How a Gun Did Not Save My Life...


Nov 30, 2014
I was a teenager, growing up in a rough part of town, in a small city north of NYC. In fact, our little city is the end of the line, for anyone who buys a train ticket to get the hell out of Dodge. You got a contract on your head in NY? You get a one-way fare on metro-north to the end of the line, in Poughkeepsie.

Our little city is historic and beautiful, seedy and deadly.

So there I was, one late summer night. "Strapped" as we called it back in the day, armed with a 9mm pistol at 16 years old. I vaguely knew something about a mandatory prison sentence of five years or some such, but that did not mean much to me, having been shot at several times already in my youth, beaten, hospitalized, left for dead on different occasions and circumstances.

I was not walking heavy with some point to prove, with a tool to flash, or to bolster my ego. My experiences led me to believe that this tool could be vital to my survival.

Now came an average weekend night, where we looked for a cool dude to buy us a few 40's from the deli next to the nightclub. Usually if we bought them one or two, we would get someone to hook us up. It didn't go down that smooth on this particular night though.

I wound up with a INGRAM MAC-11 pointed in my face. Maybe how I was dressed, some jewelry, being white, I was a mark. The man thought he was going to get something from me of value, when all I had was beer money, a gold chain... and that Beretta in the small of my back.

It happened so fast, I never had time to reach for it. If I had, he would have blown my head off. When he told me to turn out my pockets, I wished I had a pocket knife in there, rather than the 9 resting idle and useless.

Well, as luck would have it, a city bus came up the block at a rapid clip. One quick shove, and that was a rap on the MAC. Two shots let off well above me as he tumbled from my shove, and his body cracked across the front of the bus like a deer on a hick highway, and got rolled up underneath.

You know what that has to do with my right to bear arms? Not a goddamn thing.

From that day to this, one circumstance or another, a gun is just a tool that may be useful in one situation, but not another.

But that is not why we have the 2nd Amendment anyway. It's not about hunting, it's not about person defense. It's about drawing a line, so that tyrants cannot supersede the people.
I was a teenager, growing up in a rough part of town, in a small city north of NYC. In fact, our little city is the end of the line, for anyone who buys a train ticket to get the hell out of Dodge. You got a contract on your head in NY? You get a one-way fare on metro-north to the end of the line, in Poughkeepsie.

Our little city is historic and beautiful, seedy and deadly.

So there I was, one late summer night. "Strapped" as we called it back in the day, armed with a 9mm pistol at 16 years old. I vaguely knew something about a mandatory prison sentence of five years or some such, but that did not mean much to me, having been shot at several times already in my youth, beaten, hospitalized, left for dead on different occasions and circumstances.

I was not walking heavy with some point to prove, with a tool to flash, or to bolster my ego. My experiences led me to believe that this tool could be vital to my survival.

Now came an average weekend night, where we looked for a cool dude to buy us a few 40's from the deli next to the nightclub. Usually if we bought them one or two, we would get someone to hook us up. It didn't go down that smooth on this particular night though.

I wound up with a INGRAM MAC-11 pointed in my face. Maybe how I was dressed, some jewelry, being white, I was a mark. The man thought he was going to get something from me of value, when all I had was beer money, a gold chain... and that Beretta in the small of my back.

It happened so fast, I never had time to reach for it. If I had, he would have blown my head off. When he told me to turn out my pockets, I wished I had a pocket knife in there, rather than the 9 resting idle and useless.

Well, as luck would have it, a city bus came up the block at a rapid clip. One quick shove, and that was a rap on the MAC. Two shots let off well above me as he tumbled from my shove, and his body cracked across the front of the bus like a deer on a hick highway, and got rolled up underneath.

You know what that has to do with my right to bear arms? Not a goddamn thing.

From that day to this, one circumstance or another, a gun is just a tool that may be useful in one situation, but not another.

But that is not why we have the 2nd Amendment anyway. It's not about hunting, it's not about person defense. It's about drawing a line, so that tyrants cannot supersede the people.

You are missing the point. What happened? Where is your attacker? He's dead. You didn't get a chance to use the gun because Jesus Christ wanted you to know He is LORD and He is the decider of all things. Including your last day on earth.

I do not care where you live - Satan cannot kill you because the LORD has numbered your days. Not Satan. Get it? You need to thank God for his decision to spare your life. Because you're not living for him right now and it could have gone the other way.

