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How About a Congressional Commission on the George Floyd Riots?

Democrats want a stacked, rigged "congressional commission" to "investigate" a 4-hour riot that is already being investigated by the FBI and the DC DA. But, they don't want to investigate the far more destructive and widespread George Floyd riots, which were, in many cases, coordinated by BLM and Antifa activists, and which caused over a dozen deaths, hundreds of injuries, the occupation of parts of two major cities, assaults on hundreds of police officers, the burning down of a police station, massive looting, and billions of dollars of damage.

And, of course, we now know that the George Floyd riots were unjustified, because we now know that Derek Chauvin did not put his knee on Floyd's neck, that Chauvin did not cause Floyd's death, that Floyd had ingested over three times the lethal dosage of fentanyl shortly before his police encounter, that Floyd was having trouble breathing before Chauvin laid a finger on him, that Floyd had severe heart problems, that the officers had no way of knowing any of this, and that Floyd had numerous chances to avoid being pinned on the ground but failed to take any of them.
Democrats are so busy kissing Minority a$$ for votes that it blinds them to the fact that George Floyd was a criminal scumbag who stupidly resisted arrest.

Letting Black Lives Matter and the loosely-organized AntiFa scum off the hook without serious prosecutions is also a mistake that the next GOP administration should correct.

But when it comes to a commission to investigate the incitement and execution of the January 6, 2021 Insurrection against the lawful authority of the United States...

Such a commission SHOULD be launched and maximized and that Commission should aggressively pursue such treasonous scum and their leaders and inciters without mercy.

Those (high and low) found responsible should be criminally charged, convicted of a major and violent felony, and given the maximum sentences for imprisonment and fines.

For the worst of the rank-and-file offenders in that Insurrectionist mob, it's a damned shame that the police did not volley-fire into that crowd with automatic weapons.

That goes for their Orange Baboon-God too... Cadet Bone Spurs didn't join them as promised or lead from the front... the cowardly POS went into hiding and watched, safely.

Teflon Don talks-the-talk, but he doesn't walk-the-walk... and his Make America White Great Again suckers and minions blind themselves to such important shortcomings.

The fact is that even people who are arrested have rights. One of those is a right to life. Floyd was no threat to the officers yet Chauvin refused to get off his neck. The police also infrlamed the protestors by dressing up in para-military uniforms as if they were enemies of this country.

So, the violence of the rioters is not their fault, it is the fault of the COP'S UNIFORMS?


View attachment 492908

When you treat people like they are the enemy, that sends a message. In cases where there was not violence, officers interacted with the protestors. The police completely mishandled the protests and in many cases they were the attackers.


What kind of message does it send, when half the country sees the other half engage in 4 years of violent, political riots, and then when they see some of their own, go over the line and have a FOUR HOUR riot, ,

and the four years are ignored and glossed over, while the four hours are treated as the worst thing to ever happen in this country?

Hint: It rhymes with Declaration of War.

What kind of message does it send when one side engages in unconstitutional violations of the civil rights of anyone who isn’t white or Christian?

What kind of message does it send when police are allowed to indiscriminately murder civilians with no consequences?

Right wing assholes such as yourself always call protest from the left “riots” and “dangerous”. It’s like only one side has a constitutional right to seek redress with you clowns.

Last but not least, every time the left protests, hardline right wingers come out and violently counter protest. The protest last summer weren’t violent. But the counter protesters and the troublemakers and those who want to discredit Black Lives Matter, came out and burned and looted and caused violence.

It’s hardly surprising that Trump cult assholes such as yourself, are still lying about the protests.
If BLM really cared about black lives they would address black on black crime and high murder rates as well as the high single parenthood % in the black community. An investigation is warranted for sure.

there isn’t a whole lotta money or political capital in addressing Black on Black Crime and high Murder rates among Blacks. There is no way a BLM leader could accumulate $3M plus and purchasing those mansions without something you can really shake down corporations with such as the statistically rare instance of a white police officer shooting an unarmed Black.

So what you're saying is that these very well educated, smart and motivated Black Lives Matter leaders, who have created the largest racial rights movement in world history, that is literally changing the legal landscape around the world, aren't capable of making enough money to be able to afford these "luxuries" on their own merits.

There must be something dishonest about black people creating things of value for themselves, is what you're saying. How very racist of you to think this way.

No, that is not what I am saying. That is what you are saying so you can throw the racist card at me. Go back an read what I said. I said that there are larger issues to be addressed but clearly those issues don’t pay as high. That’s an analysis, not a racist statement.
It is a racist statement. BLM'S mission is to address law enforcements abuses. The issues you talk aboit are racist stereotypes bought up to avoid the issue.
Law enforcement abuses would not happen if people didn't break the law

Really??? So the police get to be judge, jury and executioner, if someone breaks the law and shop lifts a candy bar, like Michael Brown? Selling cigarettes is a capital offence, like Eric Garner.

What about the poor bugger whose car broke down and he flagged down the cops to help him and they shot him. He wasn't breaking any laws.

Or the caretaker of the autistic man who was lying on the ground with his hands in the air, begging cops not to shoot? Neither of those people broke any laws.
We entrust them to do the best they can. Want better officers? Pay more and hire better people. Your examples are what? A dozen out of millions of encounters. You really are a parasite on this world.

Bullshit. Your supposed to be a business consultant. Let's talk about the dollars and cents of it all.

You have a large, well equipped, militarized, mostly white and ex-military, police force, which, when it arrives on the scene, treats your fellow citizens as armed combatants on the field of battle. Any threatening movement and they start shooting and don't stop until the threat is "neutralized".

And yet they manage to arrest armed and dangerous white mass shooters, especially those whose victims are not white or Christian, without incident. The Parkland shooter, Dylan Roof. They helped Kyle Rittenhouse up, and clapped him on the back and sent him on his way after he shot 3 people, killing two of them. They didn't even take away his gun.

American police are the best paid municipal civil servants there are. Many officers make more than $100,000 per year, with overtime. Teachers should be so well paid. And they have "qualified immunity" so that no matter what they do, they can't be sued. They're seldom fired, arrested, or in any called to account for the violence they inflict on people either.

Municipal taxpayers have been paying out more than $300 million per year in settlement of "excessive force" claims by civilians every year. And that's just in cities with a population over 100,000 people.

Joe Arpaio wasn't voted out of office and arrested because the people of Maricopa County don't want immigration laws enforced. The County paid out over $25 million in settlements to his victims in settlements for wrongful death, denial of Constitutions rights claims, malicious prosecution, and dereliction of duty claims. Arpaio was causing their taxes to go up, and he was allowing criminals to prey on illegals with impunity.

Derrick Chauvin's murder of George Floyd was the 18th complaint of "excessive force" in Officer Chauvin's jacket. George Floyd was the second suspect Chauvin has killed in the line of duty. Just the Floyd murder cost the taxpayers $20 million. Insurance companies will not cover these amounts. They're coming out of YOUR pockets.

