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How are Democrats pro-abortion but anti-school voucher?

In light of the huge education debate the past few weeks, I can't help but wonder:

Democrats are staunchly pro-abortion. "Freedom of choice" they say.

But they despise the thought of school vouchers (Because it would take money away from unions).

So I conclude....

Democrats are only pro-choice when it comes to killing a child, not educating one.

The lefties support "free choice" when it makes you less of a person or erodes personal morals.
Abortion: yes
Multiple sex partners: yes
School sex ed and encouragement to participate: yes
Pornography: yes
become government dependent: yes
drugs: yes
alcohol: yes
redistribute (steal): yes

Discuss religious values: no
Discuss political systems that have a proven record: no
Uphold politicians to ethical standards: no
Support freedom for all: no
Support for equitable laws: no

so, do you want government to control how many sex partners you can have, control the use of Playboy etc. or ban it, tell you how much you can drink even if you have a ride or are doing such in your own home?

And are you a small govt supporter? If you are, how can you justify the above that i mentioned from your list?

Why do you need to government paid workers (teachers) to tell you to participate with multiple sex partners? Why do you need the government to support frequent sex acts with birth control clinics? Why do you need the government to pay for the "children" (some call them litters) of multiple sex partners so the parents need not take responsibility of paying for those children's raising (financially or morally)? That adds to the size of government, it does not reduce it.

I did not say to pass laws prohibiting any of the above. I just said that the lefties support all forms of moral decay, while rejecting proven methods of community building.
liar and bull crap avatar....shame on you for always saying such crap....search your soul, you are promoting lies...:evil:

Ive studied the progressive movement. I havent lied about anything. That's why they've promoted Abortion from the beginning.

Your ignorance doesnt make me a liar.

The only thing you've studied is your navel. Why it's an "outie" and not an "innie".

Was that supposed to be an insult?
In light of the huge education debate the past few weeks, I can't help but wonder:

Democrats are staunchly pro-abortion. "Freedom of choice" they say.

But they despise the thought of school vouchers (Because it would take money away from unions).

So I conclude....

Democrats are only pro-choice when it comes to killing a child, not educating one.

The lefties support "free choice" when it makes you less of a person or erodes personal morals.
Abortion: yes
Multiple sex partners: yes
School sex ed and encouragement to participate: yes
Pornography: yes
become government dependent: yes
drugs: yes
alcohol: yes
redistribute (steal): yes

Discuss religious values: no
Discuss political systems that have a proven record: no
Uphold politicians to ethical standards: no
Support freedom for all: no
Support for equitable laws: no

You're sick.
The lefties support "free choice" when it makes you less of a person or erodes personal morals.
Abortion: yes
Multiple sex partners: yes
School sex ed and encouragement to participate: yes
Pornography: yes
become government dependent: yes
drugs: yes
alcohol: yes
redistribute (steal): yes

Discuss religious values: no
Discuss political systems that have a proven record: no
Uphold politicians to ethical standards: no
Support freedom for all: no
Support for equitable laws: no

so, do you want government to control how many sex partners you can have, control the use of Playboy etc. or ban it, tell you how much you can drink even if you have a ride or are doing such in your own home?

And are you a small govt supporter? If you are, how can you justify the above that i mentioned from your list?

Why do you need to government paid workers (teachers) to tell you to participate with multiple sex partners? Why do you need the government to support frequent sex acts with birth control clinics? Why do you need the government to pay for the "children" (some call them litters) of multiple sex partners so the parents need not take responsibility of paying for those children's raising (financially or morally)? That adds to the size of government, it does not reduce it.

I did not say to pass laws prohibiting any of the above. I just said that the lefties support all forms of moral decay, while rejecting proven methods of community building.

When you can show me when and where there has been an ounce of meaningful support through "community building" in some decaying neighborhood where all those decadent activities take place and is sponsored by some "conservative" group, then your statements might have some credibility. In the meantime, you have no answer to the problem. You just enjoy bitching about it and blaming the evil "lefties." The Republican mind is always so eager to lament what's wrong without offering any solutions.
In light of the huge education debate the past few weeks, I can't help but wonder:

Democrats are staunchly pro-abortion. "Freedom of choice" they say.

But they despise the thought of school vouchers (Because it would take money away from unions).

So I conclude....

