‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

21K/year...what does that get you?
An apartment in a crime zone.

Perhaps you should move to a location where costs are lower.
I am restricted to Jewish areas.
I need kosher food and a synagogue.
Maybe that’s why most of us consider 50K/year to be slave wages.

No wonder you got a Heeb for an avatar. You know, there's a couple condos in Miami..
My son-in-law’s family already owns them!

O-kay. :rolleyes:
‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

Dear Senate Democrats, good effort, but tax credits won’t solve this crisis. Working people need Housing-For-All: 10 million homes in 10 years.
Different cities still have them and some used to have them, they're called the projects.
All that's missing is the 'universal basic income' that Obama is starting to chatter about. I think Stockton Ca. is going to sport it this fall.

Ah yes, the good times are coming folks.
‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

Dear Senate Democrats, good effort, but tax credits won’t solve this crisis. Working people need Housing-For-All: 10 million homes in 10 years.
Different cities still have them and some used to have them, they're called the projects.
All that's missing is the 'universal basic income' that Obama is starting to chatter about. I think Stockton Ca. is going to sport it this fall.

Ah yes, the good times are coming folks.

Dumb ass Chicago is talking the same, it looks like a pack a cigarettes will be $20 bucks and Snickers bar $8 bucks..

‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

Dear Senate Democrats, good effort, but tax credits won’t solve this crisis. Working people need Housing-For-All: 10 million homes in 10 years.
Different cities still have them and some used to have them, they're called the projects.
All that's missing is the 'universal basic income' that Obama is starting to chatter about. I think Stockton Ca. is going to sport it this fall.

Ah yes, the good times are coming folks.

‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

Dear Senate Democrats, good effort, but tax credits won’t solve this crisis. Working people need Housing-For-All: 10 million homes in 10 years.
Different cities still have them and some used to have them, they're called the projects.
All that's missing is the 'universal basic income' that Obama is starting to chatter about. I think Stockton Ca. is going to sport it this fall.

Ah yes, the good times are coming folks.

Not surprisingly, Chicago is considering trying the same with something like 1,000 households.
For example, Ray. Would you rent to me? Great credit. Excellent references. Pay on time and usually BEFORE rent is due. Improvement of property with my own sweat and usually my own money when I have it to spare. But..I can't pay more than 600 bucks per month due to SS budget. And you can rent your place for 1500 per month. Who would you choose? The people who will pay 1500 per month, thats who. So I wind up on the street under an overpass.

I think I might get a piece of land and put several trailers/small houses on it, just to charge a fair price for rent.

It's ridiculous these days.

Also, I can do everything except AC and put a water heater in. (Should not have posted those words) Never speak of water heater, bad juju. I expect an explosion from the garage any minute now.
Actually...I wish more people would do exactly that. Get some land, put some tiny houses/small cabins on it with a tiny yard for each person, charge a decent rent. Like a commune sorta thing. Large section set aside for a community garden to grow veggies. And if the landlord did a proper check of the proposed tenant...there shouldn't be a problem with a good community policy signed by each one.

Eagle..the state sucks..but I am too old to move now. I was born in Cali...I will die in Cali.
For example, Ray. Would you rent to me? Great credit. Excellent references. Pay on time and usually BEFORE rent is due. Improvement of property with my own sweat and usually my own money when I have it to spare. But..I can't pay more than 600 bucks per month due to SS budget. And you can rent your place for 1500 per month. Who would you choose? The people who will pay 1500 per month, thats who. So I wind up on the street under an overpass.

That's a very good scenario.

Okay, so I decide to rent to you at $600.00 a month. However the bills to run the place cost me $800.00 a month. I lose $200.00 a month by renting to you.