The rest of the first world doesn't have an ultra violent police force that kills 1500 people per year. We're not jailing more people than ANYBODY else in the world - even the authoritarian dictatorships. The only countries where more people die at the hands of the police are the Phillipines and Brazil, where the police simply shoot people on the streets and leave them there as a warning to others.

When you look at all of the numbers - the killings, the incarcerations, and unequal treatment of young blacks, and young white people at the hands of the police, it's really fucking hard not to see an authoritarian police state.

When Ronald Reagan was elected, there were 40,000 black and brown prisoners in federal prisons. In 2010, there were 400,000 per prisoner black and brown prisoners in federal prisons, even though the crime rate has been steadily dropping since 1990. Each prisoner costs taxpayers of $115,000 per year. Of course, when all of these black and brown men get out of federal prison, they've lost their right to vote, so there is that.
I disagree with your first premise...that they start shooting. There are over 10mil encounters annually..how often do they even draw their guns? 1,500 out of 10,000,000 is 0.015%
Derek Chauvin was a bad cop protected by his union. The Mayor of MN is a Democrat, why didn't he do anything about it?

If you want fewer prisoners then you want more not fewer police officers. Rudy's stop and frisk worked and crime was way down. We don't put people in prison unless they commit crimes.

In terms of lawsuits....I'd need to take a deeper dive.

Why does it concern you? You're not a US taxpayer? And you're a hypocrite. Illegal immigration costs the US a lot more than $25MM.


Stop focussing on the part that didn't end with a suspect's death, and start focusing on WHY 1500 people die at the hands of the police every single year.
Democrats want a stacked, rigged "congressional commission" to "investigate" a 4-hour riot that is already being investigated by the FBI and the DC DA. But, they don't want to investigate the far more destructive and widespread George Floyd riots, which were, in many cases, coordinated by BLM and Antifa activists, and which caused over a dozen deaths, hundreds of injuries, the occupation of parts of two major cities, assaults on hundreds of police officers, the burning down of a police station, massive looting, and billions of dollars of damage.

And, of course, we now know that the George Floyd riots were unjustified, because we now know that Derek Chauvin did not put his knee on Floyd's neck, that Chauvin did not cause Floyd's death, that Floyd had ingested over three times the lethal dosage of fentanyl shortly before his police encounter, that Floyd was having trouble breathing before Chauvin laid a finger on him, that Floyd had severe heart problems, that the officers had no way of knowing any of this, and that Floyd had numerous chances to avoid being pinned on the ground but failed to take any of them.
Democrats are so busy kissing Minority a$$ for votes that it blinds them to the fact that George Floyd was a criminal scumbag who stupidly resisted arrest.

Letting Black Lives Matter and the loosely-organized AntiFa scum off the hook without serious prosecutions is also a mistake that the next GOP administration should correct.

But when it comes to a commission to investigate the incitement and execution of the January 6, 2021 Insurrection against the lawful authority of the United States...

Such a commission SHOULD be launched and maximized and that Commission should aggressively pursue such treasonous scum and their leaders and inciters without mercy.

Those (high and low) found responsible should be criminally charged, convicted of a major and violent felony, and given the maximum sentences for imprisonment and fines.

For the worst of the rank-and-file offenders in that Insurrectionist mob, it's a damned shame that the police did not volley-fire into that crowd with automatic weapons.

That goes for their Orange Baboon-God too... Cadet Bone Spurs didn't join them as promised or lead from the front... the cowardly POS went into hiding and watched, safely.

Teflon Don talks-the-talk, but he doesn't walk-the-walk... and his Make America White Great Again suckers and minions blind themselves to such important shortcomings.

The fact is that even people who are arrested have rights. One of those is a right to life. Floyd was no threat to the officers yet Chauvin refused to get off his neck. The police also infrlamed the protestors by dressing up in para-military uniforms as if they were enemies of this country.

So, the violence of the rioters is not their fault, it is the fault of the COP'S UNIFORMS?


View attachment 492908

When you treat people like they are the enemy, that sends a message. In cases where there was not violence, officers interacted with the protestors. The police completely mishandled the protests and in many cases they were the attackers.


What kind of message does it send, when half the country sees the other half engage in 4 years of violent, political riots, and then when they see some of their own, go over the line and have a FOUR HOUR riot, ,

and the four years are ignored and glossed over, while the four hours are treated as the worst thing to ever happen in this country?

Hint: It rhymes with Declaration of War.

What kind of message does it send when one side engages in unconstitutional violations of the civil rights of anyone who isn’t white or Christian?

What kind of message does it send when police are allowed to indiscriminately murder civilians with no consequences?

Right wing assholes such as yourself always call protest from the left “riots” and “dangerous”. It’s like only one side has a constitutional right to seek redress with you clowns.

Last but not least, every time the left protests, hardline right wingers come out and violently counter protest. The protest last summer weren’t violent. But the counter protesters and the troublemakers and those who want to discredit Black Lives Matter, came out and burned and looted and caused violence.

It’s hardly surprising that Trump cult assholes such as yourself, are still lying about the protests.
If BLM really cared about black lives they would address black on black crime and high murder rates as well as the high single parenthood % in the black community. An investigation is warranted for sure.

there isn’t a whole lotta money or political capital in addressing Black on Black Crime and high Murder rates among Blacks. There is no way a BLM leader could accumulate $3M plus and purchasing those mansions without something you can really shake down corporations with such as the statistically rare instance of a white police officer shooting an unarmed Black.

So what you're saying is that these very well educated, smart and motivated Black Lives Matter leaders, who have created the largest racial rights movement in world history, that is literally changing the legal landscape around the world, aren't capable of making enough money to be able to afford these "luxuries" on their own merits.

There must be something dishonest about black people creating things of value for themselves, is what you're saying. How very racist of you to think this way.

No, that is not what I am saying. That is what you are saying so you can throw the racist card at me. Go back an read what I said. I said that there are larger issues to be addressed but clearly those issues don’t pay as high. That’s an analysis, not a racist statement.
It is a racist statement. BLM'S mission is to address law enforcements abuses. The issues you talk aboit are racist stereotypes bought up to avoid the issue.
Law enforcement abuses would not happen if people didn't break the law

Really??? So the police get to be judge, jury and executioner, if someone breaks the law and shop lifts a candy bar, like Michael Brown? Selling cigarettes is a capital offence, like Eric Garner.

What about the poor bugger whose car broke down and he flagged down the cops to help him and they shot him. He wasn't breaking any laws.

Or the caretaker of the autistic man who was lying on the ground with his hands in the air, begging cops not to shoot? Neither of those people broke any laws.
We entrust them to do the best they can. Want better officers? Pay more and hire better people. Your examples are what? A dozen out of millions of encounters. You really are a parasite on this world.

Bullshit. Your supposed to be a business consultant. Let's talk about the dollars and cents of it all.

You have a large, well equipped, militarized, mostly white and ex-military, police force, which, when it arrives on the scene, treats your fellow citizens as armed combatants on the field of battle. Any threatening movement and they start shooting and don't stop until the threat is "neutralized".

