How About We Elect Our Presidents By Popular Vote?

The entire country elects them. Only three presidents have won without also winning the popular vote. It is possible 95% of the time. You just need to have ideas that appeal more broadly. That is the objective reality.
Looting is very popular, moron.
The most densely populated cities would sway the vote entirely if it were not for the Electoral College, and these densely populated cities have the least understanding of things like freedom, rights, labor, values, proper government, etc.

What we need to get rid of is political parties, not the Electoral College.
We should have no primary, but just one election, where each voter ranks all candidates.
Not talking about eliminating the Electoral College here necessarily. Just bypassing it for the Presidential races. This is an initiative that's proven popular and non-partisan. Why do we still tolerate them only having to campaign in a few "swing" states?

Listen to a great discussion by clicking the play button at the bottom here:

The only thing the electoral college does is confirm the election of the president so if you’re going to “bypass” it for the Presidential election you’ve eliminated the whole point of its existence. Why not eliminate it?
and that is the biggest reason to have the EC,, cant have a single party rule
Only if the Republican Party continues their rightward push on policy and attacks on democracy. You can’t have it both ways. Appeal to an ever shrinking minority base and still expect to win through ever more draconian methods to circumvent democracy.
Only if the Republican Party continues their rightward push on policy and attacks on democracy. You can’t have it both ways. Appeal to an ever shrinking minority base and still expect to win through ever more draconian methods to circumvent democracy.
We really need to trash both and start fresh with at least four, better none. Outlaw political parties altogether and just have everyone compete on their own merits with the same (low) public funding, none private.
We really need to trash both and start fresh with at least four, better none. Outlaw political parties altogether and just have everyone compete on their own merits with the same (low) public funding, none private.

And you think that would work and be less chaotic?
And you think that would work and be less chaotic?
Very much so. It would be much simpler to facilitate without all the major party beaurocratic BS now required. No more primaries.. Just a list of candidates. Everyone pick your favorites. Done.

No more minority / majority crap in the legislature. Just individuals arguing the actual issues.
Not talking about eliminating the Electoral College here necessarily. Just bypassing it for the Presidential races. This is an initiative that's proven popular and non-partisan. Why do we still tolerate them only having to campaign in a few "swing" states?

Listen to a great discussion by clicking the play button at the bottom here:

lol the fuck?

"not eliminating electoral college just bypassing it"

That's sort of it's main function?
Very much so. It would be much simpler to facilitate without all the major party beaurocratic BS now required. No more primaries.. Just a list of candidates. Everyone pick your favorites. Done.

No more minority / majority crap in the legislature. Just individuals arguing the actual issues.

Unless you trashed a huge % of the system it would just end up in two parties again.

Still need majorities in legislative bodies

Other alternative is to go parliamentary, but still need parties for that too

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