‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

For example, Ray. Would you rent to me? Great credit. Excellent references. Pay on time and usually BEFORE rent is due. Improvement of property with my own sweat and usually my own money when I have it to spare. But..I can't pay more than 600 bucks per month due to SS budget. And you can rent your place for 1500 per month. Who would you choose? The people who will pay 1500 per month, thats who. So I wind up on the street under an overpass.

I think I might get a piece of land and put several trailers/small houses on it, just to charge a fair price for rent.

It's ridiculous these days.

Also, I can do everything except AC and put a water heater in. (Should not have posted those words) Never speak of water heater, bad juju. I expect an explosion from the garage any minute now.
Actually...I wish more people would do exactly that. Get some land, put some tiny houses/small cabins on it with a tiny yard for each person, charge a decent rent. Like a commune sorta thing. Large section set aside for a community garden to grow veggies. And if the landlord did a proper check of the proposed tenant...there shouldn't be a problem with a good community policy signed by each one.

Eagle..the state sucks..but I am too old to move now. I was born in Cali...I will die in Cali.

You've never owned rental property, have you?
Nope. But I managed properties for over 45 years. From Nevada to LA to Kern County to Maui to the central coast. 45 long years. I HANDLED it all. THe owners sat back and let me run all of them.
I did the banking, advertising, evictions, court appearances, maintenance, supply ordering, hiring of vendors, supervised everything from sinks to landscapes. I KNEW what amount they were getting per month because I did all the deposits and I paid all the bills for the owners.
So yeah..I know of what I speak of although I was never a true owner.

So you knew better, knew how and still failed to plan. Wow!
For example, Ray. Would you rent to me? Great credit. Excellent references. Pay on time and usually BEFORE rent is due. Improvement of property with my own sweat and usually my own money when I have it to spare. But..I can't pay more than 600 bucks per month due to SS budget. And you can rent your place for 1500 per month. Who would you choose? The people who will pay 1500 per month, thats who. So I wind up on the street under an overpass.

I think I might get a piece of land and put several trailers/small houses on it, just to charge a fair price for rent.

It's ridiculous these days.

Also, I can do everything except AC and put a water heater in. (Should not have posted those words) Never speak of water heater, bad juju. I expect an explosion from the garage any minute now.
Actually...I wish more people would do exactly that. Get some land, put some tiny houses/small cabins on it with a tiny yard for each person, charge a decent rent. Like a commune sorta thing. Large section set aside for a community garden to grow veggies. And if the landlord did a proper check of the proposed tenant...there shouldn't be a problem with a good community policy signed by each one.

Eagle..the state sucks..but I am too old to move now. I was born in Cali...I will die in Cali.

You've never owned rental property, have you?
Nope. But I managed properties for over 45 years. From Nevada to LA to Kern County to Maui to the central coast. 45 long years. I HANDLED it all. THe owners sat back and let me run all of them.
I did the banking, advertising, evictions, court appearances, maintenance, supply ordering, hiring of vendors, supervised everything from sinks to landscapes. I KNEW what amount they were getting per month because I did all the deposits and I paid all the bills for the owners.
So yeah..I know of what I speak of although I was never a true owner.

So you knew better, knew how and still failed to plan. Wow!
Sigh. I shouldn't have bothered to explain to you since you sit in judgement and are not in my shoes..then or now.
Fuck off. I'm done with you. And yeah. I should have known better to share such a thing with an unknown on a message board that turned out to be a fucktard.

Begone with you.
If you or anyone else would have told me at 50 years of age that my body would begin to crumble at 58 years old..I would have laughed and said "oh hayell no!".
Alas...that is exactly what it did. I played too hard, worked too hard and now I am paying for it. Yep. It sucks getting old.
My friend next door was slamed hard and lost a leg and other body parts. Since the Gov cut down his meds and stuff he has started to buy off the "street". He is smart uses 2 MG of heroin 90 percent. I a darn shame a guy who got hurt in Iraqi is treated that way.
‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

Dear Senate Democrats, good effort, but tax credits won’t solve this crisis. Working people need Housing-For-All: 10 million homes in 10 years.