Should I do that to accommodate your income?
Why would the bills cost you 800 bucks a month? Especially if I am paying my own utilities, using my own money to replace the fridge, hot water heater, plants in the landscaping I did myself, supplying a stove when the one you furnished bonks out?
No..you would not make a profit with someone like me...but....and this is an important but.....I would not cost you in renting your property whereas if you rented it for 1500 bucks a month...perhaps the tenants will find a cheaper place within a year and then you have normal wear and tear you have to pay to fix for the new tenants. THAT will cost you. Wouldn't you rather have someone taking care of what you own and stay for a long period of time instead of constantly placing ads for new tenants, or tenants who don't stay, or tenants who are pissed they pay that much rent and not take care of "home"?
Rent control would be a better idea. Stop the money grubbers from asking atrocious rents and people could afford to rent a decent place.

If you can't afford the rent, but your own Fn home.
And how the fuck am I to buy a home when I can't afford the atrocious rent???

Get a part-time job too. Get training and get a better job plus the part-time job.
I have RA, am a breast cancer survivor, am a senior married to a man 5 years older than me. We are retired. Plus, nobody would hire two old fogies with health issues.
And...most counties have rules about buying land and making it into a multi family property. Hell, you can't even buy land any more without having to jump thru hoops just to build your own home.

If I were 20 or 30 years younger..I would jump at the chance of at least trying to fund something like that. Alas..too late now. I doubt I will be around in the next 10 years. Falling apart very fast now.
‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

Dear Senate Democrats, good effort, but tax credits won’t solve this crisis. Working people need Housing-For-All: 10 million homes in 10 years.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed can solve this problem for us, via market friendly means. applied capitalism, what concept.
I just found out that the only Liberal in the family was on Unemployed comp in Cailf and her husband make 145k a year. She is a disappointment
And...most counties have rules about buying land and making it into a multi family property. Hell, you can't even buy land any more without having to jump thru hoops just to build your own home.

If I were 20 or 30 years younger..I would jump at the chance of at least trying to fund something like that. Alas..too late now. I doubt I will be around in the next 10 years. Falling apart very fast now.
True what you posted, many of us can work and really like to work in something we like to do, but I know sometimes the wear and tear of our prior jobs just took a heavy toll. I wish that Old folk could get jobs and do something. Gold wear thin after about a year and so does fishing and hunting. No much left but cutting the grass twice a week. Get dull just sitting. At lease Vote and election time give us something to do,. Remember VOTE even if it hurts.
If you or anyone else would have told me at 50 years of age that my body would begin to crumble at 58 years old..I would have laughed and said "oh hayell no!".
Alas...that is exactly what it did. I played too hard, worked too hard and now I am paying for it. Yep. It sucks getting old.
The sorry ass thing I can't get over is..I can STILL work. Nothing wrong with my brain or my half assed brawn. But..nobody would hire me with my particular ailments I will not publicly discuss on the internet. And I don't blame them one bit. However....if the situation was right...and I had certain things available to me at the job....and SS wouldn't take a buck for every buck I make and instead I could be paid under the proverbial table...you bet I would work until I dropped dead. But..that ain't gonna happen. So......

Anyway...enough of whining from me. Does no good and only makes my blood pressure skyrocket higher than it already is.:D
For example, Ray. Would you rent to me? Great credit. Excellent references. Pay on time and usually BEFORE rent is due. Improvement of property with my own sweat and usually my own money when I have it to spare. But..I can't pay more than 600 bucks per month due to SS budget. And you can rent your place for 1500 per month. Who would you choose? The people who will pay 1500 per month, thats who. So I wind up on the street under an overpass.

I think I might get a piece of land and put several trailers/small houses on it, just to charge a fair price for rent.

It's ridiculous these days.

Also, I can do everything except AC and put a water heater in. (Should not have posted those words) Never speak of water heater, bad juju. I expect an explosion from the garage any minute now.
Actually...I wish more people would do exactly that. Get some land, put some tiny houses/small cabins on it with a tiny yard for each person, charge a decent rent. Like a commune sorta thing. Large section set aside for a community garden to grow veggies. And if the landlord did a proper check of the proposed tenant...there shouldn't be a problem with a good community policy signed by each one.

Eagle..the state sucks..but I am too old to move now. I was born in Cali...I will die in Cali.

