How are we feeling about the new health care plan (AHCA)?

The Republicans have complained for 7 years... and during that entire time didn't have a good replacement plan in place by the time they finally got control of Congress to do anything. 7 fucking years, and now they are rushing to throw something together.


:laugh: .. sounds like whining without actual links and proof there fuzzy bear.. don't you think?

Uh... no? They just started to put together a replacement plan a couple weeks ago.

Where's your proof?

Where's my proof? Have you had your head up your ass for the last month and a half?

Right, where's your proof .. sure, no doubt you're an ignorant prick but you provided no actual proof...?

now it's a month and a half ... :lol:

Yep a month and a half is a couple of weeks... especially when they had 7 years to work with. :)
Keeps some of the keys features of Obamacare... pre-existing conditions, kids till 26, and Medicaid expansion. Seems to loosen some of the standards to allow for cheaper, catostrophic plans, which will appeal to the younger generation. Haven't seen a cost analysis yet, will be interesting to see how they plan on lowering costs for Americans while reducing the deficit.


The American Health Care Act: The Republicans’ bill to replace Obamacare, explained

At this point it is nothing but a draft, once it goes through the amendment process in both houses, then we will have something more concrete to discuss.
Obamacare is/was failing miserably... why didn't Democrats do something about it over the past 7 years?

Here's How Many Billions Obamacare Will Cost in 2016

GOP obstruction, which is why nothing was done about it for the past 7 years. Now the GOP had 7 years to come up with a much better plan, why is it they are only now cobbling together a replacement?

The GOP plan better have some real improvements, or they will pay dearly in 2018. Not only that, they will not dare hold any town meetings.
Wait a minute. The past 7 years? Who has had control of the House during that entire 7 years? Refresh my memory... how many times did they vote to repeal Obamacare, again? With all that wasting time voting to repeal, they couldn't be bothered to sit down, and write a decent replacement? Really?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Obamacare is/was failing miserably... why didn't Democrats do something about it over the past 7 years?

Here's How Many Billions Obamacare Will Cost in 2016

GOP obstruction, which is why nothing was done about it for the past 7 years. Now the GOP had 7 years to come up with a much better plan, why is it they are only now cobbling together a replacement?

The GOP plan better have some real improvements, or they will pay dearly in 2018. Not only that, they will not dare hold any town meetings.
Wait a minute. The past 7 years? Who has had control of the House during that entire 7 years? Refresh my memory... how many times did they vote to repeal Obamacare, again? With all that wasting time voting to repeal, they couldn't be bothered to sit down, and write a decent replacement? Really?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

That doesn't matter. They've been talking about repealing it all these years, anyone with common sense would say they should have been working on a plan to replace it. Hell if they had a good enough plan, as great as the one Trump preaches to the people, then they would have had no problem getting the Democrats to work with them and repeal and replace even without the Republicans having control of Congress.
Obamacare is/was failing miserably... why didn't Democrats do something about it over the past 7 years?

Here's How Many Billions Obamacare Will Cost in 2016

GOP obstruction, which is why nothing was done about it for the past 7 years. Now the GOP had 7 years to come up with a much better plan, why is it they are only now cobbling together a replacement?

The GOP plan better have some real improvements, or they will pay dearly in 2018. Not only that, they will not dare hold any town meetings.
Wait a minute. The past 7 years? Who has had control of the House during that entire 7 years? Refresh my memory... how many times did they vote to repeal Obamacare, again? With all that wasting time voting to repeal, they couldn't be bothered to sit down, and write a decent replacement? Really?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

That doesn't matter. They've been talking about repealing it all these years, anyone with common sense would say they should have been working on a plan to replace it. Hell if they had a good enough plan, as great as the one Trump preaches to the people, then they would have had no problem getting the Democrats to work with them and repeal and replace even without the Republicans having control of Congress.
They had plans.