And yet they manage to arrest armed and dangerous white mass shooters, especially those whose victims are not white or Christian, without incident. The Parkland shooter, Dylan Roof. They helped Kyle Rittenhouse up, and clapped him on the back and sent him on his way after he shot 3 people, killing two of them. They didn't even take away his gun.

American police are the best paid municipal civil servants there are. Many officers make more than $100,000 per year, with overtime. Teachers should be so well paid. And they have "qualified immunity" so that no matter what they do, they can't be sued. They're seldom fired, arrested, or in any called to account for the violence they inflict on people either.

Municipal taxpayers have been paying out more than $300 million per year in settlement of "excessive force" claims by civilians every year. And that's just in cities with a population over 100,000 people.

Joe Arpaio wasn't voted out of office and arrested because the people of Maricopa County don't want immigration laws enforced. The County paid out over $25 million in settlements to his victims in settlements for wrongful death, denial of Constitutions rights claims, malicious prosecution, and dereliction of duty claims. Arpaio was causing their taxes to go up, and he was allowing criminals to prey on illegals with impunity.

Derrick Chauvin's murder of George Floyd was the 18th complaint of "excessive force" in Officer Chauvin's jacket. George Floyd was the second suspect Chauvin has killed in the line of duty. Just the Floyd murder cost the taxpayers $20 million. Insurance companies will not cover these amounts. They're coming out of YOUR pockets.

The rest of the first world doesn't have an ultra violent police force that kills 1500 people per year. We're not jailing more people than ANYBODY else in the world - even the authoritarian dictatorships. The only countries where more people die at the hands of the police are the Phillipines and Brazil, where the police simply shoot people on the streets and leave them there as a warning to others.

When you look at all of the numbers - the killings, the incarcerations, and unequal treatment of young blacks, and young white people at the hands of the police, it's really fucking hard not to see an authoritarian police state.

When Ronald Reagan was elected, there were 40,000 black and brown prisoners in federal prisons. In 2010, there were 400,000 per prisoner black and brown prisoners in federal prisons, even though the crime rate has been steadily dropping since 1990. Each prisoner costs taxpayers of $115,000 per year. Of course, when all of these black and brown men get out of federal prison, they've lost their right to vote, so there is that.
I disagree with your first premise...that they start shooting. There are over 10mil encounters annually..how often do they even draw their guns? 1,500 out of 10,000,000 is 0.015%
Derek Chauvin was a bad cop protected by his union. The Mayor of MN is a Democrat, why didn't he do anything about it?

If you want fewer prisoners then you want more not fewer police officers. Rudy's stop and frisk worked and crime was way down. We don't put people in prison unless they commit crimes.

In terms of lawsuits....I'd need to take a deeper dive.

Why does it concern you? You're not a US taxpayer? And you're a hypocrite. Illegal immigration costs the US a lot more than $25MM.


Stop focussing on the part that didn't end with a suspect's death, and start focusing on WHY 1500 people die at the hands of the police every single year.
They didn't just shoot them for fun. They did so because there was a viable threat. Your BOLD and Caps Lock are stuck.
Democrats want a stacked, rigged "congressional commission" to "investigate" a 4-hour riot that is already being investigated by the FBI and the DC DA. But, they don't want to investigate the far more destructive and widespread George Floyd riots, which were, in many cases, coordinated by BLM and Antifa activists, and which caused over a dozen deaths, hundreds of injuries, the occupation of parts of two major cities, assaults on hundreds of police officers, the burning down of a police station, massive looting, and billions of dollars of damage.

And, of course, we now know that the George Floyd riots were unjustified, because we now know that Derek Chauvin did not put his knee on Floyd's neck, that Chauvin did not cause Floyd's death, that Floyd had ingested over three times the lethal dosage of fentanyl shortly before his police encounter, that Floyd was having trouble breathing before Chauvin laid a finger on him, that Floyd had severe heart problems, that the officers had no way of knowing any of this, and that Floyd had numerous chances to avoid being pinned on the ground but failed to take any of them.
Democrats are so busy kissing Minority a$$ for votes that it blinds them to the fact that George Floyd was a criminal scumbag who stupidly resisted arrest.

Letting Black Lives Matter and the loosely-organized AntiFa scum off the hook without serious prosecutions is also a mistake that the next GOP administration should correct.

But when it comes to a commission to investigate the incitement and execution of the January 6, 2021 Insurrection against the lawful authority of the United States...

Such a commission SHOULD be launched and maximized and that Commission should aggressively pursue such treasonous scum and their leaders and inciters without mercy.

Those (high and low) found responsible should be criminally charged, convicted of a major and violent felony, and given the maximum sentences for imprisonment and fines.

For the worst of the rank-and-file offenders in that Insurrectionist mob, it's a damned shame that the police did not volley-fire into that crowd with automatic weapons.

That goes for their Orange Baboon-God too... Cadet Bone Spurs didn't join them as promised or lead from the front... the cowardly POS went into hiding and watched, safely.

Teflon Don talks-the-talk, but he doesn't walk-the-walk... and his Make America White Great Again suckers and minions blind themselves to such important shortcomings.

The fact is that even people who are arrested have rights. One of those is a right to life. Floyd was no threat to the officers yet Chauvin refused to get off his neck. The police also infrlamed the protestors by dressing up in para-military uniforms as if they were enemies of this country.

So, the violence of the rioters is not their fault, it is the fault of the COP'S UNIFORMS?


View attachment 492908

When you treat people like they are the enemy, that sends a message. In cases where there was not violence, officers interacted with the protestors. The police completely mishandled the protests and in many cases they were the attackers.


What kind of message does it send, when half the country sees the other half engage in 4 years of violent, political riots, and then when they see some of their own, go over the line and have a FOUR HOUR riot, ,

and the four years are ignored and glossed over, while the four hours are treated as the worst thing to ever happen in this country?

Hint: It rhymes with Declaration of War.

What kind of message does it send when one side engages in unconstitutional violations of the civil rights of anyone who isn’t white or Christian?

What kind of message does it send when police are allowed to indiscriminately murder civilians with no consequences?

Right wing assholes such as yourself always call protest from the left “riots” and “dangerous”. It’s like only one side has a constitutional right to seek redress with you clowns.

Last but not least, every time the left protests, hardline right wingers come out and violently counter protest. The protest last summer weren’t violent. But the counter protesters and the troublemakers and those who want to discredit Black Lives Matter, came out and burned and looted and caused violence.

It’s hardly surprising that Trump cult assholes such as yourself, are still lying about the protests.
If BLM really cared about black lives they would address black on black crime and high murder rates as well as the high single parenthood % in the black community. An investigation is warranted for sure.

there isn’t a whole lotta money or political capital in addressing Black on Black Crime and high Murder rates among Blacks. There is no way a BLM leader could accumulate $3M plus and purchasing those mansions without something you can really shake down corporations with such as the statistically rare instance of a white police officer shooting an unarmed Black.

So what you're saying is that these very well educated, smart and motivated Black Lives Matter leaders, who have created the largest racial rights movement in world history, that is literally changing the legal landscape around the world, aren't capable of making enough money to be able to afford these "luxuries" on their own merits.