You have a 2nd Amendment right to own a gun - that is clear - but never forget it is the LORD that kept you. Thank God for that. I realize you are not living for Christ right now - but you should know that He is the Only one who makes these final decisions. Satan may pretend to have your back but the graveyards are full - to prove he's a liar and a deceiver. Never count on him to keep his word. Liars never keep their word. That's a virtue and hell has no virtues. p.s. the guy who attempted to murder you? He's in hell right now with no opportunity to escape the unspeakable torments he suffers ( for eternity) Not so for you. You have a chance to repent and be forgiven for all your sins. It matters not if you've even sold your own soul to Satan - you can be forgiven right now and reconciled back to God. Jesus Christ is God. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is LORD. Today is the day of Salvation.
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I was a teenager, growing up in a rough part of town, in a small city north of NYC. In fact, our little city is the end of the line, for anyone who buys a train ticket to get the hell out of Dodge. You got a contract on your head in NY? You get a one-way fare on metro-north to the end of the line, in Poughkeepsie.

Our little city is historic and beautiful, seedy and deadly.

So there I was, one late summer night. "Strapped" as we called it back in the day, armed with a 9mm pistol at 16 years old. I vaguely knew something about a mandatory prison sentence of five years or some such, but that did not mean much to me, having been shot at several times already in my youth, beaten, hospitalized, left for dead on different occasions and circumstances.

I was not walking heavy with some point to prove, with a tool to flash, or to bolster my ego. My experiences led me to believe that this tool could be vital to my survival.

Now came an average weekend night, where we looked for a cool dude to buy us a few 40's from the deli next to the nightclub. Usually if we bought them one or two, we would get someone to hook us up. It didn't go down that smooth on this particular night though.

I wound up with a INGRAM MAC-11 pointed in my face. Maybe how I was dressed, some jewelry, being white, I was a mark. The man thought he was going to get something from me of value, when all I had was beer money, a gold chain... and that Beretta in the small of my back.

It happened so fast, I never had time to reach for it. If I had, he would have blown my head off. When he told me to turn out my pockets, I wished I had a pocket knife in there, rather than the 9 resting idle and useless.

Well, as luck would have it, a city bus came up the block at a rapid clip. One quick shove, and that was a rap on the MAC. Two shots let off well above me as he tumbled from my shove, and his body cracked across the front of the bus like a deer on a hick highway, and got rolled up underneath.

You know what that has to do with my right to bear arms? Not a goddamn thing.

From that day to this, one circumstance or another, a gun is just a tool that may be useful in one situation, but not another.

But that is not why we have the 2nd Amendment anyway. It's not about hunting, it's not about person defense. It's about drawing a line, so that tyrants cannot supersede the people.

You are missing the point. What happened? Where is your attacker? He's dead. You didn't get a chance to use the gun because Jesus Christ wanted you to know He is LORD and He is the decider of all things. Including your last day on earth.

I do not care where you live - Satan cannot kill you because the LORD has numbered your days. Not Satan. Get it? You need to thank God for his decision to spare your life. Because you're not living for him right now and it could have gone the other way.

You have a 2nd Amendment right to own a gun - that is clear - but never forget it is the LORD that kept you. Thank God for that. I realize you are not living for Christ right now - but you should know that He is the Only one who makes these final decisions. Satan may pretend to have your back but the graveyards are full - to prove he's a liar and a deceiver. Never count on him to keep his word. Liars never keep their word. That's a virtue and hell has no virtues. p.s. the guy who attempted to murder you? He's in hell now with no opportunity to escape the unspeakable torments he now suffers ( for eternity) Not so for you. You have a chance to repent and be forgiven for all your sins. It matters not if you've even sold you soul to Satan - you can be forgiven right now and reconciled back to God. Jesus Christ is God. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is LORD. Today is the day of Salvation.

I am alive because I shoved that fucker in front of a bus. A bus that ran on a schedule. God didn't send a magic bus.
You're mistaken. Timing is everything. You didn't plan when that guy attacked you! That was not in your hands at all.

If God had decided to grant Satan's petition to murder you - you'd be gone. You owe everything to Jesus Christ for being here today.

You cannot save yourself. All things are in God's hands. The devil is a liar. You had better wake up.
You're mistaken. Timing is everything. You didn't plan when that guy attacked you! That was not in your hands at all.

If God had decided to grant Satan's petition to murder you - you'd be gone. You owe everything to Jesus Christ for being here today.

You cannot save yourself. All things are in God's hands. The devil is a liar. You had better wake up.

