How a real leader acts

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True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

On his worst day Biden is far more presidential than the POS you support

Yeah, now that's presidential!

Fucking moron, what's wrong with whispering encouraging words into the ear of someone who's like a granddaughter to you?

She obviously finds his attentions unwelcome, douchebag, as to all the children he shows attention to.


Fucking moron, that's your perception, not hers. She had no problem with it. Nor did her parents who are standing right there watching.

How do you know what her perception is, shit for brains? She is obviously trying to get away from the old pervert. The fact that her parents had no problem with it doesn't mean much. The parents of the children Michael Jackson molested had no problem with them having sleep overs at his mansion.

Because the family spoke out about it and clarified Biden has known her all her life, that he's like a grandfather to her.

She even thanked Biden after he whispered in her ear. Her mother was watching Biden as he kissed the girl on the forehead and then patted Biden on the shoulder. That's not something a mother does to a man who accosts their daughter.

Okay but you have to agree, the optics aren’t good.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

On his worst day Biden is far more presidential than the POS you support

Yeah, now that's presidential!

Fucking moron, what's wrong with whispering encouraging words into the ear of someone who's like a granddaughter to you?

She obviously finds his attentions unwelcome, douchebag, as to all the children he shows attention to.


Fucking moron, that's your perception, not hers. She had no problem with it. Nor did her parents who are standing right there watching.

How do you know what her perception is, shit for brains? She is obviously trying to get away from the old pervert. The fact that her parents had no problem with it doesn't mean much. The parents of the children Michael Jackson molested had no problem with them having sleep overs at his mansion.

Because the family spoke out about it and clarified Biden has known her all her life, that he's like a grandfather to her.

She even thanked Biden after he whispered in her ear. Her mother was watching Biden as he kissed the girl on the forehead and then patted Biden on the shoulder. That's not something a mother does to a man who accosts their daughter.

You mean like the mothers who let their kids spend the night with Michael Jackson?

Fucking moron, those mothers were not watching Michael Jackson with their kids and they were unaware of the sexual assault.

Whereas Senator & Mrs. Coons were standing right there watching the exchange between Biden and their daughter. The daughter who thanked Biden and her mother who patted him on the shoulder.

You demonstrate yet again for the forum that you're nothing but a fucking moron.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

On his worst day Biden is far more presidential than the POS you support

Yeah, now that's presidential!

Fucking moron, what's wrong with whispering encouraging words into the ear of someone who's like a granddaughter to you?

She obviously finds his attentions unwelcome, douchebag, as to all the children he shows attention to.


Fucking moron, that's your perception, not hers. She had no problem with it. Nor did her parents who are standing right there watching.

How do you know what her perception is, shit for brains? She is obviously trying to get away from the old pervert. The fact that her parents had no problem with it doesn't mean much. The parents of the children Michael Jackson molested had no problem with them having sleep overs at his mansion.

Have you reported Biden to Child Protective Services yet? You can do it anonymously, you know.


That fucking moron's already gotten a visit from the FBI. I don't think he wants another.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

On his worst day Biden is far more presidential than the POS you support

Yeah, now that's presidential!

Fucking moron, what's wrong with whispering encouraging words into the ear of someone who's like a granddaughter to you?

Defending the groper, priceless

Leave Impeached Trump out of this.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

3 1/2 years to plan and you on the left give us Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden as your nominee, Winger?

Then again...what Democrat leader COULD you run? They're a collection of low life's and idiots the like of which I've never seen before in one Party! Your Governors are power hungry buffoons. Your Mayors are spineless wimps! Your Congress critters are so far left it's become farce to listen to their plans!

After your POS gave us 1000's of extra deaths with the virus because he worried about his election you should shut your lying mouth

Oh, bullshit! If there is anyone responsible for 1000's of extra deaths it would be Governor Cuomo! That idiot's policies put patients with Covid 19 into nursing homes. When Trump tried to put controls on travel from China you liberals accused him of being a "racist"!
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

3 1/2 years to plan and you on the left give us Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden as your nominee, Winger?

Then again...what Democrat leader COULD you run? They're a collection of low life's and idiots the like of which I've never seen before in one Party! Your Governors are power hungry buffoons. Your Mayors are spineless wimps! Your Congress critters are so far left it's become farce to listen to their plans!

and what great people do the republicans have? rep governors are not power hungry?...

Would you call the Governor of South Dakota "power hungry"? She treated her constituents like adults and trusted them to do the right thing! Contrast HER with the Wicked Witch of Michigan!
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Although like Joey they seem to enjoy living in Lala land. Claiming 120 million Americans died from Covid is a total lie...

He misspoke, actually it's 125 thousand-plus Americans. Pretty weak sauce to call his comment a lie rather than a mistake.

Hmm...., Just how many times must you go to the well in futile attempts to cover for the multiple gaffs and misquotes that Joe Bidens has and will continue to make. The fact is that Joey is either suffering from Alzheimer's or totally misinformed or in as quoted living in LaLa Land.

I rest my case....

On his worst day Biden is far more presidential than the POS you support

Yeah, now that's presidential!