There must be something dishonest about black people creating things of value for themselves, is what you're saying. How very racist of you to think this way.

No, that is not what I am saying. That is what you are saying so you can throw the racist card at me. Go back an read what I said. I said that there are larger issues to be addressed but clearly those issues don’t pay as high. That’s an analysis, not a racist statement.
It is a racist statement. BLM'S mission is to address law enforcements abuses. The issues you talk aboit are racist stereotypes bought up to avoid the issue.
Law enforcement abuses would not happen if people didn't break the law

Really??? So the police get to be judge, jury and executioner, if someone breaks the law and shop lifts a candy bar, like Michael Brown? Selling cigarettes is a capital offence, like Eric Garner.

What about the poor bugger whose car broke down and he flagged down the cops to help him and they shot him. He wasn't breaking any laws.

Or the caretaker of the autistic man who was lying on the ground with his hands in the air, begging cops not to shoot? Neither of those people broke any laws.
We entrust them to do the best they can. Want better officers? Pay more and hire better people. Your examples are what? A dozen out of millions of encounters. You really are a parasite on this world.

Bullshit. Your supposed to be a business consultant. Let's talk about the dollars and cents of it all.

You have a large, well equipped, militarized, mostly white and ex-military, police force, which, when it arrives on the scene, treats your fellow citizens as armed combatants on the field of battle. Any threatening movement and they start shooting and don't stop until the threat is "neutralized".

And yet they manage to arrest armed and dangerous white mass shooters, especially those whose victims are not white or Christian, without incident. The Parkland shooter, Dylan Roof. They helped Kyle Rittenhouse up, and clapped him on the back and sent him on his way after he shot 3 people, killing two of them. They didn't even take away his gun.

American police are the best paid municipal civil servants there are. Many officers make more than $100,000 per year, with overtime. Teachers should be so well paid. And they have "qualified immunity" so that no matter what they do, they can't be sued. They're seldom fired, arrested, or in any called to account for the violence they inflict on people either.

Municipal taxpayers have been paying out more than $300 million per year in settlement of "excessive force" claims by civilians every year. And that's just in cities with a population over 100,000 people.

Joe Arpaio wasn't voted out of office and arrested because the people of Maricopa County don't want immigration laws enforced. The County paid out over $25 million in settlements to his victims in settlements for wrongful death, denial of Constitutions rights claims, malicious prosecution, and dereliction of duty claims. Arpaio was causing their taxes to go up, and he was allowing criminals to prey on illegals with impunity.

Derrick Chauvin's murder of George Floyd was the 18th complaint of "excessive force" in Officer Chauvin's jacket. George Floyd was the second suspect Chauvin has killed in the line of duty. Just the Floyd murder cost the taxpayers $20 million. Insurance companies will not cover these amounts. They're coming out of YOUR pockets.

The rest of the first world doesn't have an ultra violent police force that kills 1500 people per year. We're not jailing more people than ANYBODY else in the world - even the authoritarian dictatorships. The only countries where more people die at the hands of the police are the Phillipines and Brazil, where the police simply shoot people on the streets and leave them there as a warning to others.

When you look at all of the numbers - the killings, the incarcerations, and unequal treatment of young blacks, and young white people at the hands of the police, it's really fucking hard not to see an authoritarian police state.

When Ronald Reagan was elected, there were 40,000 black and brown prisoners in federal prisons. In 2010, there were 400,000 per prisoner black and brown prisoners in federal prisons, even though the crime rate has been steadily dropping since 1990. Each prisoner costs taxpayers of $115,000 per year. Of course, when all of these black and brown men get out of federal prison, they've lost their right to vote, so there is that.
I disagree with your first premise...that they start shooting. There are over 10mil encounters annually..how often do they even draw their guns? 1,500 out of 10,000,000 is 0.015%
Derek Chauvin was a bad cop protected by his union. The Mayor of MN is a Democrat, why didn't he do anything about it?

If you want fewer prisoners then you want more not fewer police officers. Rudy's stop and frisk worked and crime was way down. We don't put people in prison unless they commit crimes.

In terms of lawsuits....I'd need to take a deeper dive.

Why does it concern you? You're not a US taxpayer? And you're a hypocrite. Illegal immigration costs the US a lot more than $25MM.


Stop focussing on the part that didn't end with a suspect's death, and start focusing on WHY 1500 people die at the hands of the police every single year.
Why are 1500 people dying each year at the hands of police?


Because 1,490 of them were stupid enough to resist arrest or pose a threat to officers, and 10 of them were subjected to life-ending violence by bad cops who went overboard?
"there isn’t a whole lotta money or political capital in addressing Black on Black Crime and high Murder rates among Blacks. There is no way a BLM leader could accumulate $3M plus and purchasing those mansions without something you can really shake down corporations with such as the statistically rare instance of a white police officer shooting an unarmed Black."

The person purchasing that ONE HOUSE is a author of 7 books. I think that might have something to do with her income. Perhaps you address the high white on white crime problem such as your fellow white jews getting beat down by other whites.
High rate of white-on-white crime? Care to compare either quantitatively or proportionally, per capita?

The FBI UCR report for 2019 tells the story...


Pay good attention to the white-on-white vs. the black-on-black in the Federal government's own statistics database...

Read 'em an' weep...

And THAT doesn't even take into account the percentage-of-total-population attributable to either race, which is a whole 'nother can of worms for you.

It might not be a bad idea to begin backing away from that particular approach :abgg2q.jpg:
White on white crime is higher than black on black. I make my determination based on the numbers of participants in crime as a percentage of the American population. When you do that you get a more accurate picture. When you do that, you see that appoximately 3 percent of the American population participate in crime. 2 percent of the criminal population is white and less than 1 percent is black.
Democrats want a stacked, rigged "congressional commission" to "investigate" a 4-hour riot that is already being investigated by the FBI and the DC DA. But, they don't want to investigate the far more destructive and widespread George Floyd riots, which were, in many cases, coordinated by BLM and Antifa activists, and which caused over a dozen deaths, hundreds of injuries, the occupation of parts of two major cities, assaults on hundreds of police officers, the burning down of a police station, massive looting, and billions of dollars of damage.

And, of course, we now know that the George Floyd riots were unjustified, because we now know that Derek Chauvin did not put his knee on Floyd's neck, that Chauvin did not cause Floyd's death, that Floyd had ingested over three times the lethal dosage of fentanyl shortly before his police encounter, that Floyd was having trouble breathing before Chauvin laid a finger on him, that Floyd had severe heart problems, that the officers had no way of knowing any of this, and that Floyd had numerous chances to avoid being pinned on the ground but failed to take any of them.
Democrats are so busy kissing Minority a$$ for votes that it blinds them to the fact that George Floyd was a criminal scumbag who stupidly resisted arrest.

Letting Black Lives Matter and the loosely-organized AntiFa scum off the hook without serious prosecutions is also a mistake that the next GOP administration should correct.