Democrats are only pro-choice when it comes to killing a child, not educating one.

The lefties support "free choice" when it makes you less of a person or erodes personal morals.
Abortion: yes
Multiple sex partners: yes
School sex ed and encouragement to participate: yes
Pornography: yes
become government dependent: yes
drugs: yes
alcohol: yes
redistribute (steal): yes

Discuss religious values: no
Discuss political systems that have a proven record: no
Uphold politicians to ethical standards: no
Support freedom for all: no
Support for equitable laws: no

You're sick.

You're accusation might be a little more persuasive if you said something to back it up.
Democrats are "pro women's rights".

Republicans only want to get the kid born. Then starve it.

“My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they breed! You’re facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don’t think too much further than that. And so what you’ve got to do is you’ve got to curtail that type of behavior. They don’t know any better.”

– Andre Bauer, lieutenant governor of South Carolina and a Republican

You want to kill the child before it is born. If that does not work, you want to stick them in a system that fails to teach them anything.

Got it.
Did you go to public school?

This from a person that is defending rdean. :cuckoo:
In light of the huge education debate the past few weeks, I can't help but wonder:

Democrats are staunchly pro-abortion. "Freedom of choice" they say.

But they despise the thought of school vouchers (Because it would take money away from unions).

So I conclude....

Democrats are only pro-choice when it comes to killing a child, not educating one.

To the left, the only choices you are allowed to make are abortion and gay rights, that is it. Other then that they will make all your choices for you. It's part of that whole nanny state thing they got going on now.
Also, they believe in equal rights under the law for everyone, except on April 15th when taxes are due.
The lefties support "free choice" when it makes you less of a person or erodes personal morals.
Abortion: yes
Multiple sex partners: yes
School sex ed and encouragement to participate: yes
Pornography: yes
become government dependent: yes
drugs: yes
alcohol: yes
redistribute (steal): yes

Discuss religious values: no
Discuss political systems that have a proven record: no
Uphold politicians to ethical standards: no
Support freedom for all: no
Support for equitable laws: no

You're sick.

You're accusation might be a little more persuasive if you said something to back it up.

Anytime I see someone make sweeping generalizations about what an entire segment of society "supports," especially if it includes abominations like the first list, it pisses me off big time. Is that enough explanation?
You're sick.

You're accusation might be a little more persuasive if you said something to back it up.

Anytime I see someone make sweeping generalizations about what an entire segment of society "supports," especially if it includes abominations like the first list, it pisses me off big time. Is that enough explanation?

When the same folks keep getting voted in by folks like you, we kinda have to assume that you all believe in the same things ya know?
Democrats are "pro women's rights".

Republicans only want to get the kid born. Then starve it.

“My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they breed! You’re facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don’t think too much further than that. And so what you’ve got to do is you’ve got to curtail that type of behavior. They don’t know any better.”

– Andre Bauer, lieutenant governor of South Carolina and a Republican

You want to kill the child before it is born. If that does not work, you want to stick them in a system that fails to teach them anything.

Got it.
Did you go to public school?

Ironically, I think an affirmative answer from Windbag on that one might actually bolster his case.
In light of the huge education debate the past few weeks, I can't help but wonder:

Democrats are staunchly pro-abortion. "Freedom of choice" they say.

But they despise the thought of school vouchers (Because it would take money away from unions).

So I conclude....

Democrats are only pro-choice when it comes to killing a child, not educating one.

To the left, the only choices you are allowed to make are abortion and gay rights, that is it. Other then that they will make all your choices for you. It's part of that whole nanny state thing they got going on now.
Also, they believe in equal rights under the law for everyone, except on April 15th when taxes are due.

Abortion and gay rights? You want to take away those choices too?
European Union Must Be Destroyed To Prevent 'Eurabia'

Many have already written off Western Europe as lost to Islam. I would be lying if I said that I didn't entertain the same thoughts sometimes, but I do see encouraging signs of a real shift of public opinion beneath the surface. Judging from information such as the extremely high number of Germans hostile to Islam, Europe can be saved. But this hope hinges on the complete destruction of the European Union. The EU must die or or Europe will die. It’s that simple.

