How are average Joe Democrats dealing with the fact that their party has been hijacked by radicals?

Her own mother ditched their home in NY because of high taxes. The very thing her daughter trumpets

Hillary Clinton almost beat Donald even though a decent chunk of the left hates her. The right has decades of dirt to throw at her and she still almost won. If you think partisan talking points are going to stop AOC you're out of your mind.
Her own mother ditched their home in NY because of high taxes. The very thing her daughter trumpets

Hillary Clinton almost beat Donald even though a decent chunk of the left hates her. The right has decades of dirt to throw at her and she still almost won. If you think partisan talking points are going to stop AOC you're out of your mind.

She’s a caricature. We don’t need talking points to stop her. Just let her talk.
Democrats control the media watch your local news, they don’t report the green new deal in a bad light, they promote it. They don’t talk about Maxine waters as living in a mansion out side her district, or the crime rate in bookers district. If they did lol democrat party wouldn’t exist
The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?
The Democratic Party has a wide range of beliefs. We will pick the one who best represents us

We have been winning on gay issues for twenty years. To the point where even Conservatives are accepting gays

Global Warming is happening. It can't be ignored. Only so long Conservative fear mongering and misinformation can succeed

Same goes for Conservative fear mongering about Mexicans
Most Americans deal with them on a daily basis and are not afraid of Mexicans
Democrats won’t be able to get away with hating white people for much longer.

We don't hate white people, but we keep them honest
Hatred and fear mongering against gays, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, immigrants are not tolerated
Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?

Good question. Judging by who they are letting steal the limelight, the immediate future doesn't look good.

The Anatomy of a Self-Annihilating Political Party

The Democrat Party has lost its mind. What’s happening there, however, is not happening in isolation. In society and in life nothing happens in isolation.

There’s a word that describes the Party’s behavior: nihilism: “a viewpoint that traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is senseless and useless, a doctrine that denies any objective ground of truth and especially moral truths.”

That definition fits the current Democrat Party. The Party and the left place little or no value on tradition, the Constitution, the sanctity of life, borders, private property rights, voting-law enforcement, election outcomes, standards of behavior, or free speech. These are all fundamentally different kinds of rules or systems of rules. The left does not like rules (at least not for themselves).

If you do not like rules, you do not like order, and the alternative to order is chaos. The Democrat Party is attempting to lead the country into chaos. Once you recognize that the Democrat Party is nihilistic it becomes easier to understand why they think and act as they do.
The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?
The Democratic Party has a wide range of beliefs. We will pick the one who best represents us

We have been winning on gay issues for twenty years. To the point where even Conservatives are accepting gays

Global Warming is happening. It can't be ignored. Only so long Conservative fear mongering and misinformation can succeed

Same goes for Conservative fear mongering about Mexicans
Most Americans deal with them on a daily basis and are not afraid of Mexicans
Democrats won’t be able to get away with hating white people for much longer.

We don't hate white people, but we keep them honest
Hatred and fear mongering against gays, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, immigrants are not tolerated

Hate is a strong word. Liberals don’t hate whites, they just see whites as privileged, and would like to knock them down a peg or two.
The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?
The Democratic Party has a wide range of beliefs. We will pick the one who best represents us

We have been winning on gay issues for twenty years. To the point where even Conservatives are accepting gays

Global Warming is happening. It can't be ignored. Only so long Conservative fear mongering and misinformation can succeed

Same goes for Conservative fear mongering about Mexicans
Most Americans deal with them on a daily basis and are not afraid of Mexicans
Democrats won’t be able to get away with hating white people for much longer.

We don't hate white people, but we keep them honest
Hatred and fear mongering against gays, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, immigrants are not tolerated

Hate is a strong word. Liberals don’t hate whites, they just see whites as privileged, and would like to knock them down a peg or two.

If that is true about knocking whites down a peg or two, then maybe liberals and minorities would be better served by looking for ways to elevate themselves instead of tearing down somebody else. And redistribution of wealth is not going to get it done, seems to me that if some demographic groups can achieve more success than others then maybe the less successful groups oughta be looking at how they're doing it and adopt some changes in their thinking. Victimization just ain't cutting it, never did; do you want sympathy or respect?
The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?
The Democratic Party has a wide range of beliefs. We will pick the one who best represents us

We have been winning on gay issues for twenty years. To the point where even Conservatives are accepting gays

Global Warming is happening. It can't be ignored. Only so long Conservative fear mongering and misinformation can succeed

Same goes for Conservative fear mongering about Mexicans
Most Americans deal with them on a daily basis and are not afraid of Mexicans
Democrats won’t be able to get away with hating white people for much longer.

We don't hate white people, but we keep them honest
Hatred and fear mongering against gays, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, immigrants are not tolerated

Hate is a strong word. Liberals don’t hate whites, they just see whites as privileged, and would like to knock them down a peg or two.

If that is true about knocking whites down a peg or two, then maybe liberals and minorities would be better served by looking for ways to elevate themselves instead of tearing down somebody else. And redistribution of wealth is not going to get it done, seems to me that if some demographic groups can achieve more success than others then maybe the less successful groups oughta be looking at how they're doing it and adopt some changes in their thinking. Victimization just ain't cutting it, never did; do you want sympathy or respect?

