How are average Joe Democrats dealing with the fact that their party has been hijacked by radicals?

Kennedy Opposed Russia and Communists, and was willing to go to war with Russia to stop the spread of Communism.

Today’s Democrats spread their legs for Russia, sell Russia our Uranium, take huge sums of money for making speeches in their country, accept millions in bribes at their so called “Foundations”, Use Russian Propaganda to Harass Our President, Pay Putin for Russian Propaganda to use in our Elections and carry The Hammer and Sickle as their banner when they promote their agendas.

If there were enough rational democrooks left Pilousy wouldn't be able to represent San Fransicko, as fucked up as that place is. In Kennedy's day the DNC radically opposed hard core leftists because they knew how dangerous they were, but they were trying to appeal to people who wanted a strong central government to be involved in social issues to end racial strife instead of inciting it, and spending programs with the idea of ending poverty rather that perpetuate it.

The DNC is completely corrupted by sociopaths who prefer to maintain power through prolonging problems. Now you have loons like AOC who believe the reason why poverty still exists is because we didn't commie enough.


Today’s Democrats spread their legs for Russia"

I agree....

I can't believe you admit you Tards spread your legs for the Russians....
Democrats won’t be able to get away with hating white people for much longer.

We don't hate white people, but we keep them honest
Hatred and fear mongering against gays, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, immigrants are not tolerated

Hate is a strong word. Liberals don’t hate whites, they just see whites as privileged, and would like to knock them down a peg or two.

If that is true about knocking whites down a peg or two, then maybe liberals and minorities would be better served by looking for ways to elevate themselves instead of tearing down somebody else. And redistribution of wealth is not going to get it done, seems to me that if some demographic groups can achieve more success than others then maybe the less successful groups oughta be looking at how they're doing it and adopt some changes in their thinking. Victimization just ain't cutting it, never did; do you want sympathy or respect?
Nobody is looking to redistribute wealth but question why our society continues to bend over backwards to assist the wealthy when they obviously don’t need it

Recommending programs that help the poor and working class is not a redistribution of wealth

You're a commie...….
Read the Constitution
Kennedy Opposed Russia and Communists, and was willing to go to war with Russia to stop the spread of Communism.

Today’s Democrats spread their legs for Russia, sell Russia our Uranium, take huge sums of money for making speeches in their country, accept millions in bribes at their so called “Foundations”, Use Russian Propaganda to Harass Our President, Pay Putin for Russian Propaganda to use in our Elections and carry The Hammer and Sickle as their banner when they promote their agendas.

If there were enough rational democrooks left Pilousy wouldn't be able to represent San Fransicko, as fucked up as that place is. In Kennedy's day the DNC radically opposed hard core leftists because they knew how dangerous they were, but they were trying to appeal to people who wanted a strong central government to be involved in social issues to end racial strife instead of inciting it, and spending programs with the idea of ending poverty rather that perpetuate it.

The DNC is completely corrupted by sociopaths who prefer to maintain power through prolonging problems. Now you have loons like AOC who believe the reason why poverty still exists is because we didn't commie enough.


Today’s Democrats spread their legs for Russia"

I agree....

I can't believe you admit you Tards spread your legs for the Russians....

You elected Trump

The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?
Republicans believe their onerous policies are, get this, "mainstream".

The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?
You think we've gone the way of your GOP? I disagree. We will not elect a Trump or purge the party of everybody who's not exactly AOC.

AOC is the left's Trump, whether they'll admit it or not. That's why I think she'll be the president someday.

She is not... She is more of a younger Bernie... She is definitely smart and showed that by opening a new investigation into Trump Insurance Fraud in the cohen questioning...

The problem the GOP is they got nothing really like her... Is she centre of the party ? No. But she represents a part of the party that sees ideas in the other 1st world countries which makes her ideas at least more credible than the GOP this is stuff I dream up... Fuck it the GOP still believe in trickle down economics...

Yup...just brilliant.
View attachment 249128
Did she really say that? Cuz this one is true:

The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?
The Democratic Party has a wide range of beliefs. We will pick the one who best represents us

We have been winning on gay issues for twenty years. To the point where even Conservatives are accepting gays

Global Warming is happening. It can't be ignored. Only so long Conservative fear mongering and misinformation can succeed

Same goes for Conservative fear mongering about Mexicans
Most Americans deal with them on a daily basis and are not afraid of Mexicans
Democrats won’t be able to get away with hating white people for much longer.

We don't hate white people, but we keep them honest
Hatred and fear mongering against gays, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, immigrants are not tolerated

Damn you are ignorant.....

You tards are the most Racist people on the planet...…...

You won’t even condemn anti-Semitism ….
Democrats won’t be able to get away with hating white people for much longer.

We don't hate white people, but we keep them honest
Hatred and fear mongering against gays, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, immigrants are not tolerated

Hate is a strong word. Liberals don’t hate whites, they just see whites as privileged, and would like to knock them down a peg or two.