Maybe they should quit importing millions of impoverished people to compete for the housing, then rents wouldn't be so high.

This is the problem EXACTLY. Too many people..not enough housing...and illegals taking what should be for citizens. All for VOTES for a political party.
If you or anyone else would have told me at 50 years of age that my body would begin to crumble at 58 years old..I would have laughed and said "oh hayell no!".
Alas...that is exactly what it did. I played too hard, worked too hard and now I am paying for it. Yep. It sucks getting old.
My friend next door was slamed hard and lost a leg and other body parts. Since the Gov cut down his meds and stuff he has started to buy off the "street". He is smart uses 2 MG of heroin 90 percent. I a darn shame a guy who got hurt in Iraqi is treated that way.
Opiate abuse, they say. Must cut back, they claim. Meanwhile..people who are NOT abusing them but NEED them to not suffer 24/7 are punished for the low life assholes that started all this shit to begin with by abusing it. Sad, isn't it? I am thankful I have a high tolerance for pain gene, compliments from my Ma. But it still sucks on flareup days. I'm sorry about your friend. :(
‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

Dear Senate Democrats, good effort, but tax credits won’t solve this crisis. Working people need Housing-For-All: 10 million homes in 10 years.

Maybe they should quit importing millions of impoverished people to compete for the housing, then rents wouldn't be so high.

This is the problem EXACTLY. Too many people..not enough housing...and illegals taking what should be for citizens. All for VOTES for a political party.

Yep, and an additional couple of million a year and they are bitching about too many people and still want open borders. LMAO

Looks to me like the Cloward and Piven strategy. Overwhelm and collapse the system.

I think I might get a piece of land and put several trailers/small houses on it, just to charge a fair price for rent.

It's ridiculous these days.

Also, I can do everything except AC and put a water heater in. (Should not have posted those words) Never speak of water heater, bad juju. I expect an explosion from the garage any minute now.
Actually...I wish more people would do exactly that. Get some land, put some tiny houses/small cabins on it with a tiny yard for each person, charge a decent rent. Like a commune sorta thing. Large section set aside for a community garden to grow veggies. And if the landlord did a proper check of the proposed tenant...there shouldn't be a problem with a good community policy signed by each one.

Eagle..the state sucks..but I am too old to move now. I was born in Cali...I will die in Cali.

You've never owned rental property, have you?
Nope. But I managed properties for over 45 years. From Nevada to LA to Kern County to Maui to the central coast. 45 long years. I HANDLED it all. THe owners sat back and let me run all of them.
I did the banking, advertising, evictions, court appearances, maintenance, supply ordering, hiring of vendors, supervised everything from sinks to landscapes. I KNEW what amount they were getting per month because I did all the deposits and I paid all the bills for the owners.
So yeah..I know of what I speak of although I was never a true owner.

So you knew better, knew how and still failed to plan. Wow!
Sigh. I shouldn't have bothered to explain to you since you sit in judgement and are not in my shoes..then or now.
Fuck off. I'm done with you. And yeah. I should have known better to share such a thing with an unknown on a message board that turned out to be a fucktard.

Begone with you.

I don't buy your story. Had you been the remainderman of a life estate, there would have been a recorded deed to that effect. If you managed any property, you'd have known that and checked. You also would not have depended on one property. By now, you'd have a number of properties into which you could have moved. Also, unless you are an attorney, you could not have l represented the owner in court. That would be practicing law without a license.

I hope you were smarter than all that.
For example, Ray. Would you rent to me? Great credit. Excellent references. Pay on time and usually BEFORE rent is due. Improvement of property with my own sweat and usually my own money when I have it to spare. But..I can't pay more than 600 bucks per month due to SS budget. And you can rent your place for 1500 per month. Who would you choose? The people who will pay 1500 per month, thats who. So I wind up on the street under an overpass.