I was the one who killed someone, maybe I was the hand of Satan. After all, I did not turn the other cheek.
Listen up, Jack. You may think that you are in control - but you aren't. You may think Satan is all powerful and can keep you - but he can't and he won't - you may think that you have another 70 years to decide whether or not you'll repent and call on the name of the LORD to be saved - but what if that is not the case? What if you get on a plane like the Air Asia flight and it ends up at the bottom of the ocean? Then what will happen to you? Where would you be? Would you be in heaven? Or hell? Where would you end up? You need to settle that matter, Jack. Seriously - what is more important than where you'll spend eternity? Furthermore, what are you going to say to God? I knew about you and was told I could be forgiven all my sins but decided I'd rather you send me to hell? Seriously? Do you have any idea how horrific that would be?

Bottom line? God allowed you to defend yourself and let the other guy die. He set the odds in your favor to save your life because he loves you that much. You need to think about that this morning. That is how much God loves you - even while you're out there ----------->
Listen up, Jack. You may think that you are in control - but you aren't. You may think Satan is all powerful and can keep you - but he can't and he won't - you may think that you have another 70 years to decide whether or not you'll repent and call on the name of the LORD to be saved - but what if that is not the case? What if you get on a plane like the Air Asia flight and it ends up at the bottom of the ocean? Then what will happen to you? Where would you be? Would you be in heaven? Or hell? Where would you end up? You need to settle that matter, Jack. Seriously - what is more important than where you'll spend eternity? Furthermore, what are you going to say to God? I knew about you and was told I could be forgiven all my sins but decided I'd rather you send me to hell? Seriously? Do you have any idea how horrific that would be?

The dead know only one thing... It is better to be alive.
I was a teenager, growing up in a rough part of town, in a small city north of NYC. In fact, our little city is the end of the line, for anyone who buys a train ticket to get the hell out of Dodge. You got a contract on your head in NY? You get a one-way fare on metro-north to the end of the line, in Poughkeepsie.

Our little city is historic and beautiful, seedy and deadly.

So there I was, one late summer night. "Strapped" as we called it back in the day, armed with a 9mm pistol at 16 years old. I vaguely knew something about a mandatory prison sentence of five years or some such, but that did not mean much to me, having been shot at several times already in my youth, beaten, hospitalized, left for dead on different occasions and circumstances.

I was not walking heavy with some point to prove, with a tool to flash, or to bolster my ego. My experiences led me to believe that this tool could be vital to my survival.

Now came an average weekend night, where we looked for a cool dude to buy us a few 40's from the deli next to the nightclub. Usually if we bought them one or two, we would get someone to hook us up. It didn't go down that smooth on this particular night though.

I wound up with a INGRAM MAC-11 pointed in my face. Maybe how I was dressed, some jewelry, being white, I was a mark. The man thought he was going to get something from me of value, when all I had was beer money, a gold chain... and that Beretta in the small of my back.

It happened so fast, I never had time to reach for it. If I had, he would have blown my head off. When he told me to turn out my pockets, I wished I had a pocket knife in there, rather than the 9 resting idle and useless.

Well, as luck would have it, a city bus came up the block at a rapid clip. One quick shove, and that was a rap on the MAC. Two shots let off well above me as he tumbled from my shove, and his body cracked across the front of the bus like a deer on a hick highway, and got rolled up underneath.

You know what that has to do with my right to bear arms? Not a goddamn thing.

From that day to this, one circumstance or another, a gun is just a tool that may be useful in one situation, but not another.

But that is not why we have the 2nd Amendment anyway. It's not about hunting, it's not about person defense. It's about drawing a line, so that tyrants cannot supersede the people.

You are missing the point. What happened? Where is your attacker? He's dead. You didn't get a chance to use the gun because Jesus Christ wanted you to know He is LORD and He is the decider of all things. Including your last day on earth.

I do not care where you live - Satan cannot kill you because the LORD has numbered your days. Not Satan. Get it? You need to thank God for his decision to spare your life. Because you're not living for him right now and it could have gone the other way.

You have a 2nd Amendment right to own a gun - that is clear - but never forget it is the LORD that kept you. Thank God for that. I realize you are not living for Christ right now - but you should know that He is the Only one who makes these final decisions. Satan may pretend to have your back but the graveyards are full - to prove he's a liar and a deceiver. Never count on him to keep his word. Liars never keep their word. That's a virtue and hell has no virtues. p.s. the guy who attempted to murder you? He's in hell now with no opportunity to escape the unspeakable torments he now suffers ( for eternity) Not so for you. You have a chance to repent and be forgiven for all your sins. It matters not if you've even sold you soul to Satan - you can be forgiven right now and reconciled back to God. Jesus Christ is God. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is LORD. Today is the day of Salvation.

