‘Housing for All’: Democrats push for big government response to soaring rents

For example, Ray. Would you rent to me? Great credit. Excellent references. Pay on time and usually BEFORE rent is due. Improvement of property with my own sweat and usually my own money when I have it to spare. But..I can't pay more than 600 bucks per month due to SS budget. And you can rent your place for 1500 per month. Who would you choose? The people who will pay 1500 per month, thats who. So I wind up on the street under an overpass.
For example, Ray. Would you rent to me? Great credit. Excellent references. Pay on time and usually BEFORE rent is due. Improvement of property with my own sweat and usually my own money when I have it to spare. But..I can't pay more than 600 bucks per month due to SS budget. And you can rent your place for 1500 per month. Who would you choose? The people who will pay 1500 per month, thats who. So I wind up on the street under an overpass.
Get out of that state.
For example, Ray. Would you rent to me? Great credit. Excellent references. Pay on time and usually BEFORE rent is due. Improvement of property with my own sweat and usually my own money when I have it to spare. But..I can't pay more than 600 bucks per month due to SS budget. And you can rent your place for 1500 per month. Who would you choose? The people who will pay 1500 per month, thats who. So I wind up on the street under an overpass.

I think I might get a piece of land and put several trailers/small houses on it, just to charge a fair price for rent.

It's ridiculous these days.

Also, I can do everything except AC and put a water heater in. (Should not have posted those words) Never speak of water heater, bad juju. I expect an explosion from the garage any minute now.
Rent control would be a better idea. Stop the money grubbers from asking atrocious rents and people could afford to rent a decent place.

If you can't afford the rent, but your own Fn home.
And how the fuck am I to buy a home when I can't afford the atrocious rent???

I don't know. But the next question is how did that become my problem instead of yours?
Its everyone's problem. I was property manager for 45 years and am now retired. Rents are AWFUL. And I had no control because I worked for OWNERS. Absolutely perfect tenants, I could not rent to. THREE TIMES they have to make of the asking rent. THREE TIMES!!! That is ridiculous! They would pay on time, were clean, improved the property with gardening and keeping everything neat and clean. No damages done to the apartment or house because they considered it HOME. Yet...I could not rent to them due to the stupid policies. Stupid. And apts would stay empty until I found someone that qualified. That is money lost forever each month. Stupid stupid stupid.
Homeless people need a place they can call HOME. If they can, and can afford it, they will take care of it. That has been my experience.

And my experience is that there is no criteria for a good tenant. I've rented to people that had great jobs and good references and ended up being terrible tenants. I've rented to people with minimum wage jobs, no credit history, and no rental references that ended up being my best tenants even though late with the rent all the time.

But I disagree with you that it's everybody's problem. It's not my problem, it's the people who seek rent that have the problem. However I have enough of my own problems without worrying about taking on additional problems because of government.

Hey, I"ve asked my tenants to go and vote to turn down a school levy, or construction levy. I ask them to write to the EPA or their congress person about aggressive costs for water and sewer. Do you think they put any effort into helping me out to keep costs down? Of course not. And then when I pass those costs in higher rent, they cry foul.
And a large tent.

If thats what it takes.
Me and my buddy Mike lived in a house with no electricity or gas through October to April.
Cooked over the fireplace and took cold showers....and I mean fucking COLD!!!!

People today are a bunch of pussies.
I lived in a tent to finish a semester of college after I was expelled from the dorms for partaying too much and females past midnight.

Yep....used to be you'd work your way out of those situations.
Now you you get handouts.
Well, that can be a good or a bad thing..

I've never taken a dime from the government.
People today have a chip on their shoulder and think certain jobs are below them.
Ask a kid today to mow a lawn and they call it mexican work.

Thanks illegals...but on the plus side I can get my lawn mowed for 25 bucks,only 5 more bucks than I was paid as a kid 38 years ago.

