House votes to block Syrian refugees

Sorry, I like to see reliable sources.
The funny ... and SAD .... thing is that this information has been ALL OVER the radio, ALL OVER the TV, and ALL OVER print media, as it is the primary reason the sudden concern over allowing refugees in and for the concern over the admittedly piss-poor vetting process, leading to the legislation that was just passed in the House. 'One' must have his head stuck in the sand, or up Obama's arse, it would seem, NOT to have seen or heard anything about it in the last few days.

Furthermore, I just typed in '10,000 Syrians in La' in Google and got an immediate half-dozen stories...probably from no one YOU would consider credible, to include NY Times, Washington Times, Fox News, CNN.... And THEREIN lies the problem. As has been demonstrated on this board REPEATEDLY, when any news story or report comes out with anything negative about Liberals the response is always and immediately, 'Your source is not credible'. It's NOT the source that has no credibility - it is the Liberals who use this tactic to try to discredit what they don't want to hear / face.

The credible sources expose the story as bullshit. They rest are just redo's of the original propaganda talking point lie from bloggers and such. The actual number of immigrants brought to Louisiana is 14.
Doing the right thing isn't "screwing the American people".

We did the wrong thing in the 1930's andn 40's.

Lets hope we don't repeat the mistake.
why do we owe any of them passage unimpeded to our land?
We don't. They declared war on us.
ISIS declared war on us, are you saying that all Syrian refugees are ISIS?
One of the resident fools here just posted that out of 100K Syrian refugees coming to the US only about 10 of them would be "radicalized' and commit a terror attack.
I hope his family isn't visiting Times Square when it's blown up.
I hope none of your family is visiting Times Square when it's blown up.
it's not foolish, and what they said was "We have settled 784,000 refugees since 9/11. Since then, exactly three have been arrested in relation to terrorist activities. Of those 3 - 2 were not planning an attack in the US"

You really don't see it do you?

The GOP needs to be on the attack against Obama's foreign policy because attacking Hillary on the economy isn't resonating.

How do they do that?...fear mongering.

Instead of Fox News showing the French, Russians, and the US pulling together to fight ISIS...they spend all day blaming Paris on Obama, and playing up the danger. Because the last thing the GOP wants are Americans acting like the French, which is to not let themselves be terrorized.

So 3 out of 784,000......which means 1 in every appx 260,000 people.

Do the math, that means for 20,000 refugees, it's a 10% chance that only 1 of them might try anything.

You have more to fear from a trailer park full of meth heads.
The credible sources ...

Interesting how Liberals claim THEY are the only ones who can tell who the 'credible' sources are and who aren't....yet still can't tell when their leaders are lying when they spew B$ like, "I did not have sex with that women'. the ACA will not cost a dime, will pay for itself, and if you like your plan you can keep your plan', and 'We have contained ISIS'.

The credible sources ...

Interesting how Liberals claim THEY are the only ones who can tell who the 'credible' sources are and who aren't....yet still can't tell when their leaders are lying when they spew B$ like, "I did not have sex with that women'. the ACA will not cost a dime, will pay for itself, and if you like your plan you can keep your plan', and 'We have contained ISIS'.

If the speaker has a (D) next to his name, he's telling the truth.
The credible sources ...

Interesting how Liberals claim THEY are the only ones who can tell who the 'credible' sources are and who aren't....yet still can't tell when their leaders are lying when they spew B$ like, "I did not have sex with that women'. the ACA will not cost a dime, will pay for itself, and if you like your plan you can keep your plan', and 'We have contained ISIS'.

Did 10,000 Syrians immigrate to Louisiana or not? Are you standing by the claim of the article or not?
Any American Muslim with an ounce of common sense would be completely behind strict vetting to keep ISIS terrorists from entering the US and committing violent acts because THEY will be the community that will be most affected by such an attack! It's unfortunate but a fact of life. If attacks like Paris continue then there will be a backlash against all Muslims.
I haven't heard from any American Muslims about vetting Syrian refugees.

That would be interesting to see how they feel about it.

They are fucking TERRIFIED is how they feel about it.
Doing the right thing isn't "screwing the American people".

We did the wrong thing in the 1930's andn 40's.

