How are we going to stop the liberal war on free speech and conservative voices?

From people trying to explain things to you.

That you don't listen is on you.

I hear it from socialists, every time they're try to justify another government encroachment on private wealth.

Facebook and the internet in general are unique circumstances.

Oh come on, you've been around for more than a few weeks. This is always the excuse.

Sometimes its not an excuse, it's the truth.

Right. "It's different when we do it".

It's the same story every time someone decides that their vision for society is simply so important that they can't be bothered with persuading others to join their cause voluntarily. It's so much easier to pass a law and have the police do your dirty work.

Declaring facebook to be a digital commons wouldn't require the police.
I hear it from socialists, every time they're try to justify another government encroachment on private wealth.

Facebook and the internet in general are unique circumstances.

Oh come on, you've been around for more than a few weeks. This is always the excuse.

Sometimes its not an excuse, it's the truth.

Right. "It's different when we do it".

It's the same story every time someone decides that their vision for society is simply so important that they can't be bothered with persuading others to join their cause voluntarily. It's so much easier to pass a law and have the police do your dirty work.

Declaring facebook to be a digital commons wouldn't require the police.

Everything the government does requires the police, ie is backed up by the threat of force. That's the point of government. That's what makes it different from private businesses, like Facebook.
Facebook and the internet in general are unique circumstances.

Oh come on, you've been around for more than a few weeks. This is always the excuse.

Sometimes its not an excuse, it's the truth.

Right. "It's different when we do it".

It's the same story every time someone decides that their vision for society is simply so important that they can't be bothered with persuading others to join their cause voluntarily. It's so much easier to pass a law and have the police do your dirty work.

Declaring facebook to be a digital commons wouldn't require the police.

Everything the government does requires the police, ie is backed up by the threat of force. That's the point of government. That's what makes it different from private businesses, like Facebook.

Actually this wouldn't, because you can leave it up to individuals to sue facebook for censorship.

Again, they can't hide behind the "not our content" screen as a legal defense and still claim all of facebook is their "speech"
Oh come on, you've been around for more than a few weeks. This is always the excuse.

Sometimes its not an excuse, it's the truth.

Right. "It's different when we do it".

It's the same story every time someone decides that their vision for society is simply so important that they can't be bothered with persuading others to join their cause voluntarily. It's so much easier to pass a law and have the police do your dirty work.

Declaring facebook to be a digital commons wouldn't require the police.

Everything the government does requires the police, ie is backed up by the threat of force. That's the point of government. That's what makes it different from private businesses, like Facebook.

Actually this wouldn't, because you can leave it up to individuals to sue facebook for censorship.

That's not what you're advocating though.
Sometimes its not an excuse, it's the truth.

Right. "It's different when we do it".

It's the same story every time someone decides that their vision for society is simply so important that they can't be bothered with persuading others to join their cause voluntarily. It's so much easier to pass a law and have the police do your dirty work.

Declaring facebook to be a digital commons wouldn't require the police.

Everything the government does requires the police, ie is backed up by the threat of force. That's the point of government. That's what makes it different from private businesses, like Facebook.

Actually this wouldn't, because you can leave it up to individuals to sue facebook for censorship.

That's not what you're advocating though.

Actually that's what I am advocating.

There will be no facebook police.

Of course facebook could just decide that anything posted by users is facebook's content, and thus loose their liability protections for the content of those posts.
Right. "It's different when we do it".

It's the same story every time someone decides that their vision for society is simply so important that they can't be bothered with persuading others to join their cause voluntarily. It's so much easier to pass a law and have the police do your dirty work.

Declaring facebook to be a digital commons wouldn't require the police.

Everything the government does requires the police, ie is backed up by the threat of force. That's the point of government. That's what makes it different from private businesses, like Facebook.

Actually this wouldn't, because you can leave it up to individuals to sue facebook for censorship.

That's not what you're advocating though.

Actually that's what I am advocating.

There will be no facebook police.

Of course facebook could just decide that anything posted by users is facebook's content, and thus loose their liability protections for the content of those posts.

? I thought you were arguing for government regulation of Facebook. Did I misread?
Declaring facebook to be a digital commons wouldn't require the police.

Everything the government does requires the police, ie is backed up by the threat of force. That's the point of government. That's what makes it different from private businesses, like Facebook.

Actually this wouldn't, because you can leave it up to individuals to sue facebook for censorship.

That's not what you're advocating though.

Actually that's what I am advocating.

There will be no facebook police.