You've never owned rental property, have you?
For example, Ray. Would you rent to me? Great credit. Excellent references. Pay on time and usually BEFORE rent is due. Improvement of property with my own sweat and usually my own money when I have it to spare. But..I can't pay more than 600 bucks per month due to SS budget. And you can rent your place for 1500 per month. Who would you choose? The people who will pay 1500 per month, thats who. So I wind up on the street under an overpass.

I think I might get a piece of land and put several trailers/small houses on it, just to charge a fair price for rent.

It's ridiculous these days.

Also, I can do everything except AC and put a water heater in. (Should not have posted those words) Never speak of water heater, bad juju. I expect an explosion from the garage any minute now.
Actually...I wish more people would do exactly that. Get some land, put some tiny houses/small cabins on it with a tiny yard for each person, charge a decent rent. Like a commune sorta thing. Large section set aside for a community garden to grow veggies. And if the landlord did a proper check of the proposed tenant...there shouldn't be a problem with a good community policy signed by each one.

Eagle..the state sucks..but I am too old to move now. I was born in Cali...I will die in Cali.

You've never owned rental property, have you?
Nope. But I managed properties for over 45 years. From Nevada to LA to Kern County to Maui to the central coast. 45 long years. I HANDLED it all. THe owners sat back and let me run all of them.
I did the banking, advertising, evictions, court appearances, maintenance, supply ordering, hiring of vendors, supervised everything from sinks to landscapes. I KNEW what amount they were getting per month because I did all the deposits and I paid all the bills for the owners.
So yeah..I know of what I speak of although I was never a true owner.
Everyone can wish and wash all they want. HOUSING IS TOO HIGH. This is why there are homeless EVERYWHERE. Something has to be done. Period.
For example, Ray. Would you rent to me? Great credit. Excellent references. Pay on time and usually BEFORE rent is due. Improvement of property with my own sweat and usually my own money when I have it to spare. But..I can't pay more than 600 bucks per month due to SS budget. And you can rent your place for 1500 per month. Who would you choose? The people who will pay 1500 per month, thats who. So I wind up on the street under an overpass.

I think I might get a piece of land and put several trailers/small houses on it, just to charge a fair price for rent.

It's ridiculous these days.

Also, I can do everything except AC and put a water heater in. (Should not have posted those words) Never speak of water heater, bad juju. I expect an explosion from the garage any minute now.
Actually...I wish more people would do exactly that. Get some land, put some tiny houses/small cabins on it with a tiny yard for each person, charge a decent rent. Like a commune sorta thing. Large section set aside for a community garden to grow veggies. And if the landlord did a proper check of the proposed tenant...there shouldn't be a problem with a good community policy signed by each one.

Eagle..the state sucks..but I am too old to move now. I was born in Cali...I will die in Cali.

You've never owned rental property, have you?
Wait a min, did not the News Media call her the "Smartest woman in the World" or have they changed their minds.
Rent control would be a better idea. Stop the money grubbers from asking atrocious rents and people could afford to rent a decent place.

If you can't afford the rent, but your own Fn home.
And how the fuck am I to buy a home when I can't afford the atrocious rent???

Get a part-time job too. Get training and get a better job plus the part-time job.
I have RA, am a breast cancer survivor, am a senior married to a man 5 years older than me. We are retired. Plus, nobody would hire two old fogies with health issues.

I glad you're a survivor. My Mom died from breast cancer and I have prostate cancer.

I'm sorry you did not plan better. I was a Realtor for over 40 years. We are independent contractors so I paid both sides of SS for decades. I planned because I knew SS would not pay me what I wanted. So I have a monthly income from rental properties which are free clear and I pay someone else to manage. I'm 74, have a really old car in top condition. A couple years back I traded my Harley for a new one. I'm certainly not rich but I have been able to travel and worked as I wanted. Which was a lot, I love my job.
Everyone can wish and wash all they want. HOUSING IS TOO HIGH. This is why there are homeless EVERYWHERE. Something has to be done. Period.
Happened over a long period of time. The Mental Hosp, were emtyed out by the High Court, The VA could not help the guys and many of them live on the street, borders open up not by choice this covers most of the homeless.

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