How about a Wetback tax that only Democrats pay?

Not only that but these stupid Moon Bats that oppose the wall should be required to take in 3-4 Illegal families into their homes and take care of them.
Can we petition for a Bill for such a thing?
It only makes sense right?

Your obsession with Mexicans is reminiscent of when politicians rail against homosexuals only to find out that they're banging dudes on the side.

So what's your deal? You a closeted Mexican?

Can we petition for a Bill for such a thing?
It only makes sense right?

Your obsession with Mexicans is reminiscent of when politicians rail against homosexuals only to find out that they're banging dudes on the side.

So what's your deal? You a closeted Mexican?
Or closeted employer of illegals.....just like tiny donnie.

Can we petition for a Bill for such a thing?
It only makes sense right?

Your obsession with Mexicans is reminiscent of when politicians rail against homosexuals only to find out that they're banging dudes on the side.

So what's your deal? You a closeted Mexican?
Or closeted employer of illegals.....just like tiny donnie.

Or a Mexican stole his girlfriend.

No other topic interests me much...l made the decision to exhaust all effort exposing the filthy cockroaches, I try to stay focused on that.
No Mexican could steal my wife, she’s not really into 5’ tall, broke, silver tooth subhumans that smell like a cross between Modello and ass.

My personal experience with the illegal subhumans:
Ruined rental properties with no recourse
Property values gone to shit where section 8 / .gov moved in and took over
Liquidated many properties in beanerized areas as they turned super shithole
Three no fault auto accidents with no recourse
Community wide beach cleanups where all we pick up are Bud Light, Modello cans and Tapatio bottles.
Sent my children to private schools at $2,500 per month to keep them from filthy wetback kids

You're "special" aren't you?
'How about a Wetback tax that only Democrats pay?'

I LOVE the 'You want 'em, you pay for 'em' angle, but it completely ignores the fact that Socialists never pay for things they want with their own money.
You're right, just like with Single Payer Healthcare, they want it overwhelmingly, but when asked the question with the details
on paying for it, the poll numbers reverse....imagine that
Just because they have the 'great idea' called 'Single Payer' doesn't mean they actually have the expected $20 - $35 TRILLION over 10 years to pay for it. You can't expect them to come up with brilliant ideas and figure out how to pay for it, too. :p
Can we petition for a Bill for such a thing?
It only makes sense right?

What is wrong with you people?
I think what should be asked is what is making people want to resort to such a thing. Obviously we're losing this country because of crooked politicians. The only thing we seem to be able to do is get violent, and no peace loving American wants that.

It's clear that the Democrat Party, and some members of the GOP are trying to destroy the Middle-Class and create a massive perpetual poor class to use as a slaves or worker bees to take care of the elitist class.
What would be better is a 10 million dollar fine to any company found to have illegals employed...or contracted..
And re-vet all refugees....another way to pay minimum wage for jobs that used to pay decent. ..not really comfortable with entire food processing plants being staffed by Somalis when tiny amounts of Fentanyl can kill …….food chain would be perfect for an excellent jihadi adventure
Democrats only want chaos. They want to give us all the impression that nothing can get done under a Trump they're busy sabotaging everything. The only real solution is erase them from the process. One way or another, nothing gets done as long as a DEMOCRAT is involved.
How about a bigot tax, of course that would cost both Democrats and Republican.

I also don't like the term wetback, very racist and prejudicial. I know lots of Hispanics and most, like any group of people are wonderful, hard working, kind and family oriented.
How about Leftist DemNazi Women offer themselves up for Rape parties so the illegals leave the rest of our women alone?

Man accused of raping three children in a week was released on bail twice by same judge

New Mexico man accused of raping three children in a week and sexually assaulting his own 13-year-old daughter was released on bail twice by the same judge before being arrested a third time on Monday after a statewide manhunt.

Raymond Hernandez, 29, was first taken into custody on January 15 after allegedly raping a teenage girl and beating her friend. Judge Ernest Ortega released him on a $10,000 bond.

Two days later, Hernandez, who was wearing an ankle monitor, was arrested again for allegedly molesting a 19-month toddler who lived in the same house as the teen he was accused of raping.

Cops brought Hernandez back to court but the same judge released him on $20,000 bail. A few days after posting it, Hernandez allegedly went on to rape a five-year-old girl living next door to his family and then fled. He was finally arrested Sunday night in Colorado.

Can we petition for a Bill for such a thing?
It only makes sense right?

Your obsession with Mexicans is reminiscent of when politicians rail against homosexuals only to find out that they're banging dudes on the side.

So what's your deal? You a closeted Mexican?

Can we petition for a Bill for such a thing?
It only makes sense right?