I agree with that sentiment. What certain minorities have been doing in hopes of empowerment fits in perfectly with Abert Einstein’s definition of insanity. It’s well overdue that these groups start to look within for solutions and stop blaming whitey for everything
The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?
The Democratic Party has a wide range of beliefs. We will pick the one who best represents us

We have been winning on gay issues for twenty years. To the point where even Conservatives are accepting gays

Global Warming is happening. It can't be ignored. Only so long Conservative fear mongering and misinformation can succeed

Same goes for Conservative fear mongering about Mexicans
Most Americans deal with them on a daily basis and are not afraid of Mexicans
Democrats won’t be able to get away with hating white people for much longer.

We don't hate white people, but we keep them honest
Hatred and fear mongering against gays, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, immigrants are not tolerated

Hate is a strong word. Liberals don’t hate whites, they just see whites as privileged, and would like to knock them down a peg or two.

If that is true about knocking whites down a peg or two, then maybe liberals and minorities would be better served by looking for ways to elevate themselves instead of tearing down somebody else. And redistribution of wealth is not going to get it done, seems to me that if some demographic groups can achieve more success than others then maybe the less successful groups oughta be looking at how they're doing it and adopt some changes in their thinking. Victimization just ain't cutting it, never did; do you want sympathy or respect?
Nobody is looking to redistribute wealth but question why our society continues to bend over backwards to assist the wealthy when they obviously don’t need it

Recommending programs that help the poor and working class is not a redistribution of wealth
The old proud Democrat Party is dead. People like Presidents Kennedy and Carter could not survive in today's Democrat party. In fact I think calling it the Democrat party is an insult to average Democrats.
The obsession with race, gender, social justice, LGBTQ issues, gloBULL warming, wealth shaming....etc is WRECKING your party. You allow a handful of radical nutjobs to take control of the messaging, WHY???
Outside of uneducated people and illegals I don't see how you expect to expand your party when it demonizes so much of the population.
Hillary lost after calling half the nation Deplorables yet you all continue to double down on demonizing Americans.

Are there enough RATIONAL Democrats to bring the party back to where it was just a decade or so ago?

They're dealing with it about the same as average Joe Republicans are dealing with the fact that their party has been hijacked by radicals. Thumbs up, back slaps, and atta-boys.
The Democratic Party has a wide range of beliefs. We will pick the one who best represents us

We have been winning on gay issues for twenty years. To the point where even Conservatives are accepting gays

Global Warming is happening. It can't be ignored. Only so long Conservative fear mongering and misinformation can succeed

Same goes for Conservative fear mongering about Mexicans
Most Americans deal with them on a daily basis and are not afraid of Mexicans
Democrats won’t be able to get away with hating white people for much longer.

We don't hate white people, but we keep them honest
Hatred and fear mongering against gays, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, immigrants are not tolerated

Hate is a strong word. Liberals don’t hate whites, they just see whites as privileged, and would like to knock them down a peg or two.

If that is true about knocking whites down a peg or two, then maybe liberals and minorities would be better served by looking for ways to elevate themselves instead of tearing down somebody else. And redistribution of wealth is not going to get it done, seems to me that if some demographic groups can achieve more success than others then maybe the less successful groups oughta be looking at how they're doing it and adopt some changes in their thinking. Victimization just ain't cutting it, never did; do you want sympathy or respect?
Nobody is looking to redistribute wealth but question why our society continues to bend over backwards to assist the wealthy when they obviously don’t need it

Recommending programs that help the poor and working class is not a redistribution of wealth

Programs that help the poor and working class to be funded by whom? Don’t you want higher taxes on the rich to fund your programs? So how is that not the definition of redistribution of wealth?
Once a famous Democrat mantra that epitomizes what our country once was.


That once proud Democrat stance is now a mere joke
Democrats won’t be able to get away with hating white people for much longer.

We don't hate white people, but we keep them honest
Hatred and fear mongering against gays, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, immigrants are not tolerated

Hate is a strong word. Liberals don’t hate whites, they just see whites as privileged, and would like to knock them down a peg or two.

If that is true about knocking whites down a peg or two, then maybe liberals and minorities would be better served by looking for ways to elevate themselves instead of tearing down somebody else. And redistribution of wealth is not going to get it done, seems to me that if some demographic groups can achieve more success than others then maybe the less successful groups oughta be looking at how they're doing it and adopt some changes in their thinking. Victimization just ain't cutting it, never did; do you want sympathy or respect?
Nobody is looking to redistribute wealth but question why our society continues to bend over backwards to assist the wealthy when they obviously don’t need it

Recommending programs that help the poor and working class is not a redistribution of wealth

Programs that help the poor and working class to be funded by whom? Don’t you want higher taxes on the rich to fund your programs? So how is that not the definition of redistribution of wealth?
Funded by We the People
Just like everything else

We the People decide on the tax structure
Once a famous Democrat mantra that epitomizes what our country once was.


That once proud Democrat stance is now a mere joke

JFK made a call for public service
He advocated Helping the poor in the same speech


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