How are we going to stop the liberal war on free speech and conservative voices?

Lying and fake news are being shut down. Conservatives have been lying since Nixon. They need to stop. It’s disgusting.
Is there any lying from the Left, too?

If so, will they be shut down, too?

How will that work, precisely?

And how does that work with a First Amendment?
She's not American so she doesnt care about the first amendment
Sometimes its not an excuse, it's the truth.

Right. "It's different when we do it".

It's the same story every time someone decides that their vision for society is simply so important that they can't be bothered with persuading others to join their cause voluntarily. It's so much easier to pass a law and have the police do your dirty work.

Declaring facebook to be a digital commons wouldn't require the police.

It will require the police to enforce it

Sent from my iPhone using

Nope. it would just open up facebook to lawsuits if they suppress speech based on content.

Is there even such thing as the "digital police"?

And happens if Facebook refuses to comply with the court's decisions? Nasty emails? What?

Contempt of court, and then yes the police may have to be involved, only to settle civil issues, not criminal.
I don't know if I can emphasize this enough, but the message seems to be getting lost - Facebook isn't bound by the First Amendment. And they should't be. The point of the First is to protect free speech, not squash it.

And how is facebook silencing one side of the political spectrum under it's supposed "open" forum protecting free speech?

facebook isn't the media or the opinion of one person, it's whole purpose is for people to join and interact with each other. They are the biggest game in town, and to me create a digital commons that requires new ways of interpreting 1st amendment protections.
To you but not as a fact of law.

Private entities will never be subject to First Amendment jurisprudence, nor should they.

And FB isn't 'silencing' anyone, conservatives have ample other media to propagate their message.

I bet your tune would be different if progressives were being banned for content, you fucking hack..

WND, Infowars and I presume other right wing sites ban 'progressives' for content or just for being anywhere west of right wing whacko.

Unlike the far right- I don't have a cow about how private websites control their access.

Those sites make their political views known, and are like comparing two cans tied to a string to Ma Bell if you compare them to facebook.

Facebook purports to be a platform for all. They are the new digital commons.

The only reason you don't care because you are a gutless prick and people you don't like are the ones being fucked with.

Yes- those sites make their political views known- and heavily censor both the content and the people who are allowed to post on those sites.

You are okay with that- because they are Right Wing sites- and you are a gutless hypocritical wonder.
The fact that most Americans understand that the left is at war with free speech .

And by 'war on free speech' you mean what you whiny snowflakes call when a 'liberal' company doesn't allow every far right whacko on the web to post anything that they want- but not of course the censorship by 'conservative' companies.
Zuckerberg's a Democrat asshole. Dump Facebook. Nuff said.

Well that is how Capitalism works- if people don't like the product- or even the leadership of the company- you can shop somewhere else.

Or you can start snowflake threads about 'censorship'

Fuck him, Soros, and the Democratic Party. Hopefully folks revolt and Facebook folds. Good riddance.

Well that is how Capitalism works- if people don't like the product- or even the leadership of the company- you can shop somewhere else. You know like how the boycott of Chic Fil E by the left worked so well.

Or you can start snowflake threads about 'censorship
At least like most conservatives you’re consistent at being ignorant and stupid.

Facebook is a private company, not a government entity, and at liberty to edit content as it sees fit, having nothing to do with the Constitution or ‘free speech.’

And how Factbook might edit its content endangers neither the Constitution nor free speech.
/——/ Yet libs want Rush and Fox News off the air.

Yet contards want CNN and ABC and well- everyone but Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and his fellow travellers off the air.

I've never called for that. I know CNN and ABC are Democrat Fake News, but i'm not calling for them to be forced off the air. However, Communists/Democrats frequently call for Limbaugh and Fox News to be censored, or outright banned..

I've never called for Limbaugh or Fox News to be censored or outright banned- even though we all know that they are the biggest manufacturers of Fake News after Donald Trump. However Fascists/Republicans frequently call for CNN and ABC to be censored or outright banned. Hell Donald Trump has even called for the Washington Post to have to register with the government.

For years, Communists/Democrats have been calling for Conservative Talk Radio especially, to be censored or taken off the air. They've done the same in regards to Fox News. I haven't seen Conservatives calling for Democrat Fake News to be censored or taken off the air..

For years, Fascists/Republicans- have been calling for Liberal Talk shows and MSNBC, to be censored or taken off the air. They've done the same in regards to CNN and Washington Post and virtually any 'media' that dares say anything critical of Donald Trump. I haven't seen Liberals calling for Trump's Fake News to be censored or taken off the air.
And how is facebook silencing one side of the political spectrum under it's supposed "open" forum protecting free speech?

facebook isn't the media or the opinion of one person, it's whole purpose is for people to join and interact with each other. They are the biggest game in town, and to me create a digital commons that requires new ways of interpreting 1st amendment protections.
To you but not as a fact of law.