I've taken much more than a dime. I think it was $97.50 a month plus free room and board plus recreation! Jogging, parachuting, target practice, camping and travel to SE Asia too!
For example, Ray. Would you rent to me? Great credit. Excellent references. Pay on time and usually BEFORE rent is due. Improvement of property with my own sweat and usually my own money when I have it to spare. But..I can't pay more than 600 bucks per month due to SS budget. And you can rent your place for 1500 per month. Who would you choose? The people who will pay 1500 per month, thats who. So I wind up on the street under an overpass.

That's a very good scenario.

Okay, so I decide to rent to you at $600.00 a month. However the bills to run the place cost me $800.00 a month. I lose $200.00 a month by renting to you.

Should I do that to accommodate your income?
For example, Ray. Would you rent to me? Great credit. Excellent references. Pay on time and usually BEFORE rent is due. Improvement of property with my own sweat and usually my own money when I have it to spare. But..I can't pay more than 600 bucks per month due to SS budget. And you can rent your place for 1500 per month. Who would you choose? The people who will pay 1500 per month, thats who. So I wind up on the street under an overpass.

That's a very good scenario.

Okay, so I decide to rent to you at $600.00 a month. However the bills to run the place cost me $800.00 a month. I lose $200.00 a month by renting to you.

Should I do that to accommodate your income?

No. It should be somewhat profitable, but what's up with these $1600/mo rents?

Does the county charge that much more taxes on rental property?
Fuck em.....get a room mate like we used to do.
The article talked about family housing.

How can we consider ourselves to be the richest, greatest nation on earth while boors say in response to a problem of high cost housing "fuck 'em"?

So what do you suppose is responsible for the high cost of housing? Could it be taxes? Could it be union construction workers? What?

Look.......I've been doing this for about 25 years now, and most of the rent paid to me goes right out the door. When unions take pay increases, it increases the value of a home, and that increases our building insurance. Then I have water and sewer bills to pay that keep going up thanks to your wonderful EPA. Then there is property tax in which over 60% goes to our schools.

I didn't invest in land to have a social obligation to the public. I invested in real estate to try and make a profit and perhaps secure income for my retirement years. But because of that, everybody thinks we are sitting on pile of Fn money. My city just raped me for $250.00 for an apartment inspection which I have to get with each new tenant because the city felt we landlords are making too much money; this without ever asking us, looking at our tax forms, or even holding a meeting with landlords.

And now governments are going to tell us how much we can charge besides? The real problem with rental properties is too much Fn government. That's one of the reasons it costs so much.
Gentrification not unions. I know how much contempt you Conservatives hold for the working man. You spell it out.

When neighborhoods get popular, rents increase exponentially. And that prices working class families,out of the housing market.

Shelter, food, clothing, medical care. Basic human needs. Are you saying this nation cannot afford to look out for its weakest citizens? How many times have Conservatives claimed we are a Christian nation? Perhaps it's time to demonstrate some of that Christian humanity.
Fuck em.....get a room mate like we used to do.
The article talked about family housing.

How can we consider ourselves to be the richest, greatest nation on earth while boors say in response to a problem of high cost housing "fuck 'em"?

So what do you suppose is responsible for the high cost of housing? Could it be taxes? Could it be union construction workers? What?

Look.......I've been doing this for about 25 years now, and most of the rent paid to me goes right out the door. When unions take pay increases, it increases the value of a home, and that increases our building insurance. Then I have water and sewer bills to pay that keep going up thanks to your wonderful EPA. Then there is property tax in which over 60% goes to our schools.

I didn't invest in land to have a social obligation to the public. I invested in real estate to try and make a profit and perhaps secure income for my retirement years. But because of that, everybody thinks we are sitting on pile of Fn money. My city just raped me for $250.00 for an apartment inspection which I have to get with each new tenant because the city felt we landlords are making too much money; this without ever asking us, looking at our tax forms, or even holding a meeting with landlords.