I am alive because I shoved that fucker in front of a bus. A bus that ran on a schedule. God didn't send a magic bus.

That is not why your alive. Wrong.
I was a teenager, growing up in a rough part of town, in a small city north of NYC. In fact, our little city is the end of the line, for anyone who buys a train ticket to get the hell out of Dodge. You got a contract on your head in NY? You get a one-way fare on metro-north to the end of the line, in Poughkeepsie.

Our little city is historic and beautiful, seedy and deadly.

So there I was, one late summer night. "Strapped" as we called it back in the day, armed with a 9mm pistol at 16 years old. I vaguely knew something about a mandatory prison sentence of five years or some such, but that did not mean much to me, having been shot at several times already in my youth, beaten, hospitalized, left for dead on different occasions and circumstances.

I was not walking heavy with some point to prove, with a tool to flash, or to bolster my ego. My experiences led me to believe that this tool could be vital to my survival.

Now came an average weekend night, where we looked for a cool dude to buy us a few 40's from the deli next to the nightclub. Usually if we bought them one or two, we would get someone to hook us up. It didn't go down that smooth on this particular night though.

I wound up with a INGRAM MAC-11 pointed in my face. Maybe how I was dressed, some jewelry, being white, I was a mark. The man thought he was going to get something from me of value, when all I had was beer money, a gold chain... and that Beretta in the small of my back.

It happened so fast, I never had time to reach for it. If I had, he would have blown my head off. When he told me to turn out my pockets, I wished I had a pocket knife in there, rather than the 9 resting idle and useless.

Well, as luck would have it, a city bus came up the block at a rapid clip. One quick shove, and that was a rap on the MAC. Two shots let off well above me as he tumbled from my shove, and his body cracked across the front of the bus like a deer on a hick highway, and got rolled up underneath.

You know what that has to do with my right to bear arms? Not a goddamn thing.

From that day to this, one circumstance or another, a gun is just a tool that may be useful in one situation, but not another.

But that is not why we have the 2nd Amendment anyway. It's not about hunting, it's not about person defense. It's about drawing a line, so that tyrants cannot supersede the people.

You are missing the point. What happened? Where is your attacker? He's dead. You didn't get a chance to use the gun because Jesus Christ wanted you to know He is LORD and He is the decider of all things. Including your last day on earth.

I do not care where you live - Satan cannot kill you because the LORD has numbered your days. Not Satan. Get it? You need to thank God for his decision to spare your life. Because you're not living for him right now and it could have gone the other way.

You have a 2nd Amendment right to own a gun - that is clear - but never forget it is the LORD that kept you. Thank God for that. I realize you are not living for Christ right now - but you should know that He is the Only one who makes these final decisions. Satan may pretend to have your back but the graveyards are full - to prove he's a liar and a deceiver. Never count on him to keep his word. Liars never keep their word. That's a virtue and hell has no virtues. p.s. the guy who attempted to murder you? He's in hell now with no opportunity to escape the unspeakable torments he now suffers ( for eternity) Not so for you. You have a chance to repent and be forgiven for all your sins. It matters not if you've even sold you soul to Satan - you can be forgiven right now and reconciled back to God. Jesus Christ is God. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is LORD. Today is the day of Salvation.

I am alive because I shoved that fucker in front of a bus. A bus that ran on a schedule. God didn't send a magic bus.

That is not why your alive. Wrong.

I live to fek with religious zealots.
Listen up, Jack. You may think that you are in control - but you aren't. You may think Satan is all powerful and can keep you - but he can't and he won't - you may think that you have another 70 years to decide whether or not you'll repent and call on the name of the LORD to be saved - but what if that is not the case? What if you get on a plane like the Air Asia flight and it ends up at the bottom of the ocean? Then what will happen to you? Where would you be? Would you be in heaven? Or hell? Where would you end up? You need to settle that matter, Jack. Seriously - what is more important than where you'll spend eternity? Furthermore, what are you going to say to God? I knew about you and was told I could be forgiven all my sins but decided I'd rather you send me to hell? Seriously? Do you have any idea how horrific that would be?

The dead know only one thing... It is better to be alive.

