How a real leader acts

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True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

You can't unite with leftists retards who need a safe space and a puppy to coup through melting over a person they did not like became president
It will be over in about 5 more years snowflake.

Can’t unite with a president who denies COVID is a problem and recommends injecting disinfectant to cure it
View attachment 355956

^naturally that vegetable falls for this obvious hoax.

Without Germany, you nazis wouldn't exist fucking sauerkraut

well said, for a vegetable.

in real life, you fell for an obvious hoax. AOC never posted that.

her actions of the past proves that is her tweet she deleted it but too late

That's not how it works in real life, retard.

i could cite fact checkers, but you would not get it, broccoli.

fact check by the very people who are fake news lol sauerkraut

see, you have been beyond help at least since joining this board.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

3 1/2 years to plan and you on the left give us Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden as your nominee, Winger?

Then again...what Democrat leader COULD you run? They're a collection of low life's and idiots the like of which I've never seen before in one Party! Your Governors are power hungry buffoons. Your Mayors are spineless wimps! Your Congress critters are so far left it's become farce to listen to their plans!

^ did this aarftard just try to make fun of bidens hair? lol. what's next? disparaging bidens skin tone as not natural?
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership , Trump has bitched slapped Democrats from day one , a real leader, Trump will bitch slap the Demwits again in 2020.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

You can't unite with leftists retards who need a safe space and a puppy to coup through melting over a person they did not like became president
It will be over in about 5 more years snowflake.

Can’t unite with a president who denies COVID is a problem and recommends injecting disinfectant to cure it
View attachment 355956

^naturally that vegetable falls for this obvious hoax.

Without Germany, you nazis wouldn't exist fucking sauerkraut

well said, for a vegetable.

in real life, you fell for an obvious hoax. AOC never posted that.

her actions of the past proves that is her tweet she deleted it but too late

That's not how it works in real life, retard.

i could cite fact checkers, but you would not get it, broccoli.

fact check by the very people who are fake news lol sauerkraut

see, you have been beyond help at least since joining this board.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

3 1/2 years to plan and you on the left give us Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden as your nominee, Winger?

Then again...what Democrat leader COULD you run? They're a collection of low life's and idiots the like of which I've never seen before in one Party! Your Governors are power hungry buffoons. Your Mayors are spineless wimps! Your Congress critters are so far left it's become farce to listen to their plans!

^ did this aarftard just try to make fun of bidens hair? lol. what's next? disparaging bidens skin tone as not natural?

These imbeciles crack me up. Earlier I saw one attack Biden because a (as in one) woman (singular) accused Biden of sexual assault (as though there aren't 26 (as in more than one, way more) women (plural) accusing Impeached Trump of same.

True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

You can't unite with leftists retards who need a safe space and a puppy to coup through melting over a person they did not like became president
It will be over in about 5 more years snowflake.

Can’t unite with a president who denies COVID is a problem and recommends injecting disinfectant to cure it
View attachment 355956

^naturally that vegetable falls for this obvious hoax.

Without Germany, you nazis wouldn't exist fucking sauerkraut

well said, for a vegetable.

in real life, you fell for an obvious hoax. AOC never posted that.

her actions of the past proves that is her tweet she deleted it but too late

That's not how it works in real life, retard.

i could cite fact checkers, but you would not get it, broccoli.

fact check by the very people who are fake news lol sauerkraut

see, you have been beyond help at least since joining this board.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

3 1/2 years to plan and you on the left give us Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden as your nominee, Winger?

Then again...what Democrat leader COULD you run? They're a collection of low life's and idiots the like of which I've never seen before in one Party! Your Governors are power hungry buffoons. Your Mayors are spineless wimps! Your Congress critters are so far left it's become farce to listen to their plans!

^ did this aarftard just try to make fun of bidens hair? lol. what's next? disparaging bidens skin tone as not natural?

