don't live in fear, unlike the rest of you. And, it will never be safe.
Feel the butthurt!
The issue has bipartisan agreement Obama and his puppets are endangering Americans.
Americans acting un-American is hurtful, absolutely, especially the Dems. Next time they can run as GOPers. This is to be expected from them as they live in constant fear and hate the unknown.
I agree, we should be taking care of americans and not putting their lives in jeopardy. I completely agree.
What puts their lives in jeopardy are thier own actions dicking with the world and the nations of others. Bush and Cheney are the fathers of ISIS.
Go hide under your pillow, we'll let you know when it's safe to come out.
I don't live in fear, unlike the rest of you. And, it will never be safe.
Says the Leftard who shakes in fear of the Tea Party and FOX news.
Americans acting un-American is hurtful, absolutely, especially the Dems. Next time they can run as GOPers. This is to be expected from them as they live in constant fear and hate the unknown.
I agree, we should be taking care of americans and not putting their lives in jeopardy. I completely agree.
What puts their lives in jeopardy are thier own actions dicking with the world and the nations of others. Bush and Cheney are the fathers of ISIS.
Go hide under your pillow, we'll let you know when it's safe to come out.
I don't live in fear, unlike the rest of you. And, it will never be safe.
Says the Leftard who shakes in fear of the Tea Party and FOX news.
Their propaganda is no better than ISIS, and hatred is not fear in this case, it's common sense. One should hate evil.
Feel the butthurt!
The issue has bipartisan agreement Obama and his puppets are endangering Americans.
Americans acting un-American is hurtful, absolutely, especially the Dems. Next time they can run as GOPers. This is to be expected from them as they live in constant fear and hate the unknown.
I agree, we should be taking care of americans and not putting their lives in jeopardy. I completely agree.
What puts their lives in jeopardy are thier own actions dicking with the world and the nations of others. Bush and Cheney are the fathers of ISIS.
Go hide under your pillow, we'll let you know when it's safe to come out.
I don't live in fear, unlike the rest of you. And, it will never be safe.
You shouldn't be fearful, real Americans will protect your faggot ass.
I have a big problem with 20,000 Islamic refugees from an ISIS hot bed that are not properly screened.
Where do the refugees stay while being vetted?
Where are they now?....
So... you don't know?
I don't either, which is why I asked.
It is not my impression, however that these refugees will stay where they are until "vetted", rather they will come here pending that process.
If so, where do these people stay? Are they free to roam about?
Just one comment from one Facebook page:

"You should be ashamed of yourself. I was always rooting for you when you were running for the DEM nomination, and when you were running for Congress. Now, because of this vote, you have lost all my support.

You capitulated to a bunch of bigots, and racist. You allowed yourself to be persuaded by fear. A fear that we all know is situational, and based out of false presumptions. You, yourself came from a family of immigrants, and one can only assume that your family faced the same prejudice that current Muslim refugee's are facing. I am at a lost for words. I'll try my best to campaign against you next year."
Rep. Pete Aguilar

Hope you have other careers to go back to my little bed-wetters...
Feel the butthurt!
The issue has bipartisan agreement Obama and his puppets are endangering Americans.
Americans acting un-American is hurtful, absolutely, especially the Dems. Next time they can run as GOPers. This is to be expected from them as they live in constant fear and hate the unknown.
I agree, we should be taking care of americans and not putting their lives in jeopardy. I completely agree.
What puts their lives in jeopardy are thier own actions dicking with the world and the nations of others. Bush and Cheney are the fathers of ISIS.

Just one comment from one Facebook page:

"You should be ashamed of yourself. I was always rooting for you when you were running for the DEM nomination, and when you were running for Congress. Now, because of this vote, you have lost all my support.

You capitulated to a bunch of bigots, and racist. You allowed yourself to be persuaded by fear. A fear that we all know is situational, and based out of false presumptions. You, yourself came from a family of immigrants, and one can only assume that your family faced the same prejudice that current Muslim refugee's are facing. I am at a lost for words. I'll try my best to campaign against you next year."
Rep. Pete Aguilar

Hope you have other careers to go back to my little bed-wetters...
Feel the butthurt!
The issue has bipartisan agreement Obama and his puppets are endangering Americans.
Americans acting un-American is hurtful, absolutely, especially the Dems. Next time they can run as GOPers. This is to be expected from them as they live in constant fear and hate the unknown.
I agree, we should be taking care of americans and not putting their lives in jeopardy. I completely agree.
What puts their lives in jeopardy are thier own actions dicking with the world and the nations of others. Bush and Cheney are the fathers of ISIS.
Your argument might have some validity if the planning for 9/11 didn't take place well before George W. Bush was elected President!

When Bush left office the Middle East was relatively calm. Over the seven years that Barry has been in office it's been anything but. Sorry, Paint but all you're doing is coming up with rather pathetic excuses for Barack Obama's failed Middle East diplomatic plan. He doesn't have the faintest idea what to do about Islamic extremists. He has no plan now other than leaving his mess to whoever becomes President after he leaves office.
I agree, we should be taking care of americans and not putting their lives in jeopardy. I completely agree.
What puts their lives in jeopardy are thier own actions dicking with the world and the nations of others. Bush and Cheney are the fathers of ISIS.
Go hide under your pillow, we'll let you know when it's safe to come out.
I don't live in fear, unlike the rest of you. And, it will never be safe.
Says the Leftard who shakes in fear of the Tea Party and FOX news.
Their propaganda is no better than ISIS, and hatred is not fear on this case, it's common sense. One should hate evil.
FOX news evil
ISIS misunderstood freedom fighters.

Who said your moral compass was broken?

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