How a real leader acts

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True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

On his worst day Biden is far more presidential than the POS you support

Except when he's laying his hands on women and children. Just ask Tara Reade and the little he forced to touch his genitals?

Doc thats a load but grabbing some snatchka is what Trump admitted to

Are you trying to tell us that you have never touched pussy?
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

On his worst day Biden is far more presidential than the POS you support

Except when he's laying his hands on women and children. Just ask Tara Reade and the little he forced to touch his genitals?


Impeached Trump has 26 'Tara Reades.' One of whom claims she was only 13 when Impeached Trump raped her.

So even by your standard, Biden is far more presidential.

Nope. There's no credible evidence that Trump ever touched any one of them.
The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.
Yeah, we know, Republicans are responsible for everything, even bad winters.

never said that, howverrrrrrrrrrr had we gotten a (R) gov'nor in 2018, who knows how fucked we would be. after all he once gave donny an 'A+' as far as job approval; but i do wonder of that had changed.
thats what you are saying here.....

i am saying THAT particular (R) who was lamonts opponent. . the silly poster had an 's' tacked on.... as in plural.... as in all.

not all (R)s would give donny the best grade one can have.
playtime just admit that when you said "deplorables"you meant righties.....after all there are no lefties who would least in your mind....

i'm sure there are - but i am speaking strictly here in CT & the only deplorable assholes not heeding science seem to be from the right. did i audit them all?

lol... really? you seem triggered. oh well... get over it.
i get triggered by people like you who only can see the bullshit you want to see....and as long as it is something on the left you have no problems with it....people like you are just as fucked as those you like to badmouth........

lol.... you funny.
well prove me wrong ....

i don't have to 'prove' anything to you. i know what i see HERE. i know who thinks they are 'special' HERE. but you go on with yer triggered self with whatever you want to think.

it matters not.
so you cant prove me wrong?....just be honest and say so....

you can accept that if it makes you warm & fuzzy. from day 1 i said i was center left. never made that a secret - but you used the word 'follow' & that is just plain bullshit. i'm not even sure what that is supposta mean.

i don't lie - i don't have any reason to & i am always honest. i have no reason not to be. because you wanna fit your perception of me - like a square in a round hole, i say go for it.

you still funny.
if you say are a little more than center left....

if you say so.

View attachment 356232
your posts back me do realize we can see were you stand by reading them.....if you were a real moderate you would have a few posts around here saying something against the democrats once in a while.....all i see is trump and the right always being are more left than you seem to think you are....

because right now in this little slice of time - the (R)s are being totally wrong with just about everything. & they are enabling the chosen one by keeping their mouths shut. when they start speaking out against donny, i'll support them 100%.

i gave romney kudos when he voted in favor of impeachment. i gave him & susan collins kudos for wanting to hear from bolton.

i support the death penalty, i support the 2nd amendment within reason, i am 100% against the patriot act even when obama still favored it.

so ya.... like i said ... you funny.
The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.
Yeah, we know, Republicans are responsible for everything, even bad winters.

never said that, howverrrrrrrrrrr had we gotten a (R) gov'nor in 2018, who knows how fucked we would be. after all he once gave donny an 'A+' as far as job approval; but i do wonder of that had changed.
thats what you are saying here.....

i am saying THAT particular (R) who was lamonts opponent. . the silly poster had an 's' tacked on.... as in plural.... as in all.

not all (R)s would give donny the best grade one can have.
playtime just admit that when you said "deplorables"you meant righties.....after all there are no lefties who would least in your mind....

i'm sure there are - but i am speaking strictly here in CT & the only deplorable assholes not heeding science seem to be from the right. did i audit them all?

lol... really? you seem triggered. oh well... get over it.
i get triggered by people like you who only can see the bullshit you want to see....and as long as it is something on the left you have no problems with it....people like you are just as fucked as those you like to badmouth........

lol.... you funny.
well prove me wrong ....

i don't have to 'prove' anything to you. i know what i see HERE. i know who thinks they are 'special' HERE. but you go on with yer triggered self with whatever you want to think.

it matters not.
so you cant prove me wrong?....just be honest and say so....

you can accept that if it makes you warm & fuzzy. from day 1 i said i was center left. never made that a secret - but you used the word 'follow' & that is just plain bullshit. i'm not even sure what that is supposta mean.

i don't lie - i don't have any reason to & i am always honest. i have no reason not to be. because you wanna fit your perception of me - like a square in a round hole, i say go for it.

you still funny.
if you say are a little more than center left....

if you say so.