There were several proposals through that time. No one can help it if you ignored them or did not like them. As they did not have the power to actually get anything done they never hammered out details that would have changed by next week.
Obamacare is/was failing miserably... why didn't Democrats do something about it over the past 7 years?

Here's How Many Billions Obamacare Will Cost in 2016

GOP obstruction, which is why nothing was done about it for the past 7 years. Now the GOP had 7 years to come up with a much better plan, why is it they are only now cobbling together a replacement?

The GOP plan better have some real improvements, or they will pay dearly in 2018. Not only that, they will not dare hold any town meetings.
Wait a minute. The past 7 years? Who has had control of the House during that entire 7 years? Refresh my memory... how many times did they vote to repeal Obamacare, again? With all that wasting time voting to repeal, they couldn't be bothered to sit down, and write a decent replacement? Really?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

That doesn't matter. They've been talking about repealing it all these years, anyone with common sense would say they should have been working on a plan to replace it. Hell if they had a good enough plan, as great as the one Trump preaches to the people, then they would have had no problem getting the Democrats to work with them and repeal and replace even without the Republicans having control of Congress.
They had plans.

There were several proposals through that time. No one can help it if you ignored them or did not like them. As they did not have the power to actually get anything done they never hammered out details that would have changed by next week.

I never once heard a full new health care plan. I heard different ideas of things to do individually, like repealing the medical device tax... but that doesn't count. There was nothing like what they just revealed yesterday.
Obamacare is/was failing miserably... why didn't Democrats do something about it over the past 7 years?

Here's How Many Billions Obamacare Will Cost in 2016

GOP obstruction, which is why nothing was done about it for the past 7 years. Now the GOP had 7 years to come up with a much better plan, why is it they are only now cobbling together a replacement?

The GOP plan better have some real improvements, or they will pay dearly in 2018. Not only that, they will not dare hold any town meetings.
Wait a minute. The past 7 years? Who has had control of the House during that entire 7 years? Refresh my memory... how many times did they vote to repeal Obamacare, again? With all that wasting time voting to repeal, they couldn't be bothered to sit down, and write a decent replacement? Really?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

That doesn't matter. They've been talking about repealing it all these years, anyone with common sense would say they should have been working on a plan to replace it. Hell if they had a good enough plan, as great as the one Trump preaches to the people, then they would have had no problem getting the Democrats to work with them and repeal and replace even without the Republicans having control of Congress.
They had plans.

There were several proposals through that time. No one can help it if you ignored them or did not like them. As they did not have the power to actually get anything done they never hammered out details that would have changed by next week.

I never once heard a full new health care plan. I heard different ideas of things to do individually, like repealing the medical device tax... but that doesn't count. There was nothing like what they just revealed yesterday.
Of course not. As I said, you cannot put a full plan together without any knowledge of the legislators or political environment that it is going to be proposed in let alone no idea whatsoever who the president would be.

All of these things play a significant factor in both penning and passing legislation.
GOP obstruction, which is why nothing was done about it for the past 7 years. Now the GOP had 7 years to come up with a much better plan, why is it they are only now cobbling together a replacement?

The GOP plan better have some real improvements, or they will pay dearly in 2018. Not only that, they will not dare hold any town meetings.
Wait a minute. The past 7 years? Who has had control of the House during that entire 7 years? Refresh my memory... how many times did they vote to repeal Obamacare, again? With all that wasting time voting to repeal, they couldn't be bothered to sit down, and write a decent replacement? Really?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

That doesn't matter. They've been talking about repealing it all these years, anyone with common sense would say they should have been working on a plan to replace it. Hell if they had a good enough plan, as great as the one Trump preaches to the people, then they would have had no problem getting the Democrats to work with them and repeal and replace even without the Republicans having control of Congress.
They had plans.

There were several proposals through that time. No one can help it if you ignored them or did not like them. As they did not have the power to actually get anything done they never hammered out details that would have changed by next week.