Fucking moron, what's wrong with whispering encouraging words into the ear of someone who's like a granddaughter to you?

She obviously finds his attentions unwelcome, douchebag, as to all the children he shows attention to.


Fucking moron, that's your perception, not hers. She had no problem with it. Nor did her parents who are standing right there watching.

How do you know what her perception is, shit for brains? She is obviously trying to get away from the old pervert. The fact that her parents had no problem with it doesn't mean much. The parents of the children Michael Jackson molested had no problem with them having sleep overs at his mansion.

Because the family spoke out about it and clarified Biden has known her all her life, that he's like a grandfather to her.

She even thanked Biden after he whispered in her ear. Her mother was watching Biden as he kissed the girl on the forehead and then patted Biden on the shoulder. That's not something a mother does to a man who accosts their daughter.

Okay but you have to agree, the optics aren’t good.

No, I don't agree with that. If even that were true, the girl would not have been smiling and thanking Biden for his offer. Her mother, who was watching Biden as his kissed her daughter on the forehead, wouldn't have been thanking him and patting him on the shoulder.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

3 1/2 years to plan and you on the left give us Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden as your nominee, Winger?

Then again...what Democrat leader COULD you run? They're a collection of low life's and idiots the like of which I've never seen before in one Party! Your Governors are power hungry buffoons. Your Mayors are spineless wimps! Your Congress critters are so far left it's become farce to listen to their plans!

After your POS gave us 1000's of extra deaths with the virus because he worried about his election you should shut your lying mouth

Oh, bullshit! If there is anyone responsible for 1000's of extra deaths it would be Governor Cuomo! That idiot's policies put patients with Covid 19 into nursing homes. When Trump tried to put controls on travel from China you liberals accused him of being a "racist"!

So Impeached Trump didn't pass the policies needed to protect Americans because some Democrats called him a bad name??

Thanks for tacitly confessing he's not fit to lead.
Trump has nothing but disdain for his supporters

First he makes them sign a waiver in case the get COVID at his rally
Then, given a half empty arena, he does NOTHING to ensure social distancing.
He never said a word about people wearing masks.

Trump did not care if they get infected. It was more important that he get a photo op implying a packed arena with smiling faces instead of masks
When did Democrat mayors ensure social distancing of Floyd protesters? When did these mayors force them to wear masks? Trump has to protect himself from SJW infiltrators, not from his supporters.

You're a douchebag and a congenital moron.
All Trump has to do is to wear a mask and advise his supporters to wear masks and social distance themselves.
He is their "leader" and needs to behave like a leader, instead of announcing that the mask thing does not apply to him.
His supporters will listen. Remember the chemical fiasco? This is much easier for his followers to understand and indeed logical. Right now they are walking around saying that their "civil rights" are being violated. They are the morons and act like people with no common sense. Look what the hell is going on with this virus right now because of no social distancing and no masks.
The masks are a con. First Fauci said not to wear them. Then he said to wear them. Servile drones like you will snap to attention and do whatever the government minions order you to do. Trump's followers are not mindless drones.

Our civil rights are being violated, but obedient drones like you don't care. You're so concerned about Trump's rally, but you don't give a crap about tens of thousands of BLM protesters crawling all over each other. It couldn't be more obvious that your "concern" is purely a political tactic.
Your civil rights are being violated? How so? Do you have the civil right to spread disease? Fauci said early on that it was not necessary to wear masks and changed his mind as the virus was investigated thoroughly. Listen to the
experts, pal. Your chances of survival will improve. Or you can listen to Trump.
You have a civil right to assemble with whomever you want to assemble with. That's one of the basic rights this country was founded on. Anyone who disputes that is a Stalinist douchebag, and that's what you are.

Listening to morons like Fauci is what destroyed the American economy.
Who's the moron that puts Fauci on the stage Couldn't be the shithead nitwit Trump?
Who maid Fauci head of NAIAD? It wasn't Trump.
Trump wants people who are loyal to him and who will spout his rhetoric. Fauci is no lapdog where the lives of American people are concerned
He's a deep state douchebag. Every president wants people who are loyal to him.
You mean no matter what? Let's be real, yes? Every president wants people who are loyal to him and who give him
the advice that he needs to hear and not what he wants to hear. Trump doesn't know what he doesn't know because he acts on his "gut" and thinks that he is an expert. Look what his gut did for him in North Korea. The guy is an amateur and needs to listen to those with experience, whether or not they are loyal to him. Being loyal and supporting his dirty deeds are very different, as was the case in Ukraine.
What happened in North Korea? Before Trump 'Little Kimmy' was the 'rocket boy' shooting off his rockets and threatening to blow up everyone around him. Not so much today.
What happened in North Korea? Trump personally got involved. That's what. His amateur effort weakened the
ability of our experienced diplomats to arrive at any agreement and now the situation is deteriorating further.

When was the "sitchiation" in N. Korea ever getting better than a US president STEPPING into North Korea or having one of their supreme leaders to the White House???