View attachment 356232
your posts back me do realize we can see were you stand by reading them.....if you were a real moderate you would have a few posts around here saying something against the democrats once in a while.....all i see is trump and the right always being are more left than you seem to think you are....

because right now in this little slice of time - the (R)s are being totally wrong with just about everything. & they are enabling the chosen one by keeping their mouths shut. when they start speaking out against donny, i'll support them 100%.

i gave romney kudos when he voted in favor of impeachment. i gave him & susan collins kudos for wanting to hear from bolton.

i support the death penalty, i support the 2nd amendment within reason, i am 100% against the patriot act even when obama still favored it.

so ya.... like i said ... you funny.
so what?.....lets see you say something about how they have handled themselves since trump has been president......are you for the old half dead white guy they have picked, as i guess the best they have?....what are your views on the people destroying everything they dont like?....the democrats sure are not saying anything against this......are you for either getting rid of cops or tying their hands?..... how about when democrat governors and mayors fuck up with this virus with the shit they enact? about some of the shit the lefts talking heads say on their shows that are bullshit?......when i see you criticizing the left in the threads here i will believe you,and there are plenty with genuine reasons in here....and i have been in many a thread with you....

......are you for the old half dead white guy they have picked, as i guess the best they have?....what are your views on the people destroying everything they dont like?....the democrats sure are not saying anything against this......are you for either getting rid of cops or tying their hands?..... how about when democrat governors and mayors fuck up with this virus with the shit they enact? about some of the shit the lefts talking heads say on their shows that are bullshit?......when i see you criticizing the left in the threads here i will believe you,and there are plenty with genuine reasons in here....and i have been in many a thread with you....

^ 'so what?.....lets see you say something about how they have handled themselves since trump has been president......'

who? the (R)s?

they suck.


the (D)s?

well they DID impeach donny.

so that is a plus in my book.

& apparently by the +/- 30 % of americans that aren't his base think so too.

are you for the old half dead white guy they have picked, as i guess the best they have?....

biden wasn't my first choice, or my 2nd. & not really even 3rd.

BUT - he's not a fucking sociopathic ,malignant narcissist, with arrested development with his little cheeto dusted finger on the BIG RED BUTTON.

so there IS that.

what are your views on the people destroying everything they dont like?....

you mean donny's scorched earth policy & everything the black man did?

like obliterating the ACA in the middle of a fucking PANDEMIC?

the democrats sure are not saying anything against this......

are you for either getting rid of cops or tying their hands?.....

i am for common sense police reform - just like for immigration. defund the po po does not mean abolish.

about when democrat governors and mayors fuck up with this virus with the shit they enact?...

i told you i will only speak about CT.

Only two US states are reporting a decline in new coronavirus cases By Christina Maxouris and Eliott C. McLaughlin, CNN Updated 2:08 PM ET, Sun June 28, 2020

CT is a pretty blue state. we had a (R) gov - which btw -i voted for... twice & his LT gov when she ran. he went to jail,TWICE-she didn't. but i digress.

about some of the shit the lefts talking heads say on their shows that are bullshit?......

i don't trust sound clips , etc - from anybody. BUT i do research - on my own - & will find out ON MY OWN- what is bullshit & what is factually accurate.

when i see you criticizing the left in the threads here i will believe you,and there are plenty with genuine reasons in here....and i have been in many a thread with you....

m'k.... you are welcome to look at an earlier post i made TODAY, criticizing another 'leftist'. key in 'bullshit' & go from there.

oh AND i gave many MANY KUDOS to st. ronny for his desire to reduce nukes, have a REAL relationship with the rooooskies, & abolishing assault weapons.

so there is THAT too.

funny, you.
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The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.
Yeah, we know, Republicans are responsible for everything, even bad winters.

never said that, howverrrrrrrrrrr had we gotten a (R) gov'nor in 2018, who knows how fucked we would be. after all he once gave donny an 'A+' as far as job approval; but i do wonder of that had changed.
thats what you are saying here.....