That's a very good scenario.

Okay, so I decide to rent to you at $600.00 a month. However the bills to run the place cost me $800.00 a month. I lose $200.00 a month by renting to you.

Should I do that to accommodate your income?
Why would the bills cost you 800 bucks a month? Especially if I am paying my own utilities, using my own money to replace the fridge, hot water heater, plants in the landscaping I did myself, supplying a stove when the one you furnished bonks out?
No..you would not make a profit with someone like me...but....and this is an important but.....I would not cost you in renting your property whereas if you rented it for 1500 bucks a month...perhaps the tenants will find a cheaper place within a year and then you have normal wear and tear you have to pay to fix for the new tenants. THAT will cost you. Wouldn't you rather have someone taking care of what you own and stay for a long period of time instead of constantly placing ads for new tenants, or tenants who don't stay, or tenants who are pissed they pay that much rent and not take care of "home"?

Let's just say what you think has any truth to it and I don't make a profit. Do you think I do all this work around here for free? Do you think I spend all that time screwing around with categorizing expenditures, spend two days before taxes preparing, assuming the responsibilities of major repairs or replacements like roofs, furnaces, driveways is something I do for a hobby?

I didn't do this as a social obligation. I don't have those resources. Like everybody else, when I take huge responsibilities and have major bills to pay, I need a sufficient income to take care of it. If I was going to do something for charity, it certainly wouldn't be this. It takes up any and all of my free time. I would have put my hard earned money in the market or commodities.
‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

Dear Senate Democrats, good effort, but tax credits won’t solve this crisis. Working people need Housing-For-All: 10 million homes in 10 years.
We Told Yall That


but yall didn't listen.
Fuck em.....get a room mate like we used to do.
The article talked about family housing.

How can we consider ourselves to be the richest, greatest nation on earth while boors say in response to a problem of high cost housing "fuck 'em"?

Why do you have a family you cant afford?
Because it's human nature to have a family. What cynical politics is anti-family?

Are you a fuken dog or a human?
As a human with higher brain function(for most of us)you should be able to control those urges until the time is appropriate.
Like when you can afford to have a family.
simple Income Redistribution that the right wing, alleges to not believe in.

When the rich are flush they put money back into the economy which of course helps everyone.
Money is a way of measuring wealth but is not wealth in itself.

Actually, money is a way to measure success. That's why millionaires want millions and billionaires want more billions.

True to an extent.
I just wanted enough money to retire early and have some fun before I reached the decrepit age SS wants you to wait for.

Sure, I understand that totally. I don't make much profit on rents, but when the houses are paid for, I'm retired, I won't be trying to choose between food and prescriptions hopefully. But this is the typical "penalize success and reward failure" of the Democrat party.
You simply aren't rich enough, or you would get corporate welfare and get to keep your multimillion dollar bonus.
If you or anyone else would have told me at 50 years of age that my body would begin to crumble at 58 years old..I would have laughed and said "oh hayell no!".
Alas...that is exactly what it did. I played too hard, worked too hard and now I am paying for it. Yep. It sucks getting old.
My friend next door was slamed hard and lost a leg and other body parts. Since the Gov cut down his meds and stuff he has started to buy off the "street". He is smart uses 2 MG of heroin 90 percent. I a darn shame a guy who got hurt in Iraqi is treated that way.

I would say street heroin is better than the super-addictive manufactured pharmaceuticals. At least it's natural.
‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

Dear Senate Democrats, good effort, but tax credits won’t solve this crisis. Working people need Housing-For-All: 10 million homes in 10 years.
Different cities still have them and some used to have them, they're called the projects.
All that's missing is the 'universal basic income' that Obama is starting to chatter about. I think Stockton Ca. is going to sport it this fall.

Ah yes, the good times are coming folks.

That guaranteed income thing.....it's been done, and proved another Liberal failure....

