Houston Chronicle Endorses....wait for it....

I just corrected the error, so go fuck yourself.

Corrected after I called you out, ya did.

Uhm, no.

I was typing as you responded, you dimwit.

You erroneously report than spazz; take your meds.
And I corrected it immediately and took time to go into detail, cumsucker.
demographics show that Houston is almost half filthy wetback, 3/4 black, when you consider that there are going to be some apologetic guilt ridden whites thrown in, a paper would do well by presenting itself as Un-American.
no surprise when you look at the demographics.

un-American are you treasonous pieces of garbage who root for putin. but your use of the term wetback shows why you like dumb donald so much.....uneducated angry white male bigot.


010 census population (rank): 2,099,451 (4); Male: 1,053,517 (50.1%); Female: 1,045,934 (49.9%); White: 1,060,491 (50.5%); Black: 498,466 (23.7%); American Indian and Alaska Native: 14,997 (0.7%); Asian: 126,378 (6.0%); Other race: 329,436 (15.2%); Two or more races: 69,530 (3.3%); Hispanic/Latino: 919,668 (37.4%).
Houston, Tex.: Population, Weather, Demographics, Facts, History ...
your numbers back up my numbers. Almost as many filthy illegals as there are humans.

I love it when some Trump supporters show just what kind of scum they are and the other Trump supporters don’t say a peep. Speaks to the lack of class they share as a whole.

Did you know you’re voting for a man who makes fun of the physically handicapped?

In the Democrats and their MSM opinion...

You mean the reporter he never met and did not know
he had a disability ?

and the Democrats are voting for a woman that helped to get a lighter sentence
for the rapist of a 12 year old girl

she even laughs about it on a tape

next question
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In the Democrats and their MSM opinion...

You mean the reporter he never met and did not know
he had a disability ?

and the Democrats are voting for a woman that helped to get a lighter sentence
for the rapist of a 12 year old girl

she even laughs about it on a tape

next question

That is a lie. He met him and he knew him. Grow up, fer fuxs sakes.
Houston and conservative should never be uttered in the same sentence

And you think that because? Miss Less, Houston is Trump country. I live just 6 hours away in NOLA and know the town well. It is the heart and soul of the oil industry, and there is nothing liberal about the oil industry

Houston is controlled by democrats. Fact
Oh my stars and garters! The Chronicle, a veritable and venerable written testament to conservatism, endorses Mrs. Clinton!

These are unsettling times that require a steady hand: That's not Donald Trump.
I can't think of a single person in my entire life who decided who to vote for based on an endorsement. Are you that shallow?

Are you that stupid, Mr. Murked? It sounds like you don't know very many people.
You tell me. Do YOU associate with people that are that easily swayed? Has anyone, stranger or not, ever told you they were voting for someone based on a news paper endorsement?

When you're done lying in your response to me try to have a nice day!
Houston and conservative should never be uttered in the same sentence

And you think that because? Miss Less, Houston is Trump country. I live just 6 hours away in NOLA and know the town well. It is the heart and soul of the oil industry, and there is nothing liberal about the oil industry

Houston is controlled by democrats. Fact

I see Miss Less you're one of those people who states facts without stating the facts. You are about as useful as a steering wheel on a mule.
The mayor of Houston is a black man who is a Democrat. That is because the incorporated part of Houston that can vote is very small and mostly minority The surrounding suburban areas are different municipalities and mainly white Republican.
Houston and conservative should never be uttered in the same sentence

And you think that because? Miss Less, Houston is Trump country. I live just 6 hours away in NOLA and know the town well. It is the heart and soul of the oil industry, and there is nothing liberal about the oil industry

Houston is controlled by democrats. Fact

I see Miss Less you're one of those people who states facts without stating the facts. You are about as useful as a steering wheel on a mule.
The mayor of Houston is a black man who is a Democrat. That is because the incorporated part of Houston that can vote is very small and mostly minority The surrounding suburban areas are different municipalities and mainly white Republican.

Dude take your Miss Less and your lack of knowledge and stick it up your ass
Oh my stars and garters! The Chronicle, a veritable and venerable written testament to conservatism, endorses Mrs. Clinton!

These are unsettling times that require a steady hand: That's not Donald Trump.
I can't think of a single person in my entire life who decided who to vote for based on an endorsement. Are you that shallow?

Are you that stupid, Mr. Murked? It sounds like you don't know very many people.
You tell me. Do YOU associate with people that are that easily swayed? Has anyone, stranger or not, ever told you they were voting for someone based on a news paper endorsement?

When you're done lying in your response to me try to have a nice day!

If endorsements didn't matter, Mr. Murked, they wouldn't cost the politician so much money
Oh my stars and garters! The Chronicle, a veritable and venerable written testament to conservatism, endorses Mrs. Clinton!

These are unsettling times that require a steady hand: That's not Donald Trump.
I can't think of a single person in my entire life who decided who to vote for based on an endorsement. Are you that shallow?

