How are average Joe Democrats dealing with the fact that their party has been hijacked by radicals?

The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?
You think we've gone the way of your GOP? I disagree. We will not elect a Trump or purge the party of everybody who's not exactly AOC.

AOC is the left's Trump, whether they'll admit it or not. That's why I think she'll be the president someday.
I don't think she'll be re-elected.

You are nuts. You remember how no matter what came out about Donald nothing phased his followers because they just loved his message too much? It'll be the same with AOC's populism. You'll see.

Anybody here want to make a bet? I'm serious.
AOC isn’t a populist.
But you're billionaire mafioso is? :lmao:
AOC is the left's Trump, whether they'll admit it or not. That's why I think she'll be the president someday.

If she is she will be the last of them. The nation will implode. Red States will exit the union.
They couldn't afford to
Your thinking is backwards.

Red states will never leave the Union, and besides - the Blue states are already in the process of doing just that. Their disdain for Federal law, blatant Socialism, promotion of open borders, and continuing efforts to disarm citizens proves this beyond all doubt.

If their coup is successful, DC it may become the seat of their confederacy - but the red states will always represent the USA. And who's best equipped to defend those remaining United States of America? That's right. You lose.
The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?

First off, there is no "Democrat Party". No such party has ever existed.

But let's go back to your title and start there:

How are average Joe Democrats dealing with the fact that their party has been hijacked by radicals?

What's that word again? "Fact"? :rofl: Tell the class, how does blogospherian butthurt become "fact"?

To paraphrase ---- how are you dealing with the fact that you're fueling on echobabblian-slanted bullshit?
AOC is the left's Trump, whether they'll admit it or not. That's why I think she'll be the president someday.

If she is she will be the last of them. The nation will implode. Red States will exit the union.
They couldn't afford to
Your thinking is backwards.

Red states will never leave the Union, and besides - the Blue states are already in the process of doing just that. Their disdain for Federal law, blatant Socialism, promotion of open borders, and continuing efforts to disarm citizens proves this beyond all doubt.

If their coup is successful, DC it may become the seat of their confederacy - but the red states will always represent the USA. And who's best equipped to defend those remaining United States of America? That's right. You lose.
The red states are empty wastelands that are dependent on federal tax dollars generated by blue states. The exception being Texas because even the most inbred of yokels can suck oil out of the ground. Still, their GDP generating centers are blue. Last time, the rural yokels got spanked. It will happen again.
The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?
You think we've gone the way of your GOP? I disagree. We will not elect a Trump or purge the party of everybody who's not exactly AOC.

AOC is the left's Trump, whether they'll admit it or not. That's why I think she'll be the president someday.

Not even close. AOC has in her life held what the rest of us call a "job". Nor has she picked out blacks, Hispanics, Muslims or women for denigration. But do let us know when she comes out with a "I alone can fix it" line.
The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?
The Democratic Party has a wide range of beliefs. We will pick the one who best represents us

We have been winning on gay issues for twenty years. To the point where even Conservatives are accepting gays

Global Warming is happening. It can't be ignored. Only so long Conservative fear mongering and misinformation can succeed

Same goes for Conservative fear mongering about Mexicans
Most Americans deal with them on a daily basis and are not afraid of Mexicans
Absolutely sure.

Oh, well I think you're wrong.

"Populist" is a meaningless term, and fatally relative. I suspect the term y'all are looking for is "panderer".

Pandering too is relative, but it's also quantifiable: WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGE

The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?

It's a Party in Soros's image. He bought the Party, he reoriented then to the Left of Chavez and the Castros
The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?
The Democratic Party has a wide range of beliefs. We will pick the one who best represents us

We have been winning on gay issues for twenty years. To the point where even Conservatives are accepting gays

Global Warming is happening. It can't be ignored. Only so long Conservative fear mongering and misinformation can succeed

Same goes for Conservative fear mongering about Mexicans
Most Americans deal with them on a daily basis and are not afraid of Mexicans
Democrats won’t be able to get away with hating white people for much longer.
The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?
You think we've gone the way of your GOP? I disagree. We will not elect a Trump or purge the party of everybody who's not exactly AOC.

AOC is the left's Trump, whether they'll admit it or not. That's why I think she'll be the president someday.

She is not... She is more of a younger Bernie... She is definitely smart and showed that by opening a new investigation into Trump Insurance Fraud in the cohen questioning...

The problem the GOP is they got nothing really like her... Is she centre of the party ? No. But she represents a part of the party that sees ideas in the other 1st world countries which makes her ideas at least more credible than the GOP this is stuff I dream up... Fuck it the GOP still believe in trickle down economics...

Yup...just brilliant.
View attachment 249128

Funny when you have to have fake quotes to make your point
The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?

It's a Party in Soros's image. He bought the Party, he reoriented then to the Left of Chavez and the Castros

It's always amusing to see a narrowminded wag standing on the Jersey side of the Delaware River who thinks he's looking at "the west".

Oh look, there goes Castro in a cowboy hat. Git along little dogie.
All anyone has to do is watch the Dem controlled House. Those morons are doing their very best to make sure Trump wins in 2020.

Its a giant shit show full of investigation after investigation, death cult members as elected members of Congress, AOC and her green crap that would bankrupt the country if it were ever implemented. The DNC at its best.

Hell they are paving the way for a Rep House, Senate and White House.

Go Dems.

You think we've gone the way of your GOP? I disagree. We will not elect a Trump or purge the party of everybody who's not exactly AOC.

AOC is the left's Trump, whether they'll admit it or not. That's why I think she'll be the president someday.
I don't think she'll be re-elected.

You are nuts. You remember how no matter what came out about Donald nothing phased his followers because they just loved his message too much? It'll be the same with AOC's populism. You'll see.

Anybody here want to make a bet? I'm serious.
AOC isn’t a populist.
But you're billionaire mafioso is? :lmao:

Why apostrophe, bro?
The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?

It's a Party in Soros's image. He bought the Party, he reoriented then to the Left of Chavez and the Castros

It's always amusing to see a narrowminded wag standing on the Jersey side of the Delaware River who thinks he's looking at "the west".

Oh look, there goes Castro in a cowboy hat. Git along little dogie.

What's that, Che?
Seems to me they're just rolling with it. Strikes me as more than passing strange that 70+ year old democrat fogies are jumping onto this social justice warrior bandwagon.

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