  1. The government conducted a study, 1971-1978 known as the Seattle-Denver Income Maintenance Experiment, or SIME-DIME, in which low income families were give a guaranteed income, a welfare package with everything liberal policy makers could hope for. Result: for every dollar of extra welfare given, low income recipients reduced their labor by 80 cents. http://www.policyarchive.org/handle/10207/bitstreams/12794.pdf
[The results for husbands show that the combination of negative income tax plans tested in SIME/DIME — which, as already mentioned, represents on average a relatively generous cash transfer program with a guarantee of 115% of the poverty line and a tax rate of 50% — has a significant negative effect on hours worked per year. Overview of the Final Report of the Seattle-Denver Income Maintenance Experiment]

a. Further results: dissolution of families: “This conclusion was unambiguously unfavorable to advocates of a negative income tax that would cover married couples, for two important reasons. First, increased

marital breakups among the poor would increase the numbers on

welfare and the amount of transfer payments, principally because the

separated wife and children would receive higher transfer payments.

Second, marital dissolutions and the usual accompanying absence of

fathers from households with children are generally considered unfavorable outcomes regardless of whether or not the welfare rolls increase.” http://www.bos.frb.org/economic/conf/conf30/conf30c.pdf

b. “When families received guaranteed income at 90% of the poverty level, there was a 43% increase in black family dissolution and a 63% increase in white family dissolution. At 125% of the poverty levels, dissolutions were 75% and 40%.” Robert B. Carleson, “Government Is The Problem,” p. 57.
For example, Ray. Would you rent to me? Great credit. Excellent references. Pay on time and usually BEFORE rent is due. Improvement of property with my own sweat and usually my own money when I have it to spare. But..I can't pay more than 600 bucks per month due to SS budget. And you can rent your place for 1500 per month. Who would you choose? The people who will pay 1500 per month, thats who. So I wind up on the street under an overpass.

That's a very good scenario.

Okay, so I decide to rent to you at $600.00 a month. However the bills to run the place cost me $800.00 a month. I lose $200.00 a month by renting to you.

Should I do that to accommodate your income?
Why would the bills cost you 800 bucks a month? Especially if I am paying my own utilities, using my own money to replace the fridge, hot water heater, plants in the landscaping I did myself, supplying a stove when the one you furnished bonks out?
No..you would not make a profit with someone like me...but....and this is an important but.....I would not cost you in renting your property whereas if you rented it for 1500 bucks a month...perhaps the tenants will find a cheaper place within a year and then you have normal wear and tear you have to pay to fix for the new tenants. THAT will cost you. Wouldn't you rather have someone taking care of what you own and stay for a long period of time instead of constantly placing ads for new tenants, or tenants who don't stay, or tenants who are pissed they pay that much rent and not take care of "home"?

Let's just say what you think has any truth to it and I don't make a profit. Do you think I do all this work around here for free? Do you think I spend all that time screwing around with categorizing expenditures, spend two days before taxes preparing, assuming the responsibilities of major repairs or replacements like roofs, furnaces, driveways is something I do for a hobby?

I didn't do this as a social obligation. I don't have those resources. Like everybody else, when I take huge responsibilities and have major bills to pay, I need a sufficient income to take care of it. If I was going to do something for charity, it certainly wouldn't be this. It takes up any and all of my free time. I would have put my hard earned money in the market or commodities.
I didn't say you should...or have insulted you in any manner for what you choose to do or whether you make a profit or not, etc. This is just two different sides of the subject we are discussing. Or...I thought it was.
Actually...I wish more people would do exactly that. Get some land, put some tiny houses/small cabins on it with a tiny yard for each person, charge a decent rent. Like a commune sorta thing. Large section set aside for a community garden to grow veggies. And if the landlord did a proper check of the proposed tenant...there shouldn't be a problem with a good community policy signed by each one.

Eagle..the state sucks..but I am too old to move now. I was born in Cali...I will die in Cali.