You folks are amazing with those stupid off the cuff analyses.. You ever really try any independent thinking??
As in most things Trump......It was just a Photo-op
Another Photo-op that led to nothing

The North Korea trip and the visit to the WH was the FIRST TIME I REMEMBER personal commitment from ANY PRESIDENT to establish ONE ON ONE good faith and discussion... None of the others FELT there was a upside to doing that.. And we DID get less threats and missiles being launched. Even got the North/South renewing diplomatic efforts... We got some remains back. There WAS a temporary connection made that STILL is a better "channel" that what we had before with Dennis Rodman...

TOKEN efforts are commissions, envoys, study groups, "deals" that NEVER HAD that level of Prez engagement.. NOT a photo op...
Biden could not SURVIVE a trip to North Korea without setting off an Asian conflagration... And no leader wants to make a risky deal with feeble, muddled man who won't remember what was discussed a couple days later...
Biden could not SURVIVE a trip to North Korea without setting off an Asian conflagration... And no leader wants to make a risky deal with feeble, muddled man who won't remember what was discussed a couple days later...
Think he could stop NK from getting nuke capabilities? Did Trump? Trump did crap UN laughs at him and America
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

3 1/2 years to plan and you on the left give us Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden as your nominee, Winger?

Then again...what Democrat leader COULD you run? They're a collection of low life's and idiots the like of which I've never seen before in one Party! Your Governors are power hungry buffoons. Your Mayors are spineless wimps! Your Congress critters are so far left it's become farce to listen to their plans!

and what great people do the republicans have? rep governors are not power hungry?...

Would you call the Governor of South Dakota "power hungry"? She treated her constituents like adults and trusted them to do the right thing! Contrast HER with the Wicked Witch of Michigan!

oh geez 1 fucking less than a million people to rule over....thats almost like being a mayor...yea that convinced me...
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Don't you really mean that leaders bend over for China and the media, and Iran, and well basically everyone? Why can't we all get along, why doesn't everybody love us? heh heh
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

Pedo Joe couldn't lead a pack of starving dogs to fresh meat with the blood of a fresh kill dripping from his sleeves. Creepy Joe could lead you to his child porn collection or show you how he parades around in the nude in front of female Secret Service agents...but "lead"???? ROTFLMAO!

You commie fucks picked a real "winner"....

True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

3 1/2 years to plan and you on the left give us Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden as your nominee, Winger?

Then again...what Democrat leader COULD you run? They're a collection of low life's and idiots the like of which I've never seen before in one Party! Your Governors are power hungry buffoons. Your Mayors are spineless wimps! Your Congress critters are so far left it's become farce to listen to their plans!

After your POS gave us 1000's of extra deaths with the virus because he worried about his election you should shut your lying mouth

Oh, bullshit! If there is anyone responsible for 1000's of extra deaths it would be Governor Cuomo! That idiot's policies put patients with Covid 19 into nursing homes. When Trump tried to put controls on travel from China you liberals accused him of being a "racist"!

So Impeached Trump didn't pass the policies needed to protect Americans because some Democrats called him a bad name??

Thanks for tacitly confessing he's not fit to lead.

The Democrats actively OPPOSED the policy that Trump proposed to protect Americans! They've always called him bad names...he could care less about that! He does what he thinks is right despite the Democrats and the Main Stream Media calling him bad's what good leaders DO!
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

3 1/2 years to plan and you on the left give us Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden as your nominee, Winger?

Then again...what Democrat leader COULD you run? They're a collection of low life's and idiots the like of which I've never seen before in one Party! Your Governors are power hungry buffoons. Your Mayors are spineless wimps! Your Congress critters are so far left it's become farce to listen to their plans!

and what great people do the republicans have? rep governors are not power hungry?...

Would you call the Governor of South Dakota "power hungry"? She treated her constituents like adults and trusted them to do the right thing! Contrast HER with the Wicked Witch of Michigan!

oh geez 1 fucking less than a million people to rule over....thats almost like being a mayor...yea that convinced me...

Show me a Democratic Governor that treated their States people like adults like the Governor of South Dakota did? She has backbone.
True leaders rise to a crisis and provide leadership

Doesnt matter what party, real leaders unite

3 1/2 years to plan and you on the left give us Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden as your nominee, Winger?

Then again...what Democrat leader COULD you run? They're a collection of low life's and idiots the like of which I've never seen before in one Party! Your Governors are power hungry buffoons. Your Mayors are spineless wimps! Your Congress critters are so far left it's become farce to listen to their plans!

After your POS gave us 1000's of extra deaths with the virus because he worried about his election you should shut your lying mouth

Oh, bullshit! If there is anyone responsible for 1000's of extra deaths it would be Governor Cuomo! That idiot's policies put patients with Covid 19 into nursing homes. When Trump tried to put controls on travel from China you liberals accused him of being a "racist"!

So Impeached Trump didn't pass the policies needed to protect Americans because some Democrats called him a bad name??

Thanks for tacitly confessing he's not fit to lead.

The Democrats actively OPPOSED the policy that Trump proposed to protect Americans! They've always called him bad names...he could care less about that! He does what he thinks is right despite the Democrats and the Main Stream Media calling him bad's what good leaders DO!

So? You already admitted Impeached Trump is not fit to lead since he can't take needed action because Democrats call him mean names.
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