Are you that stupid, Mr. Murked? It sounds like you don't know very many people.
You tell me. Do YOU associate with people that are that easily swayed? Has anyone, stranger or not, ever told you they were voting for someone based on a news paper endorsement?

When you're done lying in your response to me try to have a nice day!

If endorsements didn't matter, Mr. Murked, they wouldn't cost the politician so much money
If the New York Times endorsed Trump tomorrow would you care?

Now kindly fuck off idiot
Houston and conservative should never be uttered in the same sentence

And you think that because? Miss Less, Houston is Trump country. I live just 6 hours away in NOLA and know the town well. It is the heart and soul of the oil industry, and there is nothing liberal about the oil industry

Houston is controlled by democrats. Fact

I see Miss Less you're one of those people who states facts without stating the facts. You are about as useful as a steering wheel on a mule.
The mayor of Houston is a black man who is a Democrat. That is because the incorporated part of Houston that can vote is very small and mostly minority The surrounding suburban areas are different municipalities and mainly white Republican.

Dude take your Miss Less and your lack of knowledge and stick it up your ass

Hahaha.... Miss Less has nothing more.
Oh my stars and garters! The Chronicle, a veritable and venerable written testament to conservatism, endorses Mrs. Clinton!

These are unsettling times that require a steady hand: That's not Donald Trump.
I can't think of a single person in my entire life who decided who to vote for based on an endorsement. Are you that shallow?

Are you that stupid, Mr. Murked? It sounds like you don't know very many people.
You tell me. Do YOU associate with people that are that easily swayed? Has anyone, stranger or not, ever told you they were voting for someone based on a news paper endorsement?

When you're done lying in your response to me try to have a nice day!

If endorsements didn't matter, Mr. Murked, they wouldn't cost the politician so much money
If the New York Times endorsed Trump tomorrow would you care?

Now kindly fuck off idiot

Another sore loser who cannot support their claims. It is so lucky for you that this is an anonymous forum where your true identity cannot be linked to your stupidity.
Houston and conservative should never be uttered in the same sentence

And you think that because? Miss Less, Houston is Trump country. I live just 6 hours away in NOLA and know the town well. It is the heart and soul of the oil industry, and there is nothing liberal about the oil industry

Houston is controlled by democrats. Fact

I see Miss Less you're one of those people who states facts without stating the facts. You are about as useful as a steering wheel on a mule.
The mayor of Houston is a black man who is a Democrat. That is because the incorporated part of Houston that can vote is very small and mostly minority The surrounding suburban areas are different municipalities and mainly white Republican.

Dude take your Miss Less and your lack of knowledge and stick it up your ass

Hahaha.... Miss Less has nothing more.

You're not worth my time troll...I don't deal with people too fucking stupid to live. Off to ignore ya go...that and anyone using Lieawatha's image as an avatar really is a dimwit
I can't think of a single person in my entire life who decided who to vote for based on an endorsement. Are you that shallow?

Are you that stupid, Mr. Murked? It sounds like you don't know very many people.
You tell me. Do YOU associate with people that are that easily swayed? Has anyone, stranger or not, ever told you they were voting for someone based on a news paper endorsement?

When you're done lying in your response to me try to have a nice day!

If endorsements didn't matter, Mr. Murked, they wouldn't cost the politician so much money
If the New York Times endorsed Trump tomorrow would you care?

Now kindly fuck off idiot

Another sore loser who cannot support their claims. It is so lucky for you that this is an anonymous forum where your true identity cannot be linked to your stupidity.
Can not support my claim? What kind of asinine response is that?
Are you that stupid, Mr. Murked? It sounds like you don't know very many people.
You tell me. Do YOU associate with people that are that easily swayed? Has anyone, stranger or not, ever told you they were voting for someone based on a news paper endorsement?

When you're done lying in your response to me try to have a nice day!

If endorsements didn't matter, Mr. Murked, they wouldn't cost the politician so much money
If the New York Times endorsed Trump tomorrow would you care?

Now kindly fuck off idiot

Another sore loser who cannot support their claims. It is so lucky for you that this is an anonymous forum where your true identity cannot be linked to your stupidity.
Can not support my claim? What kind of asinine response is that?

He's trolling you...
Are you that stupid, Mr. Murked? It sounds like you don't know very many people.
You tell me. Do YOU associate with people that are that easily swayed? Has anyone, stranger or not, ever told you they were voting for someone based on a news paper endorsement?

When you're done lying in your response to me try to have a nice day!

If endorsements didn't matter, Mr. Murked, they wouldn't cost the politician so much money
If the New York Times endorsed Trump tomorrow would you care?

Now kindly fuck off idiot

Another sore loser who cannot support their claims. It is so lucky for you that this is an anonymous forum where your true identity cannot be linked to your stupidity.
Can not support my claim? What kind of asinine response is that?

So Mr. Murked, you not only cannot support your statement but you don't remember making it either.

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