Your obsession with Mexicans is reminiscent of when politicians rail against homosexuals only to find out that they're banging dudes on the side.

So what's your deal? You a closeted Mexican?
Or closeted employer of illegals.....just like tiny donnie.

Can we petition for a Bill for such a thing?
It only makes sense right?

Your obsession with Mexicans is reminiscent of when politicians rail against homosexuals only to find out that they're banging dudes on the side.

So what's your deal? You a closeted Mexican?
Or closeted employer of illegals.....just like tiny donnie.

Or a Mexican stole his girlfriend.

No other topic interests me much...l made the decision to exhaust all effort exposing the filthy cockroaches, I try to stay focused on that.
No Mexican could steal my wife, she’s not really into 5’ tall, broke, silver tooth subhumans that smell like a cross between Modello and ass.

My personal experience with the illegal subhumans:
Ruined rental properties with no recourse
Property values gone to shit where section 8 / .gov moved in and took over
Liquidated many properties in beanerized areas as they turned super shithole
Three no fault auto accidents with no recourse
Community wide beach cleanups where all we pick up are Bud Light, Modello cans and Tapatio bottles.
Sent my children to private schools at $2,500 per month to keep them from filthy wetback kids
...but Trump supporters are not racist......yea ok...
'How about a Wetback tax that only Democrats pay?'

I LOVE the 'You want 'em, you pay for 'em' angle, but it completely ignores the fact that Socialists never pay for things they want with their own money.
You're right, just like with Single Payer Healthcare, they want it overwhelmingly, but when asked the question with the details
on paying for it, the poll numbers reverse....imagine that
No, they don't reverse....
How about a Wetback tax that only Democrats pay?

Dem response...:aargh: you're racist :aargh: the rich should pay more :aargh:
I believe it.

I believe you are such a fucking moron that you don;t know the term "wetback" is a slur.

Probably from years of inbreeding, lack of education, and poor genetics

Link to a post where I used that "slur" you stupid moron. lol
Can we petition for a Bill for such a thing?
It only makes sense right?
How about slur tax you bigoted piece of shit.

The cost of Crime from brown, bean, black, ghetto or other is off the charts above population percentage in America. That is only one costly issue.

CHI has proven if you keep them somewhat contained, they will kill each other. In LA the bean roams more spreading havoc sheilded by Dem law.

Yes there is white crime problem also. Much less so per capita. No need to import more.
'How about a Wetback tax that only Democrats pay?'

I LOVE the 'You want 'em, you pay for 'em' angle, but it completely ignores the fact that Socialists never pay for things they want with their own money.
You're right, just like with Single Payer Healthcare, they want it overwhelmingly, but when asked the question with the details
on paying for it, the poll numbers reverse....imagine that
Just because they have the 'great idea' called 'Single Payer' doesn't mean they actually have the expected $20 - $35 TRILLION over 10 years to pay for it. You can't expect them to come up with brilliant ideas and figure out how to pay for it, too. :p

If it is "Medicare for all" do all have to pay into Medicare? $1T goes in now? ..add in other health costs ACA! Medicaid? much more does FED need to dump in to get to $3.4T? Then the real rationing could begin. Win win! The point is consolidate it all into one giant healhcare bucket. Is that the goal? Seems they wont stay out of it, might as well make it one plan, one bureaucracy?
Last edited:
If it is "Medicare for all" do all have to pay into Medicare? $1T goes in now? ..add in other health costs ACA! Medicaid? much more does FED need to dump in to get to $3.4T? Then the real rationing could begin. Win win! The point is consolidate it all into one giant healhcare bucket. Is that the goal? Seems they wont stay out of it, might as well make it one plan, one bureaucracy?

We heard Obama say Obamacare...
- Would not cost a dime & would pay for cost us an ass-load.

NOW we are being told that this Single payer, which Reid said Obamacare was designed to fail to force the 'herd' / US to go to, will cost $20 - $35 TRILLION over 10 years.

1) There is a HUGE freaking difference between $20 TRILLION and $35 TRILLION in only 10 years...

2) If something they told us would cost nothing ended up costing so much money, I am thinking what they are telling us will cost between $20 and $35 TRILLION is going to cost a helluva lot more.

Hello, 'Venezuela' - here we come!

How about Socialists begin by paying off a large chunk, if not the whole thing, of the Trillions we already owe before wanting to commit the US to sucking up $20 - $35 TRILLION MORE in new debt on top of what we already owe...especially when what they are proposing is guaranteed to end in disaster.

Yes, Guaranteed - as in their historic track record, which is why Democrats demand to be judged based on their INTENT, never on the actual outcome!
Can we petition for a Bill for such a thing?
It only makes sense right?

