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How are Democrats pro-abortion but anti-school voucher?

Avatar....you do know that Margaret Sanger was a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN, don't you?

Chesler, a better historian than psychologist, doesn't quite know what to do with the numerous contradictions she has collected, but without them this would be a dull book. Sanger ''was an idealist who devoted herself to achieving concrete reform. A reformer who believed in the determining influence of both biology and culture. A bohemian who loved money...A confirmed sexual materialist who remained an incurable romantic. An adoring mother who abandoned her children. A Socialist who became a registered Republican
Women of Valor: Margaret Sanger and the Birth Control Movement in America | Books | EW.com

And that torch has been passed to the Democrats. Congratulations! :clap2:

are you against planning ones parenthood? Are you against birth Control...rubbers, IUDs, birth control pills for women and men to plan their pregnancies?

I know the catholic church is still against any kind of birth control, other than the rhythmic method? Is this where you stand?

Margaret Sanger was not even alive when abortion became federally legal, via Roe v. Wade....
Avatar....you do know that Margaret Sanger was a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN, don't you?

Women of Valor: Margaret Sanger and the Birth Control Movement in America | Books | EW.com

And that torch has been passed to the Democrats. Congratulations! :clap2:

are you against planning ones parenthood? Are you against birth Control...rubbers, IUDs, birth control pills for women and men to plan their pregnancies?

I know the catholic church is still against any kind of birth control, other than the rhythmic method? Is this where you stand?

Margaret Sanger was not even alive when abortion became federally legal, via Roe v. Wade....

Nope, not me. You must be thinking of someone else.
And that torch has been passed to the Democrats. Congratulations! :clap2:

are you against planning ones parenthood? Are you against birth Control...rubbers, IUDs, birth control pills for women and men to plan their pregnancies?

I know the catholic church is still against any kind of birth control, other than the rhythmic method? Is this where you stand?

Margaret Sanger was not even alive when abortion became federally legal, via Roe v. Wade....

Nope, not me. You must be thinking of someone else.

so you are not against Margaret Sanger's fight to get birth control made legal in the usa? You support that aspect of her cause?
Of course you don't want to know what people thought in the past. You would prefer to remain ignorant. That way you can pretend that abortion is a great thing.

But that doesn't change the fact that the basis for progressive support for abortion was eliminating the less desirables of the race and the "lesser" races. I haven't lied about anything and you screaming "liar!" with no evidence just means your in denial.

Why don't you simply admit that the basis for progressive support for abortion was the elimination of the "Weaker" races and to get rid of the "weaker" of the race (IE the poor)?

Why deny the truth?

Oh, and please stop using my Lord's name in vain. He really doesn't like people using Him to lie about others.
First...I have no idea if she was a progressive or not. For all I know, she was a conservative Republican.

Second...I didn't say I didn't want to know, I said I don't care...and I don't. There is no one espousing anything like you are claiming today and there hasn't been since Poppa Bush and the neo-cons championed birth control as a means to control communist populations.

Third...you are still a liar, and like I said before, Jesus will deal with you in the end.

He's not lying, Ravi. He's right. Politics aside, abortion was actively encouraged and promoted as a way to rid society of it's 'undesirables'. Those 'undesirables' included minorities, less well educated or educationally challenged, and the poor. Sad, but factually accurate.

While, I do not think he is lying either, I think it is inaccurate to state that today's liberal supports abortion because they support eugenics at heart.

Abortion was actively encouraged and promoted by the eugenics movement. I don't question that at all, but that does not mean today's liberal supports abortion because of the support of abortion by the eugenics movement.

Here's another analogy: The KKK is known for its stance of white supremacy. Its members are white. I am white. Does it follow suit that I must be a member of the KKK and support the idea of white supremacy because I am white?

1. School Vouchers are not the solution. Just how would you get that straighten out? Every kid gets an equal amount of money or the parents who pay the most get the most? And what about sales tax? Everyone has to keep receipts of everything they buy? Its too much of a hassle and in many states, funding is already cut to low performing schools. And school vouchers do nothing to break up unions. Thats a separate and complete non-issue in our education system.

2. Pro-Choice is better than paying Earned Income Credit. Lets look at this. A woman makes 25K, she gets pregnant. Now lets say we have a federally funded abortion. So bucs read this slow because I know you have reading comprehension problems so lets go:

Abortion: $800


EIC: $2,500 x 18= 45,000

Average savings per abortion= $44,200 over 18 years

Okay so the government spent 46 Billion dollars managing the program, that means at an average of 25K a year gives 1.84 million people that money. Lets say half took the abortion.

(920,000)(2,500)= 2.3 billion dollars x 18 = 41.4 billion dollars saved.

