How are we feeling about the new health care plan (AHCA)?

Obamacare is/was failing miserably... why didn't Democrats do something about it over the past 7 years?

Here's How Many Billions Obamacare Will Cost in 2016

GOP obstruction, which is why nothing was done about it for the past 7 years. Now the GOP had 7 years to come up with a much better plan, why is it they are only now cobbling together a replacement?

The GOP plan better have some real improvements, or they will pay dearly in 2018. Not only that, they will not dare hold any town meetings.
Wait a minute. The past 7 years? Who has had control of the House during that entire 7 years? Refresh my memory... how many times did they vote to repeal Obamacare, again? With all that wasting time voting to repeal, they couldn't be bothered to sit down, and write a decent replacement? Really?

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That doesn't matter. They've been talking about repealing it all these years, anyone with common sense would say they should have been working on a plan to replace it. Hell if they had a good enough plan, as great as the one Trump preaches to the people, then they would have had no problem getting the Democrats to work with them and repeal and replace even without the Republicans having control of Congress.
They had plans.

There were several proposals through that time. No one can help it if you ignored them or did not like them. As they did not have the power to actually get anything done they never hammered out details that would have changed by next week.
Really. Could you link us to a few of those. I'd love to read them. Because they sure never made it to the House floor.

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GOP obstruction, which is why nothing was done about it for the past 7 years. Now the GOP had 7 years to come up with a much better plan, why is it they are only now cobbling together a replacement?

The GOP plan better have some real improvements, or they will pay dearly in 2018. Not only that, they will not dare hold any town meetings.
Wait a minute. The past 7 years? Who has had control of the House during that entire 7 years? Refresh my memory... how many times did they vote to repeal Obamacare, again? With all that wasting time voting to repeal, they couldn't be bothered to sit down, and write a decent replacement? Really?

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That doesn't matter. They've been talking about repealing it all these years, anyone with common sense would say they should have been working on a plan to replace it. Hell if they had a good enough plan, as great as the one Trump preaches to the people, then they would have had no problem getting the Democrats to work with them and repeal and replace even without the Republicans having control of Congress.
They had plans.

There were several proposals through that time. No one can help it if you ignored them or did not like them. As they did not have the power to actually get anything done they never hammered out details that would have changed by next week.

I never once heard a full new health care plan. I heard different ideas of things to do individually, like repealing the medical device tax... but that doesn't count. There was nothing like what they just revealed yesterday.
Of course not. As I said, you cannot put a full plan together without any knowledge of the legislators or political environment that it is going to be proposed in let alone no idea whatsoever who the president would be.

All of these things play a significant factor in both penning and passing legislation.
Except they knew who the President was. You said 7 years, so that includes his reelection!!! And, yet, no plan. A few wish list ideas, but no actual plan for replacement. But, boy they sure did like to vote to repeal Obamacare didn't they?

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Wait a minute. The past 7 years? Who has had control of the House during that entire 7 years? Refresh my memory... how many times did they vote to repeal Obamacare, again? With all that wasting time voting to repeal, they couldn't be bothered to sit down, and write a decent replacement? Really?

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That doesn't matter. They've been talking about repealing it all these years, anyone with common sense would say they should have been working on a plan to replace it. Hell if they had a good enough plan, as great as the one Trump preaches to the people, then they would have had no problem getting the Democrats to work with them and repeal and replace even without the Republicans having control of Congress.
They had plans.

There were several proposals through that time. No one can help it if you ignored them or did not like them. As they did not have the power to actually get anything done they never hammered out details that would have changed by next week.

I never once heard a full new health care plan. I heard different ideas of things to do individually, like repealing the medical device tax... but that doesn't count. There was nothing like what they just revealed yesterday.
Of course not. As I said, you cannot put a full plan together without any knowledge of the legislators or political environment that it is going to be proposed in let alone no idea whatsoever who the president would be.

All of these things play a significant factor in both penning and passing legislation.
Except they knew who the President was. You said 7 years, so that includes his reelection!!! And, yet, no plan. A few wish list ideas, but no actual plan for replacement. But, boy they sure did like to vote to repeal Obamacare didn't they?

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It's easy to be a critic and bash something. Much more difficult to actually come up with solutions. It's too bad the GOP couldn't have put some of that energy towards trying to help make the act as good as possible. Now the partisanship and obstructionism is at an all time hi as productivity is at an all time low. At some point the dynamic has to change.

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