Private entities will never be subject to First Amendment jurisprudence, nor should they.

And FB isn't 'silencing' anyone, conservatives have ample other media to propagate their message.

I bet your tune would be different if progressives were being banned for content, you fucking hack..

WND, Infowars and I presume other right wing sites ban 'progressives' for content or just for being anywhere west of right wing whacko.

Unlike the far right- I don't have a cow about how private websites control their access.

Those sites make their political views known, and are like comparing two cans tied to a string to Ma Bell if you compare them to facebook.

Facebook purports to be a platform for all. They are the new digital commons.

The only reason you don't care because you are a gutless prick and people you don't like are the ones being fucked with.

Yes- those sites make their political views known- and heavily censor both the content and the people who are allowed to post on those sites.

You are okay with that- because they are Right Wing sites- and you are a gutless hypocritical wonder.

I'm also OK with Daily Kos, Democratic Underground and other hard left sites doing the EXACT same thing, so views have nothing to with it.

Facebook and other large social media platforms are different. they purport to be open user driven and controlled content.
/——/ Yet libs want Rush and Fox News off the air.

Yet contards want CNN and ABC and well- everyone but Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and his fellow travellers off the air.

I've never called for that. I know CNN and ABC are Democrat Fake News, but i'm not calling for them to be forced off the air. However, Communists/Democrats frequently call for Limbaugh and Fox News to be censored, or outright banned..

I've never called for Limbaugh or Fox News to be censored or outright banned- even though we all know that they are the biggest manufacturers of Fake News after Donald Trump. However Fascists/Republicans frequently call for CNN and ABC to be censored or outright banned. Hell Donald Trump has even called for the Washington Post to have to register with the government.

For years, Communists/Democrats have been calling for Conservative Talk Radio especially, to be censored or taken off the air. They've done the same in regards to Fox News. I haven't seen Conservatives calling for Democrat Fake News to be censored or taken off the air..

For years, Fascists/Republicans- have been calling for Liberal Talk shows and MSNBC, to be censored or taken off the air. They've done the same in regards to CNN and Washington Post and virtually any 'media' that dares say anything critical of Donald Trump. I haven't seen Liberals calling for Trump's Fake News to be censored or taken off the air.

The American MSM is dominated by Communist/Democrat assholes. If anyone should be complaining, it would have to be Conservatives. They've been the victims of Democrat Media Bias and censorship-attempts, for decades. Democrat Fake News even receives Taxpayer-funding to push its propaganda by way of NPR and PBS.

So, y'all Communists shouldn't be complaining. You control most of the corrupt American MSM. These two women were wronged. They were banned for merely being Trump supporters. So like i said, fuck Zuckerberg, Soros, and the Democratic Party!
The American MSM is dominated by Communist/Democrat assholes. If anyone should be complaining, it would have to be Conservatives. They've been the victims of Democrat Media Bias and censorship-attempts, for decades. They even receive Taxpayer-funding to push their propaganda by way of NPR and PBS.

So, y'all Communists shouldn't be complaining. You control most of the corrupt American MSM. These two women were wronged. They were banned for merely being Trump supporters. So like i said, fuck Zuckerberg, Soros, and the Democratic Party.

Victim is a very poor choice of a word. If I am being attacked it is because I am feared or someone wishes to decrease my influence or power.
The American MSM is dominated by Communist/Democrat assholes. If anyone should be complaining, it would have to be Conservatives. They've been the victims of Democrat Media Bias and censorship-attempts, for decades. They even receive Taxpayer-funding to push their propaganda by way of NPR and PBS.

So, y'all Communists shouldn't be complaining. You control most of the corrupt American MSM. These two women were wronged. They were banned for merely being Trump supporters. So like i said, fuck Zuckerberg, Soros, and the Democratic Party.

Victim is a very poor choice of a word. If I am being attacked it is because I am feared or someone wishes to decrease my influence or power.

NPR and PBS are prime examples of the corrupt Communist/Democrat-dominated MSM. They shouldn't be receiving Tax Dollars. So yes, Conservatives have been the victims for the most part. You can't be a victim if you're in complete control of the apparatus. And that's the case with Communists/Democrats. It is what it is.
Lying and fake news are being shut down. Conservatives have been lying since Nixon. They need to stop. It’s disgusting.
Is there any lying from the Left, too?

If so, will they be shut down, too?