Its the fiscally conservative way.

Thanks for going slowly, this dumb ole Southern redneck ain't got that there high falootin book schoolin that ya'll got.

BUT you did go slow enough to expose yet another left winger (yourself) that is purposely or not going back to the ideals of eugenics.

So killing the kid is cheaper than raising it huh? Thats what eugenics followers believe. Kill off the poor, the sick, the dumb, the ones who drain on society's more fortunate. Planned Parenthood was founded on this principle, and Obama and Hillary praised that organization.

There is always the 3rd option- Have some accountability and responsibility, and DON'T GET PREGNANT BEFORE YOU CAN AFFORD TO.

Or, you can go with your logic: Kill the babies that aren't beneficial to our economy.
The JFK_USA idiot believe they must control population voluntarily acting as God or the 'useless eaters' will cause limits to growth to take effect. Every one of his pea brained idiot squad have been proven wrong time after time for over a hundred years. They all wish to kill people like Stephen Hawking. He idolizes JFK for the mass murder of 60 million people by banning DDT.

Why was DDT banned, 30 years after its World War II introduction and spectacular success in saving lives? The reason was stated bluntly by Alexander King, founder of the Malthusian Club of Rome, who wrote in a biographical essay in 1990, “My chief quarrel with DDT in hindsight is that it has greatly added to the population problem.” King was particularly concerned that DDT had dramatically cut the death rates in the developing sector, and thus increased population growth. As King correctly observed, the incidence of malaria, and its death rates, were vastly reduced by DDT spraying...

As a result of the propaganda and lies, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency convened scientific hearings and appointed a Hearing Examiner, Edmund Sweeney, to run them. Every major scientific organization in the world supported DDT use, submitted testimony, as did the environmentalist opposition. The hearings went on for seven months, and generated 9,000 pages of testimony. Hearing Examiner Sweeney then ruled that DDT should not be banned, based on the scientific evidence: “DDT is not carcinogenic, mutagenic, or teratogenic to man [and] these uses of DDT do not have a deleterious effect on fish, birds, wildlife, or estuarine organisms,” Sweeney concluded.

Two months later, without even reading the testimony or attending the hearings, EPA administrator William Ruckelshaus overruled the EPA hearing officer and banned DDT as per the political wishes of JFK. He later admitted that he made the decision for “political” reasons. “Science, along with economics, has a role to play. [but] the ultimate decision remains political,” Ruckelshaus said.
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are you against planning ones parenthood? Are you against birth Control...rubbers, IUDs, birth control pills for women and men to plan their pregnancies?

I know the catholic church is still against any kind of birth control, other than the rhythmic method? Is this where you stand?

Margaret Sanger was not even alive when abortion became federally legal, via Roe v. Wade....

Nope, not me. You must be thinking of someone else.

so you are not against Margaret Sanger's fight to get birth control made legal in the usa? You support that aspect of her cause?

No, but that wasn't her only fight and you know it.

(Let the spin begin!)
Of course you don't want to know what people thought in the past. You would prefer to remain ignorant. That way you can pretend that abortion is a great thing.

But that doesn't change the fact that the basis for progressive support for abortion was eliminating the less desirables of the race and the "lesser" races. I haven't lied about anything and you screaming "liar!" with no evidence just means your in denial.

Why don't you simply admit that the basis for progressive support for abortion was the elimination of the "Weaker" races and to get rid of the "weaker" of the race (IE the poor)?

Why deny the truth?

Oh, and please stop using my Lord's name in vain. He really doesn't like people using Him to lie about others.
First...I have no idea if she was a progressive or not. For all I know, she was a conservative Republican.

Second...I didn't say I didn't want to know, I said I don't care...and I don't. There is no one espousing anything like you are claiming today and there hasn't been since Poppa Bush and the neo-cons championed birth control as a means to control communist populations.

Third...you are still a liar, and like I said before, Jesus will deal with you in the end.

He's not lying, Ravi. He's right. Politics aside, abortion was actively encouraged and promoted as a way to rid society of it's 'undesirables'. Those 'undesirables' included minorities, less well educated or educationally challenged, and the poor. Sad, but factually accurate.
Was being the key word (and even this only in a narrow sense). He insists this is currently factual...and that is what makes him a liar.
Nope, not me. You must be thinking of someone else.

so you are not against Margaret Sanger's fight to get birth control made legal in the usa? You support that aspect of her cause?

No, but that wasn't her only fight and you know it.

(Let the spin begin!)

Birth control WAS HER PRIMARY CAUSE....a planned parenthood....

She came from a very dysfunctional, poor family with 11 brothers and sisters, a father that was a drunk....she took up the cause of family planning due to her own, experience with her mother, having to bear 11 children....with no money.
so you are not against Margaret Sanger's fight to get birth control made legal in the usa? You support that aspect of her cause?