Lets hope we don't repeat the mistake.
why do we owe any of them passage unimpeded to our land?
We don't. They declared war on us.
ISIS declared war on us, are you saying that all Syrian refugees are ISIS?
One of the resident fools here just posted that out of 100K Syrian refugees coming to the US only about 10 of them would be "radicalized' and commit a terror attack.
I hope his family isn't visiting Times Square when it's blown up.
I hope none of your family is visiting Times Square when it's blown up.
it's not foolish, and what they said was "We have settled 784,000 refugees since 9/11. Since then, exactly three have been arrested in relation to terrorist activities. Of those 3 - 2 were not planning an attack in the US"

You really don't see it do you?

The GOP needs to be on the attack against Obama's foreign policy because attacking Hillary on the economy isn't resonating.

How do they do that?...fear mongering.

Instead of Fox News showing the French, Russians, and the US pulling together to fight ISIS...they spend all day blaming Paris on Obama, and playing up the danger. Because the last thing the GOP wants are Americans acting like the French, which is to not let themselves be terrorized.

So 3 out of 784,000......which means 1 in every appx 260,000 people.

Do the math, that means for 20,000 refugees, it's a 10% chance that only 1 of them might try anything.

You have more to fear from a trailer park full of meth heads.


We have arrested a LOT more than three for terrorist activites.

And the French are currently being terrorized. And killed. Because they stupidly allowed islam to get a foothold.
Any American Muslim with an ounce of common sense would be completely behind strict vetting to keep ISIS terrorists from entering the US and committing violent acts because THEY will be the community that will be most affected by such an attack! It's unfortunate but a fact of life. If attacks like Paris continue then there will be a backlash against all Muslims.
I haven't heard from any American Muslims about vetting Syrian refugees.

That would be interesting to see how they feel about it.

They are fucking TERRIFIED is how they feel about it.
That's an interesting response.

American Muslims are terrified of Syrian refugees coming over?
Any American Muslim with an ounce of common sense would be completely behind strict vetting to keep ISIS terrorists from entering the US and committing violent acts because THEY will be the community that will be most affected by such an attack! It's unfortunate but a fact of life. If attacks like Paris continue then there will be a backlash against all Muslims.
I haven't heard from any American Muslims about vetting Syrian refugees.

That would be interesting to see how they feel about it.

They are fucking TERRIFIED is how they feel about it.
That's an interesting response.

American Muslims are terrified of Syrian refugees coming over?

Muslims are terrified of being killed by other muslims if they speak out against jihad.
Doing the right thing isn't "screwing the American people".

We did the wrong thing in the 1930's andn 40's.

Lets hope we don't repeat the mistake.
See that is the problem. You define what is the 'right thing' via your ideological premise then justify everything else as good for us because it corresponds to your ideology.

But your ideology is bullshit if it requires us to have open borders while we are fight an asymetrical war with several global terrorist organizations, dude.
Any American Muslim with an ounce of common sense would be completely behind strict vetting to keep ISIS terrorists from entering the US and committing violent acts because THEY will be the community that will be most affected by such an attack! It's unfortunate but a fact of life. If attacks like Paris continue then there will be a backlash against all Muslims.
I haven't heard from any American Muslims about vetting Syrian refugees.

That would be interesting to see how they feel about it.

They are fucking TERRIFIED is how they feel about it.
That's an interesting response.

American Muslims are terrified of Syrian refugees coming over?
She is assuming that they are moderates and would be terrified of radicals coming over and engaging in mischief, is how I read it.

IT isnt that simple though. Some are Jihadis wanting more recruits and some are moderates looking to live the American dream.
Muslims are terrified of being killed by other muslims if they speak out against jihad.

If you are here in the united States and remain silent while mass violence and murder is perpetrated against your new host nation or it's allies or others, then they shouldn't be surprised that there is skepticism and concern by host nation citizens.

They should stand up and say what they believe. Americans are left wondering what their silence means.

One Islamic leader was on Bill O'Reilly the other night and told how 'peaceful' Muslims are not taking to the streets to protest Islamic Extremism because they are waiting for some top Muslim Imam / Religious Leader to TELL THEM IT'S OK TO DO SO.

Hmmmm....what if he told these peaceful Muslims to do 'something else'? Telling me that someone else controls your life ,choices, and decisions, makes me wonder what YOU actually believe and would or would NOT do if told to do so.
Any American Muslim with an ounce of common sense would be completely behind strict vetting to keep ISIS terrorists from entering the US and committing violent acts because THEY will be the community that will be most affected by such an attack! It's unfortunate but a fact of life. If attacks like Paris continue then there will be a backlash against all Muslims.
I haven't heard from any American Muslims about vetting Syrian refugees.