These imbeciles crack me up. Earlier I saw one attack Biden because a (as in one) woman (singular) accused Biden of sexual assault (as though there aren't 26 (as in more than one, way more) women (plural) accusing Impeached Trump of same.


they are still drunk celebrating the perfect storm of 2016, which was in part a result of relentlessly lying for decades about the clintons. you cannot expect them to be able to shift into another gear.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

3 1/2 years to plan and you on the left give us Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden as your nominee, Winger?

Then again...what Democrat leader COULD you run? They're a collection of low life's and idiots the like of which I've never seen before in one Party! Your Governors are power hungry buffoons. Your Mayors are spineless wimps! Your Congress critters are so far left it's become farce to listen to their plans!

and what great people do the republicans have? rep governors are not power hungry?...

Gotta admit Harry you're a pretty even minded guy Just forgive me if I forget in a month or 2

well my dislike for both parties kind of keeps me that way.....i just dont get the mindset of the people who are die hard party know those who feel that their party is just wonderful and the other party matter what.....and we have lots of them here in this forum....some of them are kinda pathetic....
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

On his worst day Biden is far more presidential than the POS you support

Yeah, now that's presidential!

Fucking moron, what's wrong with whispering encouraging words into the ear of someone who's like a granddaughter to you?

She obviously finds his attentions unwelcome, douchebag, as to all the children he shows attention to.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Haven’t had a uniting leader since Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan. Don’t even dream for a moment Obama was a Uniter. His idea of uniting was “Support me or get to the back of the bus”.

Obama was a uniter

Just look at his dealings around the globe working with our allies

His problem domestically was that he was dealing with a party that was only concerned with Obama failing. Republicans would not support a single Obama initiative. Even ones they had supported under Bush.

"Uniter" my ass. No one calling me a racist every other day is any kind of a "uniter."

You are a racist

Based on what, that I resent being called a racist? So anyone who denies being a racist is a racist?

That's the kind of "logic" than leftwingers are so fond of.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

On his worst day Biden is far more presidential than the POS you support

Yeah, now that's presidential!

Fucking moron, what's wrong with whispering encouraging words into the ear of someone who's like a granddaughter to you?

did you by chance see her expression and how he's grabbing her?

Biden is personal friends with her family. She's known him her whole life and looks to him like a grandfather. He was whispering words of encouragement to her about having his daughter get together with her to explain life with a dad who's a Senator.

And neither she, nor her parents standing right there, found Biden's behavior to be objectionable or inappropriate. Whatever else you see in that photo is a reflection on you, not Biden.

Pedophiles are often well aquianted with their victims and their families.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

On his worst day Biden is far more presidential than the POS you support

Yeah, now that's presidential!

Fucking moron, what's wrong with whispering encouraging words into the ear of someone who's like a granddaughter to you?

She obviously finds his attentions unwelcome, douchebag, as to all the children he shows attention to.

Keep speaking up for your sick pos Trump is a degenerate As a leader as a human as a husband as a father Only garbage like you bri can speak up for him Are you a degenerate too?? just asking
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Donald Trump has never had any interest in uniting people even now in the middle of an epidemic that is costing tens of thousands of lives. He believes division is the key to success. Other world leaders lead by presenting evidence-based policy, of the need to take the disease seriously, of empathy and solidarity. Trump speaks of hoaxes, of a disease no different from the flu, of a “germ that has gotten so brilliant that we can’t keep up with it,” of disinfectant as a miracle cure. Even now, even in the worst public-health crisis in a century, he divides people instead of unifying them, creating precisely the kind of distrust that makes the disease harder to defeat. He cannot demonstrate empathy, because he is incapable of feeling any. He cannot demonstrate solidarity, because he has only disdain for his fellow citizens. He can not demonstrate leadership because he is not a leader.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite
Aren't they supposed to be able to put coherent sentences together? Biden has definitely lost his fast ball. Hell, he can't get the ball over the plate anymore.

Coherent, as opposed to this gem by trump? :eek:

"Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us."

