Republicans to Shut Down the Federal Government if President Biden vetoes a bill to prevent illegal immigrants from voting in Federal Elections.

As far as I know there is no difference in the ID/License the Communistwealth of

is providing to illegal/undocumented individuals and the one they’re providing to citizens. If I’m correct, that makes it impossible for a registrar if voters to distinguish who is supposed to be voting and who isn’t.

You aren't correct. The issue of a DL does not make you eligible to gain voting rights in your state.

CLAIM: A new Massachusetts law providing driver’s licenses for immigrants in the country illegally will also automatically register them to vote in elections.
AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The law passed by Massachusetts state lawmakers this summer prohibits immigrants without legal permission to reside in the U.S. from being automatically registered to vote. The law specifically mandates that the state Registrar of Motor Vehicles develop procedures and regulations to ensure that license applicants who are not citizens are not automatically registered to vote.

If not Federal level voter registration, then the Feds at least need to set the parameters for who is eligible to vote, how one must prove eligibility prior to registering to vote, and how voter roles are cleansed of defunct voting records.

The Consitution gives the Congress a limited way to slightly change allowing the Feds to change a states election rules. But to date, the Courts (many) has ruled that the need of such changes have not been met.

Hate to break it to you but if where you live is such a shithole, please stay there. We don't need your shitholes exported across the nation.
My thoughts is it needs to be done. Non citizens should not be allowed to vote, period. They shouldn't even be allowed to be in this country in the first place.

Are you sure they're really going to do it this time? We've heard them say this b4. I hope to God they are serious because we just cannot have this craziness and remain.. America
Might as well shut down the government, because if you have rogue politicians who allow illegal aliens to vote, then you DON'T HAVE a government, or a nation, period.
Well, it's basically a facade of a government or nation. The West in general has gone down this path via globalization and lax immigration policies. Letting non-citizens vote is consistent with the ridiculous system we have in place.
Well, it's basically a facade of a government or nation. The West in general has gone down this path via globalization and lax immigration policies. Letting non-citizens vote is consistent with the ridiculous system we have in place.
Correct, and there's no telling how far down these global loons will drag us, especially if they steal another election in November.

Welcome to the forum. Keep posting.
You aren't correct. The issue of a DL does not make you eligible to gain voting rights in your state
They don’t get to automatically register to vote. That doesn’t mean local registrars are not registering them at Town Hall.
The Consitution gives the Congress a limited way to slightly change allowing the Feds to change a states election rules. But to date, the Courts (many) has ruled that the need of such changes have not been met.
And the Courts are wrong, as they usually are. We need a Constitutional Anebdnent creating a single system to register voters and provide secure and unquestionable election systems.

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