If you are not born again - you are dead already, Jack. When you receive Christ as your Savior? Have a real relationship with Him? You'll know what alive is. Then you won't fear death. You'll also know the power of God to keep you - spiritual warfare weapons are far more powerful than any carnal weapon - you should read Luke 10:19, 20 and see for yourself.
Listen up, Jack. You may think that you are in control - but you aren't. You may think Satan is all powerful and can keep you - but he can't and he won't - you may think that you have another 70 years to decide whether or not you'll repent and call on the name of the LORD to be saved - but what if that is not the case? What if you get on a plane like the Air Asia flight and it ends up at the bottom of the ocean? Then what will happen to you? Where would you be? Would you be in heaven? Or hell? Where would you end up? You need to settle that matter, Jack. Seriously - what is more important than where you'll spend eternity? Furthermore, what are you going to say to God? I knew about you and was told I could be forgiven all my sins but decided I'd rather you send me to hell? Seriously? Do you have any idea how horrific that would be?

The dead know only one thing... It is better to be alive.

If you are not born again - you are dead already, Jack. When you receive Christ as your Savior? Have a real relationship with Him? You'll know what alive is. Then you won't fear death. You'll also know the power of God to keep you - spiritual warfare weapons are far more powerful than any carnal weapon - you should read Luke 10:19, 20 and see for yourself.

Yeah though I walk through the valley of evil, I shall fear no death. Because I'm the meanest motherfucker in the Valley!
I was a teenager, growing up in a rough part of town, in a small city north of NYC. In fact, our little city is the end of the line, for anyone who buys a train ticket to get the hell out of Dodge. You got a contract on your head in NY? You get a one-way fare on metro-north to the end of the line, in Poughkeepsie.

Our little city is historic and beautiful, seedy and deadly.

So there I was, one late summer night. "Strapped" as we called it back in the day, armed with a 9mm pistol at 16 years old. I vaguely knew something about a mandatory prison sentence of five years or some such, but that did not mean much to me, having been shot at several times already in my youth, beaten, hospitalized, left for dead on different occasions and circumstances.

I was not walking heavy with some point to prove, with a tool to flash, or to bolster my ego. My experiences led me to believe that this tool could be vital to my survival.

Now came an average weekend night, where we looked for a cool dude to buy us a few 40's from the deli next to the nightclub. Usually if we bought them one or two, we would get someone to hook us up. It didn't go down that smooth on this particular night though.

I wound up with a INGRAM MAC-11 pointed in my face. Maybe how I was dressed, some jewelry, being white, I was a mark. The man thought he was going to get something from me of value, when all I had was beer money, a gold chain... and that Beretta in the small of my back.

It happened so fast, I never had time to reach for it. If I had, he would have blown my head off. When he told me to turn out my pockets, I wished I had a pocket knife in there, rather than the 9 resting idle and useless.

Well, as luck would have it, a city bus came up the block at a rapid clip. One quick shove, and that was a rap on the MAC. Two shots let off well above me as he tumbled from my shove, and his body cracked across the front of the bus like a deer on a hick highway, and got rolled up underneath.

You know what that has to do with my right to bear arms? Not a goddamn thing.

From that day to this, one circumstance or another, a gun is just a tool that may be useful in one situation, but not another.

But that is not why we have the 2nd Amendment anyway. It's not about hunting, it's not about person defense. It's about drawing a line, so that tyrants cannot supersede the people.

You are missing the point. What happened? Where is your attacker? He's dead. You didn't get a chance to use the gun because Jesus Christ wanted you to know He is LORD and He is the decider of all things. Including your last day on earth.

I do not care where you live - Satan cannot kill you because the LORD has numbered your days. Not Satan. Get it? You need to thank God for his decision to spare your life. Because you're not living for him right now and it could have gone the other way.

You have a 2nd Amendment right to own a gun - that is clear - but never forget it is the LORD that kept you. Thank God for that. I realize you are not living for Christ right now - but you should know that He is the Only one who makes these final decisions. Satan may pretend to have your back but the graveyards are full - to prove he's a liar and a deceiver. Never count on him to keep his word. Liars never keep their word. That's a virtue and hell has no virtues. p.s. the guy who attempted to murder you? He's in hell now with no opportunity to escape the unspeakable torments he now suffers ( for eternity) Not so for you. You have a chance to repent and be forgiven for all your sins. It matters not if you've even sold you soul to Satan - you can be forgiven right now and reconciled back to God. Jesus Christ is God. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is LORD. Today is the day of Salvation.