i am saying THAT particular (R) who was lamonts opponent. . the silly poster had an 's' tacked on.... as in plural.... as in all.

not all (R)s would give donny the best grade one can have.
playtime just admit that when you said "deplorables"you meant righties.....after all there are no lefties who would least in your mind....

i'm sure there are - but i am speaking strictly here in CT & the only deplorable assholes not heeding science seem to be from the right. did i audit them all?

lol... really? you seem triggered. oh well... get over it.
i get triggered by people like you who only can see the bullshit you want to see....and as long as it is something on the left you have no problems with it....people like you are just as fucked as those you like to badmouth........

lol.... you funny.
well prove me wrong ....

i don't have to 'prove' anything to you. i know what i see HERE. i know who thinks they are 'special' HERE. but you go on with yer triggered self with whatever you want to think.

it matters not.
so you cant prove me wrong?....just be honest and say so....

you can accept that if it makes you warm & fuzzy. from day 1 i said i was center left. never made that a secret - but you used the word 'follow' & that is just plain bullshit. i'm not even sure what that is supposta mean.

i don't lie - i don't have any reason to & i am always honest. i have no reason not to be. because you wanna fit your perception of me - like a square in a round hole, i say go for it.

you still funny.
if you say are a little more than center left....

if you say so.

View attachment 356232
your posts back me do realize we can see were you stand by reading them.....if you were a real moderate you would have a few posts around here saying something against the democrats once in a while.....all i see is trump and the right always being are more left than you seem to think you are....

because right now in this little slice of time - the (R)s are being totally wrong with just about everything. & they are enabling the chosen one by keeping their mouths shut. when they start speaking out against donny, i'll support them 100%.

i gave romney kudos when he voted in favor of impeachment. i gave him & susan collins kudos for wanting to hear from bolton.

i support the death penalty, i support the 2nd amendment within reason, i am 100% against the patriot act even when obama still favored it.

so ya.... like i said ... you funny.
so what?.....lets see you say something about how they have handled themselves since trump has been president......are you for the old half dead white guy they have picked, as i guess the best they have?....what are your views on the people destroying everything they dont like?....the democrats sure are not saying anything against this......are you for either getting rid of cops or tying their hands?..... how about when democrat governors and mayors fuck up with this virus with the shit they enact? about some of the shit the lefts talking heads say on their shows that are bullshit?......when i see you criticizing the left in the threads here i will believe you,and there are plenty with genuine reasons in here....and i have been in many a thread with you....
Old half dead white guy knows his stuff 100 times better prepared for the presidency than the fn game show host , and was this trump moron the best YOU had? And is it so much to make sure cops don't kill unarmed people and if they do they pay the penalty for it not protected by their union? And I listen to MSNBC and very little BS there Problem is most republicans can't stand hearing the truth after listening to their blabbering moron speak and repeat 5 times ,,, and notice how many wore masks at trumps rally?? They just don't give a fuk
im sorry eddie but i have said time and time again here that trump is a jerk with a big mouth and i know you know that since i have told you that so dont put him on me....if you cant remember one thread to the next maybe you should not comment....and i will ask you since the others here that like biden dont seem to want to answer.....what the fuck does he want to do about the problems of today?.....all i hear him do is criticize trump.....what the hell does he stand for?....
Well one thing I heard him say today is that he will punish Russia and Putin for their bounties on American soldiers Trump has known for months and still kisses putins butt and for his whole agenda google it I'm sure healthcare is there that Trump is trying to get the SC to dismiss for millions And you'll have to forgive me but it's difficult to know all the players here ,their numbers and their batting averages I'm again pleased to know your feeling on Trump Bidens platform will soon be known as well as his veep ...all in good time Meanwhile bashing Trump while he's down isn't a bad thing Have to learn from Hillary's mistakes
well i cant see voting for someone as old as biden is.....and his VP pick may doom him as well.....if biden wanted to be president he should have ran in he doesnt come off to well....
How much younger is Trump ? And Trump seems to not be in command of his mental facilities How far will he deteriorate given 4 more years....Can you say whom you might vote for? Biden too old or trump a jerk?

trump is outa his syphilitic mind.

