How a lot of folks are feeling

And you're trying to goad me into a confession.

I'm not going to do that.

You have nothing to confess.

You haven’t done anything and you aren’t going to do anything.

We both know it’s true. You’re not fooling anyone, snowflake.
Keep on trying....

You must really want to turn someone in..... do you think you will get a reward or something?
And you're trying to goad me into a confession.

I'm not going to do that.

You have nothing to confess.

You haven’t done anything and you aren’t going to do anything.

We both know it’s true. You’re not fooling anyone, snowflake.
What do you think I'm gonna do?
You think I'm going to post something that you can use to sic the feds on me for?

I already have an FBI file, since 2003 at least. And I'm still walking around free.... you think I'm stupid enough to let some internet troll bait me into something stupid?

You are dumber than a box of fucking rocks if you believe that childish taunting is going to work.
It does show what kind of fucking lowlife you are that you keep trying though.

I'm not going to do anything but laugh when your house burns down.
People like you are scum.... you don't care about freedom, you are willing to destroy your own country, and you want to see people put in prison rather than disagree with you.

Trash.... just trash.
How a lot of folks are feeling

Fuck your feelings.

You lost and there’s nothing you’re going to do about it.
You’re OK with cheating? That means there are no winners or losers. Just a forced result.
Are you that stupid that you don’t care about liberty?

Prove to the courts that there was cheating and you will actually have an argument.

Until then, you’re just a crybaby and you’re upset that you lost. Nothing more.
The numbers are too conspicuous. Only a dishonest person would deny that. Or a judge who fears shakedown violence.

Those are your feelings. Let me know when you have evidence.

Because the courts don’t think you have evidence. Just idiotic conspiracy theories from a bunch of man-babies throwing a temper tantrum.

Sucks for you, huh?
You treat this is as though it’s a matter of rooting for a team or a jersey. This is about the survival of a system that offers liberty and choice. You should be just as incensed at these numbers. They undermine the entire system. You take your freedom for granted.

No, I’m looking at this as a matter of reality.

When the courts think you have no case, including conservative judges, then what does that tell you?

You’re too brainwashed to believe it’s anything other than an elaborate conspiracy theory because you’re a man-baby retard, but the rest of us understand that it CLEARLY means you’re wrong and you’re just upset that you lost.

This isn’t complicated.
You didn’t respond to my post.
How a lot of folks are feeling

Fuck your feelings.

You lost and there’s nothing you’re going to do about it.
You’re OK with cheating? That means there are no winners or losers. Just a forced result.
Are you that stupid that you don’t care about liberty?

Prove to the courts that there was cheating and you will actually have an argument.

Until then, you’re just a crybaby and you’re upset that you lost. Nothing more.
The numbers are too conspicuous. Only a dishonest person would deny that. Or a judge who fears shakedown violence.

Those are your feelings. Let me know when you have evidence.

Because the courts don’t think you have evidence. Just idiotic conspiracy theories from a bunch of man-babies throwing a temper tantrum.

Sucks for you, huh?
You treat this is as though it’s a matter of rooting for a team or a jersey. This is about the survival of a system that offers liberty and choice. You should be just as incensed at these numbers. They undermine the entire system. You take your freedom for granted.

No, I’m looking at this as a matter of reality.

When the courts think you have no case, including conservative judges, then what does that tell you?

You’re too brainwashed to believe it’s anything other than an elaborate conspiracy theory because you’re a man-baby retard, but the rest of us understand that it CLEARLY means you’re wrong and you’re just upset that you lost.

This isn’t complicated.
You didn’t respond to my post.
It wasn't going to be anything worth reading anyway.
How a lot of folks are feeling

Fuck your feelings.

You lost and there’s nothing you’re going to do about it.
You’re OK with cheating? That means there are no winners or losers. Just a forced result.
Are you that stupid that you don’t care about liberty?

Prove to the courts that there was cheating and you will actually have an argument.

Until then, you’re just a crybaby and you’re upset that you lost. Nothing more.
The numbers are too conspicuous. Only a dishonest person would deny that. Or a judge who fears shakedown violence.

Those are your feelings. Let me know when you have evidence.

Because the courts don’t think you have evidence. Just idiotic conspiracy theories from a bunch of man-babies throwing a temper tantrum.

Sucks for you, huh?
The courts have refused to hear any evidence.

That's not the same thing.

The courts, including many conservative judges, have found your argument to be lacking in evidence.

Face it, you have nothing but a man-baby temper tantrum because you lost.
When has a court heard any of the evidence?

Because you have no evidence. You have half-baked conspiracy theories.
That's some emphatic denial you got there, lol.

The courts agree with me.
They refused the case. They didn’t acquit anyone.
How a lot of folks are feeling

Fuck your feelings.

You lost and there’s nothing you’re going to do about it.
You’re OK with cheating? That means there are no winners or losers. Just a forced result.
Are you that stupid that you don’t care about liberty?

Prove to the courts that there was cheating and you will actually have an argument.

Until then, you’re just a crybaby and you’re upset that you lost. Nothing more.
The numbers are too conspicuous. Only a dishonest person would deny that. Or a judge who fears shakedown violence.

Those are your feelings. Let me know when you have evidence.

Because the courts don’t think you have evidence. Just idiotic conspiracy theories from a bunch of man-babies throwing a temper tantrum.

Sucks for you, huh?
The courts have refused to hear any evidence.

That's not the same thing.

The courts, including many conservative judges, have found your argument to be lacking in evidence.

Face it, you have nothing but a man-baby temper tantrum because you lost.
When has a court heard any of the evidence?

Because you have no evidence. You have half-baked conspiracy theories.
That's some emphatic denial you got there, lol.

The courts agree with me.
They refused the case. They didn’t acquit anyone.
Guys like him don't care about the process, just the result.
It does show what kind of fucking lowlife you are that you keep trying though.

I'm not going to do anything but laugh when your house burns down.

My house isn’t going to burn down and you’re not going to do anything.

I’m not the lowlife wishing for their homes to burn down.
How a lot of folks are feeling

Fuck your feelings.

You lost and there’s nothing you’re going to do about it.
You’re OK with cheating? That means there are no winners or losers. Just a forced result.
Are you that stupid that you don’t care about liberty?

Prove to the courts that there was cheating and you will actually have an argument.

Until then, you’re just a crybaby and you’re upset that you lost. Nothing more.
The numbers are too conspicuous. Only a dishonest person would deny that. Or a judge who fears shakedown violence.

Those are your feelings. Let me know when you have evidence.

Because the courts don’t think you have evidence. Just idiotic conspiracy theories from a bunch of man-babies throwing a temper tantrum.

Sucks for you, huh?
The courts have refused to hear any evidence.

That's not the same thing.

The courts, including many conservative judges, have found your argument to be lacking in evidence.

Face it, you have nothing but a man-baby temper tantrum because you lost.
When has a court heard any of the evidence?

Because you have no evidence. You have half-baked conspiracy theories.
That's some emphatic denial you got there, lol.

The courts agree with me.
They refused the case. They didn’t acquit anyone.
Guys like him don't care about the process, just the result.

You’re wrong. I care about the process. The process says you’re wrong.

Grow up and take your tinfoil hat off.

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