I am alive because I shoved that fucker in front of a bus. A bus that ran on a schedule. God didn't send a magic bus.

That is not why your alive. Wrong.

I live to fek with religious zealots.

I'm not a religious zealot. Far from it. An example of a religious zealot would be a Muslim converting others by threat of death. A pope demanding everyone be a part of "His Universal Church" or claiming they are "not a Christian" otherwise ... that^
Listen up, Jack. You may think that you are in control - but you aren't. You may think Satan is all powerful and can keep you - but he can't and he won't - you may think that you have another 70 years to decide whether or not you'll repent and call on the name of the LORD to be saved - but what if that is not the case? What if you get on a plane like the Air Asia flight and it ends up at the bottom of the ocean? Then what will happen to you? Where would you be? Would you be in heaven? Or hell? Where would you end up? You need to settle that matter, Jack. Seriously - what is more important than where you'll spend eternity? Furthermore, what are you going to say to God? I knew about you and was told I could be forgiven all my sins but decided I'd rather you send me to hell? Seriously? Do you have any idea how horrific that would be?

The dead know only one thing... It is better to be alive.

If you are not born again - you are dead already, Jack. When you receive Christ as your Savior? Have a real relationship with Him? You'll know what alive is. Then you won't fear death. You'll also know the power of God to keep you - spiritual warfare weapons are far more powerful than any carnal weapon - you should read Luke 10:19, 20 and see for yourself.

Yeah though I walk through the valley of evil, I shall fear no death. Because I'm the meanest motherfucker in the Valley!

There is always someone out there that is meaner. You cannot beat the streets, Jack. The streets will eventually beat you. You don't need to live that life. It's choosing death - not life.
Listen up, Jack. You may think that you are in control - but you aren't. You may think Satan is all powerful and can keep you - but he can't and he won't - you may think that you have another 70 years to decide whether or not you'll repent and call on the name of the LORD to be saved - but what if that is not the case? What if you get on a plane like the Air Asia flight and it ends up at the bottom of the ocean? Then what will happen to you? Where would you be? Would you be in heaven? Or hell? Where would you end up? You need to settle that matter, Jack. Seriously - what is more important than where you'll spend eternity? Furthermore, what are you going to say to God? I knew about you and was told I could be forgiven all my sins but decided I'd rather you send me to hell? Seriously? Do you have any idea how horrific that would be?

The dead know only one thing... It is better to be alive.

So you don't believe there is a literal place called hell?
Listen up, Jack. You may think that you are in control - but you aren't. You may think Satan is all powerful and can keep you - but he can't and he won't - you may think that you have another 70 years to decide whether or not you'll repent and call on the name of the LORD to be saved - but what if that is not the case? What if you get on a plane like the Air Asia flight and it ends up at the bottom of the ocean? Then what will happen to you? Where would you be? Would you be in heaven? Or hell? Where would you end up? You need to settle that matter, Jack. Seriously - what is more important than where you'll spend eternity? Furthermore, what are you going to say to God? I knew about you and was told I could be forgiven all my sins but decided I'd rather you send me to hell? Seriously? Do you have any idea how horrific that would be?

The dead know only one thing... It is better to be alive.

If you are not born again - you are dead already, Jack. When you receive Christ as your Savior? Have a real relationship with Him? You'll know what alive is. Then you won't fear death. You'll also know the power of God to keep you - spiritual warfare weapons are far more powerful than any carnal weapon - you should read Luke 10:19, 20 and see for yourself.

Yeah though I walk through the valley of evil, I shall fear no death. Because I'm the meanest motherfucker in the Valley!

There is always someone out there that is meaner. You cannot beat the streets, Jack. The streets will eventually beat you. You don't need to live that life. It's choosing death - not life.

I never said I was the toughest dude on the block. I play the hand I am dealt. And a lot of times, that even includes sitting down to eat with the generosity of Muslims.
Listen up, Jack. You may think that you are in control - but you aren't. You may think Satan is all powerful and can keep you - but he can't and he won't - you may think that you have another 70 years to decide whether or not you'll repent and call on the name of the LORD to be saved - but what if that is not the case? What if you get on a plane like the Air Asia flight and it ends up at the bottom of the ocean? Then what will happen to you? Where would you be? Would you be in heaven? Or hell? Where would you end up? You need to settle that matter, Jack. Seriously - what is more important than where you'll spend eternity? Furthermore, what are you going to say to God? I knew about you and was told I could be forgiven all my sins but decided I'd rather you send me to hell? Seriously? Do you have any idea how horrific that would be?