With Trump
The nation rallied around George Bush on 9-11
We turned to Reagan for solace after the Challenger exploded

Trump has turned Americans against each other with COVID, turned people against Governors trying to save lives, spread misinformation and false remedies.
Yeah, those blue state governors have done a real job on their states, and let's not forget the mayors like de Blasio.

here in CT, our hospitization rate has gone way down & thankfully deaths are too. we have just moved into phase 2 & things seem to be holding because our little state has followed the science & we had patience. most people here are aren't poorly educated hayseeds that think donny is the chosen one.
and next week that could change.....then what?....

it will be because of hayseed deplorables not listening to science & spreading their fucking kooties to gramma.
Yeah, we know, Republicans are responsible for everything, even bad winters.

never said that, howverrrrrrrrrrr had we gotten a (R) gov'nor in 2018, who knows how fucked we would be. after all he once gave donny an 'A+' as far as job approval; but i do wonder of that had changed.
thats what you are saying here.....

i am saying THAT particular (R) who was lamonts opponent. . the silly poster had an 's' tacked on.... as in plural.... as in all.

not all (R)s would give donny the best grade one can have.
playtime just admit that when you said "deplorables"you meant righties.....after all there are no lefties who would least in your mind....

i'm sure there are - but i am speaking strictly here in CT & the only deplorable assholes not heeding science seem to be from the right. did i audit them all?

lol... really? you seem triggered. oh well... get over it.
i get triggered by people like you who only can see the bullshit you want to see....and as long as it is something on the left you have no problems with it....people like you are just as fucked as those you like to badmouth........

lol.... you funny.
well prove me wrong ....

i don't have to 'prove' anything to you. i know what i see HERE. i know who thinks they are 'special' HERE. but you go on with yer triggered self with whatever you want to think.

it matters not.
so you cant prove me wrong?....just be honest and say so....

you can accept that if it makes you warm & fuzzy. from day 1 i said i was center left. never made that a secret - but you used the word 'follow' & that is just plain bullshit. i'm not even sure what that is supposta mean.

i don't lie - i don't have any reason to & i am always honest. i have no reason not to be. because you wanna fit your perception of me - like a square in a round hole, i say go for it.

you still funny.
if you say are a little more than center left....

if you say so.

View attachment 356232
your posts back me do realize we can see were you stand by reading them.....if you were a real moderate you would have a few posts around here saying something against the democrats once in a while.....all i see is trump and the right always being are more left than you seem to think you are....

because right now in this little slice of time - the (R)s are being totally wrong with just about everything. & they are enabling the chosen one by keeping their mouths shut. when they start speaking out against donny, i'll support them 100%.

i gave romney kudos when he voted in favor of impeachment. i gave him & susan collins kudos for wanting to hear from bolton.

i support the death penalty, i support the 2nd amendment within reason, i am 100% against the patriot act even when obama still favored it.

so ya.... like i said ... you funny.
so what?.....lets see you say something about how they have handled themselves since trump has been president......are you for the old half dead white guy they have picked, as i guess the best they have?....what are your views on the people destroying everything they dont like?....the democrats sure are not saying anything against this......are you for either getting rid of cops or tying their hands?..... how about when democrat governors and mayors fuck up with this virus with the shit they enact? about some of the shit the lefts talking heads say on their shows that are bullshit?......when i see you criticizing the left in the threads here i will believe you,and there are plenty with genuine reasons in here....and i have been in many a thread with you....
Old half dead white guy knows his stuff 100 times better prepared for the presidency than the fn game show host , and was this trump moron the best YOU had? And is it so much to make sure cops don't kill unarmed people and if they do they pay the penalty for it not protected by their union? And I listen to MSNBC and very little BS there Problem is most republicans can't stand hearing the truth after listening to their blabbering moron speak and repeat 5 times ,,, and notice how many wore masks at trumps rally?? They just don't give a fuk
im sorry eddie but i have said time and time again here that trump is a jerk with a big mouth and i know you know that since i have told you that so dont put him on me....if you cant remember one thread to the next maybe you should not comment....and i will ask you since the others here that like biden dont seem to want to answer.....what the fuck does he want to do about the problems of today?.....all i hear him do is criticize trump.....what the hell does he stand for?....
Glad you ask..