No, but that wasn't her only fight and you know it.

(Let the spin begin!)

Birth control WAS HER PRIMARY CAUSE....a planned parenthood....

She came from a very dysfunctional, poor family with 11 brothers and sisters, a father that was a drunk....she took up the cause of family planning due to her own, experience with her mother, having to bear 11 children....with no money.

And somehow she got a little sidetracked along the way, but believe what you want.
There's a highly interesting outcome to legalizing abortions that I seriously doubt most of you folks are aware of.

About 15 years after states legaized abortions their crime statistics dropped.

And when Roe V wade made legal abortions the law of the land everywhere in the USA a similar drop in crime stats occurred in the other states as well..again there was about a 15 year delay before those stats manifested.

I'll leave it to the rest of ya'll to connect the dots to figure out WHY this happened.

Oh, another , I think, interesting stat about abortions.

Despite the the fact that women are obvious getting abortions there was no significant difference in the number of births.

Apparently women who have abortions aren't giving up motherhood, so much as putting it off until they're ready to have kids.

Again, this leads me to ask ya'll to ask yourselves why, even though the same number of births is happening, the crime rates DROPPED 15 years after abortions were legalized.

Some of you, I am cconfident will know intuitively why this happened.

For some of you?

Well I doubt you'll ever get it, or even if you do get it, I doubt you'll allow yourselves to admit the truth about what that interesting statistic is REALLY telling us about wanted prenancies v unwanted pregnancies and the children they spawn.
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In light of the huge education debate the past few weeks, I can't help but wonder:

Democrats are staunchly pro-abortion. "Freedom of choice" they say.

But they despise the thought of school vouchers (Because it would take money away from unions).

So I conclude....

Democrats are only pro-choice when it comes to killing a child, not educating one.

They don't come much dumber than you. You're wrong on both counts. Pro choice doesn't mean pro abortion, fool. And Democrats aren't opposed to school vouchers--there just aren't enough of them.

Now go back over to your beat up couch and smoke some more.
No, but that wasn't her only fight and you know it.

(Let the spin begin!)

Birth control WAS HER PRIMARY CAUSE....a planned parenthood....

She came from a very dysfunctional, poor family with 11 brothers and sisters, a father that was a drunk....she took up the cause of family planning due to her own, experience with her mother, having to bear 11 children....with no money.

And somehow she got a little sidetracked along the way, but believe what you want.
just an fyi...Anything to do with eugenetics, I am against and never supported...and never will support.
Im confident He will. he will deal with you too.

Now who do you think He is going to look kinder upon:

Those who falsely acusse their fellow man of lying and support the murder of unborn babies?

Or those who tell the truth despite being libeled about it?

Search your heart and repent of your sins. Use the Atonement. It's the only way you can be more than you've let yourself become.
:lol: Again, Jesus doesn't approve of liars...and you are one of the biggest.

Again, how am i lying by pointing out that progressive support for abortion is based on the desire to eliminate the "bad" people of society. Which according to progressives were the poor and minorities?

It's called history. Read a book for once. Again, your ignorance doesnt make me a liar. It makes you ignorant.

It's called a lie. There is no support for that claim that is not anecdotal and isolated. You cannot base a broad generalization about a large group on such anecdotal evidence.
Why can't at least some of you conservatives think straight?

Conservatives on the one hand lament that blacks vote 90% Democrat, but in this thread conservatives are claiming that 'progressives', which of course would be overwhelmingly Democrat,

support abortion rights because they believe it will limit the black population.

Really? Do you people on the Right EVER think before you post?

Conservatives on the one hand lament that Democrats want mass immigration from Mexico because they want to increase Hispanic support for their party, but in this thread, conservatives are claiming that 'progressives', which of course would be overwhelmingly Democrat,

support abortion rights because they believe it will limit the Hispanic population.

Really? Do you people on the Right EVER think before you post?
In light of the huge education debate the past few weeks, I can't help but wonder:

Democrats are staunchly pro-abortion. "Freedom of choice" they say.

But they despise the thought of school vouchers (Because it would take money away from unions).

So I conclude....

Democrats are only pro-choice when it comes to killing a child, not educating one.

The lefties support "free choice" when it makes you less of a person or erodes personal morals.
Abortion: yes
Multiple sex partners: yes
School sex ed and encouragement to participate: yes
Pornography: yes
become government dependent: yes
drugs: yes
alcohol: yes
redistribute (steal): yes

Discuss religious values: no
Discuss political systems that have a proven record: no
Uphold politicians to ethical standards: no
Support freedom for all: no
Support for equitable laws: no
Why can't at least some of you conservatives think straight?