Of course facebook could just decide that anything posted by users is facebook's content, and thus loose their liability protections for the content of those posts.

? I thought you were arguing for government regulation of Facebook. Did I misread?

Extending 1st amendment protections to the users of facebook may be a form of government regulation, but to me it's a reasonable response to them saying they are not responsible for their user content, and the fact that we have a new digital commons.
Everything the government does requires the police, ie is backed up by the threat of force. That's the point of government. That's what makes it different from private businesses, like Facebook.

Actually this wouldn't, because you can leave it up to individuals to sue facebook for censorship.

That's not what you're advocating though.

Actually that's what I am advocating.

There will be no facebook police.

Of course facebook could just decide that anything posted by users is facebook's content, and thus loose their liability protections for the content of those posts.

? I thought you were arguing for government regulation of Facebook. Did I misread?

Extending 1st amendment protections to the users of facebook may be a form of government regulation, but to me it's a reasonable response to them saying they are not responsible for their user content, and the fact that we have a new digital commons.

This again? The first amendment is a check on government power. What you're advocating is an expansion of government power. Citing the First as an excuse is, frankly, perverse.
The fact that most Americans understand that the left is at war with free speech is an indication that we are winning. It wasn't so long ago when the lefties had the entire media locked up and the only message was filtered through a liberal agenda. Americans are smarter and better informed in the age of information and liberal democrats are still playing by the old 60's and 70's playbook. President Trump has only been in office about fifteen or sixteen months and establishment republicans are fading away and angry democrats look like whiny obstructionist leaderless crooks. Let 'em whine.
Actually this wouldn't, because you can leave it up to individuals to sue facebook for censorship.

That's not what you're advocating though.

Actually that's what I am advocating.

There will be no facebook police.

Of course facebook could just decide that anything posted by users is facebook's content, and thus loose their liability protections for the content of those posts.

? I thought you were arguing for government regulation of Facebook. Did I misread?

Extending 1st amendment protections to the users of facebook may be a form of government regulation, but to me it's a reasonable response to them saying they are not responsible for their user content, and the fact that we have a new digital commons.

This again? The first amendment is a check on government power. What you're advocating is an expansion of government power. Citing the First as an excuse is, frankly, perverse.

when the lines between government and their proxies blurs, one has to make changes to how one sees government.

facebook is more than a company as a concept, it's control of a common area of discourse between citizens. It needs to protect those citizens.

Or maybe we should have an amendment declaring digital commons.
The fact that most Americans understand that the left is at war with free speech is an indication that we are winning. It wasn't so long ago when the lefties had the entire media locked up and the only message was filtered through a liberal agenda. Americans are smarter and better informed in the age of information and liberal democrats are still playing by the old 60's and 70's playbook. President Trump has only been in office about fifteen or sixteen months and establishment republicans are fading away and angry democrats look like whiny obstructionist leaderless crooks. Let 'em whine.

So, let's say you all get your wish. We have a government crackdown on Facebook - we declare it the commons and pass lots of shiny new regulations to make sure they toe the line. What happens when the liberals are back in power? Do you think that's never going to happen? Are you excited about them being in control of Facebook?
From colleges to YouTube and now Diamond & Silk on Facebook.
Facebook to Diamond and Silk: Your content, brand ‘dangerous to the community’

Two conservative black women being targeted as a "danger to the community"

Seriously? Gtfo with this stupidity. They only thing they are a danger to is your oppression of conservative voices.

This shit has to be put to bed. Further segmenting our society & suppressing their voice is not the way you win a political debate.
Challenge them, argue with them, present them with an opposing view but to just outright silence them?

Just proves to me that the left are increasingly alarmed that their grasp on the media & their ability to force the conversation in a certain direction are under threat. They are clearly scared to death of free speech.

Perhaps conservatives could stop lying. FaceBook is targeting “fake news”. If you’re lying for political gain, you’re going to get shut down - right or left.

“Fake news” sites are overwhelmingly conservative news sites. Liberals fact check everything and liberal fake news sites simply don’t hold up.

Breitbart, InfoWars, and the Gateway Pundit overwhelming publish conspiracy stories and fake news. When conservatives stop lying, their sites won’t be “dangers to the community”.
The fact that most Americans understand that the left is at war with free speech is an indication that we are winning. It wasn't so long ago when the lefties had the entire media locked up and the only message was filtered through a liberal agenda. Americans are smarter and better informed in the age of information and liberal democrats are still playing by the old 60's and 70's playbook. President Trump has only been in office about fifteen or sixteen months and establishment republicans are fading away and angry democrats look like whiny obstructionist leaderless crooks. Let 'em whine.

