‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

That's a very good scenario.

Okay, so I decide to rent to you at $600.00 a month. However the bills to run the place cost me $800.00 a month. I lose $200.00 a month by renting to you.

Should I do that to accommodate your income?
Why would the bills cost you 800 bucks a month? Especially if I am paying my own utilities, using my own money to replace the fridge, hot water heater, plants in the landscaping I did myself, supplying a stove when the one you furnished bonks out?
No..you would not make a profit with someone like me...but....and this is an important but.....I would not cost you in renting your property whereas if you rented it for 1500 bucks a month...perhaps the tenants will find a cheaper place within a year and then you have normal wear and tear you have to pay to fix for the new tenants. THAT will cost you. Wouldn't you rather have someone taking care of what you own and stay for a long period of time instead of constantly placing ads for new tenants, or tenants who don't stay, or tenants who are pissed they pay that much rent and not take care of "home"?

Let's just say what you think has any truth to it and I don't make a profit. Do you think I do all this work around here for free? Do you think I spend all that time screwing around with categorizing expenditures, spend two days before taxes preparing, assuming the responsibilities of major repairs or replacements like roofs, furnaces, driveways is something I do for a hobby?

I didn't do this as a social obligation. I don't have those resources. Like everybody else, when I take huge responsibilities and have major bills to pay, I need a sufficient income to take care of it. If I was going to do something for charity, it certainly wouldn't be this. It takes up any and all of my free time. I would have put my hard earned money in the market or commodities.
I didn't say you should...or have insulted you in any manner for what you choose to do or whether you make a profit or not, etc. This is just two different sides of the subject we are discussing. Or...I thought it was.

There is, but you seem to be ignoring the other side of the argument and only focusing on yours.

My side is this: most of us landlords don't make much money on rental income. Much of what you pay is what you would otherwise pay if you owned a house: taxes, insurance, utilities, repairs, updates, mortgage.........

In some cases (like mine) when I had to take a loan out for major repairs, those loans have to be repaid.

This year I was lucky, I actually made a little profit. My tax preparer has a lot of landlords, and she told me I was the only one last year that showed a profit. All her other landlord clients were in the red as they are most every other year.

Big companies probably make out, but rental property is just part of their portfolio. They are very diverse in their investments. When one investment isn't working out, then they dump that investment and put their money elsewhere.

So if the government made regulation that stopped their profit, they would be selling out probably to somebody that would charge even more for rent.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed, means more people can pay more rent and help cover upgrade costs.

You do know the apartment staff payroll will also go up don't you?

So will the rents ...once again you don't do anything productive


Housing for all is not a radical idea. the American people support it, even though Crazy Bernie supports it

Please show us where the overwhelming majority of people support providing housing for all people.
the American people support Medicare for all. why wouldn't they support housing for all and education for all and basic income for all and ice cream in the mail for all
fake wars, fake tax rates.

don't ask for cuts to social spending. we have a general welfare clause.

we don't have a general warfare clause.

The general welfare clause does not mean everyone who lays back, gets supported in the way in which they would like to become accustomed.
Neither does the common defense clause mean we can "wage alleged wars without wartime tax rates". Let's cut costs.
Housing for all is not a radical idea. the American people support it, even though Crazy Bernie supports it

Please show us where the overwhelming majority of people support providing housing for all people.
the American people support Medicare for all. why wouldn't they support housing for all and education for all and basic income for all and ice cream in the mail for all
yet, the right wing love their alleged wars against all.
Housing for all is not a radical idea. the American people support it, even though Crazy Bernie supports it

There ya go.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed, means more people can pay more rent and help cover upgrade costs.

Do you even realize how short-sighted that viewpoint is in the real world? I'm not being facetious or argumentative. I'm just seriously curious if you even peek beyond giving all minimum wage workers a boost to $15.00 per hour.
People making 50 k a year in California are homeless.

Taxes and utilies are too high. Not to mention highest gasoline prices and state and local.

Dems are taxing their people to death out there. Then say they are here to help when they caused it.
/----/ ""market friendly means" is Lib code speak for I have no fu*king idea how the economy works but it sure makes me sound smart.
the right wing is even more clueless and more Causeless about economics.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

tax cut economics is WorthLess if it doesn't cover spending.
/----/ Conservatives say cut spending. RINOs and Libs sy NO WAY JOSE.
View attachment 206161
great, let's end our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; the right wing refuses to pay wartime tax rates for them anyway.
/—-/ Nothing stopping you from paying war time taxes. Get out the old checkbook...
fake wars, fake tax rates.

don't ask for cuts to social spending. we have a general welfare clause.

we don't have a general warfare clause.
General welfare meant something different to our FF's than what it means to you.
Universal income would incentivize people to work--not the opposite. Our social programs teach people never to be anything in life if you want to stay on the dole. With UI, you will be on the dole and able to breakout of sleeping on the couch all day long. You can make as much money as you want with UI.


A universal income would encourage those already on welfare to continue to lie on the couch and watch TV, do drugs and have a couple bottles of booze.

Universal income would incentivize people to work--not the opposite. Our social programs teach people never to be anything in life if you want to stay on the dole. With UI, you will be on the dole and able to breakout of sleeping on the couch all day long. You can make as much money as you want with UI.


A universal income would encourage those already on welfare to continue to lie on the couch and watch TV, do drugs and have a couple bottles of booze.


But.... when the democrats pulled the chain around their neck they would have to rouse themselves to vote once every two years.... that is the key...
‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

Dear Senate Democrats, good effort, but tax credits won’t solve this crisis. Working people need Housing-For-All: 10 million homes in 10 years.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed can solve this problem for us, via market friendly means. applied capitalism, what concept.

Boy, you really are stupid.
Yep, and an additional couple of million a year and they are bitching about too many people and still want open borders. LMAO

Looks to me like the Cloward and Piven strategy. Overwhelm and collapse the system.

I seriously doubt that many people, including Progressives, even know what the Cloward/Piven Strategy means or how close they were to the Clintons.

Here is a photo of Cloward and Piven standing behind President Bill Clinton as he signed the defective Motor Voter law. He is in the light gray suit and she is standing next to him with the very black hair.

You know nothing about me and I could give a rats ass what you buy or not.
Personally, I think you are a twat and therefore have no further desire to converse with you about anything. Therefore..on iggie you go along with the other twats I have on there.


I know from the misinformation you posted that you are not what you claim to be.

I'm sorry you don't feel confident enough to participate in the discussion honestly. That's your problem.
Let's see, Medicare for all and housing for all; what comes next, government for all?

I think government paid vacations would be nice. Start with two weeks paid vacation in your 20's, three in your 30's and four weeks paid vacation from the age of forty. A nice stipend for travel would be nice too. I'd love a new Harley every couple of years but realize maybe everyone wants a different toy. So maybe a nice annual stipend for that too. Yeah, sounds good!

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