Unlike Trump, Biden is actually listening to medical experts. He understands there will be no ”miracle” where the virus just goes away. He understands that until a cure and vaccine are available, social distancing and masks are our best defense. Biden understands you don’t cancel peoples healthcare in the middle of a pandemic.

Trump is the WORST man we can have leading us in a crisis. He has consistently put his own interests above the safety of the country........What will this virus do to my chances at reelection? We need to end this NOW, pretend it doesn’t exist, tell people everything is OK

Biden cannot be president fast enough
so thats it?.....well you sure convinced me.....
IMHO just that trump knowing about the Russian bounty and doing less than nothing should have made your decision easy
With Trump ALL roads lead to Putin Just that is reason enough to get him out of our WH

True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

On his worst day Biden is far more presidential than the POS you support

Except when he's laying his hands on women and children. Just ask Tara Reade and the little he forced to touch his genitals?

Doc thats a load but grabbing some snatchka is what Trump admitted to

Are you trying to tell us that you have never touched pussy?

Once or twice but never bragged about it
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

You can't unite with leftists retards who need a safe space and a puppy to coup through melting over a person they did not like became president
It will be over in about 5 more years snowflake.

Can’t unite with a president who denies COVID is a problem and recommends injecting disinfectant to cure it
View attachment 355956

^naturally that vegetable falls for this obvious hoax.

Without Germany, you nazis wouldn't exist fucking sauerkraut

Would you trailer trash keep it down please

the trailer trash you are referring to is you and your kind

Come on Reb I'm a Dem and know you rednecks don't have 2 brains to rub together How's your reception in your trailer camp?

says the idiot that has fallen for the lies of leftist controlled mainstream media for the last 3 and a half years and you keep begging for more
When did Democrats get behind Bush?

The Democrats got behind Bush on No Child Left Behind, Medicare Part D, Post 9-11 programs, Homeland Security, Patriot Act, Invasion of Afghanistan, TARP

Republicans did not back Obama on a single initiative. Democrats returned the favor with Trump

not to mention that donny is outa his fucking mind & is a vile 'human' being?
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

You can't unite with leftists retards who need a safe space and a puppy to coup through melting over a person they did not like became president
It will be over in about 5 more years snowflake.

Can’t unite with a president who denies COVID is a problem and recommends injecting disinfectant to cure it
View attachment 355956

^naturally that vegetable falls for this obvious hoax.

Without Germany, you nazis wouldn't exist fucking sauerkraut

well said, for a vegetable.

in real life, you fell for an obvious hoax. AOC never posted that.

her actions of the past proves that is her tweet she deleted it but too late
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

You can't unite with leftists retards who need a safe space and a puppy to coup through melting over a person they did not like became president
It will be over in about 5 more years snowflake.

Can’t unite with a president who denies COVID is a problem and recommends injecting disinfectant to cure it
View attachment 355956

^naturally that vegetable falls for this obvious hoax.

Without Germany, you nazis wouldn't exist fucking sauerkraut

Would you trailer trash keep it down please

the trailer trash you are referring to is you and your kind

Come on Reb I'm a Dem and know you rednecks don't have 2 brains to rub together How's your reception in your trailer camp?

says the idiot that has fallen for the lies of leftist controlled mainstream media for the last 3 and a half years and you keep begging for more

True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

Have Biden in there claiming George Washington captured airports?
Have Biden recommending we nuke hurricanes?
How about injecting disinfectants?
Have Biden claiming windmills cause cancer?
Have Biden using a Sharpie to alter a hurricane map?

You have a long way to go to beat Fat Donnie

You are citing tales told by the lamestream media.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite
Aren't they supposed to be able to put coherent sentences together? Biden has definitely lost his fast ball. Hell, he can't get the ball over the plate anymore.

Coherent, as opposed to this gem by trump? :eek:

"Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us."

True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

You can't unite with leftists retards who need a safe space and a puppy to coup through melting over a person they did not like became president
It will be over in about 5 more years snowflake.

Can’t unite with a president who denies COVID is a problem and recommends injecting disinfectant to cure it
View attachment 355956

^naturally that vegetable falls for this obvious hoax.