And now governments are going to tell us how much we can charge besides? The real problem with rental properties is too much Fn government. That's one of the reasons it costs so much.
Gentrification not unions. I know how much contempt you Conservatives hold for the working man. You spell it out.

When neighborhoods get popular, rents increase exponentially. And that prices working class families,out of the housing market.

Shelter, food, clothing, medical care. Basic human needs. Are you saying this nation cannot afford to look out for its weakest citizens? How many times have Conservatives claimed we are a Christian nation? Perhaps it's time to demonstrate some of that Christian humanity.

States like California have homeless who make 50k..........your policies have jacked up the cost of living to insanity. While rent is high around the nation......who the hell wants to pay 1500 a month for a small apartment when I can buy 2 large brick houses for that here.

Keep your state......your policies........and stupidity away from the rest of the country.
Fuck em.....get a room mate like we used to do.
The article talked about family housing.

How can we consider ourselves to be the richest, greatest nation on earth while boors say in response to a problem of high cost housing "fuck 'em"?

So what do you suppose is responsible for the high cost of housing? Could it be taxes? Could it be union construction workers? What?

Look.......I've been doing this for about 25 years now, and most of the rent paid to me goes right out the door. When unions take pay increases, it increases the value of a home, and that increases our building insurance. Then I have water and sewer bills to pay that keep going up thanks to your wonderful EPA. Then there is property tax in which over 60% goes to our schools.

I didn't invest in land to have a social obligation to the public. I invested in real estate to try and make a profit and perhaps secure income for my retirement years. But because of that, everybody thinks we are sitting on pile of Fn money. My city just raped me for $250.00 for an apartment inspection which I have to get with each new tenant because the city felt we landlords are making too much money; this without ever asking us, looking at our tax forms, or even holding a meeting with landlords.

And now governments are going to tell us how much we can charge besides? The real problem with rental properties is too much Fn government. That's one of the reasons it costs so much.
Gentrification not unions. I know how much contempt you Conservatives hold for the working man. You spell it out.

When neighborhoods get popular, rents increase exponentially. And that prices working class families,out of the housing market.

Shelter, food, clothing, medical care. Basic human needs. Are you saying this nation cannot afford to look out for its weakest citizens? How many times have Conservatives claimed we are a Christian nation? Perhaps it's time to demonstrate some of that Christian humanity.

Christianity is about giving of one self--not demanding government give of ourselves. Government is not a charity, it was never meant to be one according to our founders.

When neighborhoods become popular, so do higher taxes. Landlords have to pay those taxes on top of everything else. Should we just eat the additional taxation and not pass it on to our tenants?
Fuck em.....get a room mate like we used to do.
The article talked about family housing.

How can we consider ourselves to be the richest, greatest nation on earth while boors say in response to a problem of high cost housing "fuck 'em"?

So what do you suppose is responsible for the high cost of housing? Could it be taxes? Could it be union construction workers? What?

Look.......I've been doing this for about 25 years now, and most of the rent paid to me goes right out the door. When unions take pay increases, it increases the value of a home, and that increases our building insurance. Then I have water and sewer bills to pay that keep going up thanks to your wonderful EPA. Then there is property tax in which over 60% goes to our schools.

I didn't invest in land to have a social obligation to the public. I invested in real estate to try and make a profit and perhaps secure income for my retirement years. But because of that, everybody thinks we are sitting on pile of Fn money. My city just raped me for $250.00 for an apartment inspection which I have to get with each new tenant because the city felt we landlords are making too much money; this without ever asking us, looking at our tax forms, or even holding a meeting with landlords.

And now governments are going to tell us how much we can charge besides? The real problem with rental properties is too much Fn government. That's one of the reasons it costs so much.
Gentrification not unions. I know how much contempt you Conservatives hold for the working man. You spell it out.

When neighborhoods get popular, rents increase exponentially. And that prices working class families,out of the housing market.