Bat Ye’or in her book Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis is right in pointing out that ordinary Europeans have never voted for this merger with the Islamic world through massive Muslim immigration and Multiculturalism. This is closely tied to the rise of the European Union, which has transferred power away from the people and the democratic process to behind-the-scenes deals made by corrupt, Eurabian officials and bureaucrats. Several observers have noted that there is a serious disconnect between the European elites and ordinary citizens. This has been made possible largely because of the EU.

Global Politician - European Union Must Be Destroyed To Prevent 'Eurabia'

The Destruction of American Education

The Destruction of American Education

On "Diversity": The Big Lie - The Fraud of "Diversity" - What Destroyed America's Cities

Young America's Foundation

Volume 4:

The destructive effects of multiculturalism world wide being mapped out and taught to our kids is intended to eradicate the dominate cultures to establish a new world order run by the progressive secular global elites....

Homosexuality, Abortion and decadence are mechanisms to divide and conquer Godly based morality within the dominant cultures.... Thus the govt becomes god and dictates morality according to the secular monkey god elite global rulers...

We are the dominate Judeo-Christian Culture, which is all inclusive under our God, in this Country which was established by Judeo-Christians, and we are not like minded when it comes to a foreign religion, secular or otherwise, usurping our Country or Culture....

I'm sure the progressive secular global elite have it in their agenda, and if were still able we will see it unfold, and I do not think it bodes well for Christian, Jew or Muslim....

I believe the secularist elitists are playing one against the other to the hilt to achieve their ends...

Volume 4 | The Journal of Multiculturalism in Education

Cultural Marxist 2: Subversion and Perversion of America's Youth

Cultural Marxist 2: Subversion and Perversion of America's Youth

13 Steps to Destroy America's Youth!

13 Steps to Destroy America's Youth!

Throughout my adult life governments around the Western world have been propagating the gospel of multiculturalism, which tells us that immigrants, from whatever part of the world and whatever way of life, are a welcome part of our "multicultural" society. Differences of language, religion, custom, and attachment don't matter, they have reassured us, since all can form part of the colorful tapestry of the modern state. Anybody who publicly disagreed with that claim invited the attentions of the thought police, always ready with the charge of racism, and never so scrupulous as to think it a sin to destroy the career of someone, provided he was white, indigenous, and male. To be quite honest, living through this period of organized mendacity has been one of the least agreeable ordeals that we conservatives have had to undergo. Keeping your head down is bad enough; but filling your head with official lies means sacrificing thought as well as freedom.

The American Spectator : Multiculturalism, R.I.P.

Multiculturalism Hits the Wall

American Thinker: Multiculturalism Hits the Wall

In the Shadow of Leviathan: America's Arising Fear-Based Society

The Destruction of America - Phase II: Multiculturalism

The Destruction of America - Phase II: Multiculturalism

Immigration and multiculturalism: Why are the conservatives silent?

Immigration and multiculturalism: Why are the conservatives silent?

The End of White America?

The End of White America? - Magazine - The Atlantic
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First...I have no idea if she was a progressive or not. For all I know, she was a conservative Republican.

Second...I didn't say I didn't want to know, I said I don't care...and I don't. There is no one espousing anything like you are claiming today and there hasn't been since Poppa Bush and the neo-cons championed birth control as a means to control communist populations.

Third...you are still a liar, and like I said before, Jesus will deal with you in the end.

He's not lying, Ravi. He's right. Politics aside, abortion was actively encouraged and promoted as a way to rid society of it's 'undesirables'. Those 'undesirables' included minorities, less well educated or educationally challenged, and the poor. Sad, but factually accurate.

While, I do not think he is lying either, I think it is inaccurate to state that today's liberal supports abortion because they support eugenics at heart.

Abortion was actively encouraged and promoted by the eugenics movement. I don't question that at all, but that does not mean today's liberal supports abortion because of the support of abortion by the eugenics movement.

Here's another analogy: The KKK is known for its stance of white supremacy. Its members are white. I am white. Does it follow suit that I must be a member of the KKK and support the idea of white supremacy because I am white?


Your analogy is false, and I'm not saying that all today's liberals agree with eugenics. All I am saying is that Avatar is correct in his historic connection between abortion and eugenics. And.... today, in the 21st century, who exactly is it that has the most abortions? Is it the well educated, stable, financially secure? No. It is the poor, the minorities and the uneducated. I'm not saying they are the only ones but they are certainly a substantial proportion of it.