The dead know only one thing... It is better to be alive.

So you don't believe there is a literal place called hell?

If I did, this would be it.
I was a teenager, growing up in a rough part of town, in a small city north of NYC. In fact, our little city is the end of the line, for anyone who buys a train ticket to get the hell out of Dodge. You got a contract on your head in NY? You get a one-way fare on metro-north to the end of the line, in Poughkeepsie.

Our little city is historic and beautiful, seedy and deadly.

So there I was, one late summer night. "Strapped" as we called it back in the day, armed with a 9mm pistol at 16 years old. I vaguely knew something about a mandatory prison sentence of five years or some such, but that did not mean much to me, having been shot at several times already in my youth, beaten, hospitalized, left for dead on different occasions and circumstances.

I was not walking heavy with some point to prove, with a tool to flash, or to bolster my ego. My experiences led me to believe that this tool could be vital to my survival.

Now came an average weekend night, where we looked for a cool dude to buy us a few 40's from the deli next to the nightclub. Usually if we bought them one or two, we would get someone to hook us up. It didn't go down that smooth on this particular night though.

I wound up with a INGRAM MAC-11 pointed in my face. Maybe how I was dressed, some jewelry, being white, I was a mark. The man thought he was going to get something from me of value, when all I had was beer money, a gold chain... and that Beretta in the small of my back.

It happened so fast, I never had time to reach for it. If I had, he would have blown my head off. When he told me to turn out my pockets, I wished I had a pocket knife in there, rather than the 9 resting idle and useless.

Well, as luck would have it, a city bus came up the block at a rapid clip. One quick shove, and that was a rap on the MAC. Two shots let off well above me as he tumbled from my shove, and his body cracked across the front of the bus like a deer on a hick highway, and got rolled up underneath.

You know what that has to do with my right to bear arms? Not a goddamn thing.

From that day to this, one circumstance or another, a gun is just a tool that may be useful in one situation, but not another.

But that is not why we have the 2nd Amendment anyway. It's not about hunting, it's not about person defense. It's about drawing a line, so that tyrants cannot supersede the people.

You are missing the point. What happened? Where is your attacker? He's dead. You didn't get a chance to use the gun because Jesus Christ wanted you to know He is LORD and He is the decider of all things. Including your last day on earth.

I do not care where you live - Satan cannot kill you because the LORD has numbered your days. Not Satan. Get it? You need to thank God for his decision to spare your life. Because you're not living for him right now and it could have gone the other way.

You have a 2nd Amendment right to own a gun - that is clear - but never forget it is the LORD that kept you. Thank God for that. I realize you are not living for Christ right now - but you should know that He is the Only one who makes these final decisions. Satan may pretend to have your back but the graveyards are full - to prove he's a liar and a deceiver. Never count on him to keep his word. Liars never keep their word. That's a virtue and hell has no virtues. p.s. the guy who attempted to murder you? He's in hell now with no opportunity to escape the unspeakable torments he now suffers ( for eternity) Not so for you. You have a chance to repent and be forgiven for all your sins. It matters not if you've even sold you soul to Satan - you can be forgiven right now and reconciled back to God. Jesus Christ is God. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is LORD. Today is the day of Salvation.

I am alive because I shoved that fucker in front of a bus. A bus that ran on a schedule. God didn't send a magic bus.

Even Jesus told His disciples to arm themselves before heading out on their journey. A gun is a very useful tool. In fact, a pastor of a Christian church recently had to shoot one of his ex-employees who pulled a gun on him. God provides various tools and expects us to use them when/if necessary.

Luke 22:36, "Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
You're mistaken. Timing is everything. You didn't plan when that guy attacked you! That was not in your hands at all.

If God had decided to grant Satan's petition to murder you - you'd be gone. You owe everything to Jesus Christ for being here today.

You cannot save yourself. All things are in God's hands. The devil is a liar. You had better wake up.

I was the one who killed someone, maybe I was the hand of Satan. After all, I did not turn the other cheek.

Here's a testimony of what hell is like. Watch it and tell me what you think about it.
I was a teenager, growing up in a rough part of town, in a small city north of NYC. In fact, our little city is the end of the line, for anyone who buys a train ticket to get the hell out of Dodge. You got a contract on your head in NY? You get a one-way fare on metro-north to the end of the line, in Poughkeepsie.

Our little city is historic and beautiful, seedy and deadly.