Shelter, food, clothing, medical care. Basic human needs. Are you saying this nation cannot afford to look out for its weakest citizens? How many times have Conservatives claimed we are a Christian nation? Perhaps it's time to demonstrate some of that Christian humanity.

States like California have homeless who make 50k..........your policies have jacked up the cost of living to insanity. While rent is high around the nation......who the hell wants to pay 1500 a month for a small apartment when I can buy 2 large brick houses for that here.

Keep your state......your policies........and stupidity away from the rest of the country.

Where is this? But I'm more looking for CBS houses.
Fuck em.....get a room mate like we used to do.
The article talked about family housing.

How can we consider ourselves to be the richest, greatest nation on earth while boors say in response to a problem of high cost housing "fuck 'em"?

Why do you have a family you cant afford?
Because it's human nature to have a family. What cynical politics is anti-family?

No, it's human nature to have a family you can afford. It's selfishness to have a family that your neighbors must afford.
Fuck em.....get a room mate like we used to do.
The article talked about family housing.

How can we consider ourselves to be the richest, greatest nation on earth while boors say in response to a problem of high cost housing "fuck 'em"?

So what do you suppose is responsible for the high cost of housing? Could it be taxes? Could it be union construction workers? What?

Look.......I've been doing this for about 25 years now, and most of the rent paid to me goes right out the door. When unions take pay increases, it increases the value of a home, and that increases our building insurance. Then I have water and sewer bills to pay that keep going up thanks to your wonderful EPA. Then there is property tax in which over 60% goes to our schools.

I didn't invest in land to have a social obligation to the public. I invested in real estate to try and make a profit and perhaps secure income for my retirement years. But because of that, everybody thinks we are sitting on pile of Fn money. My city just raped me for $250.00 for an apartment inspection which I have to get with each new tenant because the city felt we landlords are making too much money; this without ever asking us, looking at our tax forms, or even holding a meeting with landlords.

And now governments are going to tell us how much we can charge besides? The real problem with rental properties is too much Fn government. That's one of the reasons it costs so much.
Gentrification not unions. I know how much contempt you Conservatives hold for the working man. You spell it out.

When neighborhoods get popular, rents increase exponentially. And that prices working class families,out of the housing market.

Shelter, food, clothing, medical care. Basic human needs. Are you saying this nation cannot afford to look out for its weakest citizens? How many times have Conservatives claimed we are a Christian nation? Perhaps it's time to demonstrate some of that Christian humanity.

States like California have homeless who make 50k..........your policies have jacked up the cost of living to insanity. While rent is high around the nation......who the hell wants to pay 1500 a month for a small apartment when I can buy 2 large brick houses for that here.

Keep your state......your policies........and stupidity away from the rest of the country.

Where is this? But I'm more looking for CBS houses.
LA............lower Alabama
My friend's doing these apartments downtown, they're like $1750/mo and 700 sq ft.

My housing cost is $140/mo.
For example, Ray. Would you rent to me? Great credit. Excellent references. Pay on time and usually BEFORE rent is due. Improvement of property with my own sweat and usually my own money when I have it to spare. But..I can't pay more than 600 bucks per month due to SS budget. And you can rent your place for 1500 per month. Who would you choose? The people who will pay 1500 per month, thats who. So I wind up on the street under an overpass.

That's a very good scenario.

Okay, so I decide to rent to you at $600.00 a month. However the bills to run the place cost me $800.00 a month. I lose $200.00 a month by renting to you.

Should I do that to accommodate your income?

No. It should be somewhat profitable, but what's up with these $1600/mo rents?

Does the county charge that much more taxes on rental property?

Actually yes it does. Increases all the time in property taxes, utilities, insurance, mortgages if you have an arm loan.

Like I said, my city instituted rental inspections before any new tenant is allowed to move in. Okay, that's only a few hundred bucks, but if they delay me from renting to a tenant for several months, that's several months of money I'm out rent.

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