But when it comes to a commission to investigate the incitement and execution of the January 6, 2021 Insurrection against the lawful authority of the United States...

Such a commission SHOULD be launched and maximized and that Commission should aggressively pursue such treasonous scum and their leaders and inciters without mercy.

Those (high and low) found responsible should be criminally charged, convicted of a major and violent felony, and given the maximum sentences for imprisonment and fines.

For the worst of the rank-and-file offenders in that Insurrectionist mob, it's a damned shame that the police did not volley-fire into that crowd with automatic weapons.

That goes for their Orange Baboon-God too... Cadet Bone Spurs didn't join them as promised or lead from the front... the cowardly POS went into hiding and watched, safely.

Teflon Don talks-the-talk, but he doesn't walk-the-walk... and his Make America White Great Again suckers and minions blind themselves to such important shortcomings.

The fact is that even people who are arrested have rights. One of those is a right to life. Floyd was no threat to the officers yet Chauvin refused to get off his neck. The police also infrlamed the protestors by dressing up in para-military uniforms as if they were enemies of this country.

So, the violence of the rioters is not their fault, it is the fault of the COP'S UNIFORMS?


View attachment 492908

When you treat people like they are the enemy, that sends a message. In cases where there was not violence, officers interacted with the protestors. The police completely mishandled the protests and in many cases they were the attackers.


What kind of message does it send, when half the country sees the other half engage in 4 years of violent, political riots, and then when they see some of their own, go over the line and have a FOUR HOUR riot, ,

and the four years are ignored and glossed over, while the four hours are treated as the worst thing to ever happen in this country?

Hint: It rhymes with Declaration of War.

What kind of message does it send when one side engages in unconstitutional violations of the civil rights of anyone who isn’t white or Christian?

What kind of message does it send when police are allowed to indiscriminately murder civilians with no consequences?

Right wing assholes such as yourself always call protest from the left “riots” and “dangerous”. It’s like only one side has a constitutional right to seek redress with you clowns.

Last but not least, every time the left protests, hardline right wingers come out and violently counter protest. The protest last summer weren’t violent. But the counter protesters and the troublemakers and those who want to discredit Black Lives Matter, came out and burned and looted and caused violence.

It’s hardly surprising that Trump cult assholes such as yourself, are still lying about the protests.
If BLM really cared about black lives they would address black on black crime and high murder rates as well as the high single parenthood % in the black community. An investigation is warranted for sure.

there isn’t a whole lotta money or political capital in addressing Black on Black Crime and high Murder rates among Blacks. There is no way a BLM leader could accumulate $3M plus and purchasing those mansions without something you can really shake down corporations with such as the statistically rare instance of a white police officer shooting an unarmed Black.

So what you're saying is that these very well educated, smart and motivated Black Lives Matter leaders, who have created the largest racial rights movement in world history, that is literally changing the legal landscape around the world, aren't capable of making enough money to be able to afford these "luxuries" on their own merits.

There must be something dishonest about black people creating things of value for themselves, is what you're saying. How very racist of you to think this way.

No, that is not what I am saying. That is what you are saying so you can throw the racist card at me. Go back an read what I said. I said that there are larger issues to be addressed but clearly those issues don’t pay as high. That’s an analysis, not a racist statement.
It is a racist statement. BLM'S mission is to address law enforcements abuses. The issues you talk aboit are racist stereotypes bought up to avoid the issue.
Law enforcement abuses would not happen if people didn't break the law

Really??? So the police get to be judge, jury and executioner, if someone breaks the law and shop lifts a candy bar, like Michael Brown? Selling cigarettes is a capital offence, like Eric Garner.

What about the poor bugger whose car broke down and he flagged down the cops to help him and they shot him. He wasn't breaking any laws.

Or the caretaker of the autistic man who was lying on the ground with his hands in the air, begging cops not to shoot? Neither of those people broke any laws.
We entrust them to do the best they can. Want better officers? Pay more and hire better people. Your examples are what? A dozen out of millions of encounters. You really are a parasite on this world.

Bullshit. Your supposed to be a business consultant. Let's talk about the dollars and cents of it all.

You have a large, well equipped, militarized, mostly white and ex-military, police force, which, when it arrives on the scene, treats your fellow citizens as armed combatants on the field of battle. Any threatening movement and they start shooting and don't stop until the threat is "neutralized".

And yet they manage to arrest armed and dangerous white mass shooters, especially those whose victims are not white or Christian, without incident. The Parkland shooter, Dylan Roof. They helped Kyle Rittenhouse up, and clapped him on the back and sent him on his way after he shot 3 people, killing two of them. They didn't even take away his gun.

American police are the best paid municipal civil servants there are. Many officers make more than $100,000 per year, with overtime. Teachers should be so well paid. And they have "qualified immunity" so that no matter what they do, they can't be sued. They're seldom fired, arrested, or in any called to account for the violence they inflict on people either.

Municipal taxpayers have been paying out more than $300 million per year in settlement of "excessive force" claims by civilians every year. And that's just in cities with a population over 100,000 people.

Joe Arpaio wasn't voted out of office and arrested because the people of Maricopa County don't want immigration laws enforced. The County paid out over $25 million in settlements to his victims in settlements for wrongful death, denial of Constitutions rights claims, malicious prosecution, and dereliction of duty claims. Arpaio was causing their taxes to go up, and he was allowing criminals to prey on illegals with impunity.

Derrick Chauvin's murder of George Floyd was the 18th complaint of "excessive force" in Officer Chauvin's jacket. George Floyd was the second suspect Chauvin has killed in the line of duty. Just the Floyd murder cost the taxpayers $20 million. Insurance companies will not cover these amounts. They're coming out of YOUR pockets.

The rest of the first world doesn't have an ultra violent police force that kills 1500 people per year. We're not jailing more people than ANYBODY else in the world - even the authoritarian dictatorships. The only countries where more people die at the hands of the police are the Phillipines and Brazil, where the police simply shoot people on the streets and leave them there as a warning to others.

When you look at all of the numbers - the killings, the incarcerations, and unequal treatment of young blacks, and young white people at the hands of the police, it's really fucking hard not to see an authoritarian police state.

When Ronald Reagan was elected, there were 40,000 black and brown prisoners in federal prisons. In 2010, there were 400,000 per prisoner black and brown prisoners in federal prisons, even though the crime rate has been steadily dropping since 1990. Each prisoner costs taxpayers of $115,000 per year. Of course, when all of these black and brown men get out of federal prison, they've lost their right to vote, so there is that.
I disagree with your first premise...that they start shooting. There are over 10mil encounters annually..how often do they even draw their guns? 1,500 out of 10,000,000 is 0.015%
Derek Chauvin was a bad cop protected by his union. The Mayor of MN is a Democrat, why didn't he do anything about it?

If you want fewer prisoners then you want more not fewer police officers. Rudy's stop and frisk worked and crime was way down. We don't put people in prison unless they commit crimes.

In terms of lawsuits....I'd need to take a deeper dive.