I'm pro life, I make no apologies for that. I am also tolerant (not accepting but tolerant) of other people's view on abortion. Mine is personal, based on my religion. Other's choose a different path and I accept that. But.... abortion should not be a first option... it should be the option of last resort. Historically, there was - perhaps - a stronger need for abortion.... Today, there are a huge variety of options - and abortion should be falling, but it is not. Why?
He's not lying, Ravi. He's right. Politics aside, abortion was actively encouraged and promoted as a way to rid society of it's 'undesirables'. Those 'undesirables' included minorities, less well educated or educationally challenged, and the poor. Sad, but factually accurate.

While, I do not think he is lying either, I think it is inaccurate to state that today's liberal supports abortion because they support eugenics at heart.

Abortion was actively encouraged and promoted by the eugenics movement. I don't question that at all, but that does not mean today's liberal supports abortion because of the support of abortion by the eugenics movement.

Here's another analogy: The KKK is known for its stance of white supremacy. Its members are white. I am white. Does it follow suit that I must be a member of the KKK and support the idea of white supremacy because I am white?


Your analogy is false, and I'm not saying that all today's liberals agree with eugenics. All I am saying is that Avatar is correct in his historic connection between abortion and eugenics. And.... today, in the 21st century, who exactly is it that has the most abortions? Is it the well educated, stable, financially secure? No. It is the poor, the minorities and the uneducated. I'm not saying they are the only ones but they are certainly a substantial proportion of it.

I'm pro life, I make no apologies for that. I am also tolerant (not accepting but tolerant) of other people's view on abortion. Mine is personal, based on my religion. Other's choose a different path and I accept that. But.... abortion should not be a first option... it should be the option of last resort. Historically, there was - perhaps - a stronger need for abortion.... Today, there are a huge variety of options - and abortion should be falling, but it is not. Why?

His analogy is correct. And constantly referring to eugenics as a means of propagandizing against women's constitutional right to exercise dominion over their own body is disingenuous. I understand people differ on the issue of reproductive choice. There is nothing wrong with us having differences. There is, however, something very wrong with people who want to impose their religious beliefs on others.
He's not lying, Ravi. He's right. Politics aside, abortion was actively encouraged and promoted as a way to rid society of it's 'undesirables'. Those 'undesirables' included minorities, less well educated or educationally challenged, and the poor. Sad, but factually accurate.

While, I do not think he is lying either, I think it is inaccurate to state that today's liberal supports abortion because they support eugenics at heart.

Abortion was actively encouraged and promoted by the eugenics movement. I don't question that at all, but that does not mean today's liberal supports abortion because of the support of abortion by the eugenics movement.

Here's another analogy: The KKK is known for its stance of white supremacy. Its members are white. I am white. Does it follow suit that I must be a member of the KKK and support the idea of white supremacy because I am white?


Your analogy is false, and I'm not saying that all today's liberals agree with eugenics. All I am saying is that Avatar is correct in his historic connection between abortion and eugenics. And.... today, in the 21st century, who exactly is it that has the most abortions? Is it the well educated, stable, financially secure? No. It is the poor, the minorities and the uneducated. I'm not saying they are the only ones but they are certainly a substantial proportion of it.

I'm pro life, I make no apologies for that. I am also tolerant (not accepting but tolerant) of other people's view on abortion. Mine is personal, based on my religion. Other's choose a different path and I accept that. But.... abortion should not be a first option... it should be the option of last resort. Historically, there was - perhaps - a stronger need for abortion.... Today, there are a huge variety of options - and abortion should be falling, but it is not. Why?

First, I disagree that my analogy is false. It is not perfect, but no analogy is.

I understand what you are saying and I think I understand what Avatar is saying, but what I am getting from Avatar is a lack of indication that there are other factors in today's liberal point of view on the issue.

Abortion was a fact long before the eugenics movement began. The eugenics movement saw abortion as a means to an end and promoted abortion. While I would guess there are some abortion promoters that do so because they are evil and would like to use abortion as a means to bringing about a perfect race, I highly doubt there are many people in that category.

Most pro-choice people in America today would never even consider an abortion for themselves or their spouse. They simply feel that the government has no right to dictate on the issue. While I disagree with that because I believe that a major responsibility of government is to protect all life, I do see their point as it is much more of a libertarian point of view than my own.


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