Without Germany, you nazis wouldn't exist fucking sauerkraut

well said, for a vegetable.

in real life, you fell for an obvious hoax. AOC never posted that.

her actions of the past proves that is her tweet she deleted it but too late

That's not how it works in real life, retard.

i could cite fact checkers, but you would not get it, broccoli.
To all Republicans If you can't bash your moron Trump for no response to Putins bounties you all can go F yourselves... you suck
bash over fake news? lol go fuck yourself
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

You can't unite with leftists retards who need a safe space and a puppy to coup through melting over a person they did not like became president
It will be over in about 5 more years snowflake.

Can’t unite with a president who denies COVID is a problem and recommends injecting disinfectant to cure it
View attachment 355956

^naturally that vegetable falls for this obvious hoax.

Without Germany, you nazis wouldn't exist fucking sauerkraut

Would you trailer trash keep it down please

the trailer trash you are referring to is you and your kind

Come on Reb I'm a Dem and know you rednecks don't have 2 brains to rub together How's your reception in your trailer camp?

says the idiot that has fallen for the lies of leftist controlled mainstream media for the last 3 and a half years and you keep begging for more

View attachment 356401
It all began with the silent coup started with obama which lead to the
influence of our political system by a foreign agent the steele dossier, the legal firing of James Comey which I will add you leftists wanted a few months earlier
Then comes Mueller then comes Schiff Sham all lies all verified
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

You can't unite with leftists retards who need a safe space and a puppy to coup through melting over a person they did not like became president
It will be over in about 5 more years snowflake.

Can’t unite with a president who denies COVID is a problem and recommends injecting disinfectant to cure it
View attachment 355956

^naturally that vegetable falls for this obvious hoax.

Without Germany, you nazis wouldn't exist fucking sauerkraut

Would you trailer trash keep it down please

the trailer trash you are referring to is you and your kind

Come on Reb I'm a Dem and know you rednecks don't have 2 brains to rub together How's your reception in your trailer camp?

now now - there IS redneck liberal, trey crowder - he's a biped who's evolved with the rest of us.

you can find more here:

Last edited:
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

You can't unite with leftists retards who need a safe space and a puppy to coup through melting over a person they did not like became president
It will be over in about 5 more years snowflake.

Can’t unite with a president who denies COVID is a problem and recommends injecting disinfectant to cure it
View attachment 355956

^naturally that vegetable falls for this obvious hoax.

Without Germany, you nazis wouldn't exist fucking sauerkraut

well said, for a vegetable.

in real life, you fell for an obvious hoax. AOC never posted that.

her actions of the past proves that is her tweet she deleted it but too late

That's not how it works in real life, retard.

i could cite fact checkers, but you would not get it, broccoli.

fact check by the very people who are fake news lol sauerkraut
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

On his worst day Biden is far more presidential than the POS you support

Except when he's laying his hands on women and children. Just ask Tara Reade and the little he forced to touch his genitals?


Impeached Trump has 26 'Tara Reades.' One of whom claims she was only 13 when Impeached Trump raped her.

So even by your standard, Biden is far more presidential.

Fake news.... Supply the Link?


Your link says what I said... he was accused by a woman of raping her when she was 13. So no, not fake news.
To all Republicans If you can't bash your moron Trump for no response to Putins bounties you all can go F yourselves... you suck
bash over fake news? lol go fuck yourself
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

You can't unite with leftists retards who need a safe space and a puppy to coup through melting over a person they did not like became president
It will be over in about 5 more years snowflake.

Can’t unite with a president who denies COVID is a problem and recommends injecting disinfectant to cure it
View attachment 355956

^naturally that vegetable falls for this obvious hoax.

Without Germany, you nazis wouldn't exist fucking sauerkraut

Would you trailer trash keep it down please

the trailer trash you are referring to is you and your kind

Come on Reb I'm a Dem and know you rednecks don't have 2 brains to rub together How's your reception in your trailer camp?

says the idiot that has fallen for the lies of leftist controlled mainstream media for the last 3 and a half years and you keep begging for more

View attachment 356401
It all began with the silent coup started with obama which lead to the
influence of our political system by a foreign agent the steele dossier, the legal firing of James Comey which I will add you leftists wanted a few months earlier
Then comes Mueller then comes Schiff Sham all lies all verified


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