That would be interesting to see how they feel about it.

They are fucking TERRIFIED is how they feel about it.
That's an interesting response.

American Muslims are terrified of Syrian refugees coming over?
She is assuming that they are moderates and would be terrified of radicals coming over and engaging in mischief, is how I read it.

IT isnt that simple though. Some are Jihadis wanting more recruits and some are moderates looking to live the American dream.

It doesn't matter. As long as jihadists are hiding amongst them, STOP THEM ALL. When we are able to find and prevent the jihadists from coming in, then start letting them back in. Or not.
Right thing in your opinion. Until the US can develop a means to effectively vet these folks it is best to keep them away.

The vetting process is adequate. Where it needs to be addressed is in other areas such as tourist visa's etc. The refugee system is one of the best vetted.

We made a serious mistake turning away refugees in the past. We should not repeat it.
We should until we get a handle on ISIS and how they work. Obviously we are not as adept at detecting terrorist activity as we thought we were this is a good measure for the time being.

I'm not so sure - there has been precious little terrorist activity among the many refugees the US has taken in.
All we need is one event.

Nothing is risk free or 100% guarenteed and to expect that is just plain stupid. We are more likely to be killed by home grown gun violence than by a terrorist attack. Should we work on banning more guns? We are more likely to be hit by lightening than killed by a terrorist...should we start offering major bribes to the weather gods?

At what point should fear overule our humanitarian impulses?

We don't have to there are more than enough people in this country who need our help before any foreign nationals do
why do we owe any of them passage unimpeded to our land?
We don't. They declared war on us.
ISIS declared war on us, are you saying that all Syrian refugees are ISIS?
One of the resident fools here just posted that out of 100K Syrian refugees coming to the US only about 10 of them would be "radicalized' and commit a terror attack.
I hope his family isn't visiting Times Square when it's blown up.
I hope none of your family is visiting Times Square when it's blown up.
it's not foolish, and what they said was "We have settled 784,000 refugees since 9/11. Since then, exactly three have been arrested in relation to terrorist activities. Of those 3 - 2 were not planning an attack in the US"

You really don't see it do you?

The GOP needs to be on the attack against Obama's foreign policy because attacking Hillary on the economy isn't resonating.

How do they do that?...fear mongering.

Instead of Fox News showing the French, Russians, and the US pulling together to fight ISIS...they spend all day blaming Paris on Obama, and playing up the danger. Because the last thing the GOP wants are Americans acting like the French, which is to not let themselves be terrorized.

So 3 out of 784,000......which means 1 in every appx 260,000 people.

Do the math, that means for 20,000 refugees, it's a 10% chance that only 1 of them might try anything.

You have more to fear from a trailer park full of meth heads.


We have arrested a LOT more than three for terrorist activites.

And the French are currently being terrorized. And killed. Because they stupidly allowed islam to get a foothold.
French people were being killed last week, since then, they've been killing the ISIS perpetrators.

The article presented shows "refugees" who've been given sanctuary...the people carrying out terrorist acts here are illegally here, or citizens.

Show me all the reports of refugees getting arrested for terrorism
Any American Muslim with an ounce of common sense would be completely behind strict vetting to keep ISIS terrorists from entering the US and committing violent acts because THEY will be the community that will be most affected by such an attack! It's unfortunate but a fact of life. If attacks like Paris continue then there will be a backlash against all Muslims.
I haven't heard from any American Muslims about vetting Syrian refugees.

That would be interesting to see how they feel about it.

They are fucking TERRIFIED is how they feel about it.
That's an interesting response.

American Muslims are terrified of Syrian refugees coming over?
She is assuming that they are moderates and would be terrified of radicals coming over and engaging in mischief, is how I read it.

IT isnt that simple though. Some are Jihadis wanting more recruits and some are moderates looking to live the American dream.

It doesn't matter. As long as jihadists are hiding amongst them, STOP THEM ALL. When we are able to find and prevent the jihadists from coming in, then start letting them back in. Or not.
That's what you guys say about illegals from Mexico, when most of that crime is illegal on illegal stuff.

I must say...I'm in favor of what Jerry Brown is talking about, and that is allowing the refugees, but vetting them as best we can, and watching them very closely.

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