View attachment 356413

excellent for someone who's going to blister your leftists assess come November

View attachment 356415

so that's where your throat is? up Biden's ass?
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

On his worst day Biden is far more presidential than the POS you support

Except when he's laying his hands on women and children. Just ask Tara Reade and the little he forced to touch his crotch?

People still think Tara reade's claims are legit? I bet you don't think E. Jean Carroll's claims are.

"Not only do women like Dr. Ford, who bravely comes forward, need to be heard, but they need to be believed. They need to be believed,"
"I expect the men in this country and the men in this committee because we all signed on to this letter to demand an FBI investigation. But really guess who is perpetuating all of these kinds of actions? It's the men in this country. And I just want to say to the men in this country: just shut up and step up, do the right thing for a change. "
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Donald Trump has never had any interest in uniting people even now in the middle of an epidemic that is costing tens of thousands of lives. He believes division is the key to success. Other world leaders lead by presenting evidence-based policy, of the need to take the disease seriously, of empathy and solidarity. Trump speaks of hoaxes, of a disease no different from the flu, of a “germ that has gotten so brilliant that we can’t keep up with it,” of disinfectant as a miracle cure. Even now, even in the worst public-health crisis in a century, he divides people instead of unifying them, creating precisely the kind of distrust that makes the disease harder to defeat. He cannot demonstrate empathy, because he is incapable of feeling any. He cannot demonstrate solidarity, because he has only disdain for his fellow citizens. He can not demonstrate leadership because he is not a leader.

you can't unite with mentally unstable people, people like you who cannot see the trees for the Russians
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

You can't unite with leftists retards who need a safe space and a puppy to coup through melting over a person they did not like became president
It will be over in about 5 more years snowflake.

Can’t unite with a president who denies COVID is a problem and recommends injecting disinfectant to cure it
View attachment 355956

^naturally that vegetable falls for this obvious hoax.

Without Germany, you nazis wouldn't exist fucking sauerkraut

well said, for a vegetable.

in real life, you fell for an obvious hoax. AOC never posted that.

her actions of the past proves that is her tweet she deleted it but too late

That's not how it works in real life, retard.

i could cite fact checkers, but you would not get it, broccoli.

fact check by the very people who are fake news lol sauerkraut

see, you have been beyond help at least since joining this board.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

3 1/2 years to plan and you on the left give us Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden as your nominee, Winger?

Then again...what Democrat leader COULD you run? They're a collection of low life's and idiots the like of which I've never seen before in one Party! Your Governors are power hungry buffoons. Your Mayors are spineless wimps! Your Congress critters are so far left it's become farce to listen to their plans!

^ did this aarftard just try to make fun of bidens hair? lol. what's next? disparaging bidens skin tone as not natural?

These imbeciles crack me up. Earlier I saw one attack Biden because a (as in one) woman (singular) accused Biden of sexual assault (as though there aren't 26 (as in more than one, way more) women (plural) accusing Impeached Trump of same.


How credible they are is far more important than how many there are. It's easy to pay off bimbos to make accusations of sexual assault that supposedly happened 30 years ago.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

On his worst day Biden is far more presidential than the POS you support

Yeah, now that's presidential!

Fucking moron, what's wrong with whispering encouraging words into the ear of someone who's like a granddaughter to you?

She obviously finds his attentions unwelcome, douchebag, as to all the children he shows attention to.

Keep speaking up for your sick pos Trump is a degenerate As a leader as a human as a husband as a father Only garbage like you bri can speak up for him Are you a degenerate too?? just asking

The words of a "uniter."
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

You can't unite with leftists retards who need a safe space and a puppy to coup through melting over a person they did not like became president
It will be over in about 5 more years snowflake.

Can’t unite with a president who denies COVID is a problem and recommends injecting disinfectant to cure it
View attachment 355956

^naturally that vegetable falls for this obvious hoax.