Conservatives on the one hand lament that blacks vote 90% Democrat, but in this thread conservatives are claiming that 'progressives', which of course would be overwhelmingly Democrat,

support abortion rights because they believe it will limit the black population.

Really? Do you people on the Right EVER think before you post?

Conservatives on the one hand lament that Democrats want mass immigration from Mexico because they want to increase Hispanic support for their party, but in this thread, conservatives are claiming that 'progressives', which of course would be overwhelmingly Democrat,

support abortion rights because they believe it will limit the Hispanic population.

Really? Do you people on the Right EVER think before you post?
No they don't...and what is really funny is that they hold both beliefs at the same time. What's sad is that their politicians encourage them to hold both beliefs at the same time and they keep voting by stupidity. This is why there are barely any actual conservatives left in the Republican party.
Women's right eh? Since when? Progressive thought is fairly concrete on the abortion issue. They want to cull the "bad" people out of society. And when Progressive say "bad" they mean black, hispanic, and asians.

That's why the left supports abortion.

liar and bull crap avatar....shame on you for always saying such crap....search your soul, you are promoting lies...:evil:

Ive studied the progressive movement. I havent lied about anything. That's why they've promoted Abortion from the beginning.

Your ignorance doesnt make me a liar.

The only thing you've studied is your navel. Why it's an "outie" and not an "innie".
1. School Vouchers are not the solution. Just how would you get that straighten out? Every kid gets an equal amount of money or the parents who pay the most get the most? And what about sales tax? Everyone has to keep receipts of everything they buy? Its too much of a hassle and in many states, funding is already cut to low performing schools. And school vouchers do nothing to break up unions. Thats a separate and complete non-issue in our education system.

2. Pro-Choice is better than paying Earned Income Credit. Lets look at this. A woman makes 25K, she gets pregnant. Now lets say we have a federally funded abortion. So bucs read this slow because I know you have reading comprehension problems so lets go:

Abortion: $800


EIC: $2,500 x 18= 45,000

Average savings per abortion= $44,200 over 18 years

Okay so the government spent 46 Billion dollars managing the program, that means at an average of 25K a year gives 1.84 million people that money. Lets say half took the abortion.

(920,000)(2,500)= 2.3 billion dollars x 18 = 41.4 billion dollars saved.

Its the fiscally conservative way.

Thanks for going slowly, this dumb ole Southern redneck ain't got that there high falootin book schoolin that ya'll got.

BUT you did go slow enough to expose yet another left winger (yourself) that is purposely or not going back to the ideals of eugenics.

So killing the kid is cheaper than raising it huh? Thats what eugenics followers believe. Kill off the poor, the sick, the dumb, the ones who drain on society's more fortunate. Planned Parenthood was founded on this principle, and Obama and Hillary praised that organization.

There is always the 3rd option- Have some accountability and responsibility, and DON'T GET PREGNANT BEFORE YOU CAN AFFORD TO.

Or, you can go with your logic: Kill the babies that aren't beneficial to our economy.

Eugenics became widely popular in the early 20th century in Europe and the U.S. and has no particular connection to liberalism or progressivism, either then or now.
Democrats are "pro women's rights".

Republicans only want to get the kid born. Then starve it.

“My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they breed! You’re facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don’t think too much further than that. And so what you’ve got to do is you’ve got to curtail that type of behavior. They don’t know any better.”

– Andre Bauer, lieutenant governor of South Carolina and a Republican

You want to kill the child before it is born. If that does not work, you want to stick them in a system that fails to teach them anything.

Got it.

So you are saying you SUPPORT the slow torture of "starvation"? Odd that so many "right wing" Christians should support other Americans suffering.
In light of the huge education debate the past few weeks, I can't help but wonder:

Democrats are staunchly pro-abortion. "Freedom of choice" they say.

But they despise the thought of school vouchers (Because it would take money away from unions).

So I conclude....

Democrats are only pro-choice when it comes to killing a child, not educating one.

The lefties support "free choice" when it makes you less of a person or erodes personal morals.
Abortion: yes
Multiple sex partners: yes
School sex ed and encouragement to participate: yes
Pornography: yes
become government dependent: yes
drugs: yes
alcohol: yes
redistribute (steal): yes

Discuss religious values: no
Discuss political systems that have a proven record: no
Uphold politicians to ethical standards: no
Support freedom for all: no
Support for equitable laws: no

so, do you want government to control how many sex partners you can have, control the use of Playboy etc. or ban it, tell you how much you can drink even if you have a ride or are doing such in your own home?

And are you a small govt supporter? If you are, how can you justify the above that i mentioned from your list?

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