I never once heard a full new health care plan. I heard different ideas of things to do individually, like repealing the medical device tax... but that doesn't count. There was nothing like what they just revealed yesterday.
Of course not. As I said, you cannot put a full plan together without any knowledge of the legislators or political environment that it is going to be proposed in let alone no idea whatsoever who the president would be.

All of these things play a significant factor in both penning and passing legislation.

Not true at all. If you put together a better plan, like the one Trump has been preaching to the country that covers EVERYONE... and is cheaper for EVERYONE... and covers pre-existing conditions, and covers college kids up to age 26, then they could have passed it bipartisan no problem.

The problem is, Trump's plan is a fantasy that is impossible without raising huge taxes, and not only will the people not allow it, but all the Republicans in Congress will never go for it.

Fact is politicians often times will say things that will put them in good graces with as many people as possible despite the possibility of it becoming a reality. Well Trump has gone way beyond that and promising fairies and unicorns... and sadly his minions are so brainwashed they think it can actually happen... and when it doesn't they don't care and will just blame the Democrats for it not coming to fruition. They will totally ignore the fact that it was just a dream in the first place.
Soon you will hear story after story of Americans who are going to have to pay more for healthcare under the new Republican 'plan'.
All I can say is, I have 2 years of school to get my Master's degree and under the new plan I'll still have insurance for those years... and hopefully after that I'll have a good job with good insurance benefits. I hate to see poor people get screwed after 2020... but I have to look at the bright side that it could be worse and I could lose my insurance next month under some other plan.
Obamacare is/was failing miserably... why didn't Democrats do something about it over the past 7 years?

Here's How Many Billions Obamacare Will Cost in 2016

GOP obstruction, which is why nothing was done about it for the past 7 years. Now the GOP had 7 years to come up with a much better plan, why is it they are only now cobbling together a replacement?

The GOP plan better have some real improvements, or they will pay dearly in 2018. Not only that, they will not dare hold any town meetings.

So basically, no matter what .. it's the Republicans fault and Democrats aren't responsible for the mess in any way past, present or future...kinda like they don't exist, much like your argument...... :laugh:

They seem to forget that the Dems passed this POS all on their own and the Reps weren't consulted at all.

The plan that none of them ever read. The plan that's imploding all by itself.

The GOP tried to repeal it but didn't have the power to do so. Now they have the power and the idiot left thinks they can replace it in two weeks. LOL

You can't cure stupid
Keeps some of the keys features of Obamacare... pre-existing conditions, kids till 26, and Medicaid expansion. Seems to loosen some of the standards to allow for cheaper, catostrophic plans, which will appeal to the younger generation. Haven't seen a cost analysis yet, will be interesting to see how they plan on lowering costs for Americans while reducing the deficit.


The American Health Care Act: The Republicans’ bill to replace Obamacare, explained
Just read an article on the BBC that the majority of Americans like Obamacare.
All I can say is, I have 2 years of school to get my Master's degree and under the new plan I'll still have insurance for those years... and hopefully after that I'll have a good job with good insurance benefits. I hate to see poor people get screwed after 2020... but I have to look at the bright side that it could be worse and I could lose my insurance next month under some other plan.
Good luck on your Masters. I really enjoyed my post graduate experience which began when I was older.
Wait a minute. The past 7 years? Who has had control of the House during that entire 7 years? Refresh my memory... how many times did they vote to repeal Obamacare, again? With all that wasting time voting to repeal, they couldn't be bothered to sit down, and write a decent replacement? Really?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

That doesn't matter. They've been talking about repealing it all these years, anyone with common sense would say they should have been working on a plan to replace it. Hell if they had a good enough plan, as great as the one Trump preaches to the people, then they would have had no problem getting the Democrats to work with them and repeal and replace even without the Republicans having control of Congress.
They had plans.

There were several proposals through that time. No one can help it if you ignored them or did not like them. As they did not have the power to actually get anything done they never hammered out details that would have changed by next week.