If that is true about knocking whites down a peg or two, then maybe liberals and minorities would be better served by looking for ways to elevate themselves instead of tearing down somebody else. And redistribution of wealth is not going to get it done, seems to me that if some demographic groups can achieve more success than others then maybe the less successful groups oughta be looking at how they're doing it and adopt some changes in their thinking. Victimization just ain't cutting it, never did; do you want sympathy or respect?
Nobody is looking to redistribute wealth but question why our society continues to bend over backwards to assist the wealthy when they obviously don’t need it

Recommending programs that help the poor and working class is not a redistribution of wealth

You're a commie...….
Naw, rightwinger is just an old tard but he is no commie
The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?
Republicans believe their onerous policies are, get this, "mainstream".

They are CLEARLY mainstream enough for Trump to beat Hildabeast and retain the Senate in the midterms. Now go demand mommy give you your "fair share" of milk and cookies while you cry in your safespace
The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?
You think we've gone the way of your GOP? I disagree. We will not elect a Trump or purge the party of everybody who's not exactly AOC.

AOC is the left's Trump, whether they'll admit it or not. That's why I think she'll be the president someday.

She is not... She is more of a younger Bernie... She is definitely smart and showed that by opening a new investigation into Trump Insurance Fraud in the cohen questioning...

The problem the GOP is they got nothing really like her... Is she centre of the party ? No. But she represents a part of the party that sees ideas in the other 1st world countries which makes her ideas at least more credible than the GOP this is stuff I dream up... Fuck it the GOP still believe in trickle down economics...

Yup...just brilliant.
View attachment 249128
Did she really say that? Cuz this one is true:


You're hopeless dude. There is no other option but to use detention spaces for illegals that we catch. They were used in the Obama era too. Have you seen one? It's probably not as bad as you're assuming.
Last edited:
The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?
The Democratic Party has a wide range of beliefs. We will pick the one who best represents us

We have been winning on gay issues for twenty years. To the point where even Conservatives are accepting gays

Global Warming is happening. It can't be ignored. Only so long Conservative fear mongering and misinformation can succeed

Same goes for Conservative fear mongering about Mexicans
Most Americans deal with them on a daily basis and are not afraid of Mexicans
Democrats won’t be able to get away with hating white people for much longer.

We don't hate white people, but we keep them honest
Hatred and fear mongering against gays, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, immigrants are not tolerated

Damn you are ignorant.....

You tards are the most Racist people on the planet...…...

You won’t even condemn anti-Semitism ….
Ignorant I can agree with lol
Kennedy Opposed Russia and Communists, and was willing to go to war with Russia to stop the spread of Communism.

Today’s Democrats spread their legs for Russia, sell Russia our Uranium, take huge sums of money for making speeches in their country, accept millions in bribes at their so called “Foundations”, Use Russian Propaganda to Harass Our President, Pay Putin for Russian Propaganda to use in our Elections and carry The Hammer and Sickle as their banner when they promote their agendas.

If there were enough rational democrooks left Pilousy wouldn't be able to represent San Fransicko, as fucked up as that place is. In Kennedy's day the DNC radically opposed hard core leftists because they knew how dangerous they were, but they were trying to appeal to people who wanted a strong central government to be involved in social issues to end racial strife instead of inciting it, and spending programs with the idea of ending poverty rather that perpetuate it.

The DNC is completely corrupted by sociopaths who prefer to maintain power through prolonging problems. Now you have loons like AOC who believe the reason why poverty still exists is because we didn't commie enough.


Today’s Democrats spread their legs for Russia"

I agree....

I can't believe you admit you Tards spread your legs for the Russians....

You elected Trump


That's right, we love Trump...

You Tards are spreading your legs for him too with your butts up in the air....
They completely changed that condemnation in to defending Islam, and sneaking elements in to the bill protecting Sharia Law.
The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?
The Democratic Party has a wide range of beliefs. We will pick the one who best represents us

We have been winning on gay issues for twenty years. To the point where even Conservatives are accepting gays

Global Warming is happening. It can't be ignored. Only so long Conservative fear mongering and misinformation can succeed

Same goes for Conservative fear mongering about Mexicans
Most Americans deal with them on a daily basis and are not afraid of Mexicans
Democrats won’t be able to get away with hating white people for much longer.

We don't hate white people, but we keep them honest
Hatred and fear mongering against gays, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, immigrants are not tolerated

Damn you are ignorant.....

You tards are the most Racist people on the planet...…...

You won’t even condemn anti-Semitism ….
Average-Joe Democrats who have not become unhinged like the rest of the party, will vote Trump in 2020 and then lie about who they voted for, while patiently waiting for their party to moderate.
The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?
You think we've gone the way of your GOP? I disagree. We will not elect a Trump or purge the party of everybody who's not exactly AOC.

AOC is the left's Trump, whether they'll admit it or not. That's why I think she'll be the president someday.