Why does it concern you? You're not a US taxpayer? And you're a hypocrite. Illegal immigration costs the US a lot more than $25MM.


Stop focussing on the part that didn't end with a suspect's death, and start focusing on WHY 1500 people die at the hands of the police every single year.
Why are 1500 people dying each year at the hands of police?


Because 1,490 of them were stupid enough to resist arrest or pose a threat to officers, and 10 of them were subjected to life-ending violence by bad cops who went overboard?
No, that's not the reason. Nor is it the correct number. Besides resisting arrest does not give police the permission to kill. Not when they have the plsates and addresses of the people they stop and can find and arrest them later.
You won't like what you will hear. I have read the New York, LA, and Chicago Police departments reports on the George Floyd protests and it doesn't show what you have made yourselves believe. For example, in New York, the majority of arrests were on whites. In both NYC and LA, the majority of protests were peaceful with most of the damage done by groups not associated with BLM.
duh, we all know when democrats riot it is perfectly acceptable and promoted
Democrats want a stacked, rigged "congressional commission" to "investigate" a 4-hour riot that is already being investigated by the FBI and the DC DA. But, they don't want to investigate the far more destructive and widespread George Floyd riots, which were, in many cases, coordinated by BLM and Antifa activists, and which caused over a dozen deaths, hundreds of injuries, the occupation of parts of two major cities, assaults on hundreds of police officers, the burning down of a police station, massive looting, and billions of dollars of damage.

And, of course, we now know that the George Floyd riots were unjustified, because we now know that Derek Chauvin did not put his knee on Floyd's neck, that Chauvin did not cause Floyd's death, that Floyd had ingested over three times the lethal dosage of fentanyl shortly before his police encounter, that Floyd was having trouble breathing before Chauvin laid a finger on him, that Floyd had severe heart problems, that the officers had no way of knowing any of this, and that Floyd had numerous chances to avoid being pinned on the ground but failed to take any of them.
Democrats are so busy kissing Minority a$$ for votes that it blinds them to the fact that George Floyd was a criminal scumbag who stupidly resisted arrest.

Letting Black Lives Matter and the loosely-organized AntiFa scum off the hook without serious prosecutions is also a mistake that the next GOP administration should correct.

But when it comes to a commission to investigate the incitement and execution of the January 6, 2021 Insurrection against the lawful authority of the United States...

Such a commission SHOULD be launched and maximized and that Commission should aggressively pursue such treasonous scum and their leaders and inciters without mercy.

Those (high and low) found responsible should be criminally charged, convicted of a major and violent felony, and given the maximum sentences for imprisonment and fines.

For the worst of the rank-and-file offenders in that Insurrectionist mob, it's a damned shame that the police did not volley-fire into that crowd with automatic weapons.

That goes for their Orange Baboon-God too... Cadet Bone Spurs didn't join them as promised or lead from the front... the cowardly POS went into hiding and watched, safely.

Teflon Don talks-the-talk, but he doesn't walk-the-walk... and his Make America White Great Again suckers and minions blind themselves to such important shortcomings.

The fact is that even people who are arrested have rights. One of those is a right to life. Floyd was no threat to the officers yet Chauvin refused to get off his neck. The police also infrlamed the protestors by dressing up in para-military uniforms as if they were enemies of this country.

So, the violence of the rioters is not their fault, it is the fault of the COP'S UNIFORMS?


View attachment 492908

When you treat people like they are the enemy, that sends a message. In cases where there was not violence, officers interacted with the protestors. The police completely mishandled the protests and in many cases they were the attackers.


What kind of message does it send, when half the country sees the other half engage in 4 years of violent, political riots, and then when they see some of their own, go over the line and have a FOUR HOUR riot, ,

and the four years are ignored and glossed over, while the four hours are treated as the worst thing to ever happen in this country?

Hint: It rhymes with Declaration of War.

What kind of message does it send when one side engages in unconstitutional violations of the civil rights of anyone who isn’t white or Christian?

What kind of message does it send when police are allowed to indiscriminately murder civilians with no consequences?

Right wing assholes such as yourself always call protest from the left “riots” and “dangerous”. It’s like only one side has a constitutional right to seek redress with you clowns.

Last but not least, every time the left protests, hardline right wingers come out and violently counter protest. The protest last summer weren’t violent. But the counter protesters and the troublemakers and those who want to discredit Black Lives Matter, came out and burned and looted and caused violence.

It’s hardly surprising that Trump cult assholes such as yourself, are still lying about the protests.
If BLM really cared about black lives they would address black on black crime and high murder rates as well as the high single parenthood % in the black community. An investigation is warranted for sure.

there isn’t a whole lotta money or political capital in addressing Black on Black Crime and high Murder rates among Blacks. There is no way a BLM leader could accumulate $3M plus and purchasing those mansions without something you can really shake down corporations with such as the statistically rare instance of a white police officer shooting an unarmed Black.

So what you're saying is that these very well educated, smart and motivated Black Lives Matter leaders, who have created the largest racial rights movement in world history, that is literally changing the legal landscape around the world, aren't capable of making enough money to be able to afford these "luxuries" on their own merits.

There must be something dishonest about black people creating things of value for themselves, is what you're saying. How very racist of you to think this way.

No, that is not what I am saying. That is what you are saying so you can throw the racist card at me. Go back an read what I said. I said that there are larger issues to be addressed but clearly those issues don’t pay as high. That’s an analysis, not a racist statement.
It is a racist statement. BLM'S mission is to address law enforcements abuses. The issues you talk aboit are racist stereotypes bought up to avoid the issue.
Law enforcement abuses would not happen if people didn't break the law

Really??? So the police get to be judge, jury and executioner, if someone breaks the law and shop lifts a candy bar, like Michael Brown? Selling cigarettes is a capital offence, like Eric Garner.

What about the poor bugger whose car broke down and he flagged down the cops to help him and they shot him. He wasn't breaking any laws.

Or the caretaker of the autistic man who was lying on the ground with his hands in the air, begging cops not to shoot? Neither of those people broke any laws.
We entrust them to do the best they can. Want better officers? Pay more and hire better people. Your examples are what? A dozen out of millions of encounters. You really are a parasite on this world.

Bullshit. Your supposed to be a business consultant. Let's talk about the dollars and cents of it all.

You have a large, well equipped, militarized, mostly white and ex-military, police force, which, when it arrives on the scene, treats your fellow citizens as armed combatants on the field of battle. Any threatening movement and they start shooting and don't stop until the threat is "neutralized".

And yet they manage to arrest armed and dangerous white mass shooters, especially those whose victims are not white or Christian, without incident. The Parkland shooter, Dylan Roof. They helped Kyle Rittenhouse up, and clapped him on the back and sent him on his way after he shot 3 people, killing two of them. They didn't even take away his gun.

American police are the best paid municipal civil servants there are. Many officers make more than $100,000 per year, with overtime. Teachers should be so well paid. And they have "qualified immunity" so that no matter what they do, they can't be sued. They're seldom fired, arrested, or in any called to account for the violence they inflict on people either.