Your obsession with Mexicans is reminiscent of when politicians rail against homosexuals only to find out that they're banging dudes on the side.

So what's your deal? You a closeted Mexican?

Can we petition for a Bill for such a thing?
It only makes sense right?

Your obsession with Mexicans is reminiscent of when politicians rail against homosexuals only to find out that they're banging dudes on the side.

So what's your deal? You a closeted Mexican?
Or closeted employer of illegals.....just like tiny donnie.

Can we petition for a Bill for such a thing?
It only makes sense right?

Your obsession with Mexicans is reminiscent of when politicians rail against homosexuals only to find out that they're banging dudes on the side.

So what's your deal? You a closeted Mexican?
Or closeted employer of illegals.....just like tiny donnie.

Or a Mexican stole his girlfriend.

No other topic interests me much...l made the decision to exhaust all effort exposing the filthy cockroaches, I try to stay focused on that.
No Mexican could steal my wife, she’s not really into 5’ tall, broke, silver tooth subhumans that smell like a cross between Modello and ass.

My personal experience with the illegal subhumans:
Ruined rental properties with no recourse
Property values gone to shit where section 8 / .gov moved in and took over
Liquidated many properties in beanerized areas as they turned super shithole
Three no fault auto accidents with no recourse
Community wide beach cleanups where all we pick up are Bud Light, Modello cans and Tapatio bottles.
Sent my children to private schools at $2,500 per month to keep them from filthy wetback kids
...but Trump supporters are not racist......yea ok...

I don’t speak for “Trump supporters” hate those who “paint with a broad brush” right?
'How about a Wetback tax that only Democrats pay?'

I LOVE the 'You want 'em, you pay for 'em' angle, but it completely ignores the fact that Socialists never pay for things they want with their own money.
You're right, just like with Single Payer Healthcare, they want it overwhelmingly, but when asked the question with the details
on paying for it, the poll numbers reverse....imagine that
No, they don't reverse....

Ummm, yeah, yeah it does reverse
—People were about evenly divided in an AP-NORC Center survey in January, 39 percent against having everyone get their health insurance from one government plan and 38 percent in favor. Support dropped substantially when the prospect of a large increase in federal spending was introduced.

—Respondents favored a Medicare-for-all plan 51-38 in a Quinnipiac poll in August that did not raise the question of potential costs.

—In his Times article, Sanders cited an Economist/YouGov poll in April that found a clear preference for expanding Medicare to provide health insurance to all — 60-23. The survey did not address the cost or tax implications of taking that course. That survey was conducted using an opt-in online panel recruited with internet advertising, a methodology criticized by some because of concerns that it does not reach a random sample of Americans.

—The Pew Research Center in June found 60 percent who believe the federal government is responsible for ensuring health care coverage for all Americans, with 39 percent disagreeing. That supports Sanders’ contention that people want health care as a right. But ensuring coverage is not the same as paying for it. Support for a single-payer system registered at only 33 percent in that poll. Many of those who felt the government has a responsibility for making sure people have coverage instead supported a mix of public and private programs.
Fact check: Americans aren't clamoring for single-payer health insurance - STAT

Once everyone starts thinking about how it's going to be paid for, reality creeps in and clearer minds prevail.
If it is "Medicare for all" do all have to pay into Medicare? $1T goes in now? ..add in other health costs ACA! Medicaid? much more does FED need to dump in to get to $3.4T? Then the real rationing could begin. Win win! The point is consolidate it all into one giant healhcare bucket. Is that the goal? Seems they wont stay out of it, might as well make it one plan, one bureaucracy?

We heard Obama say Obamacare...
- Would not cost a dime & would pay for cost us an ass-load.

NOW we are being told that this Single payer, which Reid said Obamacare was designed to fail to force the 'herd' / US to go to, will cost $20 - $35 TRILLION over 10 years.

1) There is a HUGE freaking difference between $20 TRILLION and $35 TRILLION in only 10 years...

2) If something they told us would cost nothing ended up costing so much money, I am thinking what they are telling us will cost between $20 and $35 TRILLION is going to cost a helluva lot more.

Hello, 'Venezuela' - here we come!

How about Socialists begin by paying off a large chunk, if not the whole thing, of the Trillions we already owe before wanting to commit the US to sucking up $20 - $35 TRILLION MORE in new debt on top of what we already owe...especially when what they are proposing is guaranteed to end in disaster.

Yes, Guaranteed - as in their historic track record, which is why Democrats demand to be judged based on their INTENT, never on the actual outcome!

If exclude Illegals, $10K*340m = $3.4T

If all other plans eliminated and funds rolled over? I'm asking, are the Dems saying that?

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