So there I was, one late summer night. "Strapped" as we called it back in the day, armed with a 9mm pistol at 16 years old. I vaguely knew something about a mandatory prison sentence of five years or some such, but that did not mean much to me, having been shot at several times already in my youth, beaten, hospitalized, left for dead on different occasions and circumstances.

I was not walking heavy with some point to prove, with a tool to flash, or to bolster my ego. My experiences led me to believe that this tool could be vital to my survival.

Now came an average weekend night, where we looked for a cool dude to buy us a few 40's from the deli next to the nightclub. Usually if we bought them one or two, we would get someone to hook us up. It didn't go down that smooth on this particular night though.

I wound up with a INGRAM MAC-11 pointed in my face. Maybe how I was dressed, some jewelry, being white, I was a mark. The man thought he was going to get something from me of value, when all I had was beer money, a gold chain... and that Beretta in the small of my back.

It happened so fast, I never had time to reach for it. If I had, he would have blown my head off. When he told me to turn out my pockets, I wished I had a pocket knife in there, rather than the 9 resting idle and useless.

Well, as luck would have it, a city bus came up the block at a rapid clip. One quick shove, and that was a rap on the MAC. Two shots let off well above me as he tumbled from my shove, and his body cracked across the front of the bus like a deer on a hick highway, and got rolled up underneath.

You know what that has to do with my right to bear arms? Not a goddamn thing.

From that day to this, one circumstance or another, a gun is just a tool that may be useful in one situation, but not another.

But that is not why we have the 2nd Amendment anyway. It's not about hunting, it's not about person defense. It's about drawing a line, so that tyrants cannot supersede the people.

You are missing the point. What happened? Where is your attacker? He's dead. You didn't get a chance to use the gun because Jesus Christ wanted you to know He is LORD and He is the decider of all things. Including your last day on earth.

I do not care where you live - Satan cannot kill you because the LORD has numbered your days. Not Satan. Get it? You need to thank God for his decision to spare your life. Because you're not living for him right now and it could have gone the other way.

You have a 2nd Amendment right to own a gun - that is clear - but never forget it is the LORD that kept you. Thank God for that. I realize you are not living for Christ right now - but you should know that He is the Only one who makes these final decisions. Satan may pretend to have your back but the graveyards are full - to prove he's a liar and a deceiver. Never count on him to keep his word. Liars never keep their word. That's a virtue and hell has no virtues. p.s. the guy who attempted to murder you? He's in hell now with no opportunity to escape the unspeakable torments he now suffers ( for eternity) Not so for you. You have a chance to repent and be forgiven for all your sins. It matters not if you've even sold you soul to Satan - you can be forgiven right now and reconciled back to God. Jesus Christ is God. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is LORD. Today is the day of Salvation.

I am alive because I shoved that fucker in front of a bus. A bus that ran on a schedule. God didn't send a magic bus.

Even Jesus told His disciples to arm themselves before heading out on their journey. A gun is a very useful tool. In fact, a pastor of a Christian church recently had to shoot one of his ex-employees who pulled a gun on him. God provides various tools and expects us to use them when/if necessary.

Luke 22:36, "Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."

Some say turn the other cheek. Maybe I need to come back a few more times to get it right. Because I will blast some fool that tries to kill me.
Listen up, Jack. You may think that you are in control - but you aren't. You may think Satan is all powerful and can keep you - but he can't and he won't - you may think that you have another 70 years to decide whether or not you'll repent and call on the name of the LORD to be saved - but what if that is not the case? What if you get on a plane like the Air Asia flight and it ends up at the bottom of the ocean? Then what will happen to you? Where would you be? Would you be in heaven? Or hell? Where would you end up? You need to settle that matter, Jack. Seriously - what is more important than where you'll spend eternity? Furthermore, what are you going to say to God? I knew about you and was told I could be forgiven all my sins but decided I'd rather you send me to hell? Seriously? Do you have any idea how horrific that would be?

The dead know only one thing... It is better to be alive.

So you don't believe there is a literal place called hell?

If I did, this would be it.

I do understand that this world can see like hell but hell would make the very worst places on earth look like a cake walk, Jack. The good news is your sins were paid for at the cross and if you will decide to depart from your sins - repent of them - and follow Christ? You can accept that pardon and thank Jesus for saving you- Jesus took your penalty upon himself - so that you could have eternal life. He desires for you to be saved from such a horrific place. He came not to condemn us but to save us. That is good news, Jack.

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