She is not... She is more of a younger Bernie... She is definitely smart and showed that by opening a new investigation into Trump Insurance Fraud in the cohen questioning...

The problem the GOP is they got nothing really like her... Is she centre of the party ? No. But she represents a part of the party that sees ideas in the other 1st world countries which makes her ideas at least more credible than the GOP this is stuff I dream up... Fuck it the GOP still believe in trickle down economics...

Yup...just brilliant.
View attachment 249128
Did she really say that? Cuz this one is true:

The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?
Republicans believe their onerous policies are, get this, "mainstream".

They are CLEARLY mainstream enough for Trump to beat Hildabeast and retain the Senate in the midterms. Now go demand mommy give you your "fair share" of milk and cookies while you cry in your safespace
Republicans have 22 seats to protect in the next election. Democrats have half that.

Looking at the midterms, how do you think it will go?

The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?
Republicans believe their onerous policies are, get this, "mainstream".

They are CLEARLY mainstream enough for Trump to beat Hildabeast and retain the Senate in the midterms. Now go demand mommy give you your "fair share" of milk and cookies while you cry in your safespace
Republicans have 22 seats to protect in the next election. Democrats have half that.

Looking at the midterms, how do you think it will go?

I'm concerned with today not tomorrow. Get some pills for your ocd
The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?
Republicans believe their onerous policies are, get this, "mainstream".

They are CLEARLY mainstream enough for Trump to beat Hildabeast and retain the Senate in the midterms. Now go demand mommy give you your "fair share" of milk and cookies while you cry in your safespace

Republicans lost the popular vote in 2016

Dems won the House with 9 million more votes in 2016, they also received more Senate votes by far

That that is not mainstream support for Republicans
Republicans rule from a minority
The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?
The Democratic Party has a wide range of beliefs. We will pick the one who best represents us

We have been winning on gay issues for twenty years. To the point where even Conservatives are accepting gays

Global Warming is happening. It can't be ignored. Only so long Conservative fear mongering and misinformation can succeed

Same goes for Conservative fear mongering about Mexicans
Most Americans deal with them on a daily basis and are not afraid of Mexicans
Democrats won’t be able to get away with hating white people for much longer.

We don't hate white people, but we keep them honest
Hatred and fear mongering against gays, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, immigrants are not tolerated

Damn you are ignorant.....

You tards are the most Racist people on the planet...…...

You won’t even condemn anti-Semitism ….

Democrats condemn all forms of hate and discrimination.

Republicans? Mmmm, not so much.

Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country. The GOP is terrified.

Nazis and anti-Semites slip through GOP primaries, causing headaches for party
Kennedy Opposed Russia and Communists, and was willing to go to war with Russia to stop the spread of Communism.

Today’s Democrats spread their legs for Russia, sell Russia our Uranium, take huge sums of money for making speeches in their country, accept millions in bribes at their so called “Foundations”, Use Russian Propaganda to Harass Our President, Pay Putin for Russian Propaganda to use in our Elections and carry The Hammer and Sickle as their banner when they promote their agendas.

If there were enough rational democrooks left Pilousy wouldn't be able to represent San Fransicko, as fucked up as that place is. In Kennedy's day the DNC radically opposed hard core leftists because they knew how dangerous they were, but they were trying to appeal to people who wanted a strong central government to be involved in social issues to end racial strife instead of inciting it, and spending programs with the idea of ending poverty rather that perpetuate it.

The DNC is completely corrupted by sociopaths who prefer to maintain power through prolonging problems. Now you have loons like AOC who believe the reason why poverty still exists is because we didn't commie enough.


Today’s Democrats spread their legs for Russia"

I agree....

I can't believe you admit you Tards spread your legs for the Russians....

You elected Trump


you offered HIllary

Kennedy Opposed Russia and Communists, and was willing to go to war with Russia to stop the spread of Communism.

Today’s Democrats spread their legs for Russia, sell Russia our Uranium, take huge sums of money for making speeches in their country, accept millions in bribes at their so called “Foundations”, Use Russian Propaganda to Harass Our President, Pay Putin for Russian Propaganda to use in our Elections and carry The Hammer and Sickle as their banner when they promote their agendas.

If there were enough rational democrooks left Pilousy wouldn't be able to represent San Fransicko, as fucked up as that place is. In Kennedy's day the DNC radically opposed hard core leftists because they knew how dangerous they were, but they were trying to appeal to people who wanted a strong central government to be involved in social issues to end racial strife instead of inciting it, and spending programs with the idea of ending poverty rather that perpetuate it.

The DNC is completely corrupted by sociopaths who prefer to maintain power through prolonging problems. Now you have loons like AOC who believe the reason why poverty still exists is because we didn't commie enough.


Today’s Democrats spread their legs for Russia"

I agree....

I can't believe you admit you Tards spread your legs for the Russians....

You elected Trump


That's right, we love Trump...

You Tards are spreading your legs for him too with your butts up in the air....

Our President trusts Putin and Kim Jong Un more than our own people

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