Conservative speech is being shut down everywhere. I fail to see how we're winning.
The fact that most Americans understand that the left is at war with free speech is an indication that we are winning. It wasn't so long ago when the lefties had the entire media locked up and the only message was filtered through a liberal agenda. Americans are smarter and better informed in the age of information and liberal democrats are still playing by the old 60's and 70's playbook. President Trump has only been in office about fifteen or sixteen months and establishment republicans are fading away and angry democrats look like whiny obstructionist leaderless crooks. Let 'em whine.

Conservative speech is being shut down everywhere. I fail to see how we're winning.

Lying and fake news are being shut down. Conservatives have been lying since Nixon. They need to stop. It’s disgusting.
I hear it from socialists, every time they're try to justify another government encroachment on private wealth.

Facebook and the internet in general are unique circumstances.

Oh come on, you've been around for more than a few weeks. This is always the excuse.

Sometimes its not an excuse, it's the truth.

Right. "It's different when we do it".

It's the same story every time someone decides that their vision for society is simply so important that they can't be bothered with persuading others to join their cause voluntarily. It's so much easier to pass a law and have the police do your dirty work.

Declaring facebook to be a digital commons wouldn't require the police.

It will require the police to enforce it

Sent from my iPhone using
Facebook and the internet in general are unique circumstances.

Oh come on, you've been around for more than a few weeks. This is always the excuse.

Sometimes its not an excuse, it's the truth.

Right. "It's different when we do it".

It's the same story every time someone decides that their vision for society is simply so important that they can't be bothered with persuading others to join their cause voluntarily. It's so much easier to pass a law and have the police do your dirty work.

Declaring facebook to be a digital commons wouldn't require the police.

It will require the police to enforce it

Sent from my iPhone using

Nope. it would just open up facebook to lawsuits if they suppress speech based on content.

Is there even such thing as the "digital police"?
Right, they were banned for being Pro-Trump. Communists/Democrats despise our Constitution. They want it scrapped. This Facebook move is very predictable. The guy who runs it, is a huge Democrat donor. He's been systematically banning Trump supporters since the Election. He's a real POS.
At least like most conservatives you’re consistent at being ignorant and stupid.

Facebook is a private company, not a government entity, and at liberty to edit content as it sees fit, having nothing to do with the Constitution or ‘free speech.’

And how Factbook might edit its content endangers neither the Constitution nor free speech.
/——/ Yet libs want Rush and Fox News off the air.

Yet contards want CNN and ABC and well- everyone but Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and his fellow travellers off the air.

I've never called for that. I know CNN and ABC are Democrat Fake News, but i'm not calling for them to be forced off the air. However, Communists/Democrats frequently call for Limbaugh and Fox News to be censored, or outright banned..

I've never called for Limbaugh or Fox News to be censored or outright banned- even though we all know that they are the biggest manufacturers of Fake News after Donald Trump. However Fascists/Republicans frequently call for CNN and ABC to be censored or outright banned. Hell Donald Trump has even called for the Washington Post to have to register with the government.

For years, Communists/Democrats have been calling for Conservative Talk Radio especially, to be censored or taken off the air. They've done the same in regards to Fox News. I haven't seen Conservatives calling for Democrat Fake News to be censored or taken off the air.

Conservatives have been dealing with Communist/Democrat Media Bias for many years. But they've never demanded it be censored. Communists despise the Constitution and Freedom. They can't tolerate dissenters. It is what it is.
Zuckerberg's a Democrat asshole. Dump Facebook. Nuff said.

Well that is how Capitalism works- if people don't like the product- or even the leadership of the company- you can shop somewhere else.

Or you can start snowflake threads about 'censorship'

Fuck him, Soros, and the Democratic Party. Hopefully folks revolt and Facebook folds. Good riddance.
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Oh come on, you've been around for more than a few weeks. This is always the excuse.

Sometimes its not an excuse, it's the truth.

Right. "It's different when we do it".

It's the same story every time someone decides that their vision for society is simply so important that they can't be bothered with persuading others to join their cause voluntarily. It's so much easier to pass a law and have the police do your dirty work.

Declaring facebook to be a digital commons wouldn't require the police.

It will require the police to enforce it

Sent from my iPhone using

Nope. it would just open up facebook to lawsuits if they suppress speech based on content.

Is there even such thing as the "digital police"?

And happens if Facebook refuses to comply with the court's decisions? Nasty emails? What?

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