I never once heard a full new health care plan. I heard different ideas of things to do individually, like repealing the medical device tax... but that doesn't count. There was nothing like what they just revealed yesterday.
Of course not. As I said, you cannot put a full plan together without any knowledge of the legislators or political environment that it is going to be proposed in let alone no idea whatsoever who the president would be.

All of these things play a significant factor in both penning and passing legislation.

Not true at all. If you put together a better plan, like the one Trump has been preaching to the country that covers EVERYONE... and is cheaper for EVERYONE... and covers pre-existing conditions, and covers college kids up to age 26, then they could have passed it bipartisan no problem.

The problem is, Trump's plan is a fantasy that is impossible without raising huge taxes, and not only will the people not allow it, but all the Republicans in Congress will never go for it.

Fact is politicians often times will say things that will put them in good graces with as many people as possible despite the possibility of it becoming a reality. Well Trump has gone way beyond that and promising fairies and unicorns... and sadly his minions are so brainwashed they think it can actually happen... and when it doesn't they don't care and will just blame the Democrats for it not coming to fruition. They will totally ignore the fact that it was just a dream in the first place.

Having been through this particular, "Fantasy" within the past 7 years under Obama, Lewdog speaks from repressed experience as many of his fellow snowflakes do as well....:wink_2:
Last edited:
All I can say is, I have 2 years of school to get my Master's degree and under the new plan I'll still have insurance for those years... and hopefully after that I'll have a good job with good insurance benefits. I hate to see poor people get screwed after 2020... but I have to look at the bright side that it could be worse and I could lose my insurance next month under some other plan.
Good luck on your Masters. I really enjoyed my post graduate experience which began when I was older.

Thanks, they have a graduate research program, but it is only on the main campus which is an hour and 30 minute drive each way. It pays almost $16K for Fall, Spring, and Summer Semester plus you get a 3/4 reduction on your tuition. I'd love to do it, because the tuition is like $18,000 which would mean I'd save an additional $13,500 on top of the pay... but that's 3 hours of driving each day, plus I don't know if my old truck would be able to hold up to all that driving. It would be nice though.
That doesn't matter. They've been talking about repealing it all these years, anyone with common sense would say they should have been working on a plan to replace it. Hell if they had a good enough plan, as great as the one Trump preaches to the people, then they would have had no problem getting the Democrats to work with them and repeal and replace even without the Republicans having control of Congress.
They had plans.

There were several proposals through that time. No one can help it if you ignored them or did not like them. As they did not have the power to actually get anything done they never hammered out details that would have changed by next week.

I never once heard a full new health care plan. I heard different ideas of things to do individually, like repealing the medical device tax... but that doesn't count. There was nothing like what they just revealed yesterday.
Of course not. As I said, you cannot put a full plan together without any knowledge of the legislators or political environment that it is going to be proposed in let alone no idea whatsoever who the president would be.

All of these things play a significant factor in both penning and passing legislation.

Not true at all. If you put together a better plan, like the one Trump has been preaching to the country that covers EVERYONE... and is cheaper for EVERYONE... and covers pre-existing conditions, and covers college kids up to age 26, then they could have passed it bipartisan no problem.

The problem is, Trump's plan is a fantasy that is impossible without raising huge taxes, and not only will the people not allow it, but all the Republicans in Congress will never go for it.

Fact is politicians often times will say things that will put them in good graces with as many people as possible despite the possibility of it becoming a reality. Well Trump has gone way beyond that and promising fairies and unicorns... and sadly his minions are so brainwashed they think it can actually happen... and when it doesn't they don't care and will just blame the Democrats for it not coming to fruition. They will totally ignore the fact that it was just a dream in the first place.