You've never owned rental property, have you?
Nope. But I managed properties for over 45 years. From Nevada to LA to Kern County to Maui to the central coast. 45 long years. I HANDLED it all. THe owners sat back and let me run all of them.
I did the banking, advertising, evictions, court appearances, maintenance, supply ordering, hiring of vendors, supervised everything from sinks to landscapes. I KNEW what amount they were getting per month because I did all the deposits and I paid all the bills for the owners.
So yeah..I know of what I speak of although I was never a true owner.

So you knew better, knew how and still failed to plan. Wow!
Sigh. I shouldn't have bothered to explain to you since you sit in judgement and are not in my shoes..then or now.
Fuck off. I'm done with you. And yeah. I should have known better to share such a thing with an unknown on a message board that turned out to be a fucktard.

Begone with you.

I don't buy your story. Had you been the remainderman of a life estate, there would have been a recorded deed to that effect. If you managed any property, you'd have known that and checked. You also would not have depended on one property. By now, you'd have a number of properties into which you could have moved. Also, unless you are an attorney, you could not have l represented the owner in court. That would be practicing law without a license.

I hope you were smarter than all that.
You know nothing about me and I could give a rats ass what you buy or not.
Personally, I think you are a twat and therefore have no further desire to converse with you about anything. Therefore..on iggie you go along with the other twats I have on there.

For example, Ray. Would you rent to me? Great credit. Excellent references. Pay on time and usually BEFORE rent is due. Improvement of property with my own sweat and usually my own money when I have it to spare. But..I can't pay more than 600 bucks per month due to SS budget. And you can rent your place for 1500 per month. Who would you choose? The people who will pay 1500 per month, thats who. So I wind up on the street under an overpass.

That's a very good scenario.

Okay, so I decide to rent to you at $600.00 a month. However the bills to run the place cost me $800.00 a month. I lose $200.00 a month by renting to you.

Should I do that to accommodate your income?
Why would the bills cost you 800 bucks a month? Especially if I am paying my own utilities, using my own money to replace the fridge, hot water heater, plants in the landscaping I did myself, supplying a stove when the one you furnished bonks out?
No..you would not make a profit with someone like me...but....and this is an important but.....I would not cost you in renting your property whereas if you rented it for 1500 bucks a month...perhaps the tenants will find a cheaper place within a year and then you have normal wear and tear you have to pay to fix for the new tenants. THAT will cost you. Wouldn't you rather have someone taking care of what you own and stay for a long period of time instead of constantly placing ads for new tenants, or tenants who don't stay, or tenants who are pissed they pay that much rent and not take care of "home"?

Let's just say what you think has any truth to it and I don't make a profit. Do you think I do all this work around here for free? Do you think I spend all that time screwing around with categorizing expenditures, spend two days before taxes preparing, assuming the responsibilities of major repairs or replacements like roofs, furnaces, driveways is something I do for a hobby?

I didn't do this as a social obligation. I don't have those resources. Like everybody else, when I take huge responsibilities and have major bills to pay, I need a sufficient income to take care of it. If I was going to do something for charity, it certainly wouldn't be this. It takes up any and all of my free time. I would have put my hard earned money in the market or commodities.
I didn't say you should...or have insulted you in any manner for what you choose to do or whether you make a profit or not, etc. This is just two different sides of the subject we are discussing. Or...I thought it was.

There is, but you seem to be ignoring the other side of the argument and only focusing on yours.

My side is this: most of us landlords don't make much money on rental income. Much of what you pay is what you would otherwise pay if you owned a house: taxes, insurance, utilities, repairs, updates, mortgage.........

In some cases (like mine) when I had to take a loan out for major repairs, those loans have to be repaid.

This year I was lucky, I actually made a little profit. My tax preparer has a lot of landlords, and she told me I was the only one last year that showed a profit. All her other landlord clients were in the red as they are most every other year.

Big companies probably make out, but rental property is just part of their portfolio. They are very diverse in their investments. When one investment isn't working out, then they dump that investment and put their money elsewhere.

So if the government made regulation that stopped their profit, they would be selling out probably to somebody that would charge even more for rent.

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