How will that work, precisely?

And how does that work with a First Amendment?
She's not American so she doesnt care about the first amendment

The first Amendment doesn’t apply to FaceBook or any other private business.
Start PseudoconBook. Don't allow libtards on it.

Conservatives were so incensed by the “left wing bias” of Wikipedia that they started their own “Conservapedia” website.

They have over 6 million views since it was founded in 2006. Wikipedia was getting 400 million views per month in 2015.

Looks like the majority of people are happier with the left leaning Wikipedia which at least tries to post with accuracy, than with a website which tells conservatives what they want to hear.

If conservatives want to use FaceBook, stop posting fake news, phony conspiracy theories, hate speech and lies. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.

As the saying goes, honesty is the best policy.
Right. "It's different when we do it".

It's the same story every time someone decides that their vision for society is simply so important that they can't be bothered with persuading others to join their cause voluntarily. It's so much easier to pass a law and have the police do your dirty work.

Declaring facebook to be a digital commons wouldn't require the police.

It will require the police to enforce it

Sent from my iPhone using

Nope. it would just open up facebook to lawsuits if they suppress speech based on content.

Is there even such thing as the "digital police"?

And happens if Facebook refuses to comply with the court's decisions? Nasty emails? What?

Contempt of court, and then yes the police may have to be involved, only to settle civil issues, not criminal.

The point being, it's government force that makes regulations and court rulings work. They're not suggestions. They are not voluntary.
Start PseudoconBook. Don't allow libtards on it.

Conservatives were so incensed by the “left wing bias” of Wikipedia that they started their own “Conservapedia” website.

They have over 6 million views since it was founded in 2006. Wikipedia was getting 400 million views per month in 2015.

Looks like the majority of people are happier with the left leaning Wikipedia which at least tries to post with accuracy, than with a website which tells conservatives what they want to hear.

If conservatives want to use FaceBook, stop posting fake news, phony conspiracy theories, hate speech and lies. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.

As the saying goes, honesty is the best policy.

Lol, yet you are OK with the left posting fake news, phoney conspiracy theories, hate speech and lies.

An honest progressive is a figment of imagination.
Declaring facebook to be a digital commons wouldn't require the police.

It will require the police to enforce it

Sent from my iPhone using

Nope. it would just open up facebook to lawsuits if they suppress speech based on content.

Is there even such thing as the "digital police"?

And happens if Facebook refuses to comply with the court's decisions? Nasty emails? What?

Contempt of court, and then yes the police may have to be involved, only to settle civil issues, not criminal.

The point being, it's government force that makes regulations and court rulings work. They're not suggestions. They are not voluntary.

Well the other option is anarchy.
The first Amendment doesn’t apply to FaceBook or any other private business.

I really hope all the liberals citing this fact remember it when the shoe is on the other foot. The conservatives sure can't seem to keep it straight.
It will require the police to enforce it

Sent from my iPhone using

Nope. it would just open up facebook to lawsuits if they suppress speech based on content.

Is there even such thing as the "digital police"?

And happens if Facebook refuses to comply with the court's decisions? Nasty emails? What?

Contempt of court, and then yes the police may have to be involved, only to settle civil issues, not criminal.

The point being, it's government force that makes regulations and court rulings work. They're not suggestions. They are not voluntary.

Well the other option is anarchy.

Again, the same sort of counter I hear from liberals. Any resistance to their grand plans is labeled "Anarchy!!!".... Now is when you start talking about Somalia.
The American MSM is dominated by Communist/Democrat assholes. If anyone should be complaining, it would have to be Conservatives. They've been the victims of Democrat Media Bias and censorship-attempts, for decades. They even receive Taxpayer-funding to push their propaganda by way of NPR and PBS.

So, y'all Communists shouldn't be complaining. You control most of the corrupt American MSM. These two women were wronged. They were banned for merely being Trump supporters. So like i said, fuck Zuckerberg, Soros, and the Democratic Party.

Victim is a very poor choice of a word. If I am being attacked it is because I am feared or someone wishes to decrease my influence or power.

NPR and PBS are prime examples of the corrupt Communist/Democrat-dominated MSM. They shouldn't be receiving Tax Dollars. So yes, Conservatives have been the victims for the most part. You can't be a victim if you're in complete control of the apparatus. And that's the case with Communists/Democrats. It is what it is.

Coming from a poster who lives in a country where his boss has murdered 200 journalists who posted the truth.

Putin hates the free press. So does Trump. Neither of these authoritarians want people to have access to facts or to know what they’re really doing.

Russian trolls calling the US media “biased” would be laughable if the intent wasn’t so serious.

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