Having been through this particular, "Fantasy" within the past 7 years under Obama, Lewdog speaks from repressed experience...:wink_2:

Do you even know what the fuck you are talking about? Or did you just smash your head on your keyboard and this is what came out?
All I can say is, I have 2 years of school to get my Master's degree and under the new plan I'll still have insurance for those years... and hopefully after that I'll have a good job with good insurance benefits. I hate to see poor people get screwed after 2020... but I have to look at the bright side that it could be worse and I could lose my insurance next month under some other plan.
Good luck on your Masters. I really enjoyed my post graduate experience which began when I was older.

Thanks, they have a graduate research program, but it is only on the main campus which is an hour and 30 minute drive each way. It pays almost $16K for Fall, Spring, and Summer Semester plus you get a 3/4 reduction on your tuition. I'd love to do it, because the tuition is like $18,000 which would mean I'd save an additional $13,500 on top of the pay... but that's 3 hours of driving each day, plus I don't know if my old truck would be able to hold up to all that driving. It would be nice though.
My doctorate tuition was $50,000.
They had plans.

There were several proposals through that time. No one can help it if you ignored them or did not like them. As they did not have the power to actually get anything done they never hammered out details that would have changed by next week.

I never once heard a full new health care plan. I heard different ideas of things to do individually, like repealing the medical device tax... but that doesn't count. There was nothing like what they just revealed yesterday.
Of course not. As I said, you cannot put a full plan together without any knowledge of the legislators or political environment that it is going to be proposed in let alone no idea whatsoever who the president would be.

All of these things play a significant factor in both penning and passing legislation.

Not true at all. If you put together a better plan, like the one Trump has been preaching to the country that covers EVERYONE... and is cheaper for EVERYONE... and covers pre-existing conditions, and covers college kids up to age 26, then they could have passed it bipartisan no problem.

The problem is, Trump's plan is a fantasy that is impossible without raising huge taxes, and not only will the people not allow it, but all the Republicans in Congress will never go for it.

Fact is politicians often times will say things that will put them in good graces with as many people as possible despite the possibility of it becoming a reality. Well Trump has gone way beyond that and promising fairies and unicorns... and sadly his minions are so brainwashed they think it can actually happen... and when it doesn't they don't care and will just blame the Democrats for it not coming to fruition. They will totally ignore the fact that it was just a dream in the first place.

Having been through this particular, "Fantasy" within the past 7 years under Obama, Lewdog speaks from repressed experience...:wink_2:

Do you even know what the fuck you are talking about? Or did you just smash your head on your keyboard and this is what came out?

Sure ... and it's funny that you thought of that ... :popcorn:
All I can say is, I have 2 years of school to get my Master's degree and under the new plan I'll still have insurance for those years... and hopefully after that I'll have a good job with good insurance benefits. I hate to see poor people get screwed after 2020... but I have to look at the bright side that it could be worse and I could lose my insurance next month under some other plan.
Good luck on your Masters. I really enjoyed my post graduate experience which began when I was older.

Thanks, they have a graduate research program, but it is only on the main campus which is an hour and 30 minute drive each way. It pays almost $16K for Fall, Spring, and Summer Semester plus you get a 3/4 reduction on your tuition. I'd love to do it, because the tuition is like $18,000 which would mean I'd save an additional $13,500 on top of the pay... but that's 3 hours of driving each day, plus I don't know if my old truck would be able to hold up to all that driving. It would be nice though.
My doctorate tuition was $50,000.

Wow, it took 2 years? Mine would be $36,000 total for the two years. Of course EKU is a public school.
Keeps some of the keys features of Obamacare... pre-existing conditions, kids till 26, and Medicaid expansion. Seems to loosen some of the standards to allow for cheaper, catostrophic plans, which will appeal to the younger generation. Haven't seen a cost analysis yet, will be interesting to see how they plan on lowering costs for Americans while reducing the deficit.


The American Health Care Act: The Republicans’ bill to replace Obamacare, explained

It still has nothing to do with actual health care but what is important is keeping those insurance companies in the clear, innit?

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