Municipal taxpayers have been paying out more than $300 million per year in settlement of "excessive force" claims by civilians every year. And that's just in cities with a population over 100,000 people.

Joe Arpaio wasn't voted out of office and arrested because the people of Maricopa County don't want immigration laws enforced. The County paid out over $25 million in settlements to his victims in settlements for wrongful death, denial of Constitutions rights claims, malicious prosecution, and dereliction of duty claims. Arpaio was causing their taxes to go up, and he was allowing criminals to prey on illegals with impunity.

Derrick Chauvin's murder of George Floyd was the 18th complaint of "excessive force" in Officer Chauvin's jacket. George Floyd was the second suspect Chauvin has killed in the line of duty. Just the Floyd murder cost the taxpayers $20 million. Insurance companies will not cover these amounts. They're coming out of YOUR pockets.

The rest of the first world doesn't have an ultra violent police force that kills 1500 people per year. We're not jailing more people than ANYBODY else in the world - even the authoritarian dictatorships. The only countries where more people die at the hands of the police are the Phillipines and Brazil, where the police simply shoot people on the streets and leave them there as a warning to others.

When you look at all of the numbers - the killings, the incarcerations, and unequal treatment of young blacks, and young white people at the hands of the police, it's really fucking hard not to see an authoritarian police state.

When Ronald Reagan was elected, there were 40,000 black and brown prisoners in federal prisons. In 2010, there were 400,000 per prisoner black and brown prisoners in federal prisons, even though the crime rate has been steadily dropping since 1990. Each prisoner costs taxpayers of $115,000 per year. Of course, when all of these black and brown men get out of federal prison, they've lost their right to vote, so there is that.
I disagree with your first premise...that they start shooting. There are over 10mil encounters annually..how often do they even draw their guns? 1,500 out of 10,000,000 is 0.015%
Derek Chauvin was a bad cop protected by his union. The Mayor of MN is a Democrat, why didn't he do anything about it?

If you want fewer prisoners then you want more not fewer police officers. Rudy's stop and frisk worked and crime was way down. We don't put people in prison unless they commit crimes.

In terms of lawsuits....I'd need to take a deeper dive.

Why does it concern you? You're not a US taxpayer? And you're a hypocrite. Illegal immigration costs the US a lot more than $25MM.


Stop focussing on the part that didn't end with a suspect's death, and start focusing on WHY 1500 people die at the hands of the police every single year.
Why are 1500 people dying each year at the hands of police?


Because 1,490 of them were stupid enough to resist arrest or pose a threat to officers, and 10 of them were subjected to life-ending violence by bad cops who went overboard?
No, that's not the reason. Nor is it the correct number. Besides resisting arrest does not give police the permission to kill. Not when they have the plsates and addresses of the people they stop and can find and arrest them later.
besides b lack people have the right to be criminals...everyone knows that
"there isn’t a whole lotta money or political capital in addressing Black on Black Crime and high Murder rates among Blacks. There is no way a BLM leader could accumulate $3M plus and purchasing those mansions without something you can really shake down corporations with such as the statistically rare instance of a white police officer shooting an unarmed Black."

The person purchasing that ONE HOUSE is a author of 7 books. I think that might have something to do with her income. Perhaps you address the high white on white crime problem such as your fellow white jews getting beat down by other whites.
High rate of white-on-white crime? Care to compare either quantitatively or proportionally, per capita?

The FBI UCR report for 2019 tells the story...


Pay good attention to the white-on-white vs. the black-on-black in the Federal government's own statistics database...

Read 'em an' weep...

And THAT doesn't even take into account the percentage-of-total-population attributable to either race, which is a whole 'nother can of worms for you.

It might not be a bad idea to begin backing away from that particular approach :abgg2q.jpg:
White on white crime is higher than black on black. I make my determination based on the numbers of participants in crime as a percentage of the American population. When you do that you get a more accurate picture. When you do that, you see that appoximately 3 percent of the American population participate in crime. 2 percent of the criminal population is white and less than 1 percent is black.
And the percentage of white criminals compared to the overall total white population?

Vs. the percentage of black criminals compared to the overall total black population?

Suddenly that doesn't look too favorable, does it? :cool:
Mormons live in their own reality.

Democrats want a stacked, rigged "congressional commission" to "investigate" a 4-hour riot that is already being investigated by the FBI and the DC DA. But, they don't want to investigate the far more destructive and widespread George Floyd riots, which were, in many cases, coordinated by BLM and Antifa activists, and which caused over a dozen deaths, hundreds of injuries, the occupation of parts of two major cities, assaults on hundreds of police officers, the burning down of a police station, massive looting, and billions of dollars of damage.

Mormon MIke, we know what caused the BLM riots.. They were caused because people got fed up with a racist society that let's cops murder black people.

And, of course, we now know that the George Floyd riots were unjustified, because we now know that Derek Chauvin did not put his knee on Floyd's neck, that Chauvin did not cause Floyd's death, that Floyd had ingested over three times the lethal dosage of fentanyl shortly before his police encounter, that Floyd was having trouble breathing before Chauvin laid a finger on him, that Floyd had severe heart problems, that the officers had no way of knowing any of this, and that Floyd had numerous chances to avoid being pinned on the ground but failed to take any of them.

Uh, last time I checked, Chauvin was convicted of murder... so, um, no. you lose again.
Democrats want a stacked, rigged "congressional commission" to "investigate" a 4-hour riot that is already being investigated by the FBI and the DC DA. But, they don't want to investigate the far more destructive and widespread George Floyd riots, which were, in many cases, coordinated by BLM and Antifa activists, and which caused over a dozen deaths, hundreds of injuries, the occupation of parts of two major cities, assaults on hundreds of police officers, the burning down of a police station, massive looting, and billions of dollars of damage.

And, of course, we now know that the George Floyd riots were unjustified, because we now know that Derek Chauvin did not put his knee on Floyd's neck, that Chauvin did not cause Floyd's death, that Floyd had ingested over three times the lethal dosage of fentanyl shortly before his police encounter, that Floyd was having trouble breathing before Chauvin laid a finger on him, that Floyd had severe heart problems, that the officers had no way of knowing any of this, and that Floyd had numerous chances to avoid being pinned on the ground but failed to take any of them.

Very good post. And very good point. The democrats took up for Floyd, a drug infested career criminal. So investigating the organizations that caused so much destruction, death an abuses for him, would only expose what a low life Floyd was. And expose how they don't care about decent people.
The democrats used to stand up for decent, hard working individuals who kept their noses clean. Now they pick out the lazy violent thugs, and build statues in their honor.
The old fashion democrats have been pushed aside by the new progressives. They've been told to sit down and shut up. And to keep from losing votes, they do as they're told.
I'm hoping that soon, independents will rise up and tell these new progressive to sit down and shut up. That they're not going to take up for trans-MEN (femboys) beating the crap out of real women. That they're not going to stand up for thugs. That is OK to show your ID when you vote. That illegals and green card holders do take American jobs. And that this whole racism BS is just a trying to make a mole hill into a mountain.

