Republicans to Shut Down the Federal Government if President Biden vetoes a bill to prevent illegal immigrants from voting in Federal Elections.

That system opens up a lot of opportunities for fraud. I thought Tennessee would have a more reasonable system.

Or, there is an identifier on the immigrants license that prevents this from happening. I am not saying that you shouldn't look into it but wait to do the Doomsday Routine until you have verified that there is nothing preventing an Immigrants DL to be used to qualify for voter registation.
Then you need to get decent registrars
Obviously you’ve never been to New England. The Town Clerks and Registrars of Voters in most Bew England towns were installed the last time the Town Hall was renovated between WWI and WWII. They’re bright blue, through and through and can’t be removed.
Then I suggest you get decent (or what you believe is decent) judges. Or you can shut off Foxnews and Newsmax
I’m In Massachusetts… there is no hope for this shithole. There hasn’t been for probably a century, maybe more.
Go for it. See how this political kabuki theater works out for Republicans in November. :auiqs.jpg:
When it comes to Republicans....there's just no fixing stupid.

Non-citizens are not allowed to vote in a national, state, or local election. Except in some cases of school board elections. End of story.
Then why not pass it? They are willing to shut the government down over a non issue?
Voter integrity is going to be up to the states. As with everything else, this is as it should be.
The Republican speaker of the house stripped the SAVE act from the continuing resolution and the vote was held last week. It passed with fanfare and went on to the senate where it passed again and was signed by Bidet's signature machine again, last week.
No shutdown before the election. Histrionics may begin now.
If it's not an issue, why not pass it?

Aren't you supposed to be getting rid of reduntant regulations? Also, the passing a useless new law implies that there has been a problem with non-citizens voting in US elections, where there has NEVER been such a problem in the history of the Republic.

Republicans are OBSESSED with this because they NEED to suppress the vote in order to win. This is why they're now going batshit crazy over the idea that non-citizens are voting, despite a complete lack of evidence that such things are happening.
Aren't you supposed to be getting rid of reduntant regulations? Also, the passing a useless new law implies that there has been a problem with non-citizens voting in US elections, where there has NEVER been such a problem in the history of the Republic.

Republicans are OBSESSED with this because they NEED to suppress the vote in order to win. This is why they're now going batshit crazy over the idea that non-citizens are voting, despite a complete lack of evidence that such things are happening.
You loons cheated in 2020. I don't care what laws need to be passed, to make sure it doesn't happen again.
Obviously you’ve never been to New England. The Town Clerks and Registrars of Voters in most Bew England towns were installed the last time the Town Hall was renovated between WWI and WWII. They’re bright blue, through and through and can’t be removed.

I’m In Massachusetts… there is no hope for this shithole. There hasn’t been for probably a century, maybe more.
Get the fuck out. We don’t need you.
But they didn't present proof of citizenship on registration so they're not registered to vote.
Nobody presents proof of citizenship, nor is it required or requested in any if the 50 states.

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What you "think" is irrelevant. It's what you can PROVE. You know..with evidence...which you've failed to all.
So. It isn't an issue. Therefore, it was removed..because it isn't an issue. :)
There is proof that illegals voted in the last election. So haft to stop it. Why are you against it?

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