Without Germany, you nazis wouldn't exist fucking sauerkraut

well said, for a vegetable.

in real life, you fell for an obvious hoax. AOC never posted that.

her actions of the past proves that is her tweet she deleted it but too late

That's not how it works in real life, retard.

i could cite fact checkers, but you would not get it, broccoli.

fact check by the very people who are fake news lol sauerkraut

see, you have been beyond help at least since joining this board.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

3 1/2 years to plan and you on the left give us Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden as your nominee, Winger?

Then again...what Democrat leader COULD you run? They're a collection of low life's and idiots the like of which I've never seen before in one Party! Your Governors are power hungry buffoons. Your Mayors are spineless wimps! Your Congress critters are so far left it's become farce to listen to their plans!

^ did this aarftard just try to make fun of bidens hair? lol. what's next? disparaging bidens skin tone as not natural?

These imbeciles crack me up. Earlier I saw one attack Biden because a (as in one) woman (singular) accused Biden of sexual assault (as though there aren't 26 (as in more than one, way more) women (plural) accusing Impeached Trump of same.


they are still drunk celebrating the perfect storm of 2016, which was in part a result of relentlessly lying for decades about the clintons. you cannot expect them to be able to shift into another gear.

Nazi kraut
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

You can't unite with leftists retards who need a safe space and a puppy to coup through melting over a person they did not like became president
It will be over in about 5 more years snowflake.

Can’t unite with a president who denies COVID is a problem and recommends injecting disinfectant to cure it
View attachment 355956

^naturally that vegetable falls for this obvious hoax.

Without Germany, you nazis wouldn't exist fucking sauerkraut

well said, for a vegetable.

in real life, you fell for an obvious hoax. AOC never posted that.

her actions of the past proves that is her tweet she deleted it but too late

That's not how it works in real life, retard.

i could cite fact checkers, but you would not get it, broccoli.

fact check by the very people who are fake news lol sauerkraut

see, you have been beyond help at least since joining this board.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

3 1/2 years to plan and you on the left give us Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden as your nominee, Winger?

Then again...what Democrat leader COULD you run? They're a collection of low life's and idiots the like of which I've never seen before in one Party! Your Governors are power hungry buffoons. Your Mayors are spineless wimps! Your Congress critters are so far left it's become farce to listen to their plans!

^ did this aarftard just try to make fun of bidens hair? lol. what's next? disparaging bidens skin tone as not natural?

Since you're a nazi kraut your opinion is irrelevant
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

You can't unite with leftists retards who need a safe space and a puppy to coup through melting over a person they did not like became president
It will be over in about 5 more years snowflake.

Can’t unite with a president who denies COVID is a problem and recommends injecting disinfectant to cure it
View attachment 355956

^naturally that vegetable falls for this obvious hoax.

Without Germany, you nazis wouldn't exist fucking sauerkraut

well said, for a vegetable.

in real life, you fell for an obvious hoax. AOC never posted that.

her actions of the past proves that is her tweet she deleted it but too late

That's not how it works in real life, retard.

i could cite fact checkers, but you would not get it, broccoli.

fact check by the very people who are fake news lol sauerkraut

see, you have been beyond help at least since joining this board.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

3 1/2 years to plan and you on the left give us Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden as your nominee, Winger?

Then again...what Democrat leader COULD you run? They're a collection of low life's and idiots the like of which I've never seen before in one Party! Your Governors are power hungry buffoons. Your Mayors are spineless wimps! Your Congress critters are so far left it's become farce to listen to their plans!

^ did this aarftard just try to make fun of bidens hair? lol. what's next? disparaging bidens skin tone as not natural?

These imbeciles crack me up. Earlier I saw one attack Biden because a (as in one) woman (singular) accused Biden of sexual assault (as though there aren't 26 (as in more than one, way more) women (plural) accusing Impeached Trump of same.


they are still drunk celebrating the perfect storm of 2016, which was in part a result of relentlessly lying for decades about the clintons. you cannot expect them to be able to shift into another gear.

Nazi kraut

And trump is up putins ass?
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