A old man I know, who has been a democrat his whole life, is just so disappointed in his party. He says Bill Clinton was the last real democrat. Although he wasn't disappointed in Obama. But says Obama caved to the republicans too much. But now, he just don't understand the democrat party. He told me a few weeks ago, "This (2020) is the first time in my adult life that I didn't vote. " I agreed with him. I didn't vote either. And me and him are complete opposites when it comes to politics.
Mormon MIke, we know what caused the BLM riots.. They were caused because people got fed up with a racist society that let's cops murder black people.

BS. The riots were caused by thugs who just enjoy doing harm. The protest (different from riots) were from all the bad cops. There are too many bad cops. Chauvin, imo was a bad cop. For the simple fact that he didn't even try to revive floyd when he stopped breathing.
It could've been because Floyd had told him he was Covid.
It could've been because the ambulance was already on the way.
But regardless, Chauvin didn't even try.
Uh, last time I checked, Chauvin was convicted of murder... so, um, no. you lose again.

Chauvin was found guilty so that cities around the country wouldn't be set on fire. So that people (mostly whites and Asians) wouldn't be getting injured and killed. So businesses wouldn't be looted. So that riots would not take up unmanned cities and the national guard wouldn't have to be called out.
The day before the verdict was announced, a nation guard vehicle was shot. As a warning of what was going to happen if there was not a guilty verdict.

Stop focussing on the part that didn't end with a suspect's death, and start focusing on WHY 1500 people die at the hands of the police every single year.

How many of those people were armed and actually threatening the life of the LEO's or others around them?
Once you break down the facts of the numbers, you'll see that only a miniscule amount of suspects were actually shot/killed unjustifiably. Then throw in the fact that cops kill more whites than blacks, it will totally decimate the false narrative about cops being racist.

The break down of the numbers are done for a reason. To show a pattern. To show where the real dangers are. And to show many other things. But if you just focus on how many cops kill citizens, you're missing out on a lot of important information. AND discounting the sole reason why we need a justice system and law enforcement.

If police get defunded, if extreme regulations are put on cops that tie their hands even more than they're tied now, less and less cops will sign up for the job. More and more will take early retirement. Some even just quit to find other jobs. Leaving only a fraction of the ones we have now. Then who's going to help protect the innocent? Who's going to investigate the crimes? Who's going to bring the criminals to justice?
Who's going to track down the druggy thug who broke into the elderly woman's home, raped her and stole her money? Who's going to tract down the guy who killed his girlfriend and her son?

I don't think you understand what lawlessness looks like. I don't think you know what it would be like to have to wait 2 hours for an officer to show up when you're beaten half to death by someone who needs their meth fix for the day.
Wont ever happen because floyd riots were all yelling black lives matter.

I believe if all the people at the capital that day were just chanting black lice matter over and over again they could have done anything they wanted and not a one would have been arrested.

It doesnt matter what you do, its what you say while you do it that counts.
duh, we all know when democrats riot it is perfectly acceptable and promoted

I wonder what would happen if someone painted a street with "WHITE LIVES MATTER."

No I don't. I know what would happen. They'd get beaten. Then taken to jail. The people that beat them would be honored as hero's. Especially if they were black.
Democrats want a stacked, rigged "congressional commission" to "investigate" a 4-hour riot that is already being investigated by the FBI and the DC DA. But, they don't want to investigate the far more destructive and widespread George Floyd riots, which were, in many cases, coordinated by BLM and Antifa activists, and which caused over a dozen deaths, hundreds of injuries, the occupation of parts of two major cities, assaults on hundreds of police officers, the burning down of a police station, massive looting, and billions of dollars of damage.

And, of course, we now know that the George Floyd riots were unjustified, because we now know that Derek Chauvin did not put his knee on Floyd's neck, that Chauvin did not cause Floyd's death, that Floyd had ingested over three times the lethal dosage of fentanyl shortly before his police encounter, that Floyd was having trouble breathing before Chauvin laid a finger on him, that Floyd had severe heart problems, that the officers had no way of knowing any of this, and that Floyd had numerous chances to avoid being pinned on the ground but failed to take any of them.
At such an inquiry, I would ask the panel:
Why did no politicians get outraged and nobody rioted and looted when the roudy guy on the airplane was subdued in an abnormal manner with tape obstructing his mouth thus ability to breath?
"I can't breath I can't breath"
The answer would probably be because he was causing a disturbance and violating rules.....
Oh really, so being a jerk makes his rights any less valued then another jerk running his mouth and resisting orders, because the race dynamic was reversed? But it had nothing to do with race on the plane, because it could not be weaponized by the left for political purposes...
"Therefore I ask the panel, that this proves, that we need to investigate the Democrats and MSM involvement and liability in the George Floyd riots, looting, damage to properties and losses of life. Place blame on those who fueled and instigated the destructive illegal acts and hold them criminally liable as well as civil for damages. Starting with Politicians and ending with media hosts, and group activists and organizations."
-Bam, they've been lawyered!
Last edited:
BS. The riots were caused by thugs who just enjoy doing harm. The protest (different from riots) were from all the bad cops. There are too many bad cops. Chauvin, imo was a bad cop. For the simple fact that he didn't even try to revive floyd when he stopped breathing.
It could've been because Floyd had told him he was Covid.
It could've been because the ambulance was already on the way.
But regardless, Chauvin didn't even try.

The problem with what Chauvin did to Floyd goes far beyond not trying CPR. It was the whole "Kneeling on his neck for nine minutes why a crowd cried out in terror" that was the problem.

Chauvin was found guilty so that cities around the country wouldn't be set on fire. So that people (mostly whites and Asians) wouldn't be getting injured and killed. So businesses wouldn't be looted. So that riots would not take up unmanned cities and the national guard wouldn't have to be called out.
The day before the verdict was announced, a nation guard vehicle was shot. As a warning of what was going to happen if there was not a guilty verdict.

We live in a country with 300 million guns... Something is going to get shot, regardless... and we've decided to live with it.

That said. The jury found him guilty because he was caught on tape, from multiple angles, doing exactly what he was accused of.

Stop focussing on the part that didn't end with a suspect's death, and start focusing on WHY 1500 people die at the hands of the police every single year.

Comply or die. I say this as I despise them.
The problem with what Chauvin did to Floyd goes far beyond not trying CPR. It was the whole "Kneeling on his neck for nine minutes why a crowd cried out in terror" that was the problem.

We live in a country with 300 million guns... Something is going to get shot, regardless... and we've decided to live with it.

That said. The jury found him guilty because he was caught on tape, from multiple angles, doing exactly what he was accused of.
So then you were outraged when you saw the airplane guy taped to his chair including his chest cavity and mouth while people kicked his seat in racist gesturing?-oops
So then you were outraged when you saw the airplane guy taped to his chair including his chest cavity and mouth while people kicked his seat in racist gesturing?-oops

Um, sorry missed that one.

YOu mean the guy who got drunk, started groping the flight attendants, and got into a physical fight